Let's Talk Non-Linear Phenomenon, Shall We?

Re: Let\'s Talk Non-Linear Phenomenon, Shall We?

Certain others in this forum may not wish to open their eyes to the integration of spiritual traditions with scientific concepts.

Hehe, certain others?
Don't get me wrong, Ray's ideas do appeal to me... a lot. We don't have to agree on everything, now do we?

Creedo gets kicked out of time travel:

Creedo gets kicked out of time travel:

Creedo,..Roel, you wanted to see me?

Roel,..Ah Dan, I got a call from the main office and they want me to ask you to transfer out.

Creedo,..What did I do wrong, was it something I said?

Roel,..Dan youre good, but you've apparently stepped on some toes and for your own good, I want you out of here and to transfer down to alternate energies.

Creedo,..Crap' I knew that I was getting too close to something.Did they threaten you too Roel?

Roel,..Dan, youre good at what you do.As a matter of fact your thoughts have pioneered areas of speculation in the field of time travel, that are way, way beyond what this community in time travel speculation can produce.

Creedo,...There is a problem with this?

Roel,..Dan, you've stepped on some toes and let's say, that it is better that you participate in some other area, that does not accuse someone.

This is even though you might have a valid claim, for such items as lost time, or fish antibiotic capsules appearing from nowhere, that you can't explain.

Creedo, guess this means I've got the boot?

Roel,..No Dan, just a transfer till your either asked to come back, or till things cool down?!

Here are some Dutch chocolate samples and a small bottle of vodka you can take with you.

Creedo nods.

I want your desk cleared out on this floor and you can open that new one down in alternate energies.


Creedo,..Okay Roel, sorry to be a thorn under your saddle blanket.
Re: Creedo gets kicked out of time travel:

During the month of July the weather was ok. At a small, rarely used airport a learjet slipped down onto the tarmack. Lights out, the engines were throttled back to reduce any noise that may carry into the dark of the night and draw unwanted attention.
The jet made its way to the end of the runway and completely shut down and it moved silently up to a limosine that had been parked at the edge of the asphalt. The dim light came on as Roel stepped from the strecthed luxury automobile that was almost invisible at this hour of midnight. He pulled his overcoat a little tighter, since a cool breeze was blowing in from the east.
Two men stepped down from the learjet, and they shook Roels outstretched hand in greeting.
" Rainman, Ovrlrd, welcome to the Netherlands. Hope your journey was comfortable!"
The men smiled.." It wasnt bad at all, Roel. Had to stop in London to hoist a pint or two with Trollface, or else we would have been here sooner."
Roel understood.
"Well, gentlemen, shall we...." as he pointed to the open door of the limo.

Ovrlrd looked around, a little nervous, but Roel knew what Ovr was thinking.
" Dont worry, my men are out in the woods, fully equipped to handle anything Creedo might throw down with."
Rainman looked at Roel..." I certainly hope so. Awhile back he flew into L.A. and I almost had him when he got suspicious and how could I know he would actually connect a dead animal carcass with "our Plan"."
OvrLrd peered at Rainman.." Yeah, he can be crafty that way. I think he is close to fiquring out the fish antibiotic capsules thing."

Inside the security of the limo, Roel opened up the ice cooler and pulled out some beers. " I had a little chat with him today about transfering to another forum."
Rainman appeared somewhat dismayed.." That isnt what we wanted at all. How are we going to continue gathering intelligence if he goes somewhere else?"
" ...maybe we should back off a little, he is becoming suspicious. Remember, he spotted the red trans-am with the navy sticker on the window." Ovr commented as he read the label of the great tasting beverage.
Roel had already finished his and reached for another beer, "Yeah, true. Well, I will explain to him that that isnt really necessary. He probasbly didnt like your rabbit story."
" Well, you did agree that if he noticed our planted antibiotics, to try and distract him."
" Yes, we did at that. But not to the point of Creedo not posting valueable information crucial to our cause."
Rainamn sighed" Alright, what should we do now?"
Roel looked from Rainman, to Ovr and back to Rainman. " I dont know, I certainly dont want to involve Azkaban unless it becomes absolutely necessary"
" Ok, lets just leave things alone and see what happens. But we need to be careful. I dont want Creedo to do anything rash."
The three men agreed on this course of action.
As the limos taillights faded into the distance the learjet was already at alittude and on its way back to Los Angeles.
The Time/Mass/Motion consortium was still alive and well in the world.
Re: Let\'s Talk Non-Linear Phenomenon, Shall We?

