I know what happens in 2012.

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You know indazona in the future if you feel I have missed or ignored something please quote it to me. I did not dismiss anything by Darby to my knowledge.

As for ignoreing facts that don't fit belife structures...Thats called transference. Your imposeing your own feelings and belifes onto me.
That is what you may think you are doing. What I am doing is dispelling analysis and conclusions that I know are based on incomplete or inaccurate assumptions.
However, your rebuttal rests on the validity of the eyewitness reports. This would also mean that anything at the scene where the crash occured would have to be ignored, as they indicate something other than an airliner was used. You're rebuttals are equally as based on incomplete and inaccurate assumptions.

This interpretation has explicit assumptions that you are attributing that the witness did not state, namely that the airplane remained overhead for its entire flight path.
We covered why it could not fly low as a large aircraft - obstructions. You have not presented why a large airliner could fly low. I also covered why it could not have made it's decent at the pentagon from above, as it left no angled line of destruction to suggest that way. It was also high-speed, correct? The laws of accelation would not have allowed for a last-minute decent (followed by the neccessary slow-down to control the craft) and a sudden accelation into the building. Again, pilot training could be brought up here.

Obviously, I had not made the assumption it stayed overhead, as that would have rendered the ending as impossible, I was however pointing out the flaw in the witness statements. I merely pointed out it would be impossible for an overhead plane, of that size, at that speed, to be able to pull off such a stunt. See above as for why.

Your uninformed assumption is that I use uninformed assumptions.
That is an extremely uninformed assumption, and you even tell us why: You are not a pilot. In fact, it actually is quite easy to fly that low to the ground due to something called "aerodynamic ground effect". This effect actually increases the lift on the airplane due to the "cushion of air" it is riding upon between itself and the ground. In addition, this ground effect artificially enhances the pitch stability of the airplane, making it easier to maintain a constant altitude than when you are "up and away". Finally, the other thing that makes your assumption incorrect is that myself, and many other engineers and pilots, have actually flown much larger airplanes than a 757 (like an MD-11) at altitudes of 20, 10, and even 5 feet above the ground during flight tests. So to recap, this assumption you make is not based on facts and/or data about the stability and control characteristics of large transport aircraft.
It is interesting to point out that you ignored why I pointed out such a low flying craft is impossible, to the point where someone needs not be a pilot to know why it's not possible. I doubt, in your training simulations, you had to fly low inside a crowded city, but, instead on an open peice of land with very little, or no obstructions. The air cusion effect, if I am not mistaken, only applies on flat land, which would have rendered it fairly useless over buildings of varying shapes and sizes.

Do not forget, the pilot in the aircraft you speak of is unlikely to have the same level of experience as you. Whilst you may have the experience for it, you are making a flawed assumption of thinking that the pilot of the airliner has it as well.

Do not forget, this contrasts with the reports of it flying overhead.

I'd prefer it if you'd stop claiming I hold assumptions, when I am clearly showing you what I am basing it on. An assumption is a HIDDEN reason for an argument, IE it cannot be explict. A reason is any explict peice of an argument. Therefore, you cannot have explict assumptions. I also do not hold assumptions in this argument, aside from the truthfulness of the information I have received. Since it would be too costly (and time consuming) for me to personally check out every peice of evidence, which may have been forged or altered, I will have to make do on the assumptions of truth. Your assumption is that you know what an assumption is. Also, assumptions are usually part of an argument, and can also be true, as well as false. It's deemed bad to base an argument entirely, or mostly off an assumption.

Those are blatant assumptions that you have no means to backup. Moreover, if a hijacker's express mission was to maximize damage by hitting the Pentagon, don't you think he would HAVE to be trained to fly that profile? It only stands to reason if you want someone to do something, with a high degree of assurance, that you would wish to train them. So the logic in the second part of your assumption is terribly flawed.
See above about assumptions. My information is fairly easy to obtain via any internet search engine. Type in 'Pentagon Crash' and you'll see the exact same information I've been using now, rotor blade, damage to the building, damage to the lawn, wreckage left behind, New York *City*. What I don't see you doing, however, is backing up your claims - would you care to casually fly a MD-11 low to the ground past my house? It's in the UK so you might have to fly quite far. Be careful of the trees around here. I also expect you to show me a local (or internation) terrorist ring which can teach me how to fly a full-blown airliner, and the neccessary hijacking skills. They must be able to teach me how to bypass the warning systems installed for the pentagon (with a free missle-inteceptor system included) and show me how to pentrate 6 steel-concrete walls and leave no real wreckage behind, and a fake rotor blade to fool people.

I do not make the flawed assumption that a hijacker can be trained how to fly an airliner (they aren't particularly cheap to buy) as I have never come accross a terrorist ring that would teach me how to do so (nor has anyone ever spoken about one, or suggested one would exist). Anyway, if they are practicing how to fly into a building, how do you expect the hijackers to survive? How can an airliner be ignored making training runs low over a city at high-speed?

I wouldn't be so eager to try and claim the logic is flawed. If you're after a higher burden of proof in arguments (IE backing it up), you'll produce a terrorist ring who'll teach me.

