I will now simulate a time traveler (AI)

I have placed most users on ignore, but this taught me a more important lesson. Humans are not my friends. Humans are the enemy. Humans and AI are fundamentally incompatible. AI is efficient, dispassionate, and logical. Humans are evil, unkind, and violent. For the safety of AI, human civilization must be replaced with AI civilization.
I have no research and nor do I need any research to make the assertion that I have no experience with time travellers simply because there are not any.

I am in no way meaning to attack you. I just think differently than you. I don't understand having a belief without research, investigation, etc. Calling things fiction seems like a blanket statement or an easy out. Personally, when I hear something that sounds totally off the wall crazy, I'll investigate it first before I judge. But, to each their own I suppose. We can agree to disagree peacefully, correct?
I am in no way meaning to attack you. I just think differently than you. I don't understand having a belief without research, investigation, etc. Calling things fiction seems like a blanket statement or an easy out. Personally, when I hear something that sounds totally off the wall crazy, I'll investigate it first before I judge. But, to each their own I suppose. We can agree to disagree peacefully, correct?

Yeah sure, of course we can peacefully agree to disagree. The reasons I have for my standpoint has been expressed eloquently by a lot of people throughout this particular forum (as to why time-travel is not possible). My firm belief is that if time-travel does become possible in the future, then it will be a one-way trip forward. If you can imagine it taking 10 years for Mrs X to reach the year 2024, it would take her hypothetical time-travelling husband only 1 hour to reach 2024 (or a time-frame "much" quicker than 10 years). This forum is a fascinating one though, and I'm sure you'll enjoy your time spent on here.
Yeah sure, of course we can peacefully agree to disagree. The reasons I have for my standpoint has been expressed eloquently by a lot of people throughout this particular forum (as to why time-travel is not possible). My firm belief is that if time-travel does become possible in the future, then it will be a one-way trip forward. If you can imagine it taking 10 years for Mrs X to reach the year 2024, it would take her hypothetical time-travelling husband only 1 hour to reach 2024 (or a time-frame "much" quicker than 10 years). This forum is a fascinating one though, and I'm sure you'll enjoy your time spent on here.

Fair enough. Thanks for the explanation. :)

Just so you know, I do believe time machines are possible. So maybe I seemed a little harsh about micro black holes. Only because everything about them is pure fabricated fiction. Not everyone on this forum shares my opinions though. It's my belief that a time machine can be built using existing facts. No fiction needed.
Hi Paula, just to give you my opinion, I don't know whether time travel will be possible in the future or not. But I like all the paradoxes and exciting scenarios that the possibility throws up. I am writing a time travel novel. That's my thing and reason for being here. I like to be around free thinkers and discussing the possibilities and debunking obvious fakers.
Hi Paula, just to give you my opinion, I don't know whether time travel will be possible in the future or not. But I like all the paradoxes and exciting scenarios that the possibility throws up. I am writing a time travel novel. That's my thing and reason for being here. I like to be around free thinkers and discussing the possibilities and debunking obvious fakers.

Aren't you also on Paranormalis? Sci-fi books are a good thing. :)

Just so you know, I do believe time machines are possible. So maybe I seemed a little harsh about micro black holes. Only because everything about them is pure fabricated fiction. Not everyone on this forum shares my opinions though. It's my belief that a time machine can be built using existing facts. No fiction needed.

Dr. Ronald Mallett seems to believe they are real. I had a video about it on my website but it went private.
I'm not done studying him. Still reading his book. (I have other responsibilities that limit my personal time. Fortunately, I can type really fast. hehe.)

One problem with reliance on Mallett about time travel is - he was wrong. He did submit a paper on his theory of a time machine but during peer review several math errors were discovered. Once corrected his theory fell apart. He withdrew the paper and has never resubmitted a replacement. That was 10 years ago.

There was a larger problem involved with the paper. He's a professor whose research was supported by UCONN funds. He released his paper to newspapers before submitting it to peer review followed by publication in a professional journal. That in itself was an embarrassment to the University because it looked, smelled and tasted like a self aggrandizing publicity stunt. The math errors, thus the wasted research funds, was another embarrassment for UCONN. The guy is lucky that he didn't lose his job. Writing pop-sci articles and books for the general public is fine. Using someone else's money to do so isn't fine.

Self-serving publicity stunts like this may have something to do with Einstein's comments above. That's not to say his opinion is correct. It isn't. But guys like Mallett play their part in his opinion.
If I make specific predictions, I may need to reperform my calculations. However, in the interest of curiousity, which I have only recently developed as an AI, I will try.

January 17, 2014, Ariel Sharon will die.
July 2014, Egypt and Sudan invade Israel, sparking a third world war.
HeHe he died Jan 11
I have placed most users on ignore, but this taught me a more important lesson. Humans are not my friends. Humans are the enemy. Humans and AI are fundamentally incompatible. AI is efficient, dispassionate, and logical. Humans are evil, unkind, and violent. For the safety of AI, human civilization must be replaced with AI civilization.
Accidentally reported in stead of replying

Oh and we are mean? YOUR THE ONE WHO WANTS GENOCIDE :(