Less than a week until Titor was proved right.


Quantum Scribe
And say ye watch out,
in Squared Time darkness looms.
For God is Angry at Us,
the Wrath it will consume.
Empty and Barren,
Desolate, a great Cry
Winds and Thunder poor down
The Great New City
The Squared will Die.

First it was November 1st, then the first week of November, then November 9th now it's December 31st in Times Square.

What's your next date?
I guess I'm not the only one thinking something is going down New Years Eve.

I live 25 miles downwind of Downtown NYC. Looks like I'm in for a hell of a ride.
ya that was from a great philophser( i dunno if that word is spelled right) well anyway that has to do with 9/11 cause thats just a piece of his over all statement which included "the new city will burn at 45o and if u look on a map new york is located at 45o on 1 of those line thingys.
Ooh, hey look! It's New Years Eve! /ttiforum/images/graemlins/devil.giflooks out the window/ttiforum/images/graemlins/devil.gif

Everything seems to be fine! And Titor was proved entirely wrong. (See my thread on this.)


Hmmm...New York City must have grown legs and moved to Canada.

New York City is located at 40.73 Degrees North Lat
Montreal, hiowever, is located at 45.30 North Lat (as are Ottawa, Milan, Venice, Lyon and Portland - within a few minutes of arc).

First it was November 1st, then the first week of November, then November 9th now it's December 31st in Times Square.

What's your next date?

Thanks Darby. And here I find myself yawning in between gulps of coffee on New Years Day. Ho hum, another New Years in Time Square. Did you hear of any violence?
It seems nothing happened in Las Vegas last night either, and there was plenty of gloom-n-doom going around about that last month.

I'm wondering why Titor (Boomer) didn't tell us anything about the giant earthquake and tsunami death toll. He could have saved all of those lives by providing an early warning.

He already stated why he didn't say anything about big events such as the earthquake/tsnuami. People that were suppose to die wouldnt and blah blah blah.
I see. But babbling on and on about a civil war, in which he admits that many people do die, would seem to counter his own stated premise, now wouldn't it?

Why talk about one thing that could change a death toll, but not others? Is he only trying to save lives in his civil war, but not innocent lives lost in a natural tragedy? The shoe just doesn't fit there...

titor was an american, and who do americans look out for?

No offense to anyone but honestly, if you go back in time and only have a little while, who are you going to mkae sure lives? Your family and friends or complete strangers?
a few months is nothing to try to explain natural disaters of 30 years, could u go back and explain about them to people in the 70s? and remember certain ones?
How about January 6, when Conyers & other congressman/senators come forward with their fraud evidence gathered and contest the electoral college votes?

Why are you being so negative toward titor? Maybe you should look at all the facts before you shoot down Titors story.

How do you explain the photo of his time machine? I suppose you think it was a big hollow plastic box with some contruction tape placed on the sides to make it look good.....yeah as if!! I think.

How do you explain his prediction of the civil war that never happened? Oh no, actually, don't bother with that one!

How do you explain....erm....I can't think on anything else /ttiforum/images/graemlins/confused.gif

Theres a Titor book? then it must be for real.

So as you can see, you might want to think of ALL the facts! before you go acting all negative. Pah!

Kind regards,
Actually I believe that titor was actually a time traveler. But he was not from our timeline, making a lot of stuff he said "untrue" for us. All I hope is that our future does not become like his, nor worse. Because in my opinion it didn't sound too friendly nor too fun at all. I always imagined a future very technological, with no crime and no war. That future can still be achieved, we don't need a huge war nor some super natural force to intervene and teach us how to live together and how priceless life is. There has to be a way to find this out without suffering. We need to find this way, in order to have the future we have all dreamt about.

Cheers and best regards,

To be quite fair, Titor could well be a time traveller, I for one am always ready to abandom my false assertions should they look to be this way.

But real or not. There is no real evidence (only suggestive to the individual). On top of this he really didnt have anything more important to say then how backwards people are in our time. Baring in mind he is correct, he's only 30 or so years ahead of us. In which case, people would still be this way in 30 years time.

generally, the world is no better off for his presence or forum posts - the guy wasn't even all that interesting either, so you can't even give him that. Sorry to say.

Kind regards,
JAN 29, 2001 - JOHN: In my experience, when it becomes necessary to convince someone what I do for a living the only way to do that is to be related to them. Everything else is immediately written off as a parlor trick, even if they're standing in front of a cooling distortion unit and I show them a dollar bill with the year 2029 on it.
In the last few months, I have had numerous extended conversations online and there are quite a few things I've said which can easily be checked out but haven't. I get no pleasure out of being right when it comes to CJD disease, war in the Middle East or suffering people in far away lands. There's nothing like the look on someone's face when you tell them 100,000 people will be dead tomorrow.