It found me!

Why didnt the butterfly effect occure after you punched Stalin??And if that happened and you changed the worldline, how did you get back here, in this future??
He didn't actually time travel. He said it himself: it all happened in his head.

He didn't actually time travel. He said it himself: it all happened in his head.
Well yes it's hard to beleve to this type of time traveling. I just wanted to see what he had to say. I olny asked with the possibility that he time traveled.. :)

What is this "it" you keep mentioning?
Yes, that was what I was wondering, too. What is "IT"? I am thinking IT is YOU. Like it is causing you to loose your sense of reality of time or your sanity, per se. No offense on your intelligence, just wondering, if that is what your are referring to by IT?It seems, as if, you are talking about some sort of astral travel or projection and not TT?

Yes, that was what I was wondering, too. What is "IT"? I am thinking IT is YOU. Like it is causing you to loose your sense of reality of time or your sanity, per se. No offense on your intelligence, just wondering, if that is what your are referring to by IT?It seems, as if, you are talking about some sort of astral travel or projection and not TT?
I suspect this question is exactly what he was fishing for.Aaand I quote:

Are we all gonna ignore the fact I got attacked by a monster?
I suspect this question is exactly what he was fishing for.Aaand I quote:

"Are we all gonna ignore the fact I got attacked by a monster?"

Aha, but is IT, the monster within? Seriously, either the OP is just having fun, or the OP is not dealing well with his mind during meditation, or the OP is in fact astral traveling, which I do not partake in (even, if possible). I am going to guess, it is just a prank; otherwise the OP would come back and answer. So, I will wait to find out.

So, I will wait to find out.
Welcome to the club. We are waiting for a few people to come back and finish their original threads.They usually disappear after a couple of days, really. I guess they either just forget about the forum or 2 days is the average response time for the timecops to respond.

Welcome to the club. We are waiting for a few people to come back and finish their original threads.They usually disappear after a couple of days, really. I guess they either just forget about the forum or 2 days is the average response time for the timecops to respond.
Oh, okay. So, timecops is the phrase. Maybe the OP is lurking and watching how his/her words unfold with our responses, but hey, just maybe the OP is on another time adventure travel and will bring back more details. Nah, I doubt it, but I do like surprises, so I will keep checking back.

That's fun.. I've already heard about lucid dreams but never thought about a connection with time traveling. Are you sure you don't want to disclose some other infos about the method? I'd like to hear more from you :)

Sounds to me like you've got some sort of a time wraith. They survive to keep the timeline intact, they wont hurt you unless you start messing up with time, which you clearly have. And i know you said you wouldnt go into this method of time travel but im curious, what part of the brain is it that allows interdimensional travel then?

As an individual with more than common knowledge about the occult, I can personally tell you that meditation can cause hallucinations. If you mix lucid dreaming with meditation you are setting yourself up for self induced schizophrenia. Be careful, lest you lose your mind. The waking world is not the same one as the dream world.

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Hallucinations is not real time travel experience.

If you trying to punch Stalin so his bodyguards will shoot you before you move your hand.


" I used a method of meditation mixed with lucid dreaming to access a part of the brain that allowed sliding through time and space. "

It is very easily to press button GO.

Maybe "It" will respond favorably to Zyprexa in combination with Prozac.
I gotta say, as I organize stuff and move things into their new category, this is probably my favorite response to a thread in the nearly 20 year history of the site.

I spoke with Andrew Basiago on the phone last year and believe his report. Time travel is not a joke to me after I listened to his life story.

Soon I will share some of the reasons that caused me to change my mind about time travel.

I am still not 100% sure it is real, however after I share with this group you may better understand why I am starting to think so.

I'll try to start at the beginning so you will have the same opportunity as I've had to observe the same things I have learned.

I begin with what took place on the drive to the farm in Delaware in the mid 1950s.

Listen to this interview I gave back in May of 2012 first before I go into more details:
