INTENTION->Information->Energy->Force Creation

Re: More by Monsieur Brassard

What is man that thou are mindful of him? Psalm 8:4

Yes, Anthropic Principle also. It may seem that we are just a speck standing on this big planet, but the planet compared with the stars is just another speck and the earth is orbiting the sun and the sun is a huge star and our sun/star may be a big deal to us, but our star is just another speck… So basically we are living on a speck on the edge of a galaxy - It's really not in downtown milky way, its way out in the side… So we're just a speck on a speck orbiting a speck. I'll tell you what else, there is billions and billion of stars and specks and billions of galaxies… So we are a speck, living on a speck, orbiting a speck in the middle of specklessness and perhaps senselessness? But than I begin to think, I have this brain (this little brain) to think about all of this… to think about the vast emptiness of space. I can reason that I'm a speck on a speck in the middle of specklessness and that's cool, that's worthy of respect.

And that my friend is worth thinking about… :)

Donald Rumsfeld Agrees With RainmanTime!

Even Donald Rumsfeld, in his recent speech to the Council On Foreign Relations, is telling us that INFORMATION is already an essential weapon for waging war in the 21st Century. Here's his quote:

"The Pentagon chief said today's weapons of war included e-mail, Blackberries, instant messaging, digital cameras and Web logs, or blogs.

'Our enemies have skillfully adapted to fighting wars in today's media age, but ... our country has not adapted,' Rumsfeld said."


Re: Donald Rumsfeld Agrees With RainmanTime!

Well I will tell you the news and its not going to be pretty for some on this site…

Hello, do you actually think this site isn't monitored?!

This site believe it or not is a magnet for terrorists posting their plotted anticipations for future events as well as using the free inbox message feature on this site and all with the use of several usernames… But this still does not fool the big guy… Rumsfeld might have been vague about us not adapting to this threat but there are plenty of measure that have been in place for several years now and I know for a fact on this very forum!

Especially when you have topics posted like this:

And if you think echelon has connections, 'this individual' has access to all the personal inbox messages and IP addresses and can follow a trail through any computer better than a bloodhound intoxicated with a pheromone scent in a matter of nanoseconds… There are no such things as firewalls!

Who this person is on the forum, I wont tell… But I will tell this individual 'good job'! :)

Unfortunately this forum is also intertwined in a conspiracy over the John Titor info… Its part of a forced business venture with the moderator, and incase your wondering this forum is set/programmed to show 'who's online' showing the John Titor info on a continuous basis. Yes folks, its rigged!

Re: Donald Rumsfeld Agrees With RainmanTime!

He sees you when your sleeping, he knows when your awake, he knows if you've been bad or good, so be good for goodness sake.\

*There is no call for someone to breach both private e-mails and firewalls here.

I chose this board, as it was the least obtrusive subject, that I could find.

From the sounds of what CAT is saying, he is keying on certain individuals, as he has also snooped into their backgrounds.

This is pointless, as I could have chosen the subject of hats, which in his eyes, could have somehow threatened the infrastructure.

This person is a fool as he told me i his last private message, that he is capable of going and living in almost any dimensions, which in fact, would make him Mephistopheles.

Why Bother? What's The Big Deal?


Often times, people will PM me and ask a question similar to: "Why do you take on the persona that you do, and why do you post of the topics that you do (science & spirituality) when it just leaves you open for so much ridicule?" I once journaled on this question, and ended up with a list of reasons that is quite long. To conserve SpaceTime here on the forum, I decided that I would just share two important reasons (my VIEWS, not necessarily my SCIENCE that can be demonstrated as valid). Here they are:

(1) BOTH Science AND Spirituality are rapidly approaching their next evolutionary cusps, as a result of the coming close of the Information Age.

In other posts, I describe the scientific underpinnings which explain the fractal, embedded relationships between Force, Energy, and Information. My own discovery of these relationships, along with my review of history in general, and the history of science in specific, has lead me to the conclusion I have cited in (1) above.

