There is a problem again.I will express this to you all.In the papers and media of a Northwest state, it was shown that there were clumps of dirt, weighing about seven hundred pounds in the shapes of squares and circles taken from farmer's growing lots,wheat and such, that had been taken out and without any tractor tracks, freshly deposited some twenty meters away.This had been on the ground in much the same way one would cookie cutter raw dough, out of a kitchen table spread of cookie mix.
This happened twice or more, not known?, but was recorded within the public ledger.Okay' trust me on this, we will give this a title of a monkey or a clown, as this factor is similar to, but not important to the said Time Traveler Zero car phenomenon.
Now lets go back to the Tipler made very hot edged double singularities.We have two double reversed jacketed spheres, which can cut through even solid steel, as a hot knife cuts through butter.And we must ask ourselves, since on castoff from departure point A, what happens to that dirt beneath the said Chevrolet product?...Okay time's up, the answer is its taken along.
A further question should be here within our collective academic index, is what on dear Earth happens to that dirt when point C is met within the throws of time travel and the destination is met?..I don't know this, but if event horizons are met, then the earth carried beneath this auto would be missing.This is even shown in the Terminator motives to where the Terminator robot appears, but what is beneath him is a dished out area.
So the key question arises, what happens to that earth carried, is it push out of the way, or re-phased into another area somehow?This is just a little bit of temporal mechanics physics and should make you ponder a bit as to the mechanics of how Titor had gotten here.
*Remember and very carefully put here, the happenings of the media reported sections of ground moved, would have had to be by an aerial vehicles some sort. However' again, this may be just a monkey or little clown dancing in the distance meant to distract us.