Looking for John Titor

Now ladies. No fighting. I am Ren1999. Darby has soundly debunked me. So I am not Ren. I'm Ren1999. It sounds like a logic game because it is. John Titor 1 might be coming back around the time of his ill received movie.

I had no clue if you wanted everyone to know or not, so I let you answer. :P
Paula, my apologies. I didn't realize you were referring to the photograph. That photo was taken in mid-February, at a site we were testing for the possibility of a viable grid point. Some of our equipment is visible; the device I am holding is a type of even recorder (or data collector) that we use during projects. This handheld device is linked to a larger component attached to the top of the black pole (partially visible in photo). A third, even larger device, is positioned over a viable grid point, attached firmly to the ground and positioned in a very precise manner. This device is linked with the other two devices via a signal. The device keeps our team linked, so we are free to explore the area and collect vital data for our experiments.
If John Titor is real, he may have related his story to Brin and Frank.
Who is John Titor? - Damn Interesting

There is always the possibility that an intelligent, educated hoaxer read these books, along with Alas Babylon.
He would have had to get many people to become involved in his elaborate hoax, though, and man, he'd really have to be bored to go through the trouble of creating companies in Florida and Arizona to back up his story. Who would actually spend so much time and effort just for a hoax? Would this person be doing research or doing it as a literary exercise? Perhaps, he believed he could create a modern "Jesus" and developed this story to prove his belief that Jesus was a myth as well. He may even go as far as identifying disciples.

That is always a possibility. As much as I believe the Titor story, there is always a tiny little nagging bit in the back of my mind that says "What if......" That's sort of like the term "doubting Thomas", is it not?
Quote from John Thomas:

Do you think that a group of science fiction authors are behind this? Or are real time travellers working with science fiction authors to discredit themselves and cover their tracks?

I read and took notes on Alas, Babylon. I think that book has amazing information in it. I'm more inclined to believe that time travelers have used authors to send messages to eachother, but I'm too creative for my own good as well.

My mentor kept my head more clear. You guys just jumble it all up again. :)
I make no claims, predictions, etc. Doing such a thing would accomplish nothing. Instead, while we are here, I would simply enjoy the use of this site for conversation concerning our common interest of time travel.
Paula Jedi, how do you know these things about authors? Or, why would you think such a thing?
From what I am aware of, he and his colleagues were among the very first to achieve success with time travel in both directions (although of very limited ranges of approximately 40 years, more or less). There are very inadequate records regarding their collected project data, their equipment, and so forth. However, enough does exist, even 200 year later, to validate his work at least to some degree of authenticity. For example, some of his/their research was prerequisite for future work in this field, and as such, proves his validity to some extent most assuredly (Our base models utilize the same basic principles, however much more advanced). Now, to fully express the fundamental processes required to achieve any lengthy range of reverse time travel which also allows for a forward retrograde of the same, in order not to die or lose valuable collected data, the scientist must utilize a large facility with a full staff of scientists. This sort of thing is not achieved by a small number of people and a simple machine. It simply does not work in that fashion.

Tr. Jameson and Co.

"I make no claims, predictions, etc. Doing such a thing would accomplish nothing. Instead, while we are here, I would simply enjoy the use of this site for conversation concerning our common interest of time travel."

You have obviously made a claim that you are from the future. I was just curious as to what year you claim to have travelled from. You say you want to use this site for conversation concerning time travel, and as far as I can ascertain, my question does not encroach upon your wish to discuss time-travel. But hey-ho, its all good.

What did you think of the film adaptation of Audrey Niffenegger's novel, "The Time travellers Wife"?
I wasn't aware I needed your permission to speak or reply to your posts.

You are the one who brought up the Barrett Titor subject off topic. Is your snottiness jealousy because I'm another woman on the board or are you mad because you don't like Ren and feel threatened because I don't wish to be judgemental like you?
I wasn't aware I needed your permission to speak or reply to your posts.

You are the one who brought up the Barrett Titor subject off topic. Is your snottiness jealousy because I'm another woman on the board or are you mad because you don't like Ren and feel threatened because I don't wish to be judgemental like you?

What in the world? I was not "snotty" to you! First of all I'm a grown woman and I leave "snottiness" to children. And secondly I was not at all being rude to you. I simply was emotionless. If that's rude then my apologies that you are offended, but I think it's best to keep these discussion free from emotional response. It perhaps comes across as rude, but it is not my intent. Just being blunt. That's all.
No, I re read what I posted just to be sure, and was most certainly not rude to you. Not even in the least. No I did not want to waste time with you posting over and over again that you didn't want to talk about something, and I said it was relevant and the rest of us were free to discuss it. But I continued to discuss the subjects with you very politely after I said that. Then your response, am I jealous? Are you serious ? I actually laughed out loud. That's just silly. What difference does your gender make to me? You were obviously offended and got a bit too defensive. I assure you there was no need to defend yourself.
I make no claims, predictions, etc. Doing such a thing would accomplish nothing. Instead, while we are here, I would simply enjoy the use of this site for conversation concerning our common interest of time travel.
Paula Jedi, how do you know these things about authors? Or, why would you think such a thing?

They are just hunches. I've found some possible evidence of predictions in the book Alas, Babylon.
Actually, I'm not sure if they aren't just warnings rather than predictions. Only time will tell, though.
Time travel claims have a separate thread. Perhaps the book alas babylon should as well so you can continue a more detailed discussion?