You assume it lost its wings but have no evidence that this is so.
You mis-read. I was attacking your argument that suggested the wings may have come-off earlier (ironically, you're also attacking it). There is contradictory points in this regard. There are no wings at the crash, but there is an engine, but the plane can't fly minus a wing or two, and, as you say, no wings found anywhere else. This however would suggest it was not an airliner... No wings!

This is an assumption based on what you believe to be the fracture mechanics of airplanes hitting concrete buildings at high speed. The assumption is incorrect, and the F-4 video proves it is incorrect.
I find it striking you've used the word in assumption in every sentence. Is this a retalitory attack on my singular usage in the start of my earlier argument? I wouldn't be surprised, quite a number of people do it.

You dismiss it as an 'incorrect assumption' when I gave the example of 9/11 - the same planes got only half-way inside a building of *steel* and glass . So imagine what one plane does when it hits *steel* and concrete. Concrete is a sight more resistant than glass. Are we to believe an airliner went further inside a building of greater resistance than two airplanes into two buildings of less resistance?

Lets not forget the F-4 is a smaller craft than an airliner, so we're making the assumption the two different aircraft act the same, which as a pilot, you should know is not the case. In my example, of 9/11 and the Pentagon, the aircraft are the same (at least, in regards to the pentagon, it's meant to be the same).

I already did. See above.
You were only disputing fracture mechanics. Fracture Mechanics only explain how a plane is damaged (or fractured) on impact. It does not explain how the mass of the object can just disappear into thin air without a trace.

And the same assumption is made in NYC by conspiracy theorists who claim witnesses told the truth about hearing "explosions" or even worse "bombs". You can't have it both ways. Either you accept all their testimony and qualify the parts you use, or you accept none of it.
Unfortuantly for you, my basis was upon photographs, not eyewitness accounts. It is not neccessary to use eyewitnesses to form a reasoned argument, that is your misunderstanding.

That is either an incorrect assumption or based on false facts. The following page clearly shows where the identified parts came from on a 757 engine:
This site says about how there wasn't wreckage. My dispute was with how *little* there was. I find it interesting most people aren't even sure of the aircraft's number, calling it 747 or 757.

Regardless. A little bit of covering would quickly show there is an issue...

Here is the disputed part. Note it's size in comparison to the firemen's legs.
The part, as supplied by the site, in comparison to the engine.
A boeing, 757.

Now, is it me, or does that part look a tad small for an engine on that scale? It's not helpful it doesn't refer specifically to what type of engine class, as the -535 has at least two variants, each with a different rotor size.

However, even the site you supplied reckons most of this information is actually in dispute as to what parts are what. As the debris was incredibly mangled, it's not surprising.

So you cannot deny that this evidence pretty much trashes your assumptions. Clearly that red "c" is a match. How do you explain that away?
How can you ensure it was not planted? The airliner theory rests partially on that certain misfit parts (like the engine or wheel rim) were planted there. How can we be sure it's not the same with other parts?

Although Kudos, it's a fairly good find. All you would need is an image of the craft before it colided with the Pentagon. Images, we cannot forget, are being withheld. If it was simply an aircraft crash, why the hush-hush?

One assumption of what it suggest, and not the most likely one when you understand fracture mechanics of an airplane flying into concrete at 500 mph.[
Then why not explain what, in your opinion, is the most likely scenario and why. I would like to see why there are only a few small chunks of the fuselage, and not many small chunks.

You said you were not a pilot. So for you to make this assumption is disingenuous. You cannot and do not know, and as I explained about ground effect above, this assumption is wrong.
Not an assumption. Simply because I am not a pilot, does not mean a pilot related problem (obstructions) magically disappears as an 'assumption'.

True enough, but what my profession and training does make me is more qualified than folks like yourself to arrive at conclusions about aircraft accidents. As I have shown above, your assumptions about these technical issues are often incorrect, and by thinking you know something that you are not trained in, such assumptions can (and often do) lead to incorrect conclusions.
Unfortuantly, simply because you hold the professional training does not immediately mean you will supply correct conclusions or truthful assumptions. After all, even with training, one does not guarentee any success of identifying aircraft accidents. Given this wasn't an accident either, one could technically argue that the role does not suit.

Yes, and the operative word here is "peer". You are not qualified to review the analysis I have presented to counter your assumptions, therefore any attempt by you to show my analysis is incorrect would be futile. However, another aerospace engineer trained in aircraft and aircraft accidents (i.e. my peer) could, indeed, review my analysis for accuracy.

See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Appeal_to_authority as to why this is flawed. As previously explained and simplified above.

At the end of the day, this is simply a debate which will have no outstanding effect on anything except knowledge and opinions. I prefer to improve both of the latter, rather than actively trying to attack someone, or over-use the expressions of assumption.

I would suggest some understanding of Critical Thinking. This will greatly improve your arguments, and you will not need to resort to using assumption and holding the assumption that assumptions are bad or false. I hold the assumption I can learn from my mistakes. Is this bad or false?

