From Tap-ten yahoo web site, still another rendition of M+ or stringged space
I found this a good interpretation.Notes I had refered to stringged space, as M+, rather than M-:
* Note, with thanks and courtesy of Tap-ten inc.
[email protected]">[email protected]</a>, <a href="mailto:[email protected]
From: "Hossein Javadi" <
[email protected]>
Date: Sat, 30 Oct 2004 09:28:46 +0330
Subject: [tapten] M-theory & CPH Theory
Hello all
In String Theory, the myriad of particle types is replaced by a single fundamental building block, a `string'. These strings can be closed, like loops, or open, like a hair. As the string moves through time it traces out a tube or a sheet, according to whether it is closed or open. Furthermore, the string is free to vibrate, and different vibrational modes of the string represent the different particle types, since different modes are seen as different masses or spins.
One of the most remarkable predictions of String Theory is that space-time has ten dimensions!
String theory is not able explain why the speed of light is constant, why the momentum is conserved, ...
In CPH Theory everything have formed of CPH that a CPH moves with constant amount of speed Vc so that gradVc=0
CPH theory is able explain why the speed of light is constant, why the momentum is conserved, ...
In CPH theory we not need ten dimensions (or 26 dimensions).
We can explain universe with 5 dimensions (or 6 dimensions) very well.
Followings are some parts of String Theory and CPH theory.
Please read following and do compare String Theory and CPH theory.
For see full CPH article see;
Any your fresh opinion are most welcome.
Hossein Javadi
Definition of CPH
Suppose there is a particle with mass of m that is moving with speed Vc in an inertial frame. And Vc>c and c is the speed of light. So, its linear momentum gives mVc. (Figure 1). It is Called CPH (Creation Particle Higgs).
Figure 1
Principle of CPH
CPH is a particle with constant mass m and moves with constant speed Vc.
CPH has the momentum of Inertia I. In any interaction between CPH and other particles/forces, the amount of Vc does not change, so;
gradVc=0 in all inertial frames and any space
According to figure 1, a CPH carries linear momentum of P=mVc. So, CPH has inertia and also has Momentum Inertia I. When an external force is applied on a CPH, then a part of its Linear momentum (P=mVc) converts to angular momentum and CPH takes Spin, so that the amount speed of CPH does not change in any case. When CPH has Spin, it is called GRAVITON. (Figure 2)
Figure 2
When a graviton works on an object/particle, graviton does disappear and converts to energy. Because it is not acceptable that force acts and produces energy; and force does not have any effect on itself while producing energy. All efforts for finding a unified field theory had no success, because physicists do not consider the conversion of force and energy. Also, a graviton acts on another graviton and produces energy. See Figure 3.
Figure 3
The picture above shows two gravitons with the mass of m, speed of Vc and linear momentum of P=mVc, in distance of r feel each other. They absorb each other and “r†decreases. But CPH must move with the speed of Vc, so it loses a part of its linear speed and takes Spin.
A Photon is formed by a lot of CPH that they have spin and photon has spin too. So, when a photon is traveling with speed of c, CPH has linear speed of c and it has spin itself, and a speed equal to the speed of the photon (according to the structure of photon).
In a gravitational field, when a photon shifts to blue, gravitons convert to energy. And when the photon shifts to red, energy converts to graviton. And when energy decays, it produces Matter and Anti-Matter. See Figure 4. In fact ever thing formed of CPH.
Figure 4
CPH Theory propounded that force and energy is equivalent, so CPH theory may provide the answer. From one principle - that CPH moves with constant amount of speed Vc and gradVc=0 in all inertial frames in any space - CPH theory provides a single explanatory framework capable of encompassing all forces and all matter and anti-matter.
CPH theory proclaims, for instance, all observed particles/objects consist of CPH. They can come in forms of masses, energies, fundamental particles and fundamental forces. The strong and weak nuclear forces, electromagnetism, and gravity -- are reflections of various ways in which a CPH can move in the same structure of matter or photon. Just as photons or gravitons in empty space, light or gravity effects reach the earth from a very far star.
CPH is pure gravity force. CPH moves with speed of Vc in an inertial frame if no external force is applied on it. When an external force is applied on a CPH, it takes spin and is called graviton. So, Vc equals the speed of graviton (in an inertial frame), when it has no spin.
In fact a CPH is a sub-quanta of existence in nature. CPH has mass that is a manifest of matter; its movement is a manifest of energy. CPH has sub-quanta bounding gravity field around itself.
A CPH feels another CPH by this sub-quanta gravity field. Also, two CPH absorb each other by their sub-quanta fields. See Figure 5.
Photons (and all subatomic particles) are formed by many CPH that they have spin; and photon has spin too. So, when a photon is traveling with speed of c, CPH has a linear speed of c and it has itself spin and a speed equal to the speed of the photon (in the structure of photon or other subatomic particles).
Figure 5
So, quantum energy is formed by a lot of CPH. Also, CPH (gravitons) work on CPH and produces energy. In the other words, force and energy are equivalent. Force converts to energy and energy changes to force. Fore example; force converts to energy in blue-shift and energy converts to force in red-shift.
Two objects/particles (like the moon and the earth, or an electron and a proton in an atom) transfer CPH continuously.
Photo Electric and Compton Effect by CPH
According to CPH theory a photon contains n number of CPH that they are moving with the speed of c in the structure of photons. The given mass of a CPH is m, so its momentum is P=mc and the momentum of photon is P=nmc, see Figure 6.
Figure 6
When a photon collides to an electron, a number of CPH that exist in the photon enter the electron. See Figure 7.
