Looking for John Titor

So, Ren, I may have uncovered your friend. Does he drive a black SUV by chance? Nice townhouse, btw.
(Gotta love Google maps).

Also, folks, read about Barrett Titor:

About Barrett Titor

Barrett Titor Documents

I'm interested in the fact that Tesla was mentioned, but I'm biased. :)

Barrett says the stock market will crash this quarter.
Do you think that the posts are related to, or an attempt to continue to perpetuate the jt op?

John Titor was 2001, so it makes us wonder if the name "Titor" was chosen on purpose in 2009.

And someone who made the same prediction about the March 2011 earthquake is claiming to be John Titor's son.
(Apparently, Tesla's earthquake machine was used).

I know I'm jumping around, but who's to say that same machine won't be used in the midwest in, oh, 2015???? (Shut up, Einstein). :D
In 1st Samuel chapter 10:2-13 kjv, Samuel told Saul exactly what was going to happen and it did, to a t. So the God of Israel wrote out the scene and had these 2 play it out. So they traveled in a time that was already wrote out for them.

We were discussing this same thing on Paranormalis and I brought up Saul, too. :)
So, Ren, I may have uncovered your friend. Does he drive a black SUV by chance? Nice townhouse, btw.
(Gotta love Google maps).

Also, folks, read about Barrett Titor:

About Barrett Titor

Barrett Titor Documents

I'm interested in the fact that Tesla was mentioned, but I'm biased. :)

Barrett says the stock market will crash this quarter.

Just wondering why you refer to John Thomas as Ren. Is this the Ren 1999 from God like productions site/forum?
Barrett says the stock market will crash this quarter.

No, my sources said that the US market will not crash by the fiscal cliff because China is lending money to America in order to push Chinese Yuen down, for a more competitive cost of Chinese products in the world market.

This financial relationship will stablise the global stock market for a while.

For more information about the US bonds
How Much U.S. Debt Does China Own?

Barrett is a liar. Do not trust him. Let's wait and see the result.

I will return to this thread to prove what I said in this post is correct at the end of April 2014, after the next quarter begins.

Those of you who read the Time Travel Claims forum would know that I do not provide any false claim to date.
No, my sources said that the US market will not crash by the fiscal cliff because China is lending money to America in order to push Chinese Yuen down, for a more competitive cost of Chinese products in the world market.

This financial relationship will stablise the global stock market for a while.

For more information about the US bonds
How Much U.S. Debt Does China Own?

Barrett is a liar. Do not trust him. Let's wait and see the result.

I will return to this thread to prove what I said in this post is correct at the end of April 2014, after the next quarter begins.

Those of you who read the Time Travel Claims forum would know that I do not provide any false claim to date.

Does anyone have any proof that this Barrett guy is real? Is there a real news article? It could just be fiction.
To answer your question Paula; after a bit of research on "bigfoot", I have to say that it's not something that myself or anyone I know, would enjoy hunting. Fortunately, it appears there is little to no real evidence they even exist, or at least none that I could find on the computer. I suspect that if they had existed at some point, we would certainly have heard of it. Since we have no prior knowledge of such a creature, it is likely (but not necessarily) a legend lost to history.
Mr. Thomas, if Jon Titor (or John as you spell the name) is a hoax, then modern technology is also a hoax, as his work, or at least the ideas of his work; especially a mathematical model based on equations describing a flexible torus, lead directly to future developments in the field. It is true, however, that parts of his story may well be fictional. Even his name may not be correct, or his claims. There is no way to be entirely certain. But, what we do know is that a team of scientists sometime in the early part of the 21st century did in fact achieve at least some form of rudimentary time travel with a very limited range. Whether they were the ones known as Jon Titor is not known. I believe they were active from the late 2020's until the early 2030's. I am not certain of the exact dates of their activity.
Trevor, I thought you were possibly hunting Bigfoot in your photo. That's why I asked. I am up in the air on the topic as well. Don't have enough evidence for or against IMHO.
"John Thomas" that's not very clever. Lol she didn't need to refer to him as ren for us to decode the ren1999, very obviously intended connection. This is getting silly.
I personally prefer not to gossip about people, so I'm not going to comment on that, but let's see. Back to
Barrett Titor --- has anyone confirmed that it really happened and isn't just creative writing?
You already stated you were not going to comment by referring the first inquiry to John Thomas. We got it. No need to repeat yourself. I wasn't talking directly to you when I responded, I was talking to the other people who are also participating in this convo- and this thread is looking for john titor- so whether ren1999 is John Thomas is completely relevant, and I will continue to discuss with the other commentators so long as it continues to be relevant.

With regard to b titor, no, I have not attempted any more research into the origins of the posts beyond the op. If anyone else has researched that and has something more to offer please comment. Otherwise perhaps we should start a separate thread for that. That might be quite interesting, and possibly the title would attract someone more knowledgable on the subject?
Also, there are only five of us commenting on the b titor subject, and three out of five of us have concluded we will simply wait for the end of this quarter to verify the authenticity of the claims there in. Actually, it's not that long to wait, and I'm rather excited to see what happens, although I dread a crash. Wheat farming and all, my family sort of rely on a stable market... Lol. It would be disastrous for us if the market crashed, but it would confirm b titor authenticity. I wonder though, if only one verifiable prediction would be enough to convince most people.... I suspect that people would be skeptical even after a crash, and come up with ways to disregard it as a coincidence
You already stated you were not going to comment by referring the first inquiry to John Thomas. We got it. No need to repeat yourself.

I wasn't aware I needed your permission to speak or reply to your posts.

With regard to b titor, no, I have not attempted any more research into the origins of the posts beyond the op. If anyone else has researched that and has something more to offer please comment. Otherwise perhaps we should start a separate thread for that. That might be quite interesting, and possibly the title would attract someone more knowledgable on the subject?

You are the one who brought up the Barrett Titor subject off topic. Is your snottiness jealousy because I'm another woman on the board or are you mad because you don't like Ren and feel threatened because I don't wish to be judgemental like you?
Now ladies. No fighting. I am Ren1999. Darby has soundly debunked me. So I am not Ren. I'm Ren1999. It sounds like a logic game because it is. John Titor 1 might be coming back around the time of his ill received movie.