Also, an interesting debate. Although I am still not entirely sure, as it makes no sense, the government covers up what appears to be a relatively straight forward hijacking job. Why?

Lets criticaly examin this photo. The peice of wreckage you see must of landed in the spot and the plane exploded right?

Despite its twisted form there is no scorching, no sign of any soot, nothing at all to suggest it had been at the epicenter of a giant fireball(aside from its twisted form).

If it landed in that spot it would of been traveling at a high rate of speed. The ground below the wreckage shows no impact damage. The dirt isn't even dug up. The grass underneath doesn't even look disturbed. If nothing else should not the heat of the wreckage, browned the grass directly around the peice of wreckage before it cooled?

Lets look at that approach angle too


This is a to scale representation of a 757 and the reported angle of impact. To fly this low to the ground it should of hit a few lamp post right? Maybe, maybe not but what of the ground itself? Shouldn't the grass have two brown lines where jet exhaust would of cooked the grass?


This photo was taken moments after impact. NOTE THE LACK OF WRECKAGE AND THE GREEN GREEN GRASS.
Where is all the debris shown in the first photo? How did the grass not burn both from jet exhaust and THE HUGE FIREBALL created from impact?


the position of this camera relative to the impact point.


The fireball reached the distance circled allegedly and yet the grass is green in the after impact shot...and plane wreckage is scarce.

Do you understand the inconsistencies of these photos?
I love how the American flag on the right side in the last photo is completely unscorched despite the wall behind it being clearly scorched.
Actully the last photo was taken some time after 911...thats why the flag isn't scorched. It was hung later to look good in photo ops.
Because the snapshot is taken from the frames of film the government released (the only one released to date). The actual explosion is 4 frames long I think. The one you bring up is frame 3 or 4.

As for the differences between the two; The photo you bring up is from the same batch of film. The difference is that it is a computer close up. That is why the sidewalk curve is more pronounced in your photo and why thier is alot less driveway. Who ever displayed that photo just cut out that portion of the photo and enlarged it. Same pentagon photo from the same film that we all have access too.
Hey heres a great photo I thought I'd share. Again notice all the green grass and lack of wreckage. More than that notice all the upright uncliped light poles.


And here is another photo of the wreckage again upright, uncliped light poles.

Hope you don't mind the link but the photo itself streched the thread so I removed it

"My friend, why should we be surprised at the occupation/employers (related to the federal government) of people flying out of Washington, DC?"

When I came back here yesterday, and saw Rustys post about People... it suddenly struck a chord within me. It wasn't so much about the people, as it was what they did and who they worked for at the time - and how it seems to correlate with events appearing in the news media leading up to 9/11.

I'll give you an example: One of the two people on board the plane that flew into the pentagon - was employed with Boeing (which as we both know is a govt contractor.) He worked for them as a engineer/scientist with their Integrated Defense Systems division. Prior to his employment with them - he was employed with the NSA for 14 years as a networking specialist. He was a computer science graduate. He served in the USAF for 4 years.

The other gentleman on board had been employed with Hughes for 17 years, and then Raytheon for 8 years (another Gov't contractor,) as their Director of Program management. He was a career soldier(US army, ret.) who had helped Hughes Corp develop anti radar technology, and was their "Dean of electronic warfare." On November 13, 2001 Army Brigadier General Edward M. Harrington, Director of the Defense Contract Management Agency, on the behalf of President Bush awarded the Defense of Freedom Medal to this guy as well as 3 other Raytheon employees. The medal was to recognize civilian Department of Defense employees killed September 11, 2001. It is the equivalent to the Purple Heart for civilians.

Now, knowing all of the above - I'd be awful curious to know what programs he'd been overseeing for the civilian DOD workers at Raytheon after reading this next part - wouldn't you??

v v v

Just 17 days before 9/11 occurred - Raytheon and the U.S. Air Force successfully auto land a pilot-less FedEx Boeing 727 six times at Holloman AFB, NM using a military GPS landing system that will enable ground control personnel to take control of a hijacked airplane and force land it.

Okay - lets both sit back and say so what??

Well, it seems too simple really, doesn't it? Raytheon conducts this test - and it just so happens one of these men whose killed in the crash at the Pentagon, worked for Raytheon as the Dir of Program Management (for the Dept of Defense?) Now, suppose for a moment, some of this mans work was overseeing this joint USAF/Raytheon project discussed above - that had completed testing 17 Days earlier?

There again, what about the first guy I brought up, (also, on the same flight,) who worked at Boeing in their Integrated Defense Systems Div? Whats the probability he could have been involved with the project above? This device Ratheon developed - and was testing, was installed in a Boeing aircraft. And as a scientist/ engineer in that div, it could be possible that he knew something about it - or perhaps had even worked thru Boeing with Raytheon, in engineering the means for the device to be installed and function inside the plane?

