Candiece Kreider
Temporal Novice
I have broken my leg sking.
This was an accidsent that I could not avoid.
It was in the short meter salom courses.
I caught a ski tip, going thourh the gate, my leg had turned in and have a hairline fracture at the base of my small fibula.
I am skunked out on pain killer.
The doctor said no ligament or tendon damager, however keep off of it.My leg is in a slint-type of contraction.
Bye for now, I must sleep.
This was an accidsent that I could not avoid.
It was in the short meter salom courses.
I caught a ski tip, going thourh the gate, my leg had turned in and have a hairline fracture at the base of my small fibula.
I am skunked out on pain killer.
The doctor said no ligament or tendon damager, however keep off of it.My leg is in a slint-type of contraction.
Bye for now, I must sleep.