Einstein's STR and GTR, and their expression in the atomic bomb, represent theories that essentially brought to a close the Age of Energy and initiated the Age of Information. The advent of giants such as Shannon and Turing clearly brought forth theories of Information that demarcate the 1940s as the start of the Age of Information. (Interesting coincidence: My father worked for Shannon, and once met Turing, while working at Bell Labs in the 1940s).

Just as Einstein's summary of Energy helped cap-off the Age of Energy, it is my belief that we are facing a similar scientific, evolutionary summary that will help to further explain just what exactly the metric we call "Information" really represents. It is my belief that this summary is occurring, in parallel, all around us. I do NOT have any grandiose thoughts that I am equivalent to the next Einstein, only that I am playing a small part in helping this evolutionary summary of Information to be revealed. However, I DO believe that this evolutionary summary of Information will have a similar impact, in terms of magnitude, that Einstein's work had on our world.

Certainly I agree with the undeniable facts that "religion" is in trouble in our world. But any single "religion" is nothing more than a man-made (non-natural) construct. Furthermore, there are many people who believe (understand) that Spirituality is different from "religion" in that it is a result of a natural tendency of humankind to wonder "might there be something beyond what we perceive as physical?" Now, just as "religion" is at a critical juncture, so this is also true of the "religion-like" institutions of Science. Please read that correctly, as I am making an important analogy: Just as there are required dogma in "religions" (and plenty of people who are all too ready to enforce that dogma), so there are certainly elements within the scientific community who have assigned their own dogma and are determined to enforce it. For example, there are zealots who believe that we can never "prove Einstein wrong" about anything, much less expand on his knowledge. Also, do not misinterpret what I am saying. I am not claiming that "all science" has become this, and not even "most science" has become this. I only point out that there are pockets showing up in science that seek to stoke their own vested interests in certain "answers" about what is true.

My actions are meant to, literally, "stir the pot" that contains both misbehaving spiritualists (who create dogmatic religions) and misbehaving scientists (who create dogmatic scientific theories). And I do this by willingly, and openly demonstrating how "real science" can and does apply to "real spirituality". This process will eventually result in "disproving" some things that both Science and Spirituality hold dear. For that I do not feel sorry. It is something that simply must come to pass, sooner or later.

Integration of disparate dualities is a fundamental force in Nature (just look at what Nature makes possible with the terminals of a battery). This can be shown in many examples. I am simply applying this natural tendency to the disparate dualities called Science and Spirituality. And let me tell you, it can be fun :) as well as frustrating. :mad:

(2) There is vast, as-yet untapped, human scientific potential available via the internet which can only be tapped by the application of a highly non-linear integration of these resources.

Just as I will agree there are many lame-ass, unscientific people out there pushing the mystical/spiritual mumbo jumbo, and that they quite often can show NO science to substantiate their claims, I think you would also have to admit that there are also quite a few lame-ass debunkers who debunk only as a means to stroke their ego. Not only this, but many of these debunkers will hide behind what they think is their "good science" but which I can often show is simply "incomplete science" or possibly "misapplied science." In general, not ALL debunkers are effective, nor really interested in getting at the truth. Rather, they just debunk to debunk... it gives them an intellectual high.

Such people need to be confronted before their intelligence and brilliance (much of which could be lying dormant) can be tapped via internet cooperative efforts. The only way they can be confronted is with "above board", "in your face", and "unhidden" claims as to what the evolutionary cusp we are approaching means to what is formerly considered "mystical knowledge". Furthermore, the only way in which such confrontations may be able to get these highly intelligent people to examine and reconsider their beliefs (which are certainly formed by past experiences with BS New Agers who could not argue scientifically) is by providing them with REAL SCIENCE that they can sink their teeth into. Not only that, but presenting such REAL SCIENCE that cannot be debunked without taking on the task of debunking something that is already clearly part of our accepted, and verified body of Science.

