Let's Talk Non-Linear Phenomenon, Shall We?


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Let\'s Talk Non-Linear Phenomenon, Shall We?


I had asked Roel to start a new thread, so that we could talk about science and advances in science, irrespective of the perspective of a God. I guess he didn't get around to it, so I thought that I would take the initiative... especially since our conversation in the other thread has arrived at the point of talking about probability distributions, and non-linear thinking.

Would anyone like to talk about how exploiting non-linear phenomenon in the coming years is going to revolutionize science, and what we are capable of doing? Did anyone else read the website I provided on the distinction between our normative, linear thinking, and expanded non-linear thinking? Would we all be willing to agree that non-linear control of energy events will be a necessary preceding technology for time travel? I certainly think so.

Re: Let\'s Talk Non-Linear Phenomenon, Shall We?

guess he didn't get around to it, so I thought that I would take the initiative...

Great initiative. Thanks Ray. Actually I kinda forgot. I was too busy replying in the other thread /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

At the moment I do not have the time, nor inspiration to make a useful contribution, so I'll jump in later on. Right now, it's time for bed.

Re: Let\'s Talk Non-Linear Phenomenon, Shall We?

Creedo bows out of this thread, as Creedo299 realizes God as an actual being, not a force to be margined with, for personal gain.

What seems to be attempted in this thread, is akin to getting a rope around the neck of a twenty foot crockadial and being able to lead him out of the water by yourself, with a little encouragement.

After a time however, with the absence of day falling to night, you are alone and finally realize that you have a very large potentially hostile reptile, on a short amount of rope.

Gods is a being and can and does react to people who try to margin him, for their principles?!

Good luck, I hope you know what you're doing in this thread?
Re: Let\'s Talk Non-Linear Phenomenon, Shall We?

Hey Rainman,

Sounds like a plan. Could you repost that website you mentioned? I'm not sure where it was located. I'm a great fan of non-linear thinking--both on a personal level and the general level. We really have to stretch our minds to think in this manner. It requires an openness and willingness to step out of the box to discover truths that lie beneath the surface. The mind is a wondrous instrument that can be trained to filter out the superfluous and banal arguments that appear to be "set in stone". We are really fortunate to be in a time where everything is being placed on the table, and ideas previously discarded in the linear chain of events are now considered valid enough to be "re-explored". As always, it is a pleasure to discuss these things with you and others of like mind.
Re: Let\'s Talk Non-Linear Phenomenon, Shall We?

Hiya Zerub!

Could you repost that website you mentioned?

Most certainly! Especially for someone who wishes to discuss the important points it makes about how we are "trained" to perceive linearly. Time travel will, without a doubt, require us to understand and master the universe's non-linear effects. Living as if the linear realm is all there is would be tantamount to admitting bear skins and stone knives were the only tools needed to create an advanced society.

A History of Linear Logic.

I'm a great fan of non-linear thinking--both on a personal level and the general level. We really have to stretch our minds to think in this manner. It requires an openness and willingness to step out of the box to discover truths that lie beneath the surface.

There is an important relationship between non-linearity and probability distributions, as I was discussing in the other thread. When we limit our thinking and belief systems to the "more probable" aspects based on what our physical senses perceive, we are, in essence saying that we will only accept those experiences we have that are somewhere within the largest part of the bell-shaped curve (close to the mean). The effects that show up close to the mean are the more linear effects. The effects that show up at the extremes of the curve (i.e. 2-3 Sigma and beyond) are the more non-linear effects. As science has demonstrated to us that the power of non-linear phenomenon is much greater than linear phenomenon, we must begin to seriously re-evaluate those "less probable" phenomenon that were dismissed over the years, for in these types of phenomenon lies the key to applying non-linear logic, and therefore the key to advancements like time travel.

We are really fortunate to be in a time where everything is being placed on the table, and ideas previously discarded in the linear chain of events are now considered valid enough to be "re-explored".

Indeed we are lucky. Some may wish to argue that Science and Spirituality will never be reconciled, and others may actively work to try to make sure they are not reconciled. But each time modern science "discovers" something that aligns with mystical knowledge that has been part of spiritual traditions for many years, we get one step closer to this eventual reconciliation. In fact, I would call it a RE-reconciliation, for if the ancients knew the "secrets" of science and embedded them in their religious texts, then we are doing nothing more than recreating the blend of scientific spirituality that they already possessed.

