Jcpo said:
Gpa, with all the respect I owe you, please leave. What the fuck are you doing on that esoterism board whereas you are believing so much in the dogma ?
Jcpo, with all due respect;
As best as I can understand you, with our language barrier, you seem to imply I should not respond on "this esoteric board"(?) because I "believe so much in the dogma" and not in the things referenced here.(?) The "dogma" you seem to be referring to "You are manipulated by the mass media." is far from what I believe.
Jcpo, avec tout le respect;
Du mieux que je peux vous comprendre, avec notre barrière de la langue, vous semblez dire que je ne devrais pas répondre sur "ce conseil ésotérique» (?) Parce que je "crois beaucoup dans le dogme" et non dans les choses mentionnées ici. (? ) Le «dogme» vous semblez faire référence à "vous êtes manipulés par les médias de masse." est loin d'être ce que je crois.
I believe in science and scientific investigation. While some may try to refer to scientific beliefs as scientific dogma, that is incorrect. Dogma refers to an unchallengeable set of ideals, beliefs, and/or rules one is required to follow. Science is intended to be challenged by it's very design. I don't believe it is inappropriate to respond to assertions of an esoteric nature with alternate opinions of a scientific nature. I believe the readers of this board are entitled to both sides, from which they may form their own, more informed opinions.
Je crois à la recherche en science et scientifique. Alors que certains peuvent essayer de se référer à des croyances scientifiques comme dogme scientifique, ce qui est incorrect. Dogma se réfère à un ensemble incontestable des idéaux, des croyances et / ou des règles on est tenu de suivre. La science est destiné à être remis en cause par il est très design. Je ne crois pas qu'il est inapproprié de répondre aux affirmations de nature ésotérique avec des opinions alternatives de nature scientifique. Je crois que les lecteurs de ce forum ont le droit de part et d'autre, à partir de laquelle ils peuvent former leurs propres opinions plus éclairées.
Jcpo said:
How can you make assertion about Ancient Egypt with reinterpreted Greek knowledge ?
I don't know exactly how the device work but the word 'sarcophagus' in Greek means "flesh eater" and ' NeB aNKH' in Egyptian "life basket" that is giving us some clues.
Neb ankh means “lord of life” or “possessor of life.” It can be used as a title or can refer to one's most prized possession or to the outermost layer of the coffin. Hundreds of years after the Africans in Egypt developed the neb ankh, the Greeks referred to it as sarcophagus , meaning the flesh eater; thus, Greek usage removed the ancient meaning of lord of life.
I simply referenced a more descriptive analysis of "your" original quote. Unless I misunderstand what you imply here.
The word sarcophagus is the widely used and accepted term for the burial crypt used by the pharaohs and similar rulers in other lands.
J'ai simplement fait référence à une analyse plus descriptive de "votre" citation originale. Sauf si j'ai mal compris ce que vous laissez entendre ici.
Le mot sarcophage est le terme couramment utilisé et accepté pour la crypte funéraire utilisé par les pharaons et les souverains similaires dans d'autres pays.
Jcpo said:
Gpa said:
"while never, I repeat NEVER, has anyone or anything been reanimated or had it's life extended from being inside one, pyramid or sarcophagus."
Let me believe the opposite...
You are free to believe anything you wish but, that does not make it true.
Vous êtes libre de croire ce que vous voulez, mais qui ne le rend pas vrai.
I watched both of the videos you posted. The first one is of no value as proof of pyramidal benefits.
The second merely demonstrates that the gentleman is a pretty fair gardener.
Real studies have been inconclusive at best....see below.
J'ai regardé les deux vidéos où vous avez posté. Le premier est sans valeur comme preuve des avantages pyramidaux.
La seconde démontre simplement que le monsieur est un jardinier assez juste.
De véritables études n'ont pas été concluants au mieux .... voir ci-dessous.
Jcpo said:
Yes about Asia, there are more that 500 pyramids in china ...and still no researches about it !
China is still a rather reclusive country.
La Chine est encore un pays plutôt solitaire.
Jcpo said:
We still don't know how they built Tehotihuacan, Machu piccu, Gizeh, ...