Hehe, certain others? Don't get me wrong, Ray's ideas do appeal to me... a lot. We don't have to agree on everything, now do we?

Oh of course not, Roel! We both know this is all fun, play, and cerebral interchange. It's what the internet is all about. Besides, it's Friday night... how could anyone have anything but FUN on their minds now that the work week is done!!!??? :D

Besides, I am ROTFLMAO after reading OvrLrd's story in response to Creedo's!

Hope everyone has a great weekend... me and my bricks wish ye well,
Re: Creedo gets kicked out of time travel:

The Time/Mass/Motion consortium was still alive and well in the world.

But if there is one thing that is always "THE truth" about the universe, it is that things change. Seasons change. People change. The thought was so powerful in his mind that OvrLrd was humming that tune out loud as the limo left Schiphol on its way to Arnhem.

"The point is that Creedo is always modifying his thinking... he's changing, and it is getting harder for us to stay ahead of him" warned OvrLrd. He stared quite seriously into Rainman's eyes, and then shifted the same steely gaze to Roel. "I mean seriously, if he knew the three of us were together right now, on our way to do what we are going to do, he would already be on the doorstep of the Angelic Hierarchy."

Rainman looked over at Roel as he finished his second Heinekin. "(Burp) Well, IMHO, I think I have done more than my share of luring him and baiting him on TTI. You remember that pact we made long ago when we met on TTI, Roel? It was about Creedo... and how we would handle him. Do you remember the protocol from those days?"

Of course Roel remembered. How could he have forgotten something like that? It lead Roel to enact operation Chrono to keep Creedo focused on the Titor affair. If we couldn't keep Creedo focused on Titor, there would be no hope to get the world out of its drastic predicament. Roel pondered how well that part of the joint operations had worked out, "If it weren't for Trollface showing up when he did, without any of us expecting it, Creedo would have disengaged. Trollface getting the goods on Chrono is what kept Creedo on the trail. I still owe him some favors for joining the team!"

"But do you think Creedo even suspects that Trollface is involved with the activities that OvrLrd and I are working on?" questioned Rainman. "If he does, he will be smart enough to follow that trail. I really hope that CAT mixing it up with Trollface kept him off that trail. Only TIME will tell that tale."

The words of Roel and Rainman drifted into the back of OvrLrd's mind as he stared out into the crystal clear night sky. He looked at the belt of Orion. And he was worried sick about the Pleidians. If they didn't intercept that ship on its way to resupply the Greys on Mars, there was going to be hell to pay at NASA. "God Speed to you Transient" prayed OvrLrd out loud. "May your holy mission come to fruition."

"Gentlemen, we are almost at the exit for Arnhem" announced Roel. "I am sure Nicknack will be glad to see you, since he has only had me to talk to over the last two days since he arrived. You know how I sort of get glazed over in the eyes when he starts to talk that God stuff. Maybe the 3 of you can meditate together and get that out of your system", he grinned as the limo veered off the highway. Rainman and OvrLrd both laughed out loud. The sound of 3 beer bottles clinking along with the laughter signaled the culmination of 2 long years worth of painful Net-work.

The next 48 hours would be critical, and they were not going to be easy on anyone. But the prep work that OvrLrd & Rainman had laid down before they left LA would commence once that jet got back to LAX. If the phone call they all expected came through by 8AM, the SpaceTime rift would be armed, and the final solution would all depend on their upcoming operations in Zurich.

Nicknack beamed a smile as the sleek car drove up to the modest residence. He had something in his hand, but OvrLrd couldn't quite make out what it was...
Re: Creedo gets kicked out of time travel:

Wow, excellent writing skills Ray. Have you ever thought about writing a novel.. oh and what's up with Arnhem?

Change. It's around us.