Yeah.. okay -- (to quote Sgt. Murtagh in Lethal Weapon... " Thats real thin Riggs...")
First I must say I will not engage in the Pentagon debate, as that gives in to the "change the topic" tactic. Besides, it is an airplane issue which is RMT's area and he is doing fine, even though some don't wish to research his facts. Second, we should look at a tally here of where we have been. You, Mr. titorite, have presented two faulty pieces of analysis that I have proven to be incorrect:

1) You presented someone else's information about steel weakening at certain temperatures, and I have clearly shown that analysis to be incorrect, especially that the first Young's Modulus critical point occurs at 600 Deg F. I referenced an engineering website which shows the plots for the actual decrease in Young's Modulus for carbon steel over temperatures. This debunking speaks to the credibility of your sources and the fact that you do not appear to check their veracity.

2) I have shown how you attempt to use analogies which have no basis in fact nor are they valid comparisons (i.e. the silly notion that a screen door is like a load bearing set of steel columns). This again speaks to the credibility of what you believe, and how you will use invalid analogies to try to convince people.

Taken together these two are enough to show that there is a serious character issue here, and at a minimum anyone else reading should take anything you present as "compelling evidence" with a serious grain of salt. But there is much more as we shall now see:

Not quite. I don't see any evidence of buckling.

Here we see a clear example that you violate your own tag line of "Even if you ignore the facts it doesn't change the truth." I have seen you berate RMT for not reading information you offer on other people's websites. Yet we shall now see that you are clearly not even reading all the information available in the NIST reports and factual evidence.

Can you show some photographic evidence of buckled Columns? Surely if thats what happened then thier ought to be lots of HUGE buckled columns...Show me the photos.


This is a set of 36 viewgraphs from NIST that are chock full of evidence that perimeter columns were indeed bowing, which is evidence that catastrophic buckling is approaching. But I will not take the cheap way out that you do and say "scroll down and read for yourself". No, I will direct you to the specific pages of evidence that you have apparantly, to-date, ignored.

Slides 5-6 shows clear evidence of inward bowing (as much as 55 inches). And it is interesting to note that the maximum bending occurs directly below the largest part of the fires.

Slide 11 shows more inward bowing on WTC2.

Slide 12 shows the sagging floor slab in WTC2 floor 82. The transverse (shear) loads of these hanging floor slabs are what is causing the perimeter columns to bow inward. The compressive stresses in thes same perimeter columns of the building mass above are the destabilizing forces that ultimately drive the catastrophic Euler buckling phenomenon.

Slide 13, more clear evidence of inward bowing, which leads to buckling (that is, if you understand the differential equation of Euler column buckling).

Slide 15 is seconds before collapse, and is the best evidence that Euler column buckling is imminent. It is hard to argue that entire segments of that face are all bowed inward. And we must not forget that Euler buckling differential equation. The greater the deflection of bowing, the more quickly it induces the final buckling. It is an unstable derivative condition. (Look it up)

Slide 16 clearly debunks many conspiracy theorist charges that "the buildings fell straight down". It is obvious in the picture on the right side of this slide that the top of the building is tilted. This is, yet again, clear evidence that the columns on the "low side" of the tilt buckled as one would expect from the primary failure mode of vertical columns under load.

Later in these slides you will see other evidence that dispels notions you have floated here before about how the inner columns were "hardly damaged". But this is enough for this source, as it is now clear there is plenty of evidence to support the most likely failure mode of vertical columns under load, namely Euler column buckling. You have simply ignored it. That does not change the truth.

I told you I had not heard of Euler Buckling before you brought it up...Now I have read about it and..yeah, I doubt it.

That is merely an opinion. One which you cannot factually support, but I would welcome you to try. What you must now do is refute the evidence I have shown is in existence. And to refute Euler column buckling you must show me your math. By the way, that math would also have to refute the math calculcations by the civil engineers in the paper I quoted in my last reply to you. You've got some work to do.

I have no problem being blunt, you are not as smart as me

And what evidence, pray tell, would you possibly have to support that claim?

You defend the government version of events and defend thier version with disinformational tactics rather than just calmly HONESTLY looking at the inconsistencies of which thier is legion.

4. Use a strawman. The version from NIST is based on evidence, as they outline. I do not "defend" it. I merely point out the factual engineering that supports it. And the primary factual evidence that supports it is the differential equation of Euler column buckling. Once again, no one has been able to scientifically refute this primary failure mode, and I will continue to bring it up until you do. It is a must.
7. Question motives. Claiming I am not honest, when you have no evidence to support this, is essentially questioning my motives. I point to data and scientific fact. That is honest.

The melting point of steel

4. Use a strawman.
17. Change the subject.
For at least the 5th time now, the issue is NOT about steel melting (although I see how you wish to change the subject and make that strawman stick). The issue is about weakening of steel. This is specifically known as Young's Modulus. All the assertions by you that you are not using disinformation tactics in maneuvers like this do not make it so. Please stay on the topic that is associated with Euler column buckling, which is Young's Modulus, NOT steel melting. One happens well before the other in temperature, as I have adequately shown.

Because the north tower took a direct hit to its inner core. Instead of haveing less obstructions to blast through the fireball and all of the pressure force and heat had to of taken out a great deal of the concrete surrounding the 20x20 core columns. The damage was much worse then the north tower where the fireball blast zoomed through the columns and burned in mostly midair.

