Looking for John Titor

The topic now being you getting the last word in? Anyhoo, in Star Trek, Next G, S5 episode 25 title, " Inner Light", a probe attaches to Picard. As he laying passed out on the floor, his mind lives an entire lifetime on this planet. Like 70 years. He got married, had children, taught, invented things. This planet I think the name was "Ruskin" was waiting for the Super Nova. When the probe let go Picard had only spent like 20 minutes on the floor. Question? Did he time travel? Would something like that be considered real?

The topic now being you getting the last word in? Anyhoo, in Star Trek, Next G, S5 episode 25 title, " Inner Light", a probe attaches to Picard. As he laying passed out on the floor, his mind lives an entire lifetime on this planet. Like 70 years. He got married, had children, taught, invented things. This planet I think the name was "Ruskin" was waiting for the Super Nova. When the probe let go Picard had only spent like 20 minutes on the floor. Question? Did he time travel? Would something like that be considered real?
Its not time travel simply a subjective experience in his own head. Isn't your whole life supposed to flash before your eyes before death? When you are close to death the brain gets flooded with go-go juice doesn't it ? It energises the circuits but fries them at the same time.
No, if you prefer I focus on my other threads, and not participate in this conversation, and the majority of you feel that way, then I would be happy to oblige. I do have better things to do with my time than to try to force a discussion with people who do not wish to converse with me. I probably have not said this before, but I have a large family. I have four daughters :) who are my pride and joy, and quite time consuming (as I'm sure all the parents here can understand) so, if you don't want to talk to me or prefer I don't talk, that is perfectly acceptable. I am quite content with my life. I only came here to discuss topics with intelligent individuals in a "regulated" environment. Have I misplaced my confidence in this online community? Perhaps. But there are other online forums that offer the same platform....

I do request though, that if you would like to discuss something unrelated to the op, such as a disagreement like with Paula, a reprimand action or condemnation of my approach (as with you and Darby) that you message me instead of post here. It would demonstrate maturity, and allow this thread to remain dedicated to the topic at hand. You are obviously not required to respect my request, but I make it none the less.

In hindsight I probably should have used the reply method to respond to members statements. I apologize if my responses were confusing as to whom I was responding to.

Nika All the JT threads I have seen eventually end up this way let's forget our beefs and move on: What do folks think of Titor's assertion that he had 2 mini black holes side by side in a tin box powered by a torch battery ?

Since we are talking Time Travel, the question that comes to my mind is, which came first? John Titor, or Alas Babylon?Kind of like, who originally wrote the story? Or did the story write itself?
Similar to: What came first, the chicken or the egg? With time travel involved, it makes the question difficult to answer (whether you believe or not), doesn't it? :)
The topic now being you getting the last word in? Anyhoo, in Star Trek, Next G, S5 episode 25 title, " Inner Light", a probe attaches to Picard. As he laying passed out on the floor, his mind lives an entire lifetime on this planet. Like 70 years. He got married, had children, taught, invented things. This planet I think the name was "Ruskin" was waiting for the Super Nova. When the probe let go Picard had only spent like 20 minutes on the floor. Question? Did he time travel? Would something like that be considered real?
I loved that episode and there is a city in my state named Ruskin. That's crazy. LOL. I want to see it again. Thanks for the memory! The only problem is that Picard didn't age, did he? Oh, wait. I'll answer my own question. It was only his mind.
Weird phenomenon happening here..have the female members of TTI taken a dislike to Nika -W84 because her avatar is pretty?
No. It's because first, she wanted to gossip about a friend of mine and then she was moderating my posts without being a monitor. Why do men always bring looks into everything? Nobody tells me what I can and can't do unless they run this place. I'm done talking about it now.
You say he had 2 mini black holes? And then stuck em' in a tin box? How? How do you make a black hole? Reminds me of the older cartoons when Bugs Bunny had a bag of holes and would throw one on the ground so Elmer Fudd would fall in.

Titor says he had 2 black holes in a tin box, and people believe(d) this nonsense?
That's the fault of our educational system. No one is taught how to distinguish between what is real and what is not. Of course I used to believe gravity bends light. Until I ran across this interesting lecture by Edward Dowdye.

He also manages to dispel general relativity with some very basic verifiable physics. The kind of physics that you can prove in a laboratory.

Of course if gravity doesn't bend light, then how could Titor's laser picture be real?

Gravity, light and matter are all the same thing vibrating at different speeds. Take a 10 sided polyhedral die and mark each side, X, Y, Z, Time, Gravity, solid, liquid, plasma, gas, light, magnetic memory, 0 and 1. We can see and experience XYZ and the elements. We can not see other sides of this die. But we need to detect them and know what they are in order to master time. We will understand Gravity and time and it's relation to matter at the same time. Gravity and time are connected and distorted in the orbit of a singularity. You have only to circumnavigate a singularity in order to travel time. It is like surfing a wave.

Nika All the JT threads I have seen eventually end up this way let's forget our beefs and move on: What do folks think of Titor's assertion that he had 2 mini black holes side by side in a tin box powered by a torch battery ?
Who says the box was made from tin? Is that a statement everyone is claiming that jt made, or your own deductions from examining the pictures he posted?Q: "What type of system is used to maintain the singularity?"
A: "I am not a physicist so I cannot answer that to your level of sophistication. The singularities are held in an enclosed magnetic field."


No. It's because first, she wanted to gossip about a friend of mine and then she was moderating my posts without being a monitor. Why do men always bring looks into everything? Nobody tells me what I can and can't do unless they run this place. I'm done talking about it now.
Weird phenomenon happening here..have the female members of TTI taken a dislike to Nika -W84 because her avatar is pretty?
typical matriarchal response to attractive competition.....lol