I think I already mentioned that I'm still working on my (weird) timeparticle theory /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif It's hardly a scientifically founded theory, but I think of it more like a concept. I plan to make a website dedicated to it (although I noticed that timeparticle has been registered, so perhaps I should call it chronoparticle or something like that).

One of the key elements in my theory is change. The less a timeparticle "changes", the "longer" it will exist. Of course, since we try to look at time in a non-linear fashion, the term longer is not really applicable in this case. However, in our perception a rock will exist (and have existed) longer because its timeparticles are much less active than those of grass.

I know it still sounds a bit silly, but I hope I can further explain this theory in the future.

Re: Creedo gets kicked out of time travel:

Wow, excellent writing skills Ray. Have you ever thought about writing a novel

Thanks, Roel. I found a need to develop my writing skills because my verbal skills can be less-than-effective in "realTIME". CAT knows that story.
But I don't think I could write a novel by myself... I'd get too caught up in technojargon. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

oh and what's up with Arnhem?

Hmmm.... well, maybe we'll need some others to pick up the story and find out what's up in Arnhem?

Change. It's around us.

Yup. And I'll bet you already know that the fundamental basis of Calculus (another gift from Newton, and his pal Liebniz...with some help from Archimedes) is change. The Differential and Integral are mathematical descriptions of how one thing changes with respect to another. I can show how calculus fits in with Massive SpaceTime and how both align with the TOL.

However, in our perception a rock will exist (and have existed) longer because its timeparticles are much less active than those of grass.

I know it still sounds a bit silly, but I hope I can further explain this theory in the future.

I don't think it sounds silly. It sounds pretty insightful to me. And I'm sure your timeparticle theory will add some new, non-linear insights into how we view Massive SpaceTime. Keep up the good work... and don't let Creedo get away yet. We're not done with him! /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

I think I am going to go out for breakfast this morning...a great Cali day for the beach, and the pool...and oh yeah, finishing that damn brick work!

Re: Creedo gets kicked out of time travel:

Wow, excellent writing skills Ray.

Yes, Ray, that was fantastic. You are going to force me to tighten up my writing skills. That is one reason why I enjoy participating in this site. Kind of forces me to carve off the sloppy habits of thought and communication.
Re: Creedo gets kicked out of time travel:

The two figures sat in a dimly-lit corner of the deserted little cafe. Both were dressed in the fashion of the time period and could have easily been mistaken for a father and daughter taking a moment out for lunch before moving on to whatever sedentary existence was available to the people of that time. They were quite comfortable with blending in with many timelines, but this jump was particularly important for those uptime in order for "the Plan" to succeed. This is/was where the "nexus" first loomed ominous on the grid. The entity called Creedo, but more importantly his hybrid offspring, was responsible for the High Potential Alarm for a massive timequake affecting the local galactic cluster. Much depended upon what they could discover about Samjasa's involvement with Creedo and how it affected his thinking process. His almost schizoid ability to seamlessly jump into non-related mental realities and non-linear perceptions, had been passed on to his hybrid child--thus becoming the first successful, fully dominated human construct. Amazingly, his mind, out of billions, was perfectly suited to the alien's twisted and convoluted mindset. He is/was, in effect, an alien Savior. In him was invested the total destruction of the homo-sapien species.

Zerub was deep in thought. He didn't feel "up" to the challenge ahead of him. There were too many variables happening too fast, and they were threatening to envelop him. Although his concern did not show in his features, Cat knew him too well. The stakes were high. There were lots of good friends waiting uptime for that inevitable 8:00 phonecall upon which so much depended. She could not restrain herself from comforting him.

"BaalShemTov, I can see what you're thinking. You're the best non-linear analyzer the world has ever seen. Even though variables haven't coalesced like they usually do, I have full faith in you. If there is anyone who can find that one random piece of data to crack this puzzle, it is you and that quirky ability to see beyond the veil of "reality".

"To be perfectly honest with you, Cat, i'd much rather be Rainman driving his Corvette and enjoying the freedom of being the "engineer" of our group. Or even Transient on that most important of missions, enjoying the exhilarating extragalactic timejump. I'm just a normal, bald-headed old man with an ability to think on the level of a small percentage of people that use more than 50% of their neural network. Where's the glory in that? Some people call me the king of babble or son of baylon, or some other such name. What kind of respect is that?"

"BaalShemTov, you KNOW those are terms of endearment. God, you're like a father to us. You don't just gather together random ideas. You gather together OUR random ideas. It amazes us all how such seemingly random and sometimes opposing ideas are so interconnected. We could never have built Merkada without it. Remember your own words. 'We all have gifts that are necessary'. Well, right now, it's your gift that's necessary. Now stop thinking so linearly!!" Cat laughed lightly, and reached across and hugged her dear friend."

"Cat, I don't know what I would do without you. You're right of course. Nothing like a little pity-party to get the mind off-track. I'm really looking forward to getting back to Arnham. It is a really exiting time and we have such a great group. If I know them, they are sitting around having a few beers and tying up loose ends. Soon, we'll all be together again, celebrating another small but important victory. Well, we better get going. The time is approaching and we need to be in place. The spacecraft is scheduled to land in about 20 minutes. If they were to see us, all might be lost. It is especially important that Creedo not see us. His uncanny ability could connect us to events far in the future and possibly affect the intensity of the timequate around the Rift. Are you ready to 'trip the light fantastic' my young friend?

Cat smiled an impish little grin and swept her long hair back in a single motion. "I thought you would never ask." As she arose, headed for the door, she was humming the familiar tune: "Time, is on my side, yes it is...."
Re: Creedo gets kicked out of time travel:

But I don't think I could write a novel by myself... I'd get too caught up in technojargon.

Perhaps a new genre? /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

Hmmm.... well, maybe we'll need some others to pick up the story and find out what's up in Arnhem?

In an attempt not to go for the obvious?

One thing that has always fascinated me about Arnhem is the bus-tram hybrid that they use for public transport. Trollybus they call it.

I can show how calculus fits in with Massive SpaceTime and how both align with the TOL.

Mathematics is not one of my strongest points, but if you can put it in words I'll be more than happy to lend you my ear


P.S. Somehow I totally missed the first part that OvrLrd wrote, exhibiting great writingskills as well. I'll try to make a contribution as well
Re: Creedo gets kicked out of time travel:

With respects to Ray's philosophy of massive space-time, I do not understand this precept?

I am well trained in time travel theory.

I'm about one of the best if anyone would ever want to recruit me, as a time travel expert or advisor.

One of the statements that states nonlinnarity itself, is the structure of the universe itself.

The universe is segmented into differing time areas and each one of these time areas, are not the same frequency nor caricatured, so in the algebraic sense, these would then be termed nonlinear localities, or non-same-sectored portions of the universe.

Tine with respects to these areas, goes back so far, that it would absolute blow all rhyme and or reason.

The golden rule of the time traveler is, to travel, visit but in no way, dare ever to interfere.

Blend in, shut up and if your asked, "Well I come from the village of Trofickyerro, over there about twenty miles. I have come here to your open market for your fruit,. with is the talk of that area I come from.

A T-mass locale, means another area, possibly a different area of frequency and an environment with a differing line of thought.

I embrace Rainmantime tonight as a friend as he is special to me, as his ideas are not the same as mine, but he as a friend is very special to me, you all are?
Re: Creedo gets kicked out of time travel:

This is a fine piece of work in non-linear thinking and concept exploration. Hats off to Creedo for initiating it, and to those who continue to contribute. If I was a better writer, I might have a go at a chapter of my own.
Re: Let\'s Talk Non-Linear Phenomenon, Shall We?

Just thought I'd pop my head round the door to say that I've just been looking at the site that Ray posted and came accross the lateral thinking problems. Great fun. I got 5 out of the 8 in two minutes, and had heard 2 others before. Do they really expect you to average one correct answer evey 15 seconds, though? I'd have thought it unlikely that the majority of people would ever get that.

Didn't have my favourite, though. A man is in a phonebox (phone booth), dead. The glass on either side of the phonebox is smashed and the phone is off the hook. How and why did he die?
Re: Let\'s Talk Non-Linear Phenomenon, Shall We?

As for non-linear phenomena:...

