Epochal Historian
Re: NonLinear Fractals:Sound, Shock, Light, Mass Waves
Notations to the forgiven post:Boundaries in the continuity of space and time.
This would be represented by such phenomenon as a meteorite beneath the ground, so bending time and space, so that openings to other frequencies are apparent.
These openings may open and close, or stay open, at any time.
Other phenomenon added to notes:A rise in overall scalier frequiencies, may also open and or change supposed null space or what is grudgingly given now, as stringed space, by the newer academic community.
Quantum flux, is the process, by where power pools of energy and or particles in other frequencies, may have an excess or special envelope in other dimensions, so the curtain of time and space as we know it opens and allows energy to come on thorough.
This is known as a quantum flux spike or bolace of energy.
*It was said that while John Titor had made a series jumps, while talking to the more darted, that he himself appeared at and had asked if anyone knew how to repair damage done to his time machine.
The possable problem, was that when said Titor came through a certain era, maybe a proposed either energy burst, or a nuclear war, that a quantum flux bolace, hit one of the boards of his machines and disabled one of the on machine boards.
There was a problem in the solution to repairing this board, as the suggestions was to shoot a test, via O-scope on the board linearity itself, rather than to have the entire board replaced, within his said machine.
There was later talk that Titor ended up in a hostile other reality, due to this board not being one hundred percent in what is known as burn-in linear performance capacity.
So the quick fix, rather than replacing the entire board, may have temporarily sent Mr. Titor to another reality?
>Any excessive mass size density, such as either a buried meteorite or large amounts of iron within say a mountain, will bend space and time, so that there are both gaps and access into that time and space signature.
The idea behind any frequency adjustment to space and time, is for the bolate, or the time travel machine, to represent an object within the matrix of time and space.This is so that, that particular machine, can travel as one would let a slippery ball, travel within silk sheets.
Time and space at times, are only curtains and all time may overlap into other times, without warning and or notice.
An example of this was the Jersey Triangle, which is a streatch of road in New Jersey, which was said in a publication of FATE Magazine to have taken a full bakery truck, into another dimension, driver and all.
Thank you very much Ray!
Notations to the forgiven post:Boundaries in the continuity of space and time.
This would be represented by such phenomenon as a meteorite beneath the ground, so bending time and space, so that openings to other frequencies are apparent.
These openings may open and close, or stay open, at any time.
Other phenomenon added to notes:A rise in overall scalier frequiencies, may also open and or change supposed null space or what is grudgingly given now, as stringed space, by the newer academic community.
Quantum flux, is the process, by where power pools of energy and or particles in other frequencies, may have an excess or special envelope in other dimensions, so the curtain of time and space as we know it opens and allows energy to come on thorough.
This is known as a quantum flux spike or bolace of energy.
*It was said that while John Titor had made a series jumps, while talking to the more darted, that he himself appeared at and had asked if anyone knew how to repair damage done to his time machine.
The possable problem, was that when said Titor came through a certain era, maybe a proposed either energy burst, or a nuclear war, that a quantum flux bolace, hit one of the boards of his machines and disabled one of the on machine boards.
There was a problem in the solution to repairing this board, as the suggestions was to shoot a test, via O-scope on the board linearity itself, rather than to have the entire board replaced, within his said machine.
There was later talk that Titor ended up in a hostile other reality, due to this board not being one hundred percent in what is known as burn-in linear performance capacity.
So the quick fix, rather than replacing the entire board, may have temporarily sent Mr. Titor to another reality?
>Any excessive mass size density, such as either a buried meteorite or large amounts of iron within say a mountain, will bend space and time, so that there are both gaps and access into that time and space signature.
The idea behind any frequency adjustment to space and time, is for the bolate, or the time travel machine, to represent an object within the matrix of time and space.This is so that, that particular machine, can travel as one would let a slippery ball, travel within silk sheets.
Time and space at times, are only curtains and all time may overlap into other times, without warning and or notice.
An example of this was the Jersey Triangle, which is a streatch of road in New Jersey, which was said in a publication of FATE Magazine to have taken a full bakery truck, into another dimension, driver and all.
Thank you very much Ray!