It found me!


Temporal Novice
I'm a time traveler. I used a method of meditation mixed with lucid dreaming to access a part of the brain that allowed sliding through time and space. I give no further instructions on this method. I am here to warn all those using this method of even possibly time traveling in general. It found me. I can't explain what it is... I'll explain... when I first started the process I started with simple changes... I may have... punched Stalin and ran. That was fun. I started to see the world. Truely I felt privileged. Then the first thing happened. I received a letter in the mail with the words "No Lottery Yet?" Written in a strange clunky hand. I thought it a joke and ignored it. I kept going seeing great historical sights and meeting cool people. I roadied with Jimi Hendrix for 3 months. That was fun. Then I got a letter when I went home to see if any ill side effects to the timeline happened. "QUIT." So I quit my Roadie job. Then I used it barely. Eventually thinking I was safe. Then I saw it. I went to leave a note to myself in the past to stop altogether. I got... intercepted. It looked at me. I think. I can remember it had a shape. It TOLD ME THINGS. I came back and resolved the timeline by... killing my past self after I sent my original email. Now he can't find me. I will investigate what it was after I bury my body. Please do not look for it. I don't think it can see all the methods of time travel but better safe then sorry.

I'm a time traveler. I used a method of meditation mixed with lucid dreaming to access a part of the brain that allowed sliding through time and space.{/quote]
Welcome to TTI. I have a few questions for you.What year are you from? Or are you from 2015 "traveling" elsewhere?

Are you implying that you physically time travel while using this method of meditation?

2015. And no I'm stating I can. I can... sorta teleport. As long as I have 15 seconds as an anchor. If I try to stay on a place in one timeline without having 15 seconds meditation ahead of me in my previous I cant go anywhere. I've gotten kinda good too with what I can do... shame. It has it's limits. Ok. My contingency plan to dispose of my own body is complete. Time line resolved. Shame.

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2015. And no I'm stating I can. I can... sorta teleport. As long as I have 15 seconds as an anchor. If I try to stay on a place in one timeline without having 15 seconds meditation ahead of me in my previous I cant go anywhere. I've gotten kinda good too with what I can do... shame. It has it's limits. Ok. My contingency plan to dispose of my own body is complete. Time line resolved. Shame.
Would you be willing to share how you do this? I've heard stories of people doing this before, but it isn't something I've ever tried myself. (I don't think I can concetrate that long).Do you believe in the Multiple Timeline Theory? If so, is that an issue at all when you do this?

Where/When have you visited?

Would you be willing to share how you do this? I've heard stories of people doing this before, but it isn't something I've ever tried myself. (I don't think I can concetrate that long). Do you believe in the Multiple Timeline Theory? If so, is that an issue at all when you do this?Where/When have you visited?
Ok. I uh... witnessed the building of the sphinx. A gladiator match. I staged a daring multi time travel raid of Stalin's compound to punch him while he was raping some girl. (That was fun.) I got a job as a roadie for JIMI...FREAKING...HENDRIX. Three months. Best music ever. I trained at Shaolin and nearly died during my first day of training... actually. I was planning to go for life at Shaolin but decided that the life of a warrior wasn't for me. I valued life too much. I bummed around Fuedal Japan. This wasn't in order I just remembered them in this order. And no. It found me. It will find you too and I am NOT gonna list how to dispose of a body to bunch of time travelers so you can fix your own timeline. Too risky. And awkward. AND CREEPY. And I believe in multi. Even if I shut down the previous time line this in and of itself is a new one.

What other languages beside english, russian, old egyptian, japanese and latin (or whatever other language you spoke your way to that gladiator match) do you speak?

English and Chinese. I speak a little japanese. It was mostly subterfuge that got me around. Guards doesn't seem that scary without guns. And I brought a lot of equipment for getting over walls and my parkour helps. I saw this dude go to a collesium and he ended up fighting a chicken...he was SCARED before that chicken came out. I think he was supposed to find a lion or something.

Are we all gonna ignore the fact I got attacked by a monster?

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English and Chinese. I speak a little japanese. It was mostly subterfuge that got me around. Guards doesn't seem that scary without guns.
No Russian whatsoever? When you punched Stalin, did you do that after 1930 or was it before, maybe when he was a teenager? I'm curious to know how you approached him without any knowledge of Russian or the cyrilic alphabet, and actually landed a punch on the man using only "subterfuge" and "parkour".

No Russian whatsoever? When you punched Stalin, did you do that after 1930 or was it before, maybe when he was a teenager? I'm curious to know how you approached him without any knowledge of Russian or the cyrilic alphabet, and actually landed a punch on the man using only "subterfuge" and "parkour".
If I see a place I can go there via time travel. So with some binoculars and dark clothing and a few windows here and there I was able to map his compound out. I sneak attacked him while he was raping one of his mistresses in a room I had been in at one point then timed a raping in that room and went in at that point. Took... I'd say 2 weeks of collective time spent traveling to pull off. I punched him and teleported out. He was in the middle of his reign. And yes he was raping. I saw the girls reaction. I was planning this a test for becoming a superhero. But then it found me.

If I see a place I can go there via time travel. So with some binoculars and dark clothing and a few windows here and there I was able to map his compound out. I sneak attacked him while he was raping one of his mistresses in a room I had been in at one point then timed a raping in that room and went in at that point. Took... I'd say 2 weeks of collective time spent traveling to pull off. I punched him and teleported out. He was in the middle of his reign. And yes he was raping. I saw the girls reaction. I was planning this a test for becoming a superhero. But then it found me.
How old are you?

I sneak attacked him while he was raping one of his mistresses in a room I had been in at one point then timed a raping in that room and went in at that point. Took... I'd say 2 weeks of collective time spent traveling to pull off
Why didnt the butterfly effect occure after you punched Stalin??And if that happened and you changed the worldline, how did you get back here, in this future??

Are we all gonna ignore the fact I got attacked by a monster?
You saw something that found you and you dont know what it is!!Then the rest of us here are not supposed to know more things than you, without this experience!!