Very good post.
It does bring up quite a few connections that are worth consideration. Our technology is advancing our understanding at a rate as never before. There are astrological occurances taking place soon that are extremely rare.
The esoteric practitioners are becoming nervous as we sense an "existence changing" event is up and coming.
Changes are occuring at a phenominal rate as far as our Earthly environment is concerned.

Computers are evolving into areas that will force another step in evolution to occur. As they become smaller and smaller and are designed with biological components, eventually they will become a part of the human anatomy.

The possibilities are staggering when this technology takes off and becomes a part of reality.
A Non-Linear Model Of Energy For Consideration

Is no one else going to add to our plotline? I hope you're all not a bunch of party poopers! /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

During my few days of "resonance" I was doing some meditating on the fairly recent evidence that all universal energy is segregated into three different types: Normal baryonic matter, dark matter, and the largest portion being dark energy. The percentage estimates of each can vary by about 2%, but generally accepted proportions of each would be:

Dark Energy ~ 73 - 74%
Dark Matter ~ 23 - 24%
Baryonic Matter ~ 2 - 4%

In my meditations I arrived at one possible way of thinking about the structure of universal energy in these three forms. This model could not only align with the fact that we know the universe is accelerating in its expansion, and also align with our observations of galactic structure, but also align with certain aspects of Brane Theory. The model I've been pondering goes like this:

Consider a spherical shell shape. The spherical shell itself is composed of the 2-4% of normal, baryonic matter that we perceive as mass with our senses. Inside the spherical shell we have the 23-24% of dark matter, which acts in a gravitating manner. (This goes along with accepted theories of dark matter as a result of what we observe in galaxies. Namely, we see that a galaxy has the same rotation at its outside edges as it does at its interior surfaces. Given this observation, and the effects of normal gravitating matter, we would expect to see a spherical distribution of matter in a galaxy, but we do not. So dark matter is considered to be the additional gravitating force that holds a galaxy together and gives it its shape.) Back to the final piece of the model, which you can guess: Dark energy represents the 73-74% of energy that is outside the shell. And this energetic component would align with the anti-gravitating force that is accelerating the universe in its expansion.

Such a model would tell us that we, as beings composed of baryonic matter, literally live on an event horizon that represents the tension between dark matter and dark energy. Good and Evil anyone?

Re: Creedo gets kicked out of time travel:

Creedo,....Ray we have about four hours of oxygen left.

After this.........

Ray,..Are you sure that that inner door will hold?

Creedo,...It's made of reinforced carbon carbon matrix.

The creature in their with Ramirez's body, has tried, but can't get through it.

Ray,......Oh god! that's gross.....Creedo,....I didn't see it, busy trying to reroute controls.

Ray,..It bit Ramirez's head off, but the funny thing is, that he's smiling.

Creedo,..Phil........ smiling?

It must have been that when you encountered that cloud, that the creature was in it?

He must have sprung from the meteor and onto the side of the ship.

Ray, Then from there when Phil opened the airlock and recycled to go out himself.........

Creedo,..I don't think it's smart enough to get to us.

But if we were in there with it?

Ray,...What are you doing for the controls?

Creedo,..This is a security encryption , meant to keep pirates from getting it.

I can doublefeed over the pwer input balance, and trying to reverse access to the mainframe.


Creedo,...When you ordered this section sealed, you also demanded a security lockout on all controls.

The only way we'll get out of this, is if I can piggyback on the powr input, needed to balance the system and then refeed an ordering access code, to open the door infront of us.

Ray,....Only the door going into the ship will open?

Creedo,...I don't know, can't say, as both doors are reduently pwer balanced, by what is coming from both mainframe security and a mutual pwer always on balance.

If this command can't be made secular and the other door opens,......well?

Ray,...On Phil's body, on his arm.suet computer, there is an active uplink access code.

It's a quick code, that allows fast entry into the right door.

Through the magnetic sealing on the aft door, can you get an uplink onto your on-suet PC?

Creedo,..The pwr balances as a one per one thousand second burst, in continence.

