Letter from John Titor's Mother

Re: Letter from John Titor\'s Mother

Things not said in this thread.>Why poster Pamela has three hundred million and ninety-five i.p. logs for the puter she's supposedly using?
Re: Letter from John Titor\'s Mother

{MAJOR yawn!}

Creedo can't properly refute my science, so instead he uses the diversionary tactic of trying to demean me (again). Your older material was at least funnier, Creeds.

Re: Letter from John Titor\'s Mother

Before energy time was compressed! (time uncompressing is motion causing energy!)

Well, anyway all I read last night there: (and probably not in the same order either as I read it!)












Well, that is about it. Pick out any link at the bottom that one feels like reading even more!

Now to review this thread, as I was on another thread somewhere else in time before posting on this thread again, after posting on that thread!



Then reread the first link -- about Multiverse, and only feel as if you are moving only through --- Time as an answer to all that is, I guess! What can you make out of it? Well, maybe Space, movement, mass, dark matter, everything in fact! Somehow???????????
Re: Letter from John Titor\'s Mother

Anyway, lately, the electron is actually thought to also be a Wave from a recent physics paper, that I can look up again.

So, all is waves, even Matter, but Matter is highly compressed form of all the waves, even including a black hole, highly condensed and compressed.

So Space can be highly compressed until you get it to a singularity, and matter can be highly compressed given the energy needed to make everything all highly compressed, until you get back to the Big Bang, or the Beginning all being highly compressed, whereas the only thing left that is still compressed is -- Time!

Whatever released this is still thought of as being God, I guess!
Then before energy or mass could be made in its current form, from the initial highly compressed state -- would still involve --- time --- to allow the start of it to happen, to evolve, to lenghten, until Space was formed in its present form.

Before an electron can move in a computer, I would think that before movement of anything, there had to be a small bit of time to allow it to become Motion.


But, as always, time has to be taken to do other things also!
Everything is a coherent form of illusion, caused by movement through time!
Re: Letter from John Titor\'s Mother

I see what you're saying, TimeNot_0. However, I still think no matter how you describe the components (Mass, Space, and Time) you've got a "chicken and egg" syndrome. You can't have one develop without the other. They are, all three of them, inextricably linked. This is why I will continue to maintain that Mass, Space, and Time are merely convenient (but erroneous) illusions that act as panacea to humans who think "that which I can sense, I can understand and/or control."

The chicken-egg syndrome also bodes well for an offshoot to my theory which is bolstered by our understanding of complex (chaotic) dynamics... namely, that Energy (which is comprised of our ideas called Mass, Space, and Time) is necessarily a closed-loop phenomenon. OBTW, this is also validated by the Conservation Laws (of Energy and Momentum).

Re: Letter from John Titor\'s Mother

The only way I can explain it:

Time time time!

"Time" is the subject, the noun, the first cause, the ending cause, the causes inbetween.
"time" is the verb, the action, the movement, the motion. (and Space can be thought of as movement of time, or motion of time only. Length, width, depth!
"time" is the result of the subject and verb, which allows the measurement, the uncertainty, the conservation perhaps, but that may be caused by the verb -- 'time' or action.

So "Time^3" may be a legitimate expression, if one can work through the rest of all of it, and come to that conclusion.

Also since the verb and the resultant of the noun -- time -- are all partials, there is reasoning for some form of degradation to exist -- call it entropy.

Also, I think that light may have a very small mass as stated by some, but as yet unmeasurable, due to the uncertainty of being able to measure a photon anyway. (or actually the mass of it for now!)

Otherwise to me, light would move not at c^2 but instantinously, and that is not allowed for some reason, other than all causes and events would happen at once!

Then, it also would be difficult to still prove God exists even after all of that, I guess!

And anyway, all of it is difficult to prove anyway, but a TOE (theory of everything) would also have to end up being further resolved until 'time' the noun is included.

But mathematics being precise, should be able someday to do all of that though!

The rest is imagination!
(The result of the letter posted at that website above, about the calendar, and the IBM Quarter Century Club!)

The two "d" in "did" all look larger than the other "d's" in the printed letter, but still I do not remember my thermal printer from my Apple IIc ever printing different size letters though, although a typewritter may have been used, but even then....................!!!!!!!???????????????
Re: Letter from John Titor\'s Mother

It's me MEM. As proof I will give you this.

The last thing I wrote to you in an email was this:

"God bless you as well, _ _ _ _ .


Sometimes I change emails or forget my password from time to time.
Re: Letter from John Titor\'s Mother

Someone e-mailed me and said that you are not the real Pamela.

You now have an aol e-mail address. Before, when you conversed with JT, you had a different e-mail address. What part of the country (state) did you live when you had that e-mail account?
Re: Letter from John Titor\'s Mother

Oh for goodness sake Mem it is me!
I have actually known Bob longer than I have known you Mem.

Bob knows the street I drove down on and saw a similiar group of people he had seen.
Bob sent me a song he had wrote to listen to which was really quite good of him and his buddy singing. I kidded Bob about having no sense of humor in his future.
...Tell him it is me Bob.

Anyway I think we may have gotten off track with the thread.

I think Haber's interview was interesting. He seemed very sincere in what he had to say.
I hope we are able to watch the movie when it comes out. But I am not understanding ..is it going to be on Television? Or what? Is it going to show in the USA?

I do not understand why this document was chosen as a proof.
I also want to know where the departure video is or why it was never given to me.
Re: Letter from John Titor\'s Mother

It doesn't have to be the state. Name a state that touches the state you where in when you corresponded with JT. That's not too much to ask is it?
Re: Letter from John Titor\'s Mother

It's not a secret MEM everyone knows I lived in Ohio at the time...and still do.
I don't see where that proves anything.
Re: Letter from John Titor\'s Mother *DELETED*

I don't agree with the second video where kaku suggests why would an advanced civilization be interested in us. We would be like ants to them.

This is not necessarily so. An evil future civilization may not be concerned with us and may take whoever they will from whatever line and show no concern because they can simply jump back to their own unaltered timeline with whatever they have gathered for themselves but I do not think a truly evolved being would do such a thing he would want to maintain harmony in the timelines.

His comparison is not equal. After all if an alien does not evolve from an ant how can people be like an ant to them?

How would we treat cavemen? I think we would be highly interested in them.

I guess the true question is what kind of advanced beings are we talking about?
Physically advanced? weopons advanced? or spiritually advanced?

What do you consider advanced? a cochroach has survived millions of years ..is it advanced?

A society can lose info and gain info through wars and etc. look at HG wells story of the eloi.

what are the different types of civilizations and why do they have to be one of those to invent time travel?

Why does he think only an advanced society can attain time travel?

Once one falls in your backyard whats gonna stop you from using it?