
A particle at frequency zero would would have an infinite wavelength. Using L=P/v and making L=infinity then v would have to be zero (dividing by zero equals infinity) to make the equation balanced.

You know better than that. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

Dividing by zero is undefined.

We can show an example:

10/5 = 2 therefore 2 * 5 = 10

10/0 = X therefore 0 * X = 10 but...

Zero times X = 0.

Division by zero is undefined, not infinity.

The way you should state your example is as a limit. As the frequency tends to zero, the wavelength tends to infinity. Neither value actually reaches the limit.

BTW: The example that you use also is a part of the proof of why a photon always travels at exactly the speed of light.
I have been giving the information in this thread alot of thought. The concepts of Mass, Density, Space and Time. Several nights ago I had a dream that I believe was influenced by this data.

In the dream there was a clock that was called " The Clock of Infinite Possibilities".
The Clock served several functions. One of which was a recording device of all the above information regarding particles at any given moment as measured by the second hand of the clock. It also would set in time the exact location of all the particles necessary for manipulating energy fields to travel in time.

The second function of the clock was to serve as a reminder that before the clock's second hand clicked from one position to another, there was an opportunity of "infinite possibilites". In that moment before it clicked, the moment of choice, the moment of action, the moment of reaction, the moment of anything that could happen, was all an infinite possibility.

Once the second hand "clicked", that moment of infinite possibilities had been "frozen" in time and all things became recorded as "history".
From a Cabbalistic point of view, when all the wrappings have been removed and we see the primary essences of creation, we are seeing only 0 and 1.

The rest of creation being merely a reflection of the 1. This would agree with the theory of Mass being an illusion, since all that we see and experience are part of the reflections/emanations cast by the original 1 and the interaction with 0 resulting in motion, or vibration.

The 0 represent something in theory only, since infinity can never truly be represented. But to try and conceptualize or perceive infinity in its entirety, would drive one completely mad. So to simplify the concept of infinity, the 0 was utilized as best it could to be the ambassador of nothingness.

If we have only either of the two, 0 and 1, they would appear formless on there own. In order to have noticeable dimension to either, they need a little bit of both interacting together. Thus balance and equilibrium are needed to maintain the "forms".

As a Cabbalist, the idea is to remove the "veils" of illusion to observe and become immersed within the truth(s) of that 1. Once achieved, I believe the principles for traveling through time becomes possible, as well as traveling anywhere within creation.

A lesson in harmonizing one's "creative" energies with those of the 1. When achieved... all things become possible.
If everything is an illusion, then the illusion itself is also an illusion...

And now for my less philosophical approach:

Mass can be converted to energy and vice versa. Mass is not an illusion, but a state of energy.

Mass is not an illusion, but a state of energy.

Fair enough, but that just kicks the can down the road a bit. Because then we ask "what is Energy?" And do we honestly think we really know that answer to THAT one, from a sheer physical explanation? We thought maybe we did, but then dark energy and dark matter came on the scene, and we had to admit we didn't know as much about Energy (and Mass) as we thought we did.

As I am always fond of saying, we base our understanding of Energy only on what we can see/test. What if there are aspects to Energy that are beyond what we can perceive?

In other words...what if our understandings about Energy are also an illusion?

In other words...what if our understandings about Energy are also an illusion?

What delicious thoughts run through my head on reflecting on this! It's ramifications immediately refer me back to scriptural words that take on new meaning. For, if energy is an illusion--as is mass--as also is time; then the possibility arises that there is an "ORIGINAL". If we can extrapolate from experiment that the entropy that occurs when the "information" of an event traverses space/time/matter to "form" a mirror image--then it also follows that we may trace the information back to its source. Since we are a part of the holographic universe we live in, it stands to reason that there may be a "real" us somewhere/somewhen else that, perhaps, is in proportion to the current ratio of the observable universe--but its mirror image. In other words, 90%+ observable and 10% or less invisible. It sure sounds like heaven to me!!

Since matter/time/space is insignificant and irrelevant(being an illusion), then "SOMETHING" so massive, so powerful, would also have to be "all knowing" to juggle all these events--with absolutely no expenditure of energy at all, thus no entropy and therefore eternal. It is inconceivable for us to even "perceive" of this happening because we live in a world of "work". Here, energy literally rules. There, space/time/mass is a byproduct. We can view this in a totally deterministic way, but consciousness is the wild card; for scripture says "what is man that thou art mindful of him?" Science clearly shows us that "observation" contributes "work"--even at stellar distances. There is even plans in the works right now to prove this hypothesis with doubl-slit experiments using stellar light. We are mindful of the universe--and the universe is mindful of us. Just as scripture says, the very hairs of our head are numbered. Endless experiment cannot deny that consciousness exists with a force that affects all of space/time/mass with no effort at all--simply by WILL. This same "force" is available to us and THAT force has been "willing" us to become more aware of "IT". Here, it is a "still small voice". There, it is a cacaphony of thundering sound and light. I "remember" it in the deep recesses of my mind and I long to hear it again soon. I think there are many of us "feeling" its approach. "Now we see in a glass darkly, but then we shall see, even as we are seen."
I'm still betting that we (myself, Zerub, OvrLrd, CAT, and others) are NOT crazy, and with minds like Sir Martin Rees chiming in with similar thoughts, at least we are in esteemed company!