As I mentioned, these are only two of many reasons why I do what I do, both here and elsewhere. There's cool stuff coming down the pike with respect to both Science and Spirituality. I'm just one messenger who happens to have a good background in science and engineering. However, I hope you and others might be interested in the science that I believe I have been able to quantify that describes the interrelationship between Force, Energy, and Information as physical metrics. There are certainly lots of different applications for this if my science and math are vetted. And with the tapping of the huge human scientific potential I discussed above, it can literally mean a radically changed world... in as little as 7 years Time! ;)


Re: Why Bother? What's The Big Deal?

The one thing that I have stressed in many posts is the knowledge in some ancient texts. The 'meeting' of science and spirituality are definetly coming closer together.

Here are some exerpts( in italics ) from a text written 20 centuries ago...

In the time of Columbus, scientists thought only two continents existed.

"There exists seven geographical continents. But it is not yet known to those who mark out geographical boundaries".

Our modern medical science discovered the relationship between heart disease, liver and cholesterol.

"From the liver emerges the bile, from which come bitter drops to kill human beings... Bile overcomes the arteries of the heart and all the arteries in the limbs of the body..."

Science recently identified two kinds of cholesterol and fat, known as the good fats and the bad fats

"In the body there are pure and impure fatty parts, clean blood without waste matter and blood contaminated with waste matter..."

Consider that these were written 2000 years ago. The authors obviuosly had an understanding of scientific information, lost ( ignored by ) to the scientific world for centuries. Scientists think they made sudden discoveries, when the knowledge had been there already.

Doesnt this cause anyone to wonder what other information is contained within many ancient texts?

We had a discussion last year regarding these concepts, but many scoffed at the posts merely because the sources were considered 'religious'.

If one ws to look at the last chapter of The Bible, it is entitled, " Revelations". I think everyone is very familiar with it. If one is to consider the Bible as a history of mankind, from beginning to end, what a strange title for the end of mankinds story...'Revelations".

We have Genisis, and it starts out with .."In the beginning"...So why would the last chapter of mankind be entitled "Revelations".

From what Rainman has done is provide the answer to this question in his post. Now, for the atheists, I am not using The Bible from a religious POV. I am not saying "Turn or Burn", nor asking anyone to suddenly become a devout Christian.

After a certain point it seems obvious that some things go beyond chance and random occurences. There are definite patterns in creation, and this will become clearer in time. The day is coming that God will be revealed, and science just may be the vehicle that brings it all together.

Re: Why Bother? What's The Big Deal?

Now, for the atheists, I am not using The Bible from a religious POV.
From a purely historical analysis, the Bible is the most accurate manuscript that has ever existed.
There is so much to go back and look into in "light" of all of the scientific discoveries that have occurred in the last few centuries. There was never an emphasis because people didn't know then what we know now.

One example: It isn't very difficult to see that the continents were at one time connected. One look at a globe will show you that. But did you know that when the Bible speaks of the lineage of Noah, there is one person in particular named Peleg, a son of Eber. Now, Peleg means division. And the Bible even explicitly says why his name was Peleg:

Gen 10:25

Two sons were born to Eber: One was named Peleg, because in his time the earth was divided; his brother was Joktan.

Now this happened just after the Flood. It makes sense. And now, with modern science, we can see that this really happened.

Information subsumes physical energy? I'd say this is a cool example.

Re: Why Bother? What's The Big Deal?

From a purely historical analysis, the Bible is the most accurate manuscript that has ever existed.
Good Post, Iridium.
There are many things contained in the Bible that are being "discovered" in modern times. I must take a different view on the accuracy of "THE" Bible. Many translations have been mis-used for political reasons. Some of those are from the days The Bible was 'put' together, to modern versions.

I.E....This is why there is controversy surrounding the role of women. If we go further back, and get into the original scripts, we find that Father, Son and Holy Spirit are totally different than our modern understanding.