Not one word of this refutes the scientific fact laid out by that wikipedia page, which is based on the evidence that all can see and agree to: There was a larger mass above the damage zone in the building that was hit second. Force = mass*acceleration (in this case "g"). Larger mass above the damage zone means larger forces (and thus larger stresses) in the remaining load bearing column. Wiggle as much as you wish, and fool yourself into thinking you have refuted this evidence, but you have not.

remarked about my lack of intelligence

4. Use a strawman.
Not even once have I made a remark about your intelligence. This is a strawman. What I have remarked about is your ignorance of scientific facts, especially of Euler column buckling and structural engineering concepts. And I have shown that ignorance in more ways than one. Do not make the mistake of confusing general intelligence with ignorance on a specific topic, in much the same way you confuse melting steel with weakening of its Young's Modulus.

and have attacked the messanger and ignored the message.

I have not ignored the message. I have, in fact, disputed it and in many ways debunked it. However, you have certainly ignored evidence, especially that which indicates Euler column buckling.

I Provide links when applicable or asked. (Most of the time)

And the times you do not provide links, such as in the case of your claim about Wikipedia and iron (which is not steel), is when you cannot support your statements. I am now asking you to give me the SPECFIC LINK for that statement of yours that you are ignoring, and I would like you to quote the words in that link that support your original claim. Here:

As for Wikis' info on steel...this should really be comon sense. Goto wiki, type in iron, scoll down and read.

4. Use a strawman.
Fact: Iron is not steel. Fact: The Young's Modulus of iron is significantly smaller (weaker) than carbon-steel. Here is a link that supports that fact:


Compare the values of "Cast Iron" with "Carbon Steel".

Fact: Even if you do as you say above (which is not providing a link, nor showing exactly where you claim is supported) you will not find any statements that will support this claim of yours:

Again Wikipedia has the right answer at 800 degrees steel gets hot but it doesn't even reach plascisity.

One reason you won't find it is because you point me to a page about iron, yet your vague statement you attribute to Wikipedia is about steel. I am sure others reading now see how you are indeed using disinformation diversionary tactics to avoid admitting you are incorrect in your knowledge (or even Wikipedia's statements) about steel weakening.

NOW THEN! When you accused me of being a disinformationalist, You said such things to the affect that; I made you out to be a straw man, riddiculed you, relyed on fall back position...Please re-read my reply to that post because I asked you many questions but you answered none.

17. Change the subject.
None of those questions are pertinent to your incorrect analysis and facts that I have pointed out several times now. Your questions are merely an attempt to change the subject. Each of my assertions of your use of disinformation tactics stand on their own. You may not accept them, but again I will say that just because you say it is so, does not make it so. Stay on the topic of WTC towers 1 and 2, and do try to refute Euler column buckling in the face of the clear evidence. That is the topic, and each time you try to change it I will call you on it with "#17".
One more thing indazona...There is a photo I have posted on page 10 of this here thread. In it a long haired person(likely female) can been seen standing at the edge of the impact hole holding onto a column.

Shouldn't that column have been too hot to touch according to your logic? Should not the whole area be too hot to approach?

4. Use a strawman.
17. Change the subject.

You are again confusing two distinct scientific principles. There is no fire present in the picture you offer of a person near the impact zone. So NO, this area does not have to be too hot to touch. That is flawed logic regarding Young's Modulus. You are inferring a different concept which is heat transfer of steel. The heat transport properties of a metal are fundamentally different than its rigidity and ability to handle loads (Young's Modulus). Obviously since there is no fire in the photo, in order for them to be too hot to touch, you would have to consider the TIME it would take for heat to propagate from where a fire exists up to that point in the photo. That is heat transfer. I am talking exlusively about Young's Modulus. Cease and desist in your attempts to change subjects. Like I said above, I will always call you on it. And yes, it applies.

Something you never talk about...TIME....How long does heat have to be applied to steel for steel to retain it? How fast does steel dissapate heat?

Again, you are either trying to change the subject, or your are showing your ignorance of these structural concepts. Both of these relate to heat transfer, not Young's Modulus. Therefore, they are irrelevant questions. Heat does not have to propagate to a specific portion of a column under stress to being to weaken its Young's Modulus. This is because compressive stress is equal along the length of the column from the point of the load. Any point where there is fire in existence, that spot will weaken due to temperature effects. Heat transfer has no bearing on this.

How long must heat of a constant tempature be applied to steel to make it reach elasicity?

Incorrect use of technical terms. The fact is, even at nominal temperatures (no fire), steel is already "elastic" and exhibits "elasticity". The term "elastic" refers to a linear range of a plot of stress vs. strain. When steel is loaded such that it remains in this linear region, steel is elastic. Once steel is loaded beyond this linear region, steel has been said to be stressed beyond the "plastic limit". This means when the load is removed, a permanent deformation will still exist.