Figure 7
In photoelectric effect all CPHs of photon enter the structure of the Electron. Consider that it will happen if the amount of the energy of the photon is sufficient.
In Compton Effect some CPH enter the structure of the photon and other CPHs do not enter.
In the picture above, k>k1 and k2=k-k1 when CPH is joined with the electron.
M-theory, the theory formerly known as Strings
The Standard Model
In the standard model of particle physics, particles are considered to be points moving through space, tracing out a line called the World Line. To take into account the different interactions observed in Nature one has to provide particles with more degrees of freedom than only their position and velocity, such as mass, electric charge, color (which is the "charge" associated with the strong interaction) or spin.
The standard model was designed within a framework known as Quantum Field Theory (QFT), which gives us the tools to build theories consistent both with quantum mechanics and the special theory of relativity. With these tools, theories were built which describe with great success three of the four known interactions in Nature: Electromagnetism, and the Strong and Weak nuclear forces. Furthermore, a very successful unification between Electromagnetism and the Weak force was achieved (Electroweak Theory), and promising ideas put forward to try to include the Strong force. But unfortunately the fourth interaction, gravity, beautifully described by Einstein's General Relativity (GR), does not seem to fit into this scheme. Whenever one tries to apply the rules of QFT to GR one gets results which make no sense. For instance, the force between two gravitons (the particles that mediate gravitational interactions), becomes infinite and we do not know how to get rid of these infinities to get physically sensible results.
String Theory
In String Theory, the myriad of particle types is replaced by a single fundamental building block, a `string'. These strings can be closed, like loops, or open, like a hair. As the string moves through time it traces out a tube or a sheet, according to whether it is closed or open. Furthermore, the string is free to vibrate, and different vibrational modes of the string represent the different particle types, since different modes are seen as different masses or spins.
One mode of vibration, or `note', makes the string appear as an electron, another as a photon. There is even a mode describing the graviton, the particle carrying the force of gravity, which is an important reason why String Theory has received so much attention. The point is that we can make sense of the interaction of two gravitons in String theory in a way we could not in QFT. There are no infinities! And gravity is not something we put in by hand. It has to be there in a theory of strings. So, the first great achievement of String Theory was to give a consistent theory of quantum gravity, which resembles GR at macroscopic distances. Moreover String Theory also possesses the necessary degrees of freedom to describe the other interactions! At this point a great hope was created that String Theory would be able to unify all the known forces and particles together into a single `Theory of Everything'.
From Strings to Superstrings
The particles known in nature are classified according to their spin into bosons (integer spin) or fermions (odd half integer spin). The former are the ones that carry forces, for example, the photon, which carries electromagnetic force, the gluon, which carries the strong nuclear force, and the graviton, which carries gravitational force. The latter make up the matter we are made of, like the electron or the quark. The original String Theory only described particles that were bosons, hence Bosonic String Theory. It did not describe Fermions. So quarks and electrons, for instance, were not included in Bosonic String Theory.
By introducing Supersymmetry to Bosonic String Theory, we can obtain a new theory that describes both the forces and the matter which make up the Universe. This is the theory of superstrings. There are three different superstring theories which make sense, i.e. display no mathematical inconsistencies. In two of them the fundamental object is a closed string, while in the third, open strings are the building blocks. Furthermore, mixing the best features of the bosonic string and the superstring, we can create two other consistent theories of strings, Heterotic String Theories.
However, this abundance of theories of strings was a puzzle: If we are searching for the theory of everything, to have five of them is an embarrassment of riches! Fortunately, M-theory came to save us.
Extra dimensions...
One of the most remarkable predictions of String Theory is that space-time has ten dimensions! At first sight, this may be seen as a reason to dismiss the theory altogether, as we obviously have only three dimensions of space and one of time. However, if we assume that six of these dimensions are curled up very tightly, then we may never be aware of their existence. Furthermore, having these so-called compact dimensions is very beneficial if String Theory is to describe a Theory of Everything. The idea is that degrees of freedom like the electric charge of an electron will then arise simply as motion in the extra compact directions! The principle that compact dimensions may lead to unifying theories is not new, but dates from the 1920's, since the theory of Kaluza and Klein. In a sense, String Theory is the ultimate Kaluza-Klein theory.
For simplicity, it is usually assumed that the extra dimensions are wrapped up on six circles. For realistic results they are treated as being wrapped up on mathematical elaborations known as Calabi-Yau Manifolds and Orbifolds.
Apart from the fact that instead of one there are five different, healthy theories of strings (three superstrings and two heterotic strings) there was another difficulty in studying these theories: we did not have tools to explore the theory over all possible values of the parameters in the theory. Each theory was like a large planet of which we only knew a small island somewhere on the planet. But over the last four years, techniques were developed to explore the theories more thoroughly, in other words, to travel around the seas in each of those planets and find new islands. And only then it was realized that those five string theories are actually islands on the same planet, not different ones! Thus there is an underlying theory of which all string theories are only different aspects. This was called M-theory. The M might stand for Mother of all theories or Mystery, because the planet we call M-theory is still largely unexplored.
There is still a third possibility for the M in M-theory. One of the islands that was found on the M-theory planet corresponds to a theory that lives not in 10 but in 11 dimensions. This seems to be telling us that M-theory should be viewed as an 11 dimensional theory that looks 10 dimensional at some points in its space of parameters. Such a theory could have as a fundamental object a Membrane, as opposed to a string. Like a drinking straw seen at a distance, the membranes would look like strings when we curl the 11th dimension into a small circle.
*Note diagrams not imported, Creedo299