> Source: The Sunday Times - Britain
> 11-14-04
> Top Scientist Asks Is Life All Just A Dream?
> Jonathan Leake
> Science Editor
> Deep Thought, the supercomputer created by novelist Douglas
> Adams, got there first, but now the astronomer royal has caught
> up. Professor Sir Martin Rees is to suggest that "life, the
> universe and everything" may be no more than a giant computer
> simulation with humans reduced to bits of software.
> Rees, Royal Society professor of astronomy at Cambridge
> University, will say that it is now possible to conceive of
> computers so powerful that they could build an entire virtual
> universe.
> The possibility that what we see around us may not actually
> exist has been raised by philosophers many times dating back to
> the ancient Greeks and appears repeatedly in science fiction.
> However, many scientists have always been dismissive, saying the
> universe was far too complex and consistent to be a simulation.
> Despite this, the idea has persisted, popularised in films such
> as Tom Cruise's Vanilla Sky and The Matrix, starring Keanu
> Reeves.
> It was also the basis for The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy,
> written by Adams, who died in 2001. In the book, Deep Thought
> creates the Earth and its human inhabitants as a giant
> calculating device to answer the "ultimate question".
> The BBC's rerun of the radio version of Hitchhiker finished
> recently, just as Rees was putting together his contribution to
> the debate in which he will concede that the depictions by
> Adams, Cruise and Reeves might have been right after all.
> In a television documentary, What We Still Don't Know, to be
> screened on Channel 4 next month, he will say: "Over a few
> decades, computers have evolved from being able to simulate only
> very simple patterns to being able to create virtual worlds with
> a lot of detail.
> "If that trend were to continue, then we can imagine computers
> which will be able to simulate worlds perhaps even as
> complicated as the one we think we're living in.
> "This raises the philosophical question: could we ourselves be
> in such a simulation and could what we think is the universe be
> some sort of vault of heaven rather than the real thing. In a
> sense we could be ourselves the creations within this
> simulation."
> Rees will emphasise that this is just a theory. But it is being
> increasingly discussed by other eminent physicists and
> cosmologists.
> Among them is John Barrow, professor of mathematical sciences at
> Cambridge University. He points out that the universe has a
> degree of fine tuning that makes it safe for living organisms.
> Even a tiny alteration in a fundamental force or a constant such
> as gravity would make stars burn out, atoms fly apart, and the
> world as we know it become impossible. Such fine tuning, he has
> said, could be taken as evidence for some kind of intelligent
> designer being at work.
> "Civilisations only a little more advanced than ourselves will
> have the capability to simulate universes in which self-
> conscious entities can emerge and communicate with one another,"
> he said.
> The idea that life, the universe and everything in it could be
> an illusion dates back more than 2,000 years. Chuang Tzu, the
> Chinese philosopher, who died in 295BC, wondered whether his
> entire life might be no more than a dream.
> René Descartes, the 17th century French philosopher, raised
> similar questions. But he famously came down in favour of
> existence, saying: "I think, therefore I am."
> The idea was resurrected last century, notably by Bertrand
> Russell, who suggested that humans could simply be "brains in a
> jar" being stimulated by chemicals or electrical currents - an
> idea that was quickly taken up and developed by science fiction
> writers such as Isaac Asimov.
> However, some academics pour cold water on the notion of a
> machine-created universe. Seth Lloyd, professor of quantum
> mechanical engineering at the Massachusetts Institute of
> Technology, said such a computer would have to be unimaginably
> large.

"Unimaginably large"? You mean like the size of an entire planet? I think that is well within the realm of imaginable! /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

Ray in the core at deep-point, a gift:

Rainmantime Four was different than the other Rainmans before him.

He was smart, erudite. A skilled athlete, a martial artists, poet, lover and most of all, a discriminator of figuring out problems.

He didn't want to go back to New Los Angeles, in order to face relatives. What he found here, in the Deeper Quadrant, that no'one talk about, was of more interests to him.

The pay was better.

>Intro,You had better make sure that your ass is attached?

The science team investigating this planet was a'baffed by the developments of this expedition.