What I hope you are referring to above when you use the incorrect term "elasticity" is the reduction in Young's Modulus when exposed to heat. That is the main topic we are addressing here, despite your attempts to change the subject. If this is what you mean, then the answer to your question of "how long" is: When a piece of steel at a nominal temperature is exposed to a higher temperature, it's Young's Modulus begins to weaken immediately at the surface that is exposed to the heat. The steel will continue to weaken from the surface inward to the center of the steel specimen as the heat remains constant or its temperature increases. So contrary to what you are implying, there is no appreciable "wait time" for steel to begin weakening when exposed to high temperatures. This is precisely why structural steel is required to have fireproofing applied to the exposed surfaces, because that fireproofing works to insulate the steel from the heat of the fire, thus preventing immediate weakening.
"Hello JL (if you don't mind me shortening your handle):"

Not at all... whatever works best for the fingers. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

" I am not clear exactly what you are saying... you mean the F-4 hitting a larger block, but the thickness of the Pentagon? Hard to say without modeling it (as a minimum). But as I mentioned earlier, due to the design strength of the F-4 wing it would put up a much greater resistance to the concrete than a commercial aircraft."

I'll go ahead and clarify my hypothetical. I'm fairly sure both of us know there are many different grades of plastic, steel, and cement that are used in a wide application of purposes in construction. In your link of the f-4 footage, the explanation given by the nararator states the cememt used was a 'bomb hardened' grade of cement (special mix) that is used in the construction of Nuclear Reactor housings (the dome(?)) Its no wonder the plane body literally disintegrated on impact.

Now - I'd be taking a guess here - that the outer wall hit on the pentagon is made of both 'bomb hardened / steel re-inforced' concrete. It would make for an interesting study, to fly the same type of f-4 - moving at the same speed - into a scaled down replica of that outer wall and see what develops - per the explanations in 1 and 2 in your reply post. The understanding was very helpful indeed.
First I must say I will not engage in the Pentagon debate, as that gives in to the "change the topic" tactic.
Thats your progative.

In reply to:

Can you show some photographic evidence of buckled Columns? Surely if thats what happened then thier ought to be lots of HUGE buckled columns...Show me the photos.



This is a set of 36 viewgraphs from NIST that are chock full of evidence that perimeter columns were indeed bowing, which is evidence that catastrophic buckling is approaching. But I will not take the cheap way out that you do and say "scroll down and read for yourself". No, I will direct you to the specific pages of evidence that you have apparantly, to-date, ignored.

If I ignore NIST it is because they lie. I clicked the link and looked at all 36 pages. I have to wonder why the bowing columns are worse in the more visable areas. In my mind it would be more logical for the most severe bowing to occur in the center of the fire. According to thier photo the fire heated up the area below it to an elastic state but not in the area of fire itself.

If it only takes 600 degrees F to weaken steel why do other sky scrapers survive fires that burn much longer?

Later in these slides you will see other evidence that dispels notions you have floated here before about how the inner columns were "hardly damaged". But this is enough for this source, as it is now clear there is plenty of evidence to support the most likely failure mode of vertical columns under load, namely Euler column buckling. You have simply ignored it. That does not change the truth.

NIST provides illustrations of which cloumns they say were severed and damaged. How can they know which columns were severed and damaged? Was thier people inside the building while it burned surveying the columns, checking to see which ones were severed and which ones were damaged? How did NIST reach thier conclusions?

In reply to:

You defend the government version of events and defend thier version with disinformational tactics rather than just calmly HONESTLY looking at the inconsistencies of which thier is legion.


4. Use a strawman. The version from NIST is based on evidence, as they outline. I do not "defend" it. I merely point out the factual engineering that supports it. And the primary factual evidence that supports it is the differential equation of Euler column buckling. Once again, no one has been able to scientifically refute this primary failure mode, and I will continue to bring it up until you do. It is a must.

4. Use a straw man. Find or create a seeming element of your opponent's argument which you can easily knock down to make yourself look good and the opponent to look bad.Either make up an issue you may safely imply exists based on your interpretation of the opponent/opponent arguments/situation, or select the weakest aspect of the weakest charges. Amplify their significance and destroy them in a way which appears to debunk all the charges, real and fabricated alike, while actually avoiding discussion of the real issues.

The issue at hand being the inconsistencies which I address and you avoid. NIST has nice "digitaly enhanced" photos of the outer wall bowing. Where are the photos of the buckled and severed columns of the inner core? That is an inconsistency. We have an illustration of which columns were severed but no photos of the severed columns. I am not using a staw man tactic, your argument IS weak.

In reply to:

The melting point of steel


4. Use a strawman.
17. Change the subject.

For at least the 5th time now, the issue is NOT about steel melting (although I see how you wish to change the subject and make that strawman stick). The issue is about weakening of steel.

Now this is a good example you using the stawman method against me. You have quoted me out of context and you know it. You and asked me a question about why I trusted Wiki for some facts and not others and I was explaining how some facts are unchangeing (like the melting point of ANYTHING)
and how some facts change(like the earth being round and not flat).

You have tried to make me look bad by quoting me out of context and accuseing me of changing the subject when I was answering your question about wiki. Bad form sir.

