INTENTION->Information->Energy->Force Creation

Gosh... I am wondering "how well this thread aged?" ?

Does anyone doubt that the COVID-19 information operation we are currently living under is the exact type of information operation that I predicted in this thread?

And I didn't even have to claim I was a time traveler to do it! ?


Einstein's STR and GTR, and their expression in the atomic bomb, represent theories that essentially brought to a close the Age of Energy and initiated the Age of Information. The advent of giants such as Shannon and Turing clearly brought forth theories of Information that demarcate the 1940s as the start of the Age of Information. (Interesting coincidence: My father worked for Shannon, and once met Turing, while working at Bell Labs in the 1940s).
Just as Einstein's summary of Energy helped cap-off the Age of Energy, it is my belief that we are facing a similar scientific, evolutionary summary that will help to further explain just what exactly the metric we call "Information" really represents. It is my belief that this summary is occurring, in parallel, all around us. I do NOT have any grandiose thoughts that I am equivalent to the next Einstein, only that I am playing a small part in helping this evolutionary summary of Information to be revealed. However, I DO believe that this evolutionary summary of Information will have a similar impact, in terms of magnitude, that Einstein's work had on our world.
I will be pointing out prophetic posts I made long ago, like this one. I am NOT claiming I am a "prophet." Only that I put 2 and 2 together and saw that this was coming. We MUST reconcile INFORMATION with INTENTION. That is the entire purpose of what we now find ourselves going through. It is part of our evolution, and it will lead to MANY GREAT THINGS. We just have to live thru it and make sure the "wrong" people do not gain even more control.


A Sobering Consideration About Information
I think I've been pretty much up-beat in this thread, explaining Nature's structure of Force, Energy, Information, and Intention. But now, I think it is time to point out that ALL technologies can be used for both "good" and "evil" (as we seem to use these judgements a lot in our lives). Our own human history makes this fact evident:

1) Witness how mankind has learned to use FORCE against each other, in a manner to impose one group's WILL (INTENTION) upon another group. FORCE application is what lead to conventional weapons.

2) Witness how mankind has learned to use ENERGY against each other, in a manner to impose one group's WILL (INTENTION) upon another group. ENERGY application is what gave us many weapons of mass destruction (WMD) with the central WMD Energy weapon being atomic & thermonuclear bombs.

3) Would anyone like to discuss the means and ways that INFORMATION is already being used against each other, in a manner to impose one group's WILL (INTENTION) upon another group?

4) Would we wish to discuss the fact that there is a much more destructive, "weaponized equivalent" of the Energy-based thermonuclear weapon in the realm of INFORMATION? Can you imagine just how much more powerful this is over and above thermonuclear weapons?

5) When you think of using a weapon (ANY weapon) in terms of how it can be used for BOTH "good" and "evil" (depending on how and for what reasons you CHOOSE to use that weapon), can we understand how the enemies of freedom in the world can most effectively use Information as a weapon against the free world?

I still maintain there is a reasonable argument to my theory that The John Titor Experiment could have been a pre-9/11 terrorist Psy Op! In fact, I will go so far as to even claim that my theory has a MUCH greater ability to be scientifically substantiated than does Titor's own story about him being a TT'er needing an IBM 5100! It is easier to debunk Titor's claims than it is to debunk my claims.

Not only could I explain how Titor's story was an "information weapon", but there has been a recent post by another Time Travel hoaxer here that has extremely similar elements to Titor's "information weapon". I'd even be happy to quote from that post and point out how information is being used as a weapon, to make you believe that awful things are just about to happen to the US...and thus perhaps make people feel terrorized.

We must all come to understand the deeper significance of Information as we round out the Information Age that we are living through. WW II was ultimately a war over Energy, because it ended the Age of Energy with the advent of the ultimate Energetic weapon (atom bomb). What would have happened if the side of "evil" in WW II was the first to use that weapon? What will happen if the side of "evil" in our current worldwide conflicts becomes the first to use equivalent Information weapons?

Something to think about with respect to ANYONE'S Information and Propaganda.

And here was another telling post. Just like back then, people today are trying to use information to make us FEAR the future.

There is nothing to fear in the future. There are only people and forces to fear in the present. Those people and forces can be YOUR undoing such that your body does not live to see the future. Pay attention. Understand INTENTION->Information->Energy-Force


If you really knew your metaphyics and had the right amount of influence, you could engineer what ever reality you wanted people to buy into. As long as you know the steps that Ray mentions in the correct detail and application
Olly got it. Look at how information is being used in the world today, over this COVID-19 scare.




Re: World War IV - The War of INTENTION
Hey Rainman,

Thanks for the link on warfare. I had a big laugh over it--not because it is funny but for its irony. It is totally relevant and (ahem) timely. Not surprisingly, not only is it evident that the locals in Lebanon perceive the the warfare as having been WON by Hezbollah--it is also quite evident HERE that there was an apparent victory by Hezbollah that will be HUGE unless our perceptions can change in regards to what the enemy's intentions are. As the article mentions, it was brilliant as well as diabolical on the part of the "resistance"--and may have been the intention of the enemy all along. This was my intuitive perception--even as the war was progressing.

