John Titor's Questions Answered

FYI, the posts are full of personalized cryptic references pertaining to me as a specific individual in the context of events and circumstances of my life. Whoever wrote the posts knows who I am and spoke in first person as if they were me. My name is not John Titor. It is apparently a cryptic reference to me.
I thought he was posting directly to Javier C. (Enforcer of Time) because Boomer had it in for Javier. The secret messages were for him. At least that's what Javier thought.

No...well, yes, Javier believed that. But what about Dan (Creedo)? Dan was sure the secret messages were intended for him.

And then there's Pamela. The posts and secret messages were for least the "Titor" posts that weren't actually posted by her, rather than Boomer, paraphrasing him from emails to her that we never actually saw. She was absolutely sure the secret messages were for her.

Hmmm...get in line. We need to sort out who the secret messages were intended for.

<Attention K-Mart light special on Haldol, isle 3 in the pharmacy>

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In a way to me John was a friend.Yea, I knew him but what one must understand is when you alter the workings and configruations of electronic boards, they dod not always function into the origional paramenters that their origional fashioners wanted.So what this could lattus down to, is an attempt for J.T. to reach his original part of departure.

I think the exterior casing is an off the shelf U.S. mil. utility case.This kind of portable electronic boss holding case, was carryable and could be used in many braches of the service.So it may have been what J.T. got back here in, was a device made from many kinds of off the shelf components.

Titor may have bounced around in the timelines much the same way a steel ball would have in a pinball machine.

Darby,How do you know that isn't the case?
Do you have anything to contribute besides skeptic rhetoric?
Considering that I was there when the questions were posed, "heard" the conversation in real time and had extensive contact with both Javier and Dan off the boards over a period of several years...nah. Nothing more to add. A boot wouldn't understand.

Considering that I was there when the questions were posed, "heard" the conversation in real time and had extensive contact with both Javier and Dan off the boards over a period of several years...nah. Nothing more to add. A boot wouldn't understand.
What would you say if someone could put the 67 vette 427 in front of you? If you could practice a few live fire drills with the Diamondbacks? If you could go fishing with a 17 year old computer programmer? Learn how to use mirrors to focus Florida sunlight to boil water for distillation? Meet us for dinner next to the GE office in Fort Myers, FL March 11, 11:59 pm?

Darby,What would you say if someone could put the 67 vette 427 in front of you? If you could practice a few live fire drills with the Diamondbacks? If you could go fishing with a 17 year old computer programmer? Learn how to use mirrors to focus Florida sunlight to boil water for distillation? Meet us for dinner next to the GE office in Fort Myers, FL March 11, 11:59 pm?
What would I say? Well, I've seen a real 'Vette 427, I've seen the Diamondbacks play the Dodgers, I've been fishing with a programmer who was 17 at one time, I've gone through survival training and used a mirror to evaporate water from plants. I'd Why would I travel to Ft. Myers on March 11th? I'm not a Red Sox fan and probably wouldn't want to visit their camp.
But if I did do that I shouldn't be meeting Boomer. He's supposed to be up to his asshole in alligators in the Everglades for the past three plus years a killin' stinking Federal troopers with his Mossberg 12 ga.

So, if Johannes want to meet me have him cut off the left ear of his next kill and give me a meet-see location, time and date. The guy would be dead so he won't care all that much if he's missing an ear.

"Meet a 17 year old programmer" my ass...

To no one, from memory file;Yes John did travel back in time and met with his parents.They were surprised to see him, but he did offer proof of verification that he indeed who was he claimed to be.This is print from past files within TTI.

>>Ledge people are thought to be of the probable Titor sect of individuals in that time bracket of the probable future.Authority does not realize as of yet, that if one attempts to engineer humans near perfect, that this act causes atypical construction within the DNA helix.So if a cadre of compatriots does exist within the Titor bracket of socialization, then it is not know to your relative time of perspective as if this cadre has been found out and or acted upon in a pre-emptive manner?

Art Bell BBS. Rough paraphrase; "Does anybody here know anything about electronics and how I can get some help and parts? (subject in relative time then) Yea, I do, what's your problem?.I had an electrical burnout, trouble an overvoltage in my unit.Can you meet with me to give me a hand?(subject) Determined*If it's on a board, then you must pull that entire board.Put this on a kitchen table or something.Get a magnifying glass and carefully go over the board.Sniff it and or look very carefully.If you have a multitester and one component is blow out, then you might be able to desolder it and replace it?_You must then hot this board with a dummy load in place.If the solider in replacement does not carry to specks, then you must substitute the entire board.// Time Traveler Zero.>>Yea, go with that. Thanks a lot.///

Sources, The Art Bell Posting Board.

Note*If the board was adulterated without burnout or retest after use, then an assured time destination could not be verified by the user.Most time travel related machinery once it has been freed, liniates, or stretches those operating ranges, to where that device does not operate as originally intended.

It was intimated that said Titor had entered another timeline as his machine was not based within operational parameters, the date that he left.There was also intimation at that era, that Titor by other posting boards says, that he had landed in other times lines and from that point on, was declared a renegade.

This is best as I can relay fromwhat information is one storrage.Thank you

*Note; what are the actions from standard manufacture of an electronic board, as opposed to a board, overvoltages, with respect to output functionality as this relates to possible OEM intended functionality?

My god, I've run into a terrible question as the translation from just what was said, seems to lay on the floor like a spilt casserole of ravioli.What of the fate of the ledge people, which would be what's left of a post nuclear world war people on the surface?Was it them all the time that had been the intended target?If this is the case then whom are their denizens, their undoers?

Is what goes around, concerning the sun, coming around once more.This would be the Ed Dame's (Solar Kill Shot), question?And if the sun is going to flair, how many other time travelers will this action strand here."I have to get both funding and a ticket to Darby and put him through the time traveler's academy".

He will be our new best hope.The new effigy of a shining hero that will save humanity.Our last best wish for everyone to ride off into the sunset, like a wagon load of Little smileing Orphan Annies.

What is even more intriguing about this collection of words, is can I use the word (spilt), opr does this have to be (spilled), or is spilt a colloquialism, "German"?Of these preponderances I must fret and hopefully you will too.Darby a super hero?I see it now he will rise from the ashes of a world begone, fly up into the air rescuing humanity.

There is the problem of the ledge people of Titor's era.What if they are the intended targets and not we of this relative view of events?

I hope that everyone keeps their sense of humor?Part of this board is fun.

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Considering that I was there when the questions were posed, "heard" the conversation in real time and had extensive contact with both Javier and Dan off the boards over a period of several years...nah. Nothing more to add. A boot wouldn't understand.
Temporal Recon seems to think Darby knows and believes differently than what he posts. I know I'm going to get in trouble by both TR and Darby for saying this *awaits long lecture that I probably won't read*. I just don't care what people think anymore.

Paula' The only motive that Darby could have in concealing that the Titor era had been the target and not us, is if he sold out to people from the future.Darby's built tough.He doesn't cry at the first sign of trouble.The thing is however as shown in the movie the Matrix, if he sold out to those in the future, they might go back on their promise to afford him a near perfect body, as at one time he reportedly was in law enforcement.

The grays do not like that type of temperament, so would keep his soul in what is known as a soul storage unit.They have these units here.

Darby's smart and made of sterner stuff that than to sell out.