Cycle => Circle => NOT (Linear)

The reason that circular, spiral, spherical, toroidal, and vortex motions are becoming the focus of all physics, at this point in time, is because the circle (cycle) possesses the "truth" of non-linearity. This is because the line is nothing more than the circle that is broken open and laid flat.

Time is a closed loop, just like Mass is a closed loop, just like Space is a closed loop.

We all know that Mass is a closed loop because of the cycle of birth, life, death, and degeneration recycles Mass. One form of Mass recycles into another form of Mass...endlessly.

We also know that space ia a closed loop because Space is always being re-used. Where there was an open field of Space years ago, now there is a thriving community of citizens. Where there were no humans in Space 100 years ago, now we have regular human presence in the Space we call earth orbit. We re-use Space just like we re-use Mass. They are both re-cyclable portions of the total Energy Matrix.

The other re-cyclable form of the Energy Matrix is Time. Just like its partners Mass and Space, Time also operates in closed-loop cycles. History repeats itself... endlessly. Yet each Time it repeats itself, history allows different decisions (Free Will) to act.

Time is the most precious of the re-cyclable forms of the Energy Matrix to our physical human selves. A cycle of Time is called its Frequency. By understanding how to manipulate frequencies (Gain & Phase) we will understand how to manipulate Time.

Time travel (modification) is really nothing more than a control system problem in understanding the blendings of all Mass and Space frequencies. However, up until now, mankind has always built linearized control systems. Now that we understand the science of non-linear phenomenon, we can and are implementing non-linear, closed-loop control systems to achieve orders of magnitude better performance. In other words, systems that generate less heat-waste.

The circle, cycle, spiral motif (as opposed to the "old world" linear model) represents eternal renewal and eternal Creation. It is already in use in a great many systems in our world, and you might not even realize it. But this is what the information age has done for us. As we continually update the software of humanity, we are closing the loop on our knowledge of how Mass, Space, and Time interact with one another to form The Matrix of Massive SpaceTime.

Re: Cycle => Circle => NOT (Linear)

Hey Rainman,

I finally got through reading the link on transformational thinking. I found very little that I disagreed with. As a matter of fact, it is a fair description of how I try to establish communication with others. I have found that it is a workable solution with many people that I have little or nothing in common with. In a very real sense, it is MY box that I occasionally have to step out of INTO linear thinking. Trust and respect are absolutely necessary, and usually I have to step out of the box of transformational thinking when that trust and respect are absent.

An example of this was when I worked with institutionalized juveniles. Invariably, any new kid that came into my program had the institutional life down pat. As with any authority figure, they knew exactly how to "play" the system and "show" their willingness to be "good". For the first two or three weeks, they were model citizens. Eventually, the "facade" fades and the true personality shines through. That was when their problems with peers started to really develop and the defects in their character that led them to crime or antiestablishment (school, parents, police, etc.) started to rear its ugly head. Traditional methods of treatment taught them how to behave, but it did nothing to change their thinking process. When they got out of the institution, all tho old problems eventually returned and they ended up being recycled through the system again and again. Many of them returned to the institution (reform school) as many as 6 to 7 times before going on to higher learning (prison).

The basics of my program was to destroy all forms of linear thinking that they had accumulated throughout their short life span. I accomplished this through a core group of peers that had been trained in recognizing the "cons" that had once served themselves quite well in the "hood". It was a terrible thing to see these peers totally tear down whatever defense mechanisms that had served these kids so well to survive. What resulted, no matter how strong the kid was, was a person with no hold upon their reality. Nothing they could say or do would allow escape. All avenues were cut off. They went through a whole gamut of emotions that gave them no respite. No experience in their life had prepared them for this. They had become devoid of defense mechanisms and totally at a loss as to how to defend themselves. They almost became babies again. It was at this point that we all gathered around him and showed him our love. We would hug him and show him that it was ok to not be "strong". The change was always remarkable. Invariably, their eyes would open wide in wonder at the "acceptance". From that point on, they were different people. Everything became possible and they became "human" again. They could think outside the box and realized that although nothing had really changed but them, EVERYTHING had changed. It was really difficult for me to tear them down in this way by stepping out of the box of my own transformational thinking and USE linear thinking, but the end result was worth it. After about 4 months (the usual stay), they were eager to go back out in the world and enjoy life the way it was meant to be. Out of all the kids that went through this program, only two returned--but with the full realization that it was them who stepped out of the box. After about a month of helping others through the program, they left and were never returned.