This is like jumping rope, but if I can pan scatter a burst of algorithmic codes, then I can uplink to Phil's on arm card.
Re: A Non-Linear Model Of Energy For Consideration

Is no one else going to add to our plotline? I hope you're all not a bunch of party poopers!

Perhaps this weekend, right now time is short /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

Re: Creedo gets kicked out of time travel:

You guys are great, love the story!!! /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

It might seem like non linear chaos, but we are all in for a surprise! Gd is all about predictability in the future where all reality is...

Take for example the coin toss... I can get close enough to show what's involved. The coin is a line segment of unit length, confined to a vertical plane. When it is tossed, starting at ground level, it's given a vertical velocity v and also a rotation rate of r turns per second. When it returns to ground level, it freezes... whichever side is then uppermost is considered to be the result of the toss...

If g is the acceleration due to gravity, then the coin takes 2v/g seconds to return to the horizontal, and so makes 2rv/g turns. The boundary between heads and tails occurs at exact half turns, that is, when 2rv/g is half an integer. If this integer is N, then the head/tail boundary is given by vr = gN/4.

If I could control the values of r and v exactly, then I'd be able to make the coin land whichever way up I want. However, in practice I can control these values only within limits. For example, suppose that I can keep v between 480 and 520 cm/sec, with r between 18 and 22 revolution per second. How does the outcome heads or tails - depend on v and r?

Any known values of the initial velocity and the rate of spin give a unique answer. Not only is the outcome deterministic I really can tell you, in advance, what it is... Eventual fate!

We can apply this lesson to in the book of Samuel, one learns how the Israelites around 1000 B.C. selected a king by casting lots. Perhaps this is a metaphysical position which held that Gd speaks to humans through the action of chance...

Samuel then made all the tribes of Israel come forward, and the lot fell to the tribe of Benjamin. He then made the tribe of Benjamin come forward clan by clan and the lot fell to the clan of Matri. He then made the clan of Matri come forward man by man and the lot fell to Saul the son of Kish. 1 Samuel 10:20-21

The implication here is that the casting of lots is not merely a convenient way of arriving at a leader, but it is done with divine approbation and the result is an expression of the divine will... /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif
Re: Creedo gets kicked out of time travel:

If I could control the values of r and v exactly, then I'd be able to make the coin land whichever way up I want. However, in practice I can control these values only within limits. For example, suppose that I can keep v between 480 and 520 cm/sec, with r between 18 and 22 revolution per second. How does the outcome heads or tails - depend on v and r?

Now you are just the CAT's meow, my dear!

Ladies and Gentlemen, I would like to call your attention to this wonderful, scientific example of the pratice of engineering tolerances, and how using information (in the form of control) can increase certain probabilities while decreasing others. It is the aspect of what we choose to control, and how well we control it, that allows us to be creators just as it allowed our Creator to create! God is a much better engineer than any of us mortals dancing around on the head of this pin we call earth!

Welcome back, CAT!
NonLinear Fractals:Sound, Shock, Light, Mass Waves

Any sort of discontinuity in a continuum can be considered a non-linear phenomenon.

The four waves shown in the subject line of this post are all self-similar discontinuities. They represent four levels of Energy. Non-linear Energy, to be precise.

Sound wave - travels at Mach 1, the speed of sound. It is a pressure discontinuity that we hear as a sound. There are pleasing sounds, and not-so-pleasing sounds.

Shock wave - This is a highly non-linear pressure discontinuity in a fluid created by a body moving through that fluid at greater than the speed of sound for that fluid. The energy differential across a shock wave is quite large, which is why we hear the sonic boom of supersonic craft.

The sound and shock waves are low frequency vibratory phenomenon. But when we reach the speed of light we are at a much higher vibratory frequency.

Light wave - travels at Warp 1, the speed of light. It is fractally self-similar to the speed of sound. Light is an energy discontinuity that we see as an event. There are pleasing events, and not-so-pleasing events.

Mass wave - This is a highly non-linear energy discontinuity phenomenon we call Matter. It is created by our Mind moving through a superfluid at greater than the speed of light for that superfluid. The energy differential across a mass wave is quite large (as told in E = mc^2!).

The speed of sound is fractally self-similar to the speed of light. Interesting similarities, no?