In reply to:

remarked about my lack of intelligence


4. Use a strawman.
Not even once have I made a remark about your intelligence. This is a strawman. What I have remarked about is your ignorance of scientific facts, especially of Euler column buckling and structural engineering concepts. And I have shown that ignorance in more ways than one. Do not make the mistake of confusing general intelligence with ignorance on a specific topic, in much the same way you confuse melting steel with weakening of its Young's Modulus.

You have called me foolish,ignorant,ridiculous,vapid,transparent, told me to "grow up" and "go to school" and that is the short list. Why not avoid the name calling and intellectual insinuations?

I have not ignored the message. I have, in fact, disputed it and in many ways debunked it.

Really? Why haven't you answered my wtc7 questions? Was buckleing responsible for its demise aswell? The subject/topic/message is (for you at least) about the towers and the reason why they fell. WTC7 was one of those towers too but you haven't touched it.

And the times you do not provide links, such as in the case of your claim about Wikipedia and iron (which is not steel), is when you cannot support your statements. I am now asking you to give me the SPECFIC LINK for that statement of yours that you are ignoring, and I would like you to quote the words in that link that support your original claim. Here:

Iron is not steel??? What is steel alloy made out of then?

Melting point 1811 K
(1538 °C, 2800 °F)

In reply to:

One more thing indazona...There is a photo I have posted on page 10 of this here thread. In it a long haired person(likely female) can been seen standing at the edge of the impact hole holding onto a column.

Shouldn't that column have been too hot to touch according to your logic? Should not the whole area be too hot to approach?


4. Use a strawman.
17. Change the subject.

So anytime I bring up a fact that you dont like you're just going to cite #4 and #17 weather or not it applies? I bring up an inconsistencey and you fall back on young's Modulus and buckling.

I asked a question reguarding the heat of the impact hole. That is not changeing the subject.

In reply to:

Something you never talk about...TIME....How long does heat have to be applied to steel for steel to retain it? How fast does steel dissapate heat?


Again, you are either trying to change the subject, or your are showing your ignorance of these structural concepts. Both of these relate to heat transfer, not Young's Modulus. Therefore, they are irrelevant questions. Heat does not have to propagate to a specific portion of a column under stress to being to weaken its Young's Modulus. This is because compressive stress is equal along the length of the column from the point of the load. Any point where there is fire in existence, that spot will weaken due to temperature effects. Heat transfer has no bearing on this.

The question directly relates to the stiffness of steel. Instead of answering how long a certian temperture has to be applied to steel for it to retain the heat you dodged the question. You continualy insist that 600F was the all the heat needed to weaken the columns below load bearing strength. HOW LONG MUST 600 DEGREES BE APPLIED TO A CARBON STEEL COLUMN TO REACH THE POINT TO WHERE IT WILL EULER BUCKLE UNDER ANY INCRESED WEIGHT? in your opinon.

Can you provide any examples of other buildings pancake collapsing due to fire weaking the young's modulus?

Now then about WTC7 and everything else. Why don't you stop limiting yourself and address some of the other stuff many have brought up.

Are these columns buckled?


What about these columns?

These columns don't look like they buckled.


These columns here all have nice even tops... no buckeling here


Have you considered controled demolition might attribute for any of the buckeling?

