Internal VS External Travel

hey thanks for the web sight. I have been reading much interesting stuff. I also saw a feline on that site. I have been with one before in obe. Now I know there real. That is cool because I really liked her and haven't seen her in more than a year. When I saw her she had a baby. I don't know if it was hers though. We met in the woods by my house. I thought it was my neighbor because her name is kitty but I guess not. Maybe that sight will trigger my memory and I'll remember more about our meeting
thanks clara
*smiling* I myself did not see a feline (if you were referring to my last posted link) but the science of Dr. Huntley, and the introduction of 4th dimensional mathematics and incorporation of spirituality never ceases to fascinate me.

Light and Love,

Very interesting site, you posted for us WS. Finally something not having to do with New Age.

Cat, I think you may want to take a look at this

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Cat here,

Yes I checked out the site. Very Interesting indeed!
(The study of Cymantics by Hans Jenny) and his scientific discoveries with the use of a machine called the tonoscope. This machine generates vibrations and frequencies.

Some things of great significance and interest was an exsperiment with the tonoscope using sand. Hans Jenny descovered a great biblical mystery and secret that when the vowels and letters of the Hebrew language were pronounced the vibrations and frequency of his voice sounding out the Hebrew letter sounds that the sand on the tonoscope plate took the shape of the actual written hebrew letter!!!

WOW!!! What is this telling us? Is there something in the concept of "Sacred Language" that would make the bible valid. Telling us it has the power to influence and transform physical reality creating things through inherent power. Telling us that smowflakes and the faces of flowers may take on their shape because they are responding to some vibrational frequency sound in nature? To delve into this even deaper this mystery check out this web site on the "Bible Code" (for those of you that are not familiar with it) which consists of skipping and counting the Hebrew letters which have reveiled many past, present and future predictions. Check out this site, there are many sites on the bible code but I'm supplying this one:

Take for example the Bristle Cone Pine Tree in Nevada. ITS THE OLDEST LIVING THING ON THE PLANTET sitting some 4,000(aprox) feet above sea level. Methuselah and Prometheus are dated to be 4,000 and 5,000(aprox) years old! INCREDIBLE!!!
Check out the web site:

Anyone ever been to Nevada? Notice how strange the people seem to be? (the farther you get out into the dessert regions) the people seem to walk around dazzed in a trance like state. I think its the frequency there. Exsperiments have demonstrated certain music frequencies stimulate plant grouth.
Here is the web site on that exsperiment:

Fallon and Nellis air force base are in the region and like I said in my previous post above about our government and exsperimental military bases that are used to conduct exsperiments with extraterestrial intellegance and Time Travel in exchange for advanced technology. Check out this web site:

To end this post in closure I am trying to convey and relay a message that vibrational frequencys and mathematics are one in the same! (the universal language) "my main message" still stands!!! TIME TRAVEL = CONTROLE!!!

Thanks for the valuable web site WUS. (got any others to offer?)

Just my point about dark and light. sound is being used by both sides one is using it to control the other to teach. It just depends on who you are attracting. I don't understand why you think the way you do about the new age. Most of these people are using this thechnoglogy but not to control others but to improve their own lives. I went to a new age siminar and they were using what you are talking about.One of the books I picked up was THE SECRET LIFE OF PLANTS. It was an experiment using sound on plants and was highly succesfull. So maybe you should check out some new age groups you might learn something.
Even if good forces do exist, and are teaching as you say they are. They are doing this without our knowledge and consent, and that constitutes the same as if they were evil forces. Unethical, manipulative, and exploitive. Bottom line…

Think about it Clara… They are one in a same, if they aren’t allowing humanity to come to these conclusions on our own without any interference on their part... No matter what excuse you want to call them. It all boils down to this one mission statement that they must all follow: “The ends justify the means.”

Do you not know what they means?

Then think about it. Go to the library and check out some books on reasoning, I can tell you will benefit a lot out of them if you do.

And another thing, you New Age people, stay away from technology.

