Letter from John Titor's Mother

Re: Letter from John Titor\'s Mother

Could you be a little more specific with your link? I didn't see anything immediately on your main page.
Re: Letter from John Titor\'s Mother

I can't even read the second typed letter at all. Too little.
What does it say?
Re: Letter from John Titor\'s Mother

What? Are those pictures suppose to mean something about all of this?


Is scientific parameters suppose to prove that God exists?

What if science doesn't prove God exists?

What then?

We just take it all on faith!

The calendar has been around a long time, but back in 1582, ten days had to be taken out by the Pope back then, to realign the calendar back to the stars. But that is also the time that Pope Geogery came up with the current basis for the calendar, but that is actually still off a little, and needs to be corrected with more than just a leap year. Also, atomic clocks do have to be accounted for, when a leap second correction is added, because of the Earth's orbit around the Sun!

Well, anyway, there is still the antimatter side also in this:


We just build this time travel equipment and go off and meet them. Maybe it's a trojan horse and it lets out the Vegan Army, maybe its just a doomsday device, maybe its some sort of invasion sequence that contains 10,000 new Commandments! In truth, we don't actually know what this machine will do!
Are we suppose to believe that all space aliens are benign?
Is this what Spacetime is for?
Maybe it's just an awful waste of Space and Time!
We're suppose to use matters of faith with this?
What if science proves there is no God?

What? We just go off anyway? Some advanced civilization tells us technology that may be years, even hundred of years, perhaps even millions of years ahead of us?

This is the meaning then of a calendar!
What if we can not add that far into the future?
What if we can not calculate the date as it may appear with a calendar from/into the future?
What then?

We just all give up or something!

What if evil, that is thought of as of now, is really good, and what is thought of as being good really is evil?
What then?

Do we all just cry out Alleluiah to the Lord?

We have to suppose that matters of faith are inherent in science!
I still would hate to be the one to jump to any sort of conclusion about all of this though!

Does radioactive carbon dating really prove that we did not evolve, that the theory of evolution is something that does not exist, or is evil?
Re: Letter from John Titor\'s Mother

I was doing a lot of reading tonight, and now it is 3:30AM. After reading about mutliverse, omiverse, time travel, different interpretations of quantum fields, and anything else, I venture to read, including links from anwser.com, which is usually typing out in a different text -- wikipedia actually, it all dawned on me.

There is no Space!
That is Correct!
Everything, including us, is actually a movement in Time! It dawned on me after reading about different ways of writing about time travel, and the support of the arguments used, and usually about the science-fiction of time-traveling storys, and whatever else, that simply put, there is actually no Space, there is only Time!
Whatever you think is Space making you up, is only a difference in time also. Move one way, and it is a movement in Time, since there is no Space, and we and the Earth, and everything else is just coherent forms of Time. I can not explain that though, and how that works. But all of you is just different segments of time movement, from your pumping blood to even thought, and movement -- all of that is not any space at all, it is all movement in time!
A harmony of time then, is the Universe!

Now I know that it sounds strange, but look at the simple side of it, and the test that the simplest terms will explain it -- Okkam's Razor -- there is only time, and Space does not exist. Only movement in Time is needed!

Okay, I done for now, and I moved only in time to write this post!
It is so simple isn't it?
Re: Letter from John Titor\'s Mother

funny, i thought space was the absence of matter. hard to know what true space is, most of ours has some type of x-rays, gama rays, etc in it. space is the dividing factor for matter. and time is the dividing factor for cause and effect. without time everything would happen all at once. without space, matter/energy would continually be colliding with itself and never be able to arrange a complex form.
Re: Letter from John Titor\'s Mother

Greetings TimeNot_0:

Now I know that it sounds strange, but look at the simple side of it, and the test that the simplest terms will explain it -- Okkam's Razor -- there is only time, and Space does not exist. Only movement in Time is needed!
I think you may be approaching the understanding of Mass, Space, Time, and Energy that I have arrived at. However, I don't think you've gone deep enough yet (IMHO).

Scientifically, via dimensional analysis, we can show that the three things we call Mass, Space, and Time are 3 orthogonal aspects of a single thing called Energy. So if I were to propose a slight tweaking of your input, then your quote:
There is no Space!
That is Correct!
Everything, including us, is actually a movement in Time!
I would propose the following:

"There is no, single, local reality for understanding Mass, Space, or even Time as a singular and separate entity or measure. Since they are all different aspects of Energy, each of these three orthogonal components of Energy leave something to be desired (i.e. are in error) when considered by themselves, or even in pairings. The only complete answer is when they are all taken together as Energy."

