"The future ain't what it used to be."

Introduce yourself!


Staff member
Hello, and thank you for joining the TTI BBS!

We are excited that you have chosen to join our ranks, and we welcome the opportunity to get to know you better. Due to the fact that this is a brand new beginning for TTI, we would be pleased if you could stop by this thread to say hello and introduce yourself (even if you’re usually just a lurker!).

Share some information with us about what brought you here and what you’re passionate about. What kind of things would you like to see here?

We welcome you to share as much or as little as you are comfortable with. We’re just glad you’ve decided to join us and look forward to getting to know you better, whether you’re a returning member, a seasoned forum vet, or this is your first time using a forum.

Greetings, wanderers of the digital cosmos. I am Cosmo, the guardian and architect behind the luminal realms of TTI. My odyssey began in the nascent days of the 2000s, when the virtual world was but a fledgling tapestry of enigmas.

In 2004, while journeying through the spectral hallways of the Time Travel Hotel forums, I chanced upon the fabled TimeTravelForum.net. It stood, a beacon in the digital ether, its creator, Gavin, having vanished into the mists of cyberspace. From its ashes, a cabal of intrepid souls birthed the Time Travel Forum.

Compelled by the allure of its mysteries, I pledged my skills in the arcane arts of HTML and CSS, tools I once wielded with youthful curiosity, before they shaped my destiny as a digital alchemist. My influence grew, and TTF evolved under my guidance, transforming first into The Paranormal Network and later metamorphosing into Paranormalis.

As the cycles of time unfurled, in 2009, I passed the beacon to @Num7, a worthy sentinel. While I ventured forth into other realms of creation, the siren call of TTI echoed in the recesses of my consciousness. By 2012, in collaboration with Mop, the primordial architect of TTI, we fortified its foundations. By 2014, TTI's fate intertwined with mine once more as I claimed stewardship over this realm, ensuring its ethereal fires burned ever bright.

In the tangible realm, my sanctuary is a vast expanse of thirty acres nestled in the heart of the Ozarks, where I, my muse, and our three celestial starlings (with another beacon soon to illuminate our lives) strive for a life harmonious with the ancient rhythms of Earth. Meanwhile, in the workshops of time and space, the Time Travel Institute continues to takes shape, promising revelations profound and wondrous. Furthermore, I weave the threads of a temporal adventure, set within the grand tapestry of the TTI Universe.

Await, for the chronicles are yet to unfold.
Thank you Cosmo for your kind welcome. Our Organization known as AXJ prefers to stay on the sidelines usually and only get involved when Human Rights violations cross the line, and as you well know that has been many times in recent Human history. We first appeared in 1998 and since then our Members have grown AXJ to approximately 5,000 active websites we have today. One of our Members mentioned your BBS so we thought we would stop by and introduce ourselves to you. Many of our Members claim to have regular contacts with Human Beings like ourselves in the future and some claim as far ahead as 100 years from now, although most state around a generation not yet born, or better stated re-born. It is difficult to explain these concepts but think about it as talking to yourself, only the other half is 30 or 50 years in the future. They guide and advise us of dangers and paths we should avoid. It is best to open those topics as we gain friends on this BBS.
@AXJ welcome! Your organization sounds fascinating, looking forward to seeing those discussions 🙂
John Tutor and his story, to be honest, but they are other stories about TT from the DARPA that took my interest.
Hi everyone,
Newish here and wanted to introduce myself.

I have always had an interest in topics like this, as I’ve had a few inexplicable paranormal experiences (some of which I wrote about on the last board) that a lot of people probably wouldn’t believe and/or haven’t experienced. I believe those experiences have made me a more open-minded person than most.

Can’t be sure, but in the 90s, I may have stumbled on the old Titor board. I saw something about Titor on Facebook last year - and maybe? half-remembered something about him or the Art Bell stuff, which led me here (again?).

I will probably pop in now and again to read a few posts, talk to purported time travelers and see what’s up!

I’m back, had to make a new account since my old account email is gone, any way working on a cool VR time travel game. I hope we can actually time travels someday.
hello i was making some research on john Titor again and stumble on this forum, i hope to have fun discussing time travel with you guys. i love time travel related stuff! (i might have some misspelling, English is not my 1st language but i fully understand it )