Internal VS External Travel

I have broken my leg sking.

This was an accidsent that I could not avoid.

It was in the short meter salom courses.

I caught a ski tip, going thourh the gate, my leg had turned in and have a hairline fracture at the base of my small fibula.

I am skunked out on pain killer.

The doctor said no ligament or tendon damager, however keep off of it.My leg is in a slint-type of contraction.

Bye for now, I must sleep. :(

Oh dear, poor thing. You can avoid 'accidents' by not jumping off snowy cliffs with long narrow boards tied to your feet.

And what makes you think that we want to hear about your adventures in aquaculture?

May you be abducted by flying sauser sex machine, and screwed nearly to death........... THEN come back and tell us if you liked it.