Keep an eye on them people; notice how they will start to depend more and more on it.

More later,

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I would think that there is a now discering feature concerning both light and dark matter.

With the High Gate Incident in Brittian, where darkmatter laines had presented themselves, as published within the book of the same name, why then yes only dark matter is a determinate state of mind as far as good and evil may be able to invest itself?

However such issues as Alpha Drackonians being inhearently evil, I would care to adjust the following.

That up till now they have tried interbreeding programs as published.

Well of course as said in Askme.coms Extraterrestial section, by Joespeh Goebbels modern day clone, near the Country Of Argentenia, no these special breeding programs did not work out.

Everyone knows that because of old ancient Grays and Procyionina genes inhearent in all present day humans, that masive cellular rejection is within the eventual entitiy anyway?

I've gone to bed with a few of those.

I like airline pilots too.

However what is more inportant, is the newer knowlege that in excess of the year 6757, which the Montauk people could not get past, there it seems are human-drackonian hybrids, that are ninty percent human in appearnce.

Yes there are also very attractive women, who only have a remaining groupping of reptoid cells, on the sides of their necks.

They are quick witted and lovely, however not definatly of this erra.

I would like to voice my complaint about this Clara.

She can edit I see and not everyone else has this privilage.

Is she some kind of high class whore of something, that she can do this?

This is, is as bad as that Palmela on the other net who seems to p**p on everyone who is less fortune and then run off and say wonderfull things about herself.

It seems that all women do anymore with reference to these time travel chat rooms, is to stir things up, then kiss a little a**, as it were, by saying wonderful things to the MOP and then look cute in their future postings.

I mean this John Tighter joker, his machine was a bunch of junk and my uncle said that he could machine this out in one week if he had to.

However my brother in Berne, had said why tempt fate and go on with the busniess at hand?

Im on my modem at a caffea in Switzerland and don't have time for such foolish replys, as idiots who apparently break down their time machines and then never say thank you to the people who supply them parts and expertese anyhow?
Because Clara,

I'll tell you why? Somethings not kosher! There is a fine line between the light and dark. a minute discrepency! A small hair line crack! There are very few of us that can detect this disturbance. Its a place somewhere inbetween sleep and wake. A realm of deception!

So you think you can tell heaven from hell? Blue skies from pain? A face from a veil? Just two lost souls swimming in a fish bowl.
(song by Pink Floyd) this song is not so far from the truth.

Life is deceptively simple and endlessly complicated. It satisfies the soul and frustrates the intellect. It is at the same time rewarding and maddening, it is without a doubt the ultimate test!

I am a smart cookie clara! And a quick learner! And I never stop questioning?

And as for you candiece Kreider you think your so plush sitting over there all alone in your swiss cafe playing with your modem trying to score with all the females on this site. Its obvious you have a head that you cant think with and an eye you cant see with and sadly to say all you have to hang around with is two nuts all the time!

Oh I'm sorry Ms. Cat, I did not mean to offend.

You are so rite about the state of things, you know humans not being able to discern good from evil?

This is why I suppose that we have hired politicians for this practice, no?And others not weel defined, pull the stings on the elected officals, no?

Please' I do not understand the saying of you aqusitions, (Hangs around with two nuts)?

Are you refering to my man's parts, or comrads who are not confessed here, Caterina is it?

I do like the company of men, however do know what CERN is about Pam, i mean CAT?

The way you are painting me, is that I am a bull-dike, ah' I mean a bull in a grocery store.

Bull in a china closet?

Bull in a china store, is it?

Oh whatever, are you planning on having male company tonight CAT?

I want to be freinds, even if I am richer and more influential than you?

*chuckling in genuine amusement*

My, my even with clarifications on threads...tangents do occur. CAT, just for the record I sign my posts WS, short for WanderingSoul. I was a bit taken aback by the WUS...unless of course you had wanted to communicate that you share the "wuss" label attached to me by TTA...then *still chuckling* I shall have a better understanding of your values and belief system.

