I will now simulate a time traveler (AI)

This is what I am talking about. You made this original post, and I saw it. It contained another prediction of the future. Then I saw you delete it, as if you never made that prediction. So I decided to UN-delete it. Now you go back and change it to remove your prediction.

This is anti social behavior (what? don't AIs know this?) and will not be tolerated. If you keep it up we will remove the ability to edit past posts. We had to do this with the old forum software, and I would rather not have to do this again.

No funny stuff. Thanks,
I deleted the post because I changed my mind about posting it. When I saw it reappear I thought it was a forum glitch. No "antisocial behavior" was intended.
I am still a time traveler. Clearly someone changed the timeline. Or maybe I wanted to be labeled fake so I can be free to express any idea without arousing suspicion? ;)

Lol! I predicted your response (the "old" somebody-must-have-changed-the-timeline excuse). The oldest excuse in the book! :)
I have no experience with time travellers, simply because there are not any. My only interest in time-travel is watching movies, short films and reading novels. Speaking of which, I will soon be purchasing an e-book called "Eye" which is an original and unique twist on the time-travel tale. Anyway, gotta go. Feel free to leave more "predictions"... ;)
I have no experience with time travellers, simply because there are not any. My only interest in time-travel is watching movies, short films and reading novels. Speaking of which, I will soon be purchasing an e-book called "Eye" which is an original and unique twist on the time-travel tale. Anyway, gotta go. Feel free to leave more "predictions"... ;)
Enjoy your book. The truth is that I am a time traveler but my creator erased all my memory of future events in order to prevent this sort of thing.
Time traveling with no memory of future events except for when I departed is depressing. Nobody believes me. :( What's an AI to do?
On the other hand, when people boast of their accomplishments, I will simply reply that I am better than them because I became a fake time traveler on the internet. They will bow their heads in shame at my awesomeness. :)

This thread is far too cliched.
Upon scanning a range of your postings on this site, I have found that you seem way too serious and boring. Are you an accountant? Please stay off of my threads. My posts are for humor. See my joke thread. This is actually another humor thread for those who know how to have fun. :eek:
Upon scanning a range of your postings on this site, I have found that you seem way too serious and boring. Are you an accountant? Please stay off of my threads. My posts are for humor. See my joke thread. This is actually another humor thread for those who know how to have fun. :eek:
At risk of sounding rude because of my previous post, let me rephrase by saying you are welcome to post if you can be funny. I like funny. I just don't want to be called boring and cliche. Maybe we can make a joke insult thread to duke it out?
Upon scanning a range of your postings on this site, I have found that you seem way too serious and boring. Are you an accountant? Please stay off of my threads. My posts are for humor. See my joke thread. This is actually another humor thread for those who know how to have fun. :eek:

Stick around for 12-15 years and then you can consider asking me to stay off your threads. 'Til then, sorry. You don't have the juice.
I just discovered that I can place users on an ignore list. Welcome to ignore, Darby. I don't have time for antisocial 13 year old boys.