To Whom It May Concern:
John was indeed real and appeared to have knowledge of events in our future. I am aware of the angst his words have caused some of you and for this I apologize. I do not think John expected or wished for his presence to become an online myth. Before he left, John warned us about certain events he thought would unfold. They have.
John's world was engulfed by war and suffering. His major concern in this world was for us, his family. While he was here, he did and said many things we did not understand. In spite of the differences between our worlds, his pessimism about our ability to avert a civil war was always evident.
John asked us to be vigilant concerning the residual effects the 2000 election would have on this country. Although he expected the same disruptions and arguments over the election process, his one bit of optimism concerned the courts future ability to let an election proceed. Apparently, in California, it has and it will. For me, this is the event John spoke about that would possibly avert civil disorder and conflict. Only time will tell.
John asked us to videotape his departure. We did and it was sent to several people who have apparently decided not to release it. Anything else John wrote or left behind with us was destroyed or is in the care of an attorney.
For us, it is over. We have since moved away from Florida and our son is safe and unaware of these events. We plan to keep it that way and hope you
will respect our wishes.
John's Mother