This is the kind of change that we must go through to take the next step in our "evolution". Time travel takes a similar kind of change. In my study of the possibilities, a linear thinking person will never be able to make the transition. It is far more than just moving our bodies from one time period to another. Our minds and "spirit" must also make the transition. I believe the "forces" that govern this universe will never allow an unscrupulous entitity to affect this realm in a negative or selfish way. It will take a transformed individual to enter the paradigm shift. At first, I think it will be by artificial means and in a protected environment such as merkaba. As we get our "time legs", we will be able to do it at will. Thanks for the link. It was a nice confirmation for me. Linearly thinking, I have doubt that this will ever become universal. Non-linearly, maybe it doesn't have to be. It only took one Copernicus, Einstein or Tesla to make others think outside the box. As you know, I have little faith in a pie-in-the-sky deliverance. We, as a species, have to work through our problems and find our answers. It will not be done for us nor will it be accomplished through linear thinking.
Re: Cycle => Circle => NOT (Linear)

Hi Zerub,

As you know, I have little faith in a pie-in-the-sky deliverance. We, as a species, have to work through our problems and find our answers. It will not be done for us nor will it be accomplished through linear thinking.

And might I add this: We cannot expect to be provided linear "proof" for that which is inherently non-linear. Our entire lives we are trained to think linearly. It should be no surprise that even the strongest of human characters can be stuck in this mode. As I mentioned, even the "gods" of my profession were obsessed with developing linearized closed-loop control laws for systems intended to control nature. Even though they were smart enough to realize that nature was inherently non-linear, they insisted on trying to linearize phenomenon via the control laws they designed for no other reason than the resulting systems were "easier to analyze". If that is not ego talking, I don't know what is! The problems began to come about when major accidents (and loss of life) came about because of highly non-linear combinations of effects. Suddenly, we came to realize that one or two "second order" effects could, if they occurred at the same time, essentially overpower the linear equations that normally do a good job of controlling the system.

Here is another exercise to help us think non-linearly. We always seem to focus on Mass...."stuff". And yet it is even clear to our senses: What is there MORE of, Mass or Space? Obviously the answer is Space since all Mass exists within it. However, we always tend to think (linearly) that "Space is Empty". The non-linear thinker turns this "linear logic" on its head, and realizes that Space is not only far from empty, but held within this "emptiness" of Space is the largest portion of universal Energy. Now how do we go about tapping into it? I am not sure at this point, but I am definitely sure that we will not arrive at an answer by linear thinking.

I'm keeping my eye on several of our most gifted physicists as they grapple with the mystery of Dark Energy and Dark Matter. It is exciting to watch and know that we really are extremely close to a major "A ha" on this matter. Things will never be the same once we cross that bridge. It will be the End of Ordinary Time, as prophesied!

Re: Cycle => Circle => NOT (Linear)

It is exciting to watch and know that we really are extremely close to a major "A ha" on this matter.

Yes. Projects like this will also help gather more and more information about our universe. With a little imagination you can even consider LOFAR as a non-linear way of looking at the universe.

Re: Cycle => Circle => NOT (Linear)

Is it coincidence or ?. I have been reading some of the posts in other threads, and it seems that others are foretelling a catastrophic event. The tension for those of us who are aware, is mounting and will be breaking in the not to distant future.
Re: Cycle => Circle => NOT (Linear)

Yes, I've noticed it as well. I guess one could look on it as "catastrophic" if one thought that existence ended at death. Yes, I have felt the tension building. But then again, one often feels great tension right before the beauty of sexual release. It's all in the perspective!

Re: Let\'s Talk Non-Linear Phenomenon, Shall We?

