John Titor does not exist anymore in this timeline

timetraveler 1

Temporal Novice
John Titor erased himself in 2006 by ET-49210 which was probably supposed to be a time machine.This thing was supposed to be a one-way time machine that he was working on until 2006… but the machine worked badly. Soon we’ll all forget John Titor. In the year 2036.I’m going to 2036 soon…but to a timeline where John Titor never returned to the timeline he came from. Bye!
John Titor doesn’t even exist in his own timeline, why? he got killed by the government for sharing multiple sensitive topics.

and by the way, how are you going to that timeline? Are you a time traveler? Explain more, please

Джон Титор его убила корпорация я не буду говорит потому что шкала времени они убивают я ищу его но я попал в шкалу времени мне нужна помошь
Согласно договоренности, правительство убило его за то, что он поделился секретными военными и правительственными документами.