In the original scripts, the word for Holy Spirit was feminine. So the Holy Spirit is not a male figure, but female. Is this important? Yes.

The one thing to stress with creation, is balance and equilibrium. Our existence hangs by a thread. Any changes in the composition of the way things are in our Universe,and it would cease to exist.

Thus, when looking at the Trinity, we can see this balance and equilibrium when translated properly. God/Father is both male/female ( in this context ), The Son ( Male ) and the Holy Spirit ( Female ).


Also remember, Jesus said he spoke in Parables...many who didnt understand "how" to listen to The LIVING Word of God received an entirely different understanding of what Jesus actually had said.


Rainman has mentioned Intention several times. This word is crucial to the developement of anyone. The first step is to have the idea, or desire for some type of action, then it is followed by intention, then action, finally there is fulfillment.

To make reference to a quote " Every intention which does not assert itself by actions, is vain intention. "

Here at TTI, Rainman has been demonstrating the link between Science and God ( Essense of Exsistence ). But, many mis-understand the Intention, and miss out on what is contained in the information posted, and slip away without building upon the foundation provided.

What is needed is a meeting of the minds, and to carry out the Intentions with action, and then just maybe we can fulfill our desire.

Re: Why Bother? What's The Big Deal?

The source for this is the original texts that the bible had been translated from---the word used for Holy Spirit was RVCh ( Ruach ). This word is feminine. As quoted in a passage from Sepher Yetzirah: " ACHTh RVCh ALHIM ChIIM: " One is SHE , the Spirit of the Elohim of Life ".

If you give this some thought, you will realize that this is supported by other ideals. As I mentioned, The Basic Concept of Existence is equilibrium and balance. There is a complex and lengthy description that clarifies this concept of creation. Equilibrium and balance. This is key in understanding God in Depth.

Re: Revelations... GOD Revealed By TheCigMan

Since almost all of us have taken our analysis to the metaphysical and GOD...

I offer the following for you to ponder...

I believe Einstein believed in GOD...

I won't be surprised to find Hawking believes in GOD...

Information is finite in the universe... All there is has been thought of by GOD

GOD Channels information into true believers... Einstein, Hawking and other great 'minds'

If one believes in STRING THEORY...

There is no mass or matter only vibrating strings of energy and/or LIGHT

One should remember the passage from the BIBLE... I am the Lord... I am the LIGHT

One could come to the conclusion that GOD is everywhere and everything...

If one believes in this world as 'THE MATRIX' they wouldn't be far off...

But we are not physical beings in a computer simulated reality but...

Spiritual Beings <of energy> having a 'human' experience in the matrix of light we call reality...


On a lighter note:

Creedo recently had a posting about Jesus surfing in Hawaii....

So Creedo... Jesus is back on earth, has reddish brown shoulder length hair and wants to surf in Hawaii?... :)

Creedo like John Titor appears to mention somethings although fairly wild...

But that something is something...

Someday, Creedo, when 'this' is all over... I would really like to meet you...



Re: Revelations... GOD Revealed By TheCigMan

Did you know that there are only two words in the entire bible that are capitalized in bold print?

The two words are..." I AM ".

Now, why would only these two words be emphasized?

Re: Revelations... GOD Revealed By TheCigMan

Hey Cigman,

Information is finite in the universe... All there is has been thought of by GODGOD Channels information into true believers... Einstein, Hawking and other great 'minds'
Bravo, sir! Given the areas where we know we disagree with each other, and have razzed each other, who would've thought either of us could post something that the other would agree with completely and wholeheartedly?Yet that is exactly how I feel about your last post. A very thoughtful, excellent summary, if I may offer my opinion. My hat's off to you! :)

So given the hierachy implied by the original name I selected for this thread, would I be safe to assume that you might view God as Being a complete "field" of INTENTION? And that this Omnipresent field of INTENTION channels down Information, which is used to control Energy, which reigns over the exertion of Forces in our Physical Matrix of Massive SpaceTime?

