Epochal Historian
Back in 2003 Karl was one of the people that Pamela introduced to me by inviting me to a chatroom with him. She was absolutely sure that Karl was the person behind John Titor and she wanted me to help her "catch him". So, I went along with the gag and when Pamela "published" her findings abd found that she was incorrect she decided to defend Karl and say that it was all my idea; she never believed he was Titor. She did it again a year or so later with another case of "This is the guy - I'm sure of it." Wrong again. And again she pointed at me and said it was all my idea.
Anyone wonder why I don't trust Ms. "Moore"?
But to back up Pamela's truth test (The Song) he came up with one of his own. He opened a website (which is still there) and applied for a USPTO copyright on the material. Why copyright it? Not a clue. And don't care to waste any time trying to find out.![]()
To continue about Karl:
I made the following posts on the "I am from 2036" thread here on TTI
Posted by Darby on 03-17-2001 11:21 PM
John was born sometime between 1954 and 1956. He attended a west coast university, UC Davis, UC Berkeley or Stanford. He has an IQ of about 120 but was never a physical science major. His major was either cultural anthropology or general sociology. He may have dropped out in his senior year but his expected year of graduation was between 1975 and 1977. He took, as an elective, cosmology, introduction to astronomy or both. He did not take any upper division physical science. Neither of his parents graduated from a university but managed to provide a very stable life for him.
His understanding of physics is based on 1970's emerging physics but he didn't keep abreast of the advances in the field until about six months ago. His new knowledge since that time is based on cursory internet searches so that he can respond to inquiries. He is very intelligent and a deceptively good debater even though his knowledge of physics is limited and a quarter of a century out-of-date.
Posted by Darby on 03-18-2001 07:37 AM
John has held several jobs during the past 25 years, but hasn't held any one for more than about 8 years. He interviews well and has no problem getting hired. He annoys his co-workers and especially his supervisor. He's a 60's Northern California child and has a problem with authority. He works best when he works alone. He's taught before, probably at the Community College level (Palomar Commuity College?) and maybe even at the State College level (SF State?). He still lives in the Bay area.
Why did Pamela think that he might be Titor?
I got some of it correct about Titor. It was a miss on the parents' education and his possibly dropping out of college his senior year (Frankly, I threw that out to get a response from him because he only gave in answering posts either nonsense rhetoric, his own thoughts that had nothing to do with the post or answered a question with a question of his own. Gettting someone angry has its perks when you want information.). I also got it wrong about his school. But...
Karl is the correct age. He received his PhD from UC Davis. He also attended university in Florida and Louisiana (Tulane, where Frank Tipler is a professor). He was also an instructor at UC Davis while doing his PhD. Relative to Boomer (the author of the Titor/TTO posts) I later said a lot of his rhetoric was not liberal but a Libertarian. Karl and his entire family are very active in the Libertarian Party at both the local and national level. Active as in running for state and federal offices and being active in the state and national party HQ's. Relative to Karl I got it wrong about physical science. His major was squarely involved with particle physics (but I still assume that I got it right relative to Boomer - his knowledge of physics was nothing more than Internet and pop-sci). Relative to Karl, his CV clearly indicates that he did not hold a steady job very long but he did hold jobs that required a very talented, highly educated and intelligent person. You can see from his political posts that he wears his politics on his sleeve and that could be a cause for a grating personality on co-workers. Ultimately he became self-employed. And Tulane University, home of Frank Tipler - that really got her going. Titor talked about the "obscure" Professor Tipler. OMG!
Pamela was angry over the above posts. Fit to be tied might be a better description. However she didn't forget the profile. So, how did she conclude that Karl might be Titor? The above posts. She got to know Karl and discovered that a lot of the profile fit him to a T. She was wrong, of course but she did make several posts about her opinion. I apologized to Karl and she hid behind the apology, publicly blamed me for the whole idea, never took any credit for herself as the person who initiated and orchestrated the entire episode, and remained a loyal friend to him. Go figure.
Anyway, his CV is still online at Curriculum Vitae