Less than a week until Titor was proved right.

In this world there are nothing but possibilities. Why don't we bring up every conceivable possibility for who John Titor is and Why he came here?

Because it would take a lifetime and be pointless. Time Traveler or not, I think the purpose we all care is we wish we could know the future before it happens. To some this would be power, to others it would be for safety, regardless of your personal motives, thats why almost everyone comes to these forums. Seeking knowledge from the future.

I however, would love to travel back in time and be a fly on the wall at some of histories greatest moments. Who really killed JFK, just how guilty was OJ Simpson, What was life like Dec 6th 1941 in Hawaii, Did a UFO crash at Roswell? I would love to travel back and witness historic incidents like this.. I would assume if time travel were real and practical its sole purpose would be for historical documentation only. I bet if Time travel were real there were a bunch of them in New York City on Sept 11th 2001, all watching and waiting for that historic event.

I doubt a Time Traveler is ever going to come to the forums but perhaps we can catch one of them during the next major event in world history. We just have to be sneaky about it.... hehehe
.I'm very amused on how people believe in far fetched things such as this Time Travel BS

First off, I think that Titor is a fraud. But to dismiss the possibility of time travel as BS is first insulting everyone who frequents this forum and is second very short sighted. I'm sure people scoffed at walking on the moon or flying at one point in time. We already know that it is in fact possible to travel ahead in time (provided you have a very fast vehicle), it's the getting back that is a bitch right now. Maybe you should research a little more before stating an opinion on a subject that you have limited knowledge of.
In Fact, we have people orbiting the ISS (International Space Station) that are traveling at 17,000-18,000 MPH. Many experiments with atomic clocks have proven they travelled forward in time by fractions of a second. Even the launch to outspace generates a large enough change in time to be measured. So it seems fairly simple to travel (jump) forward in time, ie the classic Twins experiment. Travelling back in time may not be as simple.

Although I have seen evidence we have been able to send sound (or possible radio) waves faster than light. Almost 1.5 times C. So it may be possible to send information back into the past but I sincerely doubt anytime in the next 500 years will we create a way to bridge two times that we can step through and physically arrive at.

In Fact, I believe if an Actual Time Traveler ever posts to this forums they will post from the Future, somehow sending the information back in time so that it arrives in the current day. What would be interesting is that they could then see all of the replies Years and years after their message appeared. lol
I figured out time travel, We become superman and fly backwards around the earth!!!!! (ok so i am bored and figured it would be funny)
they were not amused with the nutcase Democrat outsiders and radicals who were in effect accusing their own party chairs of criminal misconduct.

But when you have 99% turnout and all kinds of statistical anomolies, it's worth opening a discussion. Why set an example by applying terms like "conspiracy theorist" to all democrats who complain? From the sounds of it they aren't trying to win anymore, they are trying to investigate corruption in their own party and have a dialog about it so these irregularities can be minimized next time around.
I heard this guy on radio last night,and I can't believe that people actually believe this guy.I listen to Coast to Coast in the Los Angeles area usually when I awaken myself from sleep late at night so hopefully I can go back to sleep.I'm very amused on how people believe in far fetched things such as this Time Travel BS.

A wierd thing to say, considering that theoretical physicists already have a pretty good idea on how time travel might be achieved in the future...

It makes a good Sci-Fi movie or book I'll tell you that.

No argument there. Time Travel is one of the best topics for Sci-Fi stories.

So is space travel.

I remember an author called Jules Verne, who wrote a science fiction story about three men going to the moon. Imagine that! Three people locked in a tiny capsule for days, taking a voyage to another world. What a crazy idea for a story, heh? Great book, though.
Rhudey: I like to concentrate my mind and energy on the real things in life like helping my fellow man esp, for those who are poor,hungry and homeless that needs that something extra just to get him or her through the day.There's is allot of sadness in this world and I have seen and lived through allot of it.Don't tell me that I am stupid in YOUR future world because that's all it is it's your world not ours..
TDY, he didn't call you "stupid". That line is Rhudey's signature. You'll find it on all of his posts.

As for you not wanting to waste your time on time travel: That's perfectly fine. But if you are not interested in time travel, and/or you think it is silly, then I believe you are in the wrong forum. Surely you have better things to do?