John Titor's Questions Answered


Temporal Novice
Most of your questions are invalid because they're out of context. Others, I simply don't know the answer or will not say. I will try to answer what I can.

" Is it Tee-tor or Tai-tor? "

Either one. It doesn't matter because it is a 'code word'.

" Why do so many people pretend to be you on the internet? "

Who can really say what motivates people? I am more concerned with why John Titor pretends to be me.

" I have a lot of questions. "

So do I.

" Can we just spend an afternoon together? " Can I just touch your arm to see if you are vibrating different from me? "

I am not sure exactly what, but you're up to something. I don't trust you. Unless you are willing to be honest, stay away from me.

" John, what would you like for dinner? "


" What went wrong back in 2001? "

As best as I can tell, everything.

" If you cannot make it back to your exact origin and keeping all of the divergence percentages in mind, how did you make out with getting back to be able to help with the 5100? "

I AM 5100, ...I think.

" Regarding: "There are 7 other time travelers in my unit." Did the 6 other travelers enter this timeline with you? "

They all 'arrived' at different times.

" John, do you believe infinity exists? "

I AM infinity.

" Why did you come to 2014? "

The other option was death.

I've split this post from the Questions for John Titor thread - @PaulaJedi has requested several times that that thread is ONLY for questions, though I felt this post warranted a separate discussion.

I see a problem with credibility. Oternative is answering questions that were specifically written for John Titor. Yet Oternative has not established how he is able to do that for John Titor.

If Oternative is John Titor, then he needs to go through the already established method for verification. I need not say what that method is, because the real John Titor already knows the verification method.


Either you are pretending ignorance of the situation, or you really are.

I am equally curious for the poster in 2000-2001 claiming the name John Titor to come forward and confirm their identity and answer questions.

FYI, the posts are full of personalized cryptic references pertaining to me as a specific individual in the context of events and circumstances of my life. Whoever wrote the posts knows who I am and spoke in first person as if they were me. My name is not John Titor. It is apparently a cryptic reference to me.

Thus far it appears as if their intent was to either tell me something or to manipulate circumstances as to 'frame' me to take responsibility for their actions.

As I said above, "So do I".


I would be interested in seeing your story from your point of view. Please feel free to fill us in on all the missing details.


I am not sure where to start. It is complex and there is a lot of information to cover. Part of the problem is that I don't have all the missing details, some of which probably haven't yet happened. What I do know is already significant, however. The basic gist of it I already explained above.

As best as I can figure, whoever posted as Titor is either pretending to be me (for whatever reason), or it actually is me and I haven't yet traveled time. I don't even know exactly how it works. But I do know it is real, at least in the ability to communicate in a way that transcends space/time. I have, on many occasions, watched information travel backwards.

Here is part of the issue with sharing information;

Whoever it is appears to be going by what I say or post on the net or in private setting, but not necessarily what I am thinking (this is intentional on my part as to attempt to deduce and discern if it is me or not). There is also information contained within the posts that is specific to me that I have not discussed with anyone or at least have only done so in a private setting (like my home).

For that information to end up in the Titor posts in 2001 means that either I will talk/have talked about it, and/or I was spied on, and it will somehow be relayed to whoever wrote the posts in 2001, then back to me through reading them or otherwise. The other possibility is that I will not talk about it, nor have I been spied on, which means it came from me and I will wrote the posts. In order for me to deduce it is me, I have to isolate it to myself. If I talk about it, I cannot do as such.

Another issue is that it is structured in a way that for anything to make sense, it has to be revealed in a complete fashion. It won't make sense unless I reveal all of it. No piece of the puzzle will make enough sense for your satisfaction. If I do that, the potential exists for a disaster.

If I start explaining things in detail, if I were to decrypt the posts, some of it wouldn't make any sense anyway because it is personalized and has already past. (It is time/event/individual oriented - like a time released message that only I will understand) The parts that would make sense are very specific and detailed, yet ambiguous at the same time. I am guessing it would indeed serve as confirmation, if for nothing else, that time travel is real or that there is legitimacy in it.

Someone knows the parts that I don't and refuse to come to me honestly and forthright. People have been stalking me for about 20 years now, some of which know things about me they shouldn't know, as well as things that are yet to happen. It's very very frustrating. In addition to that, people have been altering things and deleting posts, therefore making all of this that much more difficult.

To be honest, I am not entirely comfortable posting here or Paranormalis because it has happened there and here at TTI. A few posts that would arguably confirm time travel have been deleted, and the original Titor posts have been altered.

Before anything happens, this issue of people messing around needs to be resolved. Otherwise, all the curious people get nothing more than what I have already shared. I cannot guarantee that I can be so open anyway. Part of the reason I am even explaining this is to communicate to whoever they are in an attempt to convince them to come clean and dispense with the BS.

Oh, I almost forgot...

Another possibility is that multiverse theory is indeed correct and there is another me from another universe who is a time traveler.

I have had some very strange and powerful metaphysical experiences that could very well be pre-departure side effects of travel, or perhaps a result of the collective consciousness of other me's somehow merging on an astral plane, ...or something. It caused me to go insane for a couple of years, and I can only remember half of it. To be honest, it scared/scares the hell out of me.

It may be that you just have a desire to believe John Titor's story. So you subconsciously identify with it. But the story lost all of its credibility when it was realized that the laser photo was faked. Just the laser beam is being bent in the photo. Why not any other light in the photo? Then of course the amount of gravity necessary to bend light as it does in the photo would make taking a picture impossible in such an environment. It has been suggested that the photo was created using a fiber optic cable.

