I, James Belman, am a Time Traveller!!


Temporal Novice
I am a Time Traveller!
...well actually I'm not...But let's see how believable I can be!
Simply ask me questions and I'll answer them in as believable a manner as possible.

Why do this? Well I guess it's and experiment, kinda'. When the series of questions comes to an end we'll see who's more believable, Belman or Titor.

Who knows, maybe I am a Time Traveller with a little more tact than John T.

Standard boring question:
Will there be Civil War in America in 2012? I don't really care one way or the other but its traditional to ask isn't it?

The Chrono part of my brain would like to know:

What's the future for Cake evolution? Are new icings or fillings invented?
What other minor 21st century pop stars will be made available for fornication in the 26th century?
Lizard Men : allies or secretly dedicated to the total overthrow of the human race?
Will a cure be found for Creedo's posts?
Who put the 'ram' in the 'ramalamadingdong'?
Whats your favourite colour?
If you were an animal what type of animal would you be and why?

Love always
Will there be Civil War in America in 2012? I don't really care one way or the other but its traditional to ask isn't it?

Well there wasn't civil war. However a group of extremist environmentalists did emerge when fossil fuel ran out and nuclear energy became the main source of energy. It doesn't really count as a civil war because they were only a small group. However they did cause quite a bit of trouble and are accountable for a few deaths. But this didn't happen in 2012.

As for there being a civil war, perhaps. Riots did take place and a group called "Licentia" started a gorilla warfare against American military bases. The members of these organizations were American citizens and launched their attacks against fellow Americans so I suppose it could be classified as a civil war.

What's the future for Cake evolution? Are new icings or fillings invented?

Some progress has been made.

What other minor 21st century pop stars will be made available for fornication in the 26th century?

I wouldn't know, I'm not from the 26th century.

Lizard Men : allies or secretly dedicated to the total overthrow of the human race?

I wouldn't know about that either. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/confused.gif

Will a cure be found for Creedo's posts?

There is no cure.

Who put the 'ram' in the 'ramalamadingdong'?

Well you did with this particular ramalamadingdong.

Whats your favourite colour?


If you were an animal what type of animal would you be and why?

A trutle. They get to travel alot.
No civil war in 2012. And the upcoming war with Iran will be about the oil. When the war starts with Iran, Russia will get involved. This will lead to an even bigger conflict in the middle east. Greed and power is the death of this society. The United States now has a foot hold on the oil in Iraq. Bush knows his time is short, watch what he does.
Why not ask a specific?
I wasn't responding to you, James. I was responding to Qronos. At least you are honest enough to admit the truth at the beginning of your post. Qronos still wishes to hang onto his little fantasy. And while he says he doesn't care if anyone believes him, he doesn't realize that this leaves his predictions pretty much pointless!

New/Improved RMT
Oh right, and yeah I have to agree.
I'm also finding this whole "Russia will blow us all up" thing to be a bit, I dunno', cold-war-esque? It's soo last century.
Qronos are you kidding? Your a nutty 15 year old who has just become radically poltically aware, and tried to impress that all on us. It WAS funny, now it's over and not funny, so please give it a rest.

What predictions? I have made no predictions.


No civil war in 2012. And the upcoming war with Iran will be about the oil. When the war starts with Iran, Russia will get involved. This will lead to an even bigger conflict in the middle east. Greed and power is the death of this society. The United States now has a foot hold on the oil in Iraq. Bush knows his time is short, watch what he does.

Kinda' sounds like a prediction.
You really make yourself look bad, I mean I'm not taking up for this Qronos guy, but the only one I see acting like a 15 year old is you. I mean calling people names and putting them down is not really acting like an adult now is it? Grow up kid.
Hi James,
Who? Me? If so:
I never called him a name, I merely pointed out a fallacy in his assertion.
You can tell who someone is replying to on the forum by looking at the header of a person's reply. You will see the name/handle of the person who this reply is directed at.

For example: In the post that "Peepo" made, look next to the subject line and you will see "re: Good Scientist"

That means Peepo was responding to GS.
New/Improved RMT
From my post it should be obvious, and from looking at Qronos' post number that he has posted before. Therefore check out the whole thing 'Peepo' (sounds like a 13 year old girl to me), before you register to pretend to educate the mighty GS.

Besides all I did was call him 'nutty'. I also respectfully told him to stop his lying and hoaxing, and did nought other thn point out the TRUTH, not put him down.

My post is addressed to Qronos, not to you. So pipe down unless you want to add something helpful. What was I adding, your feeble mind might just be asking? I was impressing upon newbie, impressionable muppets (that insult isn't too bad for you is it?) like yourself, that Qronos is nothing other than a bad, hoaxing, LIAR, and not someone to be believed or counted upon for information on time travel.

Owww - my head...it feels like its going to explode!!! .........

*Passes out*

Greetings It is I, Temporal Olly. I have taken over Olly B's body via channeling my temporal energy through OllyB's primative ape-like mind. I speak to you from 3545.

Qronos is incorrect. In 2012 The skies will rain with blood - your blood. Our mission was not a success. Many will also drown. Please start to run for your lives. There is only limited time to buy my book. Please hurry to safety. Safety is within any good bookstore that contains my scripture (due out soon). Buy and read - then rejoice and feed your soul with my tempotral rapture (contained within said scripture).

RMT, there is no need to be so dismissive. I can understand your fear. Let me assure you - as one of your current great teachers - Nancy from Zeta Talk - states, drowning is not a painful death. embrace your future of doom, salvation will meet you at the end. All Hail Nancy!! and also buy all of her material, all that you can possibly get your hands on. If you buy enough a Zeta may help you. Once again, please RMT, no tears - there is no need to thank me. I only offer this advice out of temporal love.

Love and Light,
Temporal Olly (founder of the Great Future Time Agency)

*Regains consciousness*

....Oh, thats funny - i can't remember what i was going to say now....
Oh my god! Please accept my alpologies, I can't remember any of that - I really don't understand whats going on around here!

Will Temporal Olly return again in the distant future; Who can tell?

I sincerely hope not!!

Kind regards,
Linear Olly
Boo hoo boo hoo!!! That mean old peepo called me a name boo hoo boo hoo!!! Grow up! You are truly sad. And I'm a bad hoaxing, Liar? What? Huh! What are you talking about?