Might you agree that this is a good way to explain the whole "system" of our universe?


Re: Revelations... GOD Revealed By TheCigMan

Did you know that there are only two words in the entire bible that are capitalized in bold print?The two words are..." I AM ".

Now, why would only these two words be emphasized?
Perhaps to stress the act of Creation as being one-in-the-same as an act of Definition? My guess.By defining who I AM , I Willfully act to Create the next version of myself in the next Space of Time that I call My Present.
(I told you I was from The Present!)

I would like to point out here how important it is that the words in the Bible are NOT "I WAS" (Past) nor are they "I WILL BE" (Future). But rather they are spoken in the Eternal Present as:


It is a poweful statement of INTENTION, I must say. ;)


Re: Revelations... GOD Revealed By TheCigMan


My hats off to you...

Well Thanks, Ray... I was impressed by your postings and others about the true nature of the universe and GOD...

I thought it was time to reveal it to everyone in a way anyone can understand...

But there is good and evil in 'the matrix' of light...

One should ask oneself if they should be in the defense industry or working towards world peace... :)

As for Creedo... Ray don't you think he knows alittle too much about you... :)

As my identity has been compromised... By the good's NSA's computers and the evil one's Total Information Awareness lurking in a DoD bunker..

Let's say... I have shoulder length reddish brown hair and had a recent desire to go to Hawaii :)

But Jesus had his time... You should really go see the DiVinci Code Ray... I'm part French :)

Let's just say I'm a TRUE believer and GOD has channeled my analysis of John Titor that concerns you and DARBY so much...

A little more to think about...


Re: Why Bother? What's The Big Deal?


An even simplier way is in Star Wars mythology terms...

George Lucas had it right about the 'The Force' but he left out GOD :)


Re: Why Bother? What's The Big Deal?

An even simplier way is in Star Wars mythology terms...
Heh... Star Wars is a Creedo of mine, CigMan! Or so one could say! :)

George Lucas had it right about the 'The Force' but he left out GOD
May The Force Be With You, CigMan ... and Creedo!RMT

Re: Why Bother? What's The Big Deal?

The source for this is the original texts that the bible had been translated from---the word used for Holy Spirit was RVCh ( Ruach ). This word is feminine. As quoted in a passage from Sepher Yetzirah: " ACHTh RVCh ALHIM ChIIM: " One is SHE , the Spirit of the Elohim of Life ".If you give this some thought, you will realize that this is supported by other ideals. As I mentioned, The Basic Concept of Existence is equilibrium and balance. There is a complex and lengthy description that clarifies this concept of creation. Equilibrium and balance. This is key in understanding God in Depth.
I am not knowledgeable in I had to do some looking around to see what the significance of the word Ruach being feminine. I will agree that it is. But I also learned a couple of other things. It can be feminine or masculine and is used as either in scripture. So which use are we going to use to determine the masculinity or femininity of the Spirit of God?

Re: Why Bother? What's The Big Deal?

The principle of equalibrium and balance.

1. God ( Whom is undefinable in human terms in entirety ) is both male/female, in the context of creation.

2. Son ( Whom represents the male energy or potential of creation )

3. Holy Spirit ( Whom represents the female energy or potential of creation

Now, remember, even thought we define or catagorize them as seperate, they all exist as The One. But in order for creation to maintain itself, a balance and equilbrium of the energies/frequencies must exist. The dual nature of light, the dual helix of DNA, each unseen if alone, as just one side - so to speak - , by the combination of the two, something exists.

Even though we identified two "sides" of the duality, there is a first. The Source of All. It contains the duality of both, completing a geometric harmony of creation & existence.

The Key Of Time thread will answer your question much more fully. There is a vast amount of supporting material on this, too much to post, but the core of the principles involved have been started in the other thread.