Unfortunately, it seems that the direction that our own country is heading is directly in the opposite direction--especially on the corporate front. In the effort to streamline and cut costs by huge mergers and micromanagement, the common "soldier" has been lost in the shuffle and are quickly becoming "Pavlovian dogs" for a more efficient "salivation" response. It amazes me that the "sheeple" are so quickly falling in line. In my case, I am "bristling" with an intensity that will most certainly result in "abandonment of my post". It is not that I am more aware of this process than others because many others are noticing this definite shift. Few have the necessary "tools" to see that this will eventually be harmful to their security. This may be the very reason why we (the US) are losing the ability to compete and to even keep up with the growing gap with the rest of the world regarding Education. It is ironic that we are becoming a third-world country in our ability to recognize that our infrastructure is literally falling down around us.

This new "warfare" is also quite applicable in the "war of love". There is a crisis in mainline religion and it is because they have "separated themselves from the world" for so long that they do not know how to communicate with that world any more. The greatest difficulty I had when "converting" from my worldly viewpoints to the spritual ones was maintaining the worldly view as I was incorporating the "spiritual language" that is inherent in the human condition. Just as a "Northerner" picks up the local dialect of a "Southerner" just by being around them--without even realizing it until he returns home after a length of time--we tend to gravitate to the groups we associate with. I was never very succesful at "getting close" to them. I simply had spent too many years on the "street" to fully become "one of them". When I worked with "juvenile deliquents", I more closely associated with them than I did with the "professionals" that were "socally adjusted". As a result, my success was phenomenal in solving problems, but sadly lacking within the "professional" structure.

Ironically, the same problem exists here. Again, it is a linear/non-linear problem. Combining the "street" with "science" and "spirit" with the "art" of modern warfare is exactly the way we need to go in order to "win" world war IV. It is "ironic" that the book of Micah speaks of "learning war no more" and turning swords into plowshares. It is not just a possibility out of other possibilities. It is as certain as tomorrow. We truly do "learn" war. That article shows that we do--even if it is not evident to us that we are doing it. Unfortunately (again), there IS a Manhattan Project going on that is being HIGHLY successful at winning the hearts and minds of people--especially youth--and it began at a little known place called Willow Creek. I believe that these incredibly brilliant (and diabolical) methods will eventually unite this country (and world) into those institutions that will bring about the one-world government, one-world religion, and one-world economic system that is almost totally in place now. It is so subtle (just as the methods of the new warfare must be) that we will not realize it completely until it is too late and it will lead to national, and therefore, world ruin. John Titor could NEVER have foreseen that. Interesting times are upon us, and that article was very relevant. The battle for the heart and mind is taking a shape that makes me very cognizant of the need to go to the SOURCE for the proper response to it. The NATURAL man wants to react to it in violent ways--if only in the heart and mind (and I believe this is its INTENT.) Just imagine it. Balancing the trained intent to KILL with maximum ability with the trained ability to psychoanalyze the innocent and win their heart and mind. Almost a contradiction in terms--but the form of the warfare of World War IV. And guess what? World War IV is not a war that is going on THERE. It has many fronts HERE too. Interesting times we live in huh? Thanks again for the article.
And another "prophetic" post from our friend Zerubabbel.

When we review the technologies of war and how they evolved right up to today, it is not difficult to see where we are right here, right now:
1) FORCE as the "war amplifier". Ancient hand-to-hand combat. One man applies a FORCE to another man.

2) MOMENTUM as the "war amplifier". Later we add MOMENTUM to combat by realizing we can take masses of different size and when moving at different velocities into our enemies we can do great damage and carnage.

3) ENERGY as the "war amplifier". After Newton quantifies the science of Forces and Momentums is when war apparatus transcends it and transforms into a greater capability. We learn about the application of chemical and mechanical Energy (in terms of projectile velocity "v-squared" Energy increase, and the rate of chemical reactions to create explosions with chemical gunpowders). The ENERGY AGE OF WAR ended with the ultimate in Energy application to a military target: The atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

4) INFORMATION as the "war amplifier". As the article points out, it was after The Bomb that we adopted Information Technology for the warfigther which we see as the highest-tech aspect of the US military today. Network integration and net-centric operations. And also as pointed out in the article, our Information Revolution is what allowed us to win the Cold War (what some have rightfully called WW III).

And that leads us to today, doesn't it? We are at the next evolution of technology and revolution in warfare.


Well today appears to be the right TIME to resurrect this thread, and this specific post:
And today we hear about a massive hacking of US FED GOV information....most likely by China:

Is this the information equivalent of the atomic bomb that transitioned us from the Age of Energy into the Age of Information? Or will there be a yet larger event?

It seems we are now at this "yet larger event."


I will be pointing out prophetic posts I made long ago, like this one. I am NOT claiming I am a "prophet." Only that I put 2 and 2 together and saw that this was coming. We MUST reconcile INFORMATION with INTENTION. That is the entire purpose of what we now find ourselves going through. It is part of our evolution, and it will lead to MANY GREAT THINGS. We just have to live thru it and make sure the "wrong" people do not gain even more control.
I could not agree more, Rain. Definitely point out those posts. I can take them out of the archive as well, as I said.
