I'll have to retract my statement. During second 28 of the youtube video you posted you can see a bit of concrete bust out the other side.
That is the only proper way to investigate anything. So about all the pentagon photos I presented. Would you care to address some of those inconsistencies? Like why the grass infront of the impact point shown no sign of scorching. How did all the large pieces of werckage escape any burning despite being at the center of impact? You can't even find soot on any of the larger pieces of wreckage. What of all the light poles in the photos? The light poles are well past the freeway and they are directly in the path of the final approach, so why are they upright and undamaged? The jet flew in low to the ground, shouldn't the jet exhaust burned/browned the grass?
Can you address these questions I bring up based on the photos I posted?
photo number one of light poles in relation to wreckage
Photo two
One of the mainstays of aircraft accident investigations is we do not "choose a theory and back it with evidence". Rather, the process uses evidence and data to eliminate those scenarios that the data/evidence shows could not happen. Once the tree of possibilities has been pruned, and all that are left are those things that the data/evidence allows could have happened, then a statement of highest liklihood is made for what had the highest probability of occurrence for happening.
That is the only proper way to investigate anything. So about all the pentagon photos I presented. Would you care to address some of those inconsistencies? Like why the grass infront of the impact point shown no sign of scorching. How did all the large pieces of werckage escape any burning despite being at the center of impact? You can't even find soot on any of the larger pieces of wreckage. What of all the light poles in the photos? The light poles are well past the freeway and they are directly in the path of the final approach, so why are they upright and undamaged? The jet flew in low to the ground, shouldn't the jet exhaust burned/browned the grass?
Can you address these questions I bring up based on the photos I posted?
photo number one of light poles in relation to wreckage
Photo two