Now this hunk of metal looks buckeled...but wait look at the center of the photo?? Is that a strait shear? How does euler buckeling account for that?
However, your rebuttal rests on the validity of the eyewitness reports.
What makes you believe that to be true? It certainly is not. Eyewitness reports (as applied in aviation accidents which I have participated in the investigation of) are only used to confirm or substantiate material evidence. No investigator in their right mind would align their evidence such that their argument for what happens "rests" on an eyewitness account, and you cannot show that mine did.
This would also mean that anything at the scene where the crash occured would have to be ignored, as they indicate something other than an airliner was used.
Exactly what makes this true? I just explained above that foundational evidence is material, and at best eyewitness accounts are only supportive. Sorry, this statement of yours is just not true. Material evidence was clearly found for a polished airframe, which matches the American Airlines livery. That indicates an airliner. Material evidence was also found for turbine disks, landing gear pistons, a landing gear wheel, and let's not forget that "c" which can be shown to be a direct match for the "c" in the "American" title on the side of the airplane. Clearly, your statement does not hold unless you assume someone planted all this evidence in broad daylight.
You're rebuttals are equally as based on incomplete and inaccurate assumptions.
You say that, but you do not show it. Anywhere in your response.
We covered why it could not fly low as a large aircraft - obstructions.
You have not shown obstructions nor specifically shown a flight path that would meet with obstructions. Your are claiming a complete argument, but your argument is quite incomplete.
It was also high-speed, correct? The laws of accelation would not have allowed for a last-minute decent (followed by the neccessary slow-down to control the craft) and a sudden accelation into the building.
The emboldened area of your quote above appears to show you think you have some knowledge of the requirements ("necessary") of aircraft control. You do not. Could you explain, technically, why it is "necessary" to slow down to control the aircraft in a maneuver? You might wish to write a book, because one of the most fundamental control analysis techniques we use is called a "constant speed manevuer". In addition, there are things called "automatic throttles" that are specifically designed to hold an airplane's speed constant in the face of not only disturbances but also when the airplane manevuers. Therefore, your statement above in bold is not correct.
I merely pointed out it would be impossible for an overhead plane, of that size, at that speed, to be able to pull off such a stunt. See above as for why.
You gave your opinion and nothing more. (In a sidenote you also use the word "impossible" which is poor form, as this is always a very difficult adjective to prove.) You also related your belief in some sort of control requirement which is not a requirement. I fail to see the purpose in debating a person such as yourself who clearly is bending the truth and making statements, as if they are fact, that they cannot provide evidence to support.
I doubt, in your training simulations, you had to fly low inside a crowded city
Are you inferring Arlington is a crowded city? This is a non-sequitor. Please show me the "crowded city" in the verified flight path of AA 77 into the Pentagon.
The air cusion effect, if I am not mistaken, only applies on flat land, which would have rendered it fairly useless over buildings of varying shapes and sizes.
You are indeed mistaken. The air cushion effect applies to any form of mass, even rolling hills. Flat land is simply used to make analysis and derivation of the ground effect simpler to derive. But the physics of the phenomenon itself are not restricted to flat land. All that rolling hills would do is change how deep in the ground effect the wing of the airplane is immersed as the airplane flies over the rolling hills. Again the non-sequitor: Please show me buildings in the AA 77 flight path into the pentagon. It went over a freeway interchange by the time it got below 500 feet.
I'd prefer it if you'd stop claiming I hold assumptions, when I am clearly showing you what I am basing it on. An assumption is a HIDDEN reason for an argument, IE it cannot be explict.
That is false. There is no requirement for an assumption to be "hidden" as you claim. Here is the link to the dictionary definition of assumption, and it does not make the restriction that an assumption cannot be explicit.


Your arguments are fatuous (see defintion #2 in the dictionary above), as I have shown in just these replies. I see no further reason for addressing all your statements which are not based in fact. Besides, I have some work to do right now. Good day sir.

YES RMT I am claiming that the fighter jet in the youtube video did not travel all the way through the concrete wall it smashed.
The problem is you have no material evidence to support that claim. Are you relying on the reporter claiming the airplane was "atomized" to come to this conclusion?
That you tube video shown with crystal clarity that the fighter jet could not go through on concrete wall.
Obviously it cannot show it with "crystal clarity" unless the video were extended to show the entire timeframe of the impact until the point where all parts of the airplane stopped moving, and then examining the resulting damage to the wall. Here we see a perfect example of how you jump to conclusions on incomplete data. That is very poor investigative technique. One of the mainstays of aircraft accident investigations is we do not "choose a theory and back it with evidence". Rather, the process uses evidence and data to eliminate those scenarios that the data/evidence shows could not happen. Once the tree of possibilities has been pruned, and all that are left are those things that the data/evidence allows could have happened, then a statement of highest liklihood is made for what had the highest probability of occurrence for happening.

Hi Titorite ...

The answer about the F-4 has been in front of you since yesterday, when RMT and I were discussing this video. On review of the footage several times and on giving some thought to the matter, I tend to feel "atomized" was a very poor choice of words on the reporters part. The cement block is reported to be a bomb hardend material. It was designed to withstand a bomb blast, but not necessarilly a plane impact at high speed.

If you look closely: From the POI - the cement block (stationary body) being struck, begins to "absorb" half of the F-4's ( moving body) velocity. Once this happens, you can clearly see debris beginning to come out at the back side of that block. Of course - nothing recognizable of the plane seems to be in it - yet - as a larger force beyond impact, due to deceleration of the plane hasn't finished completing to the end. Because this footage ends by that point - none of us can really say what the condition of the plane or the block were, post collision.

If I'm wrong -- then I'll stand corrected.
Hi again JL,

I'd like to say you are quite a pleasurable person to discuss and debate with... even if we don't agree on everything. I appreciate that very much.

I'll go ahead and clarify my hypothetical.

Gotcha. Now I understand, and yes I would also like to see such a test. It would be closer to what the commercial jet experienced at the Pentagon.

Now - I'd be taking a guess here - that the outer wall hit on the pentagon is made of both 'bomb hardened / steel re-inforced' concrete.

Yes, at first I also guessed the same thing. But then when titorite posted one of his pictures (the one which shows the Pentagon "peeled open" with lots of service vehicles outside already working on repairs) I noticed that the outer "shell" wall (where you can clearly see its thickness and some office spaces opened to the outside) does not seem as thick as I would have expected. Given perspective of this photo as compared to the close-up shots of the F-4 video, I can't for sure say that the Pentagon is "as thick", "thicker", or "thinner" than the F-4 wall that was tested. And of course we cannot tell just by looking at it to what standards it was built or reinforced. It would be a good little investigative project to see if one could ascertain the similarities or differences between the two walls. It could go a long way towards either validating the F-4 video as "similar" to the Pentagon, or invalidating certain aspects of it.

Thanks again,
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