I am new to all this, but I have a question. In the future, will it be possible for people to go on extended high speed space rides, for the sole purpose of aging slower than someone on earth?

Do anyone think this will be a common event?
[email protected]
Re: Let\'s Talk Non-Linear Phenomenon, Shall We?

Well, well, I guess that you could say that the concept of aliens is nonlinnear, as they are supposedly one thing and then another.

Nobody Told Me from link>http://www.letssingit.com/?http://www.letssingit.com/john-lennon-nobody-told-me-2p518h1.html
by John Lennon

Album :
Submitted by : Luigi Lamanna
Corrected by :

Everybody's talking and no one says a word

Everybody's making love and no one really cares

There's Nazis in the bathroom just below the stairs

Always something happening and nothing going on

There's always something cooking and nothing in the pot

They're starving back in China so finish what you got

Nobody told me there'd be days like these
Nobody told me there'd be days like these
Strange days indeed -- strange days indeed
Re: Let\'s Talk Non-Linear Phenomenon, Shall We?

Well, I guess Creedo has decided we are no longer going to talk about non-linear phenomenon in this thread!
I've said it before and I'll say it again, Creedo: I think you have an alien fetish.

Went to a California Angels game tonight... we beat Baltimore 4-2.

I'm laying bricks in my backyard, and will finish the project this weekend.

I'm looking at buying a flat-bottom speed boat. Looks like a good buy, and I can still get in a few trips to Lake Havasu and maybe Lake Powell this year.

See! I can write all sorts of off-topic material too! /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif
Re: Let\'s Talk Non-Linear Phenomenon, Shall We?

Youre absolutely right, Ray,............

The process of laying bricks in your baCK yard, would be considered linear, however the mistakes, nonlinear.

However, truly nonlinear, would be a 1960s version, of an Indianapolis race car, sitting on those bricks, once the bricks are laid.

*Saying:My attempt to place Rainmantime in a bouffant, is not so much an affectation of diversion towards his persona, in order to make him look silly. but' is a flirtation, that the good Libnets, inventor of algebra, also wore a towering head-piece as well?

Bee in your bonnet...?
Hat selector to magician Harry Potter, visiting Dumbeldoor, due to the problems at Hog Warts.
Re: Let\'s Talk Non-Linear Phenomenon, Shall We?

I am new to all this, but I have a question. In the future, will it be possible for people to go on extended high speed space rides, for the sole purpose of aging slower than someone on earth?

Who knows, that may be a new area of commercialism. Instead of Timeshares, one could purchase time on a vessel that does exactly that.
Re: Let\'s Talk Non-Linear Phenomenon, Shall We?

As I have often found in the time I have known you, Rainman, you are on the cutting edge of scientific thought. Certain others in this forum may not wish to open their eyes to the integration of spiritual traditions with scientific concepts. However, there is a lot of information out there that is clearly telling us that the way of science in our future is headed towards integration of thought, rather than further division or specialization or analysis of minutia. Non-linear thought processes and inquiry will pave the way.

The following is just one paper that expounds on these ideas. If this does not generate some discussion, I have another link that is much more broad in its content that may provide further "evidence" for the skeptics.

Re: Let\'s Talk Non-Linear Phenomenon, Shall We?

If you get a chance to view that website, they are combining the VR equipment to create a wearable computer. Imagine the possiblities of this technology.
Re: Let\'s Talk Non-Linear Phenomenon, Shall We?

Hey Az,

Holy cow, Dude! Where do you find these things??? This paper is fantastic, as it brings together a lot of the points I was trying to make in other threads, and ties them into chaos theory and the "strange attractors" of this form of math. Now I am sure there are some here who would try to debunk it, but I think this paper goes a long way to showing HOW we will need to integrate scientific and spiritual disciplines to further evolve.

I could quote MANY passages in this paper to make my points, but I will start out with just one:

To divide, separate and analyse - this is what science does very well. To unify, unite, and synthesise into an organic and indivisible wholeness is not easy for the fragmented scientific disciplines.

There it is. The balancing opposites. And then the paper goes on to explain how non-linear inquiry is what will allow us to balance the two. As good as this link is, I can't imagine what else you've got up your sleeve!

Well done,