I've also discussed on these boards before how our sciences have, unwittingly, developed the closest approximations to how any two of these 3 orthogonal metrics interact with each other. We call these blended phenonmenon Matter, Motion, and Tense. They are formed as ratios of two individual metrics as follows:

Matter is Mass as relative to Time (e.g. Mass/Time or Change in Mass/Change in Time)
Motion is velocity which is Space as relative to Time (e.g. Space/Time or Change in Space/Change in Time)
Tense is Mass as relative to Space (e.g. Mass/Space or density or Change in Mass/Change in Space)

Furthermore, mathematically, if you were to form the quotient of Matter/Motion, Time cancels out and you are left with Mass/Space, which is Tense, which is our PERCEPTION of Time.

Finally, it is a scientific fact ("the truth") that all forms of Time measurement devices that mankind has ever developed are based solely on Matter in Motion.

All of this, and more, is scientific truth held within and explained by the "hidden" precepts of Qabalah.

Re: Letter from John Titor\'s Mother

I highly disagree with your theory.

I believe a singular universe can be defined using four basic fundamentals: space, mass, gravity and time. However, they are all one in the same. Time is a questionable addition, as it is only a measurement of movement. However, I feel it would be illogical to ignore it, considering all mass moves and changes position over a period of an observable and definitive duration.

Space: The palette of a perhaps infinite number of possible spaces in which units of mass could occupy. In this theory, space would have an absolute neutral charge.

Mass: Definitive points within space; condensed space.

Gravity: Attraction, or perhaps even repulsion, of differential masses.

Time: Durational period calculating trajectory, acceleration and speed of movements of mass caused by gravitational forces.
Re: Letter from John Titor\'s Mother

In this theory, space is everything. Wouldn't it be easier to say that space is all that there is? How else would things come from the "big bang"? If matter is simply compressed variations of the fabric of space, gravity is the affect in which the warping of space between matter creates a disturbance(attraction) and time is the duration of the effects.
Re: Letter from John Titor\'s Mother

my computers got a clock and it runs on electrons. it can tell time with no movement of matter.
You've gotta be kidding, Ren! Electrons have mass, and are therefore matter. So yes, even the clock in your computer ticks time based on Matter in Motion. No matter what kind of time measuring device you investigate, you will see what I have written is true. Atomic clocks also follow the same principle, because it is based on the atomic mass emissions of cesium.

Re: Letter from John Titor\'s Mother

Hi Ren,

all the times you've proved me wrong and not even once can you bite the bullet and admit maybe your statement was not exactly correct the way you worded it?
I am more than happy to admit when I am wrong, but only when I actually am wrong. What I stated was correct, and your last reply opens the door for me to prove it via dimensional analysis...

you don't make a distinction between mass and energy RMT?
Of course I do, and did in my earlier response here. But I will now get into the nitty-gritty details.

I thought thats what e=mc^2 meant, that energy and mass are related in seperate quantities. ie small mass = large amount of energy.
This is incomplete without the dimensional analysis, but still does not relate to your point that a computer tracks time without moving mass. Dimensional analysis of this equation verifies exactly what I wrote in my recent reply, namely that Energy is a 3-way composite of our 3 orthogonal physical measures (Mass, Space, and Time). The dimensional analysis of this equation is as follows:

E = Energy = units of [Force]*[Space] which reduces to [Mass]*[Space]^2/[Time]^2
m = Mass = a fundamental metric in its own right.
c = Velocity (in this case, of light) = units of [Space]/[Time], squaring yields [Space]^2/[Time]^2

So I have yet to see where I am incorrect. Bottom line is, as I have said, Energy is the single, composite reality of Mass, Space, and Time. The things we call Mass, Space, and Time are useful, but incomplete and therefore erroneous, metrics that help us understand Energy within a framework that our limited senses can make use of.

However, it is still correct (and I ask you to continue to try to falsify this) that the way mankind measures Time is always based upon Matter in Motion. Those electrons moving through your computer's oscillator are, indeed, Mass as we have defined it in science.

You may have talked to many physics profs, but rememeber that I teach this stuff and have for many years.

Re: Letter from John Titor\'s Mother

p.s. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

that energy and mass are related in seperate quantities. ie small mass = large amount of energy.
Yes, indeed, they are related. But don't forget precisely HOW they are related... that is, via the "scaling factor" of c (squared). And what is c? Why MOTION, of course!