Of course CERN still hasn't created any micro black holes yet. It's not likely they ever will. Even Stephen Hawking has recanted his position on his belief in black holes. He's the guy responsible for creating all the belief in black holes, and now no longer believes they exist. Most of the observed astronomical phenomena being attributed to black holes can be readily explained using fact based explanations incorporating phenomena we do know already exists. So if black holes don't exist, then John Titor's time machine runs on theoretical fiction.

No. I am certain.

What I am missing is definitive answers of the overall context.

Understand that what I have stated thus far is more like a preface. I haven't even scratched the surface yet. If I were to start revealing things, I would not stop for a while, and it would be apparent that I am not just another hoaxer or attention seeker, as it would all line up and start making sense. (it goes FAR beyond the Titor posts) And as I said, it also has the very real potential for disaster(a big one). This is my inhibition for revelation.

Further, the things you and others have mentioned in making a case against the legitimacy of it are not necessarily accurately based, and therefore carry little weight. (sorry)

Lemme put it this way; I am sitting here looking at what appears to be numerous cryptic markers in time of my full name and exact time and date of birth (or someone just like me) dating back 3500+ years. Every secret society, global political, religious, and economic leader on this planet apparently know who I am and are playing along and poised and ready for ...something. I have some very crucial decisions to make, all of which are being impeded, aggravated and exacerbated by a lack of definitive answers and whoever is behind all the BS.

It is imperative that I find closure A.S.A.P. in order to make sound judgement. It is imperative that the games cease. Otherwise, I am in the position of nothing to lose and no reason not to run the gamut. I have no idea how it will turn out, but I am certain it will get people's attention. It already is. My only other option is suicide.

This thread is not simply to prove I am Titor, but more in the interest of communicating a message and finding truth.

Further, the things you and others have mentioned in making a case against the legitimacy of it are not necessarily accurately based, and therefore carry little weight. (sorry)
The facts I gave are accurate. And they do discredit the story completely. If you dismiss these facts, then you had better come up with an explanation. The story is complete fiction.


I have little doubt of your intellect and analytical ability. I am not suggesting you aren't correct in your assertions and findings. What I am saying is that it is probably a wild goose chase, a false premise.

For example; When you read the phrase "born in 1998" (in Florida), you are thinking of a kid growing up in Florida right now. I read it and understand it to have a double meaning of not only yet another cryptic reference to my name and birth that corresponds to my above mentioned 'trail', but also a reference to military experiments with swirly glowing things in the sky that I was a part in Florida in 1998 and/or psychology experiments around the same time.

You cannot find any teenager named Titor in Florida, thus it must be BS, right?

I have to consider possibilities such as that I was not born on this 'world line', that I was unwittingly moved here, but missed my opportunity to return several weeks later. Answers would be nice. If that is the case, I want to go home to whatever and wherever and whenever that is.

This is not so much about some stupid video faking the bending of a laser beam.


You have to understand this from my viewpoint. I use verifiable facts to define my reality. If you want to stay sane, it's the true path to follow. But you think you're John Titor. All based on a story, with virtually no verifiable elements in it. You're not the first person to get enamored with the John Titor story. We had another poster with a similar belief. She felt John was her significant other and was pining away, awaiting his return. She went by the name of onesix. If I was a shrink, I would label the condition as John Titor psychosis syndrome. Take a look at this video by another also convinced by John Titor.

Of course I have it firsthand from lots of women that lots of guys will tell a whopper, just to get a piece of ass. And I think the John Titor whopper was used in the above video.

But seriously. Maybe you're one of the Montauk boys. Or maybe one of the 3000 from the Matilda O'donnell MacElroy story.


Again, you are largely unaware and are basing everything on false premises intentionally designed to obfuscate and confuse intelligent people like yourself. You are trying to shoot me down without a full understanding of the situation. You can't see what I do unless I show it to you, ...which I am somewhat reluctant to do.

And just so you know, as psychotic as onesix sounds, she has also given indications that she is aware of things others are not. She is more credible than she appears. She may be crazy, but that doesn't mean she isn't privy to information.

I am telling you, this is real. It just isn't in the context that everyone thinks. I am not going to sit here and argue about it. It is only a matter of time before it all comes out or I find a way out of this crap.

Like I mentioned, my purpose here isn't really about proving things, but rather sorting it out. Whoever knows what is really going on is reading this and knows it is me because no one else knows these things in which I speak. They're reading it and saying, "Yep, that's him."

Hopefully they will find it in the kindness of their heart to cut the BS and level with me. I doubt it though.

It may be that you just have a desire to believe John Titor's story. So you subconsciously identify with it.
Actually, just so you know, I didn't know anything about 'Titor' until around 2007 when I read a brief article about it. A few years later when I realized I was looking at information somehow traveling backward, I did a search, found the posts and immediately recognized cryptic references to the same things that prompted me to go look into the posts.
I believed it BEFORE I found it.

My whole perspective of the Titor saga is very different from everyone else. I see things that very few or no one does. I am coming from a completely different angle with an entirely different motive.

Is it possible you *are* John Titor, you simply haven't travelled back to the era of "John Titor's" postings yet?

Is it possible you *are* John Titor, you simply haven't travelled back to the era of "John Titor's" postings yet?
Yes. There is a bit of conclusive evidence pointing to exactly that. There is also conclusive evidence to the contrary. The issue is that it isn't definitive, and that I can only narrow it down to so many possibilities. Until I see a means of travel or have enough information to say for sure, I will not fully accept any answer.
Also, someone knows the truth and refuse to take a forthright honest approach. Instead they are playing some stupid games. It is complicating things six fold and appears to be someone trying to take advantage of the situation. I interpret it as an idle looming threat. And, quite frankly, it makes me absolutely livid beyond description. I am not sure whether or not they realize the gravity of the situation enough to appreciate the effects of their actions. They are going to get people killed.