The droids that they sent into the passageway, down to what was supposed to be a two mile in length tube, would shut off, about twenty feet into the tunnel.

The synthetics, would do the same and what was more odd, is that the synths, did not have circuitry in them, for the most part.

Bevel Beggars,..We can make out, by comparisons of photon entanglements, comparing with mass backgrounds.We think that this structure, is over forty million years in age.

Render speaks,..There is some concern about power,..... as what's down at the bottom and sides.It seems to be a battery of some sort.

Philips,...We don't know what it is yet? Other than by attempted tomograhic pentitration via a neutron ray, which was no good at all.Maybe that it is some kind of power station, or maybe, a computer mainframe array?

Beadel and Tremp speak,..We want to send someone into the core, via a walking try?

Beggars replies,..This is absolutely out of the question.This is as whatever stopped those synths and the bots, could well kill the human attempting to gain access to the inner core.

Rainman Four,..I'll do it.I've been in older ships found.The one thing you have to learn, is to either move quickly, or figure them out.

Mary Zeelmat,..Ray, you've got a set, don't you? However' the protocol issue, is it worth your life?

2.The first part of the access into the tunnel-way, leading into the inner core was a cakewalk.

Rainman simply let the super-strength tape fall down the dimly lit tunnel.Adeptly, he started his hanging decent, using a harness. This harance had a grip take-up, which let him down about a half mile.

He dismounted from the tape onto the walkway.The walkway lead to what looked in similar fashion to a control panel, midway in the ninety yards radiused tunnel.

The suit he wore, was about the same weight as a pair of casual cloths.

The suet was nanotechnologies, so that constant telemetry back to the observation post, would be achieved at all times.

They saw what he saw and what he felt.

They could not however, experience his fear.

He looked above himself seeing the partitions well placed above.

He virtually made no audible sound, as he neared the midpoint of the walkway.

The visions of the giant creature statue, near the entrance, made everyone think that these were types of either genetically altered pets, or zoo creatures, from some point in space.

They stood nine foot tall, wore some kind of garment.Seemed bent over and probably weighed about two thousand pounds, a'piece?

THIS HURTS:As Rainman near about ten feet from the console, the light came on.

To describe what Ray was going though at this moment, one must understand in Africa, when a large crocodile grips ahold of a wildebeest, there is a tug of war.

The wildebeest stays its ground. But in some cases, the crock has this animal held in a very powerful grip, by its head.

Rainman was paralyzed.

His bladder and bowel control abilities let go and the marvelous space suit, cut in and took what Ray could not hold.
He started to scream and shake, but all he could get out, was Uuuuuuuggggghhh' or Ooooough.

The beam held him illuminated just short of the console, with arms outstretched.This posture in an attempted hand flapping fashion, as a little trickle of blood started to issue from the bottoms of his nostrils.

Inside of Ray's head was more startling, as a welcome was registered to though, and then a series of massive equations registered.

They started>Eeegggggh, Oh' Etabuli, Eeee-M-mufh.Pardos-quem and then, 983509870789nmb98390876ghb..vb8i7,aew87t kbes,,8o7jhb<.359j> avl9h78^bge5987b, which meant..?

He saw part of the floor fall away and giant visions of parts of the universe unknown began to unfold.

The statue infront of the tunnel entry, was not a zoo pet, but the people, beings, themselves.

The ships were gigantic.Massively built to unbelievable dimensions.

The technical intro into who and what he now was, was like a dull drill, with great pressure being placed onto his skull.

He saw their world.Saw them walk in the slow, dull, fashion, which made them giant anthripods.

They were big and slow, but as nature arranges things, people and events.The being that built this instilation, certainly weren't dumb.

3.That big bastard over there appeared while Ray was on the walkway.

It was a hologram, it was walking towards him.One of the creatures he saw at the entrance.
It got closer to Rainamn and inquired.)Eeee-tabpgno, mulgree-b-nos, Aaaaa' struma?

Rainman was frightened and could no move within the confinement of the beam.

He just wanted out of there.

At this point in time, the people in the control booth, seemed to have figured out, that through the stasis, Rainman of all people,... was in trouble.

It' the creature, with the belt having some kind of device or weapon placed on it, came closer.

It said again, .)Eeee-tabpgno, mulgree-b-nos, Aaaaa' struma?

Ray tried as hard as he could, as what strength he had left in him, that would allow and uttered a word though his pain, )Iiiiiie' e-es, struma.

He could feel the stink of its breath upon his face.

He felt photonic pressure being places on him, as the thing grew near.

Oh my God' he now felt the thing place its hand ontop of his head, by one of the upper fissures of his brain and the words, gently translated, )I feel you,

Raiman began to cry at the immensity of what was happening around him, as level after level of lights, "FOOMED" on, as the core began to self activate.