Looking for John Titor

Did anyone listen to fade to black interview with haber? I'm only half way through it but he says interesting things about a return of jt
I listened to the whole thing oliver williams chimes in later in it. I wonder what this JT return in 2014 is? Is he reffering to the supposed movie being released?
The topic now being you getting the last word in? Anyhoo, in Star Trek, Next G, S5 episode 25 title, " Inner Light", a probe attaches to Picard. As he laying passed out on the floor, his mind lives an entire lifetime on this planet. Like 70 years. He got married, had children, taught, invented things. This planet I think the name was "Ruskin" was waiting for the Super Nova. When the probe let go Picard had only spent like 20 minutes on the floor. Question? Did he time travel? Would something like that be considered real?
Yes I time traveled and did not imagine Ruskin. It was very real. Next topic......
What ever happened to Wesley crusher? And how come on the first episode of encounter at far point Wesley comes out of the holo deck still soaking wet?

What ever happened to Wesley crusher? And how come on the first episode of encounter at far point Wesley comes out of the holo deck still soaking wet?
Wesley Crusher was eaten by a rabid Gorn after being abused and molested by the traveler (notorious intergalactic pedo)......To answer your second question holomolocules survive outside the holodeck for seconds b4 they loose cohesion. In other words Wesley dried quickly but u missed it as it went to the next scene.......
I have no i

I listened to the whole thing oliver williams chimes in later in it. I wonder what this JT return in 2014 is? Is he reffering to the supposed movie being released?
I have no clue what you look like and see that photo you have of Jean Luc you have as your icon?That's what I'm doing to you right now.

Wesley Crusher was eaten by a rabid Gorn after being abused and molested by the traveler (notorious intergalactic pedo)......To answer your second question holomolocules survive outside the holodeck for seconds b4 they loose cohesion. In other words Wesley dried quickly but u missed it as it went to the next scene.......
What does Wesley Crusher have to do with JT since you are the next, new monitor?
That's the fault of our educational system. No one is taught how to distinguish between what is real and what is not. Of course I used to believe gravity bends light. Until I ran across this interesting lecture by Edward Dowdye.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6kJ8gTdOsekHe also manages to dispel general relativity with some very basic verifiable physics. The kind of physics that you can prove in a laboratory.
Of course if gravity doesn't bend light, then how could Titor's laser picture be real?
I'm not sure if you've read this from the archives?John Titor's Laser Picture Was FAKED - Proof | Time Travel Institute

Oh yes! I've been following all the debunking concerning the laser picture, over the years that have transpired. I even attempted to show with math that the force of gravity would have to be so strong if the laser picture were real, that no living thing would be able to survive such close proximity. But somehow the Titor believers seem to overlook the laser picture.But now if gravity doesn't even bend light at all, then Titor isn't the only one trying to mislead us all.

Oh yes! I've been following all the debunking concerning the laser picture, over the years that have transpired. I even attempted to show with math that the force of gravity would have to be so strong if the laser picture were real, that no living thing would be able to survive such close proximity. But somehow the Titor believers seem to overlook the laser picture.But now if gravity doesn't even bend light at all, then Titor isn't the only one trying to mislead us all.
Even I can't ignore a good debunking. Lord knows I've seen many false ghost photos and even doubt my own.BUT, one fake photo does not yet convince me Titor was a hoax. :) Keep trying. hehe

Lucid solipsism comes to mind. That's where one realizes the external world behaves like a dream state. But if it's all just a dream, then realization would allow full control. Be Warned! You're all in danger of turning into lollipops.

I have no idea what Star Trek has to do with jt... Strange areas this conversation ventured into. I also have no idea why Paula is upset all the time? Hyper aggressive over minor things.

In regards to how b. titor is related to the jt topic: the lead in is interesting. (although there is no proof.) The posts are alleged reproductions of documents found at a crime scene. The alleged documents contain debriefing type logs of events by a time traveler. I obviously don't believe the site to be authentic, and had settled for patiently waiting for the market crash this month as the "documents" claim will occur. Easy enough to debunk right?

I thought they were interesting bc of the titor name being used. If jt is a tt, then perhaps all tt from his group go by ______ titor.

From archives:

Q: I have exposed John as a fake with the anagram in his name.

A: I find this interesting because it gives me a very tempting easy out. I could now rest assured that someone had "figured me out" and I can relax before I leave. However, I am not (other forum member) and this name and TTO are the only names I've used online.

After looking at my name here, have you considered it's origin from another word-play standpoint? For example, TITOR could equal Time-Travel-OR.

What gets me about b. titor is that it's not posted on a site like this (tti), it didn't get any attention (that I know of. Correct me of I'm wrong) and it's written like a military debrief. Finally, the latitude of the place he gives that he says is vacant, and will attempt to return to actually exists. It's not a very well known area. At least not in America. That place is a ghost town. Brand new complex that no one lives in. Empty schools, apartment buildings, storefronts, emergency buildings, a hospital.... It's actually quite spooky. Lol and the numbers he gave? Well they are this strange block within it all that is seemingly undeveloped... One block surrounded by trees, two dirt roads that lead into it, a hanger (yes like for planes) and a couple of outbuildings. (In the middle of a vacant town? Weird?)

Ok sorry for terrible punctuation and half asleep response, but it's nearly 3 am.... :/ off to bed!

Lucid solipsism comes to mind. That's where one realizes the external world behaves like a dream state. But if it's all just a dream, then realization would allow full control. Be Warned! You're all in danger of turning into lollipops.
I'm going to try really hard not to make an inappropriate joke out of that last statement. :) :)
Gravity, light and matter are all the same thing vibrating at different speeds. Take a 10 sided polyhedral die and mark each side, X, Y, Z, Time, Gravity, solid, liquid, plasma, gas, light, magnetic memory, 0 and 1. We can see and experience XYZ and the elements. We can not see other sides of this die. But we need to detect them and know what they are in order to master time. We will understand Gravity and time and it's relation to matter at the same time. Gravity and time are connected and distorted in the orbit of a singularity. You have only to circumnavigate a singularity in order to travel time. It is like surfing a wave.
So, perhaps, a time traveler would only have to create "the wave" and not a full blown black hole with infinite gravity...????
.But now if gravity doesn't even bend light at all, then Titor isn't the only one trying to mislead us all.
As I keep stating, I am not scientifically minded at all. From what I can remember at school, light is made up of photon's. Photon's have a velocity and mass. Gravity affects mass. I don't quite understand what you mean when you say that gravity doesn't even bend light at all?