Truly confused at why people are confusing clara with Pam...or is it CAT with Pam? *shaking head*

CAT, there is a tremendous amount of excellent info on both Sacred Geometry as well as Sacred Languages. When I am up on my laptop, I will post from bookmarked lists if you are interested. I haven't visited many in a few years, so I will check them for viability prior to posting.

Light and Love,

Yes, inquiry minds want to know wondering soul!

Lets have it! Bring forth the information on the sacred geometry and sacred languages. Sounds interesting!


P.S. My favorite subject is catculus!
candiece kreider

where you calling me a whore. Don't you know thats not nice. Please tell me about the High Gate Incident. I have never heard of that. clara
oh! you were talking about heavens Gate were you not. Those people just didn't love life. things must have not been going well for them so they decided to check out. Poor guys their missing all the fun down here. Have joy, have peace, have life it is good. you guys seem to think having a positive attitude is being a wuss well it sure beats trying to save the world. You really can't try at anyting the trick is to just do it. Nancy was right just say no. No one has to be abducted. they just need to learn some pychic defense methods. Its funny I don't see any churches teaches anybody that, hmmm I wonder why?
Sorry I dont get into carpet munching!!!

Take your money and whipe your swiss @ss with it!!! And as far as as you being influential...I could give a flying fart!!!


P.S. Go bark up Pamelas alley!!!
<<Those people just didn't love life. things must have not been going well for them so they decided to check out. >>

Sorta sounds like your life story and coming into this New Age movenment with Solara, does it not…?

They were only doing the same as you, claiming their power (giving up).

<<Poor guys their missing all the fun down here.>>

Are you having fun down here Clara?

I know I am

<<Have joy, have peace, have life it is good. you guys seem to think having a positive attitude is being a wuss>>

When you lay down your guard to allow outside influences (that one does not know yet fully comprehend ) be the norm and communicate to the world to accept this, then yes that is being a wus.

And especially for a man to talk like that. That’s just sissy, do you think a sissy man will defend you walking down a darken alley in the middle of the night in the bad side of town?

Try pulling that light and love crap to the person with the knife, maybe if your nice they will let you go.

Be realistic, is all I am saying. You can still be spiritual, yet still retain your humanity. Like me

<<well it sure beats trying to save the world.>>

My point exactly.

Beats giving up to your Alien Masters to do with us, what they want.

<<You really can't try at anyting the trick is to just do it. Nancy was right just say no. >>

Who the hell is Nancy?

<<Its funny I don't see any churches teaches anybody that, hmmm I wonder why?>>

That’s because they aren’t New Age Cults like yours. Unlike yours, they don’t butcher and misinterpret the New Age Testament at their connivence.

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My what marvilous lotion of emotion?

Hmmm not, try High Gate, Englander, in the 80s, an Air Force base.

Book of same name.

Saucer had landed, and this vas a dark mattrer saucer.

Aliens came out the bottem of saucer, yes but it was a benifical contact.

However noot so guod as these types of aliens were raidoactive by their natures.

The Air Force Seargent had been peeing black afterwords and hair fell out of his headt!

No all dark matters were bad in this Earth contacts you see?

Did you girls find the men you had desirted last night Clara and Jostien, or, ..wait, the CAT yes?!

I find a man who is er big strong swimmer and like to diveing benith mine covers?

He says it's the seafood?It's like that, yes_


I am having problems with the termage, barking up Pamela's, {farpies}?

I'm don't knowing what this means?

Is it part of American love making that we don't know about in Switzerland?

Is this not a duty for her man lover to do on some evening when they are tired of baseball or some other such contrivance in Milwakie?

Does this involve dogs or any kind?

How does one bark up someones farpies anyway?

I must go as I am in skining compatition today.For fun no biggie

OY Vey!

You people vom svitzerland are vay out in left vield!

You are the biggest carpet muncher around! Your mother was so hairy when you were born you had 3rd degree rug burns!!!

I supose you dont know the termage veither?

Oh vell I give vup!