It is usually difficult to "know" how something was constructed 200 years BC if the builders didn't leave detailed instructions for us to find. A practice I, for one, have always found to be quite rude.
But we do have a very good idea how, and by whom. But believing it was Ancient Aliens is much more exhilarating.
Il est généralement difficile de «savoir» comment quelque chose a été construit 200 années avant JC si les constructeurs n'ont pas quitté des instructions détaillées pour nous trouver. Une pratique, pour ma part, ont toujours trouvé à être très rude.
Mais nous avons une très bonne idée de comment, et par qui. Mais croyant que c'était Ancient Aliens est beaucoup plus exaltante.
Jcpo said:
And Holywood is trying to resolve the problem awakening ppl to occulte science. Occulte mean cult of O, cult of sun, of pi.
Hollywood's credibility on any subject, at least from my perspective, is from slim to none... and slim has left town. The Main Stream Media, in a very limited extent, deserves only slightly more credibility... slim has his bags packed and is about to leave town.
La crédibilité de Hollywood sur n'importe quel sujet, du moins de mon point de vue, est de mince à néant ... et mince a quitté la ville. Le courant principal des médias, dans une mesure très limitée, mérite à peine plus de crédibilité ... Slim a ses valises et s'apprête à quitter la ville.
Jcpo said:
I do not want to mistify the pyramid, I want do demystify our history. I just posted the clue that is making me believe so much in what we are talking about.
There are several clues and if you still believe I'm just making theories you are wrong. You are manipulated by the mass media. You do not give any interest about the clues that are flashing.
I am interested in "clues". I just don't jump to conclusions based on incomplete, faulty, or nonsensical notions.
Je suis intéressé par des «indices». Je n'ai tout simplement pas tirer de conclusions hâtives fondées sur des informations incomplètes notions, défectueux ou non-sens.
The Pyramid and Food Dehydration
ABSTRACT : Extensive tests involving controls show that pyramidal containers are no more effective than those of other shapes in preserving and dehydrating organic material.
Experiments on the Alleged Sharpening
of Razor Blades and the Preservation
of Flowers by Pyramids
ABSTRACT : Photomicrographs of razor blades kept in the open air and
in pyramids for a week show that there is a natural tendency for jagged
points on the edge to be slightly rounded off. No effect of the container
can, however, be observed.
It was also found that flowers kept in pyramids and in cubical containers of equal volume are preserved better to a very slight degree than those
in the open air. The effect, which is in any case small, seems unrelated
to the shape of the container.
It is concluded that model pyramids have no effects which can be related to their particular shape
The Shapes of Egyptian Pyramids
A. R. G. OWEN , M.A., PH.D .
ABSTRACT : The dimensions of the Great Pyramid are considered in
relation to Pyramidal figures constructed according to various geometrical
principles and compared with those which advocates of "pyramid power"
recommend for model pyramids
Jcpo said:
How could have Egyptian build a pyramid at the center of the emerged land at 10000 x phi kilometers from the most isolated land : Easter Island ?
I haven't studied Easter Island very extensively and I am unaware of any pyramids "ON" Easter Island.
The "Egyptians" didn't build anything on Easter Island. According to the best available information to date, the Polynesians built the artifacts on Easter Island. The indigenous population are referred to as the Rapa Nui people. They built and erected the moai.
Je n'ai pas étudié l'île de Pâques très largement et je suis au courant d'aucune pyramides "ON" l'île de Pâques.
Le "Egyptiens" n'a rien construire sur l'île de Pâques. Selon les meilleures informations disponibles à ce jour, les Polynésiens ont construit les artefacts sur l'île de Pâques. La population indigène sont appelés le peuple Rapa Nui. Ils ont construit et érigé le moai.
Again, Jcpo, you are entitled to believe whatever you wish. I will, when I feel it is appropriate, reply to allegations with "my" facts, for others to be able to have more information to base their own beliefs on.
Encore une fois, Jcpo, vous avez le droit de croire ce que vous voulez. Je vais, quand je pense qu'il est approprié, ni répondre aux allégations avec «mes» faits par d'autres pour être en mesure d'avoir plus d'informations à fonder leurs propres croyances sur.