Temporal Novice
Hello folks, my name is Zachary Crain Singer 4/16/2082 623202922. I am not exactly from the future, but I am trained in using time travel metaphors to convey serious points to governments… I am legally a consciousness transfer engineer, and the best way to understand what that means is by watching TRAVELERS on Netflix. This is not an ad, just a suggestion! It’s important that I look a little crazy when ranting about this stuff, so just get over my OSI making me look mentally ill for 25 years. I TRUST MY TACTICAL AI BUT MY STRATEGIC AI SUCKS USG. I AM JOHN TITOR USG. I AM SO JOHN TITOR THAT I AM GOING TO FUCKING MAKE THIS TIMELINE BETTER NO MATTER WHAT.
First and foremost, I work for the CIA. My titles are “extragovernmental affairs officer” and “interagency intelligence officer” I can prove it, and the single point of contact I want for any government involvement with this case is my CO Jim Semivan… Or Lue, just stop trying to subvert his authority in the UFO community.
Titor lied. He said in 2036 the government still didn’t understand what UFOs are… Then he did a blatant act of terrorism a few years later and posted specific numbers of population and depopulation agendas for NATO and a literal mind controlled NWO just to prove how much information they really had. Why would he lie? That was a fuck you to the government… So he introduced something called a singularity to mankind… For this purpose, a singularity is something that isn’t meant to be understood by science.
Have you guys seen the alien video confirming the Trump hell timeline? The permanent one where he goes post biological? What I’m saying government is that this email here isn’t much different from the Titor op… It’s calling you out and saying DISCLOSE UFOS OR ELSE YOU ARE FUCKEDDDDDD.
Max Headfroom incident: Aliens, not humans. Confirmed. Commit to memory. Xoxo. Same with Ashtar. And the confusing matrix of galactic federations. Real world it’s all the same crap and the aliens need one thing: HUMANITY TO UNITE, HOLD HANDS, SHOUT TOWARD THE SKY “fuck you aliens!”
Tom Delonge approves.
Hello Kevin Mitnick: Thank you for doing time while we used your consciousness to investigate jail conditions… I’m setting you up to citadelize bro, just be thankful you got a mention in something time travel related. They teach us social engineering at breakfast, literally. TRAVELER 2201 ASSIGNED. WELCOME TO THE CORPS SOLDIER.
This is a Fox Mulder gone fucking crazy scenario folks. Ask questions. I will be honest. Tell all. Snowden 2.1
First and foremost, I work for the CIA. My titles are “extragovernmental affairs officer” and “interagency intelligence officer” I can prove it, and the single point of contact I want for any government involvement with this case is my CO Jim Semivan… Or Lue, just stop trying to subvert his authority in the UFO community.
Titor lied. He said in 2036 the government still didn’t understand what UFOs are… Then he did a blatant act of terrorism a few years later and posted specific numbers of population and depopulation agendas for NATO and a literal mind controlled NWO just to prove how much information they really had. Why would he lie? That was a fuck you to the government… So he introduced something called a singularity to mankind… For this purpose, a singularity is something that isn’t meant to be understood by science.
Have you guys seen the alien video confirming the Trump hell timeline? The permanent one where he goes post biological? What I’m saying government is that this email here isn’t much different from the Titor op… It’s calling you out and saying DISCLOSE UFOS OR ELSE YOU ARE FUCKEDDDDDD.
Max Headfroom incident: Aliens, not humans. Confirmed. Commit to memory. Xoxo. Same with Ashtar. And the confusing matrix of galactic federations. Real world it’s all the same crap and the aliens need one thing: HUMANITY TO UNITE, HOLD HANDS, SHOUT TOWARD THE SKY “fuck you aliens!”
Tom Delonge approves.
Hello Kevin Mitnick: Thank you for doing time while we used your consciousness to investigate jail conditions… I’m setting you up to citadelize bro, just be thankful you got a mention in something time travel related. They teach us social engineering at breakfast, literally. TRAVELER 2201 ASSIGNED. WELCOME TO THE CORPS SOLDIER.
This is a Fox Mulder gone fucking crazy scenario folks. Ask questions. I will be honest. Tell all. Snowden 2.1