I am wondering what Temporal Recon’s comments to Darby have to do with promoting his book. TEmporal Recon's arguments are solid based on their own merits.
Since you decided to stick up for Temporal Recon, I ask you, just what are the merits of Temporal Recon's arguments?
In fact, many people reading this may not even be aware that Temporal Recon wrote a book in the first place until the above post referencing the book was made. So I have to ask (rhetorically of course), who is actually promoting the book here? Darby and RainManTime are, not the author.
In fact, that’s how I learned of the book several months ago. I had never heard of Temporal Recon at the time, and it was a few posts made by RainManTime accusing Temporal Recon of promoting his book that actually piqued my interest. Temporal Recon never mentioned the book until after the topic was brought up by others.
Well, that simply is not true. Let me offer some "facts" for you and Mr. Temporal Recon, so he doesn't get all carried away over that again.
There is more to the Titor story than meets the eye, Noze. Darby is not exactly being forthright with his statements. I would recommend taking his statements with a large grain of salt.
Temporal Recon, Aug 5, 2012
3 Faxes Sent to Art Bell?? | Time Travel Institute
While I do not normally seek out using forums to promote Conviction of a Time Travler, since Mr. RMT has been so kind as to invite it, I feel free to provide the links.
["RainmanTime said: ↑
And of course, you stay in your world of generalities and provide precisely ZERO specifics to back up your claim. Well done. Next thing you know, you will offer up a link to google and say "it's all in here, read it and do some research."
If you are going to call out Darby, you had better offer some specifics that can be falsified, otherwise we brand you "hit and run".
You may notice, all Rainman Time mentioned was {"Next thing you know, you will offer up a link to google and say "it's all in here, read it and do some research." } and Mr. Recon took right off promoting his book.
As requested:
Conviction of a Time Traveler (for a signed copy)
or alternatively, the book may be found on
Mr. RMT, my evidence (in COATT) has been available for about 2 years now to anyone in search of the actual truth. While I don't expect you to avail yourself to all the information (both pro and con) that is now available (information that did not exist yet when Darby/you made your pronouncements of "HOAX!" without all the facts), there are others who are in search of the unvarnished truth. It is for them that the book with its reams of evidence was written.
And, to answer your claim that I "remain in generalities," I am exceedingly specific in the evidence that I provide in COATT. Truth be told, the book had to be cut DOWN to ~300 pages.
Mr. Noze,
I commend you on your research and critical thinking thus far. I was especially encouraged by your analysis of the facts/fax suggesting the existence of a third (as yet, undisclosed) communication from (whom we suspect was) Titor. I was also very encouraged to see that you were already aware that Fax2 had been modified when you made your initial post.
Don't you find it interesting that Mr. Darby did not mention his knowledge of the modification until AFTER YOU
mentioned it yourself in a follow-up post?
Do you still think Darby will be completely honest with you in your search for the "actual" truth?
I'm sure Mr. Darby may attempt to explain it away by claiming that "it wasn't important enough to mention," or some such backtracking. I would merely submit that the length of his post belies his false claim of disinterest. As you have likely already noticed in your research, Darby and others like him (Mr. RMT for example) are not interested in you finding the actual truth. He will withhold information from you, as you can plainly now see.
I'm sure Dirk would agree.
Mr. Noze, there is more to the faxes than meets the eye. Keep digging, there is more there to find.
Temporal Recon
Temporal Recon, Aug 5, 2012
3 Faxes Sent to Art Bell?? | Time Travel Institute
To which Rainman Time responded,
Ah, so it looks like we have a book salesman here! Alrighty, then.
Ah OK, so let me correct my earlier statement: You didn't offer a vague google link, you offered a link to Amazon and direct us to go buy your book. I guess that is not as lazy as the google link, but chock full of other self-interested motivations.
3 Faxes Sent to Art Bell?? | Time Travel Institute
So, as these "facts" demonstrate, it was Mr. Recon that "first" mentioned his book. Not Rainman Time nor Darby.
For those who may be reading this thread and who are interested in John Titor, do yourself a big favor and buy the darn book. Try to put your pride and personal feelings about the author aside for a moment and read it. When you are done, you will know as much (or more) about John Titor than most people on this website (or anywhere else for that matter).
The author has done extensive and thorough research unlike anything else that has been published or posted. And for that reason, I believe he is entitled to a few cents in royalties for his work. So if you do not have the time (or are too lazy) to conduct this level of research yourself, consider yourself lucky that someone else has done the work for you.
That's quite a promo for Mr. Recon's book.
Actually, Mr. Recon could not have possibly done any more extensive or through research than re-publish JT's posts and ADD HIS SPECULATIVE OPINIONS ABOUT THE POSTS. PERIOD! I am not at all surprised that anyone writing such claptrap would want to remain anonymous. Had he published the book as fiction, where it belongs, he would have some credibility. As it is, he has none.
This thread started out about the over priced Titor book on amazon, not Mr. Recon's book, but again Mr. Recon can not pass up a chance to promote it some more, with your help of course. And we can't forget Mr. Recon's signature,
"Read the evidence at: Conviction of a Time Traveler". There's no promotion in that either, right?
Mr. Temporal Recon just likes to argue and promote his book as the only facts available concerning JT. When someone, like Darby, says anything that challenges the validity of the JT story, and thereby "his" book and should "his" book is discredited, "his" continued involvement in the possible future, though highly unlikely (IMO), movie.
John Titor: About
To be directed by the esteemed Joe Eckardt. (Yes, that's sarcasm, Sheldon.)
This site sure looks and sounds like Mr. Recon and "his" book is prominently displayed.
So, NozeItAll, Mr. Recon has ulterior motives for his attack against Darby. Discredit the "real expert" and "his expertise" appears more creditable.
Mr. Recon, I expect your typical pretentious response but, I may not play along with you. I have seen you argue insignificant minutiae before and read some of it. From what I saw, you had your ass handed to you,( I know, now you're gonna want to argue that) and I don't like to pile on.
Besides, daver doesn't like to be bored.