I do not time travel, more than a 100 years -but informations does !


Your recent mention of "Stargate" was the first in this discussion.
Wanting to ascertain about what exactly you offered to explain,
I did a preliminary search. What do you think initially caught my

The Stargate Conspiracy

:rolleyes: Another conspiracy?!?
I introduced stargate in the topic because this discover can let you imagine what is hidden to us and what level of technology it implies.

I can also make the assertion that the sarcophagus of the great pyramid could provide à longer life probably à millenium at max.

So you can now imagine how was our creators/ancestors life.
I can also make the assertion that the sarcophagus of the great pyramid could provide à longer life probably à millenium at max.

That's either carefully worded or ignorantly misworded. The sentence states that, at a maximum, you assert the sarcophagus in the Great Pyramid can make one's life longer but only to a maximum of 1.000 years. Thus, extending life 1 day makes the sentence true. But we know that's not what you meant. You meant to say that the sarcophagus can extend life to, at a minimum, 1,000 years.

That being said, pray tell how all this worked out for King Khufu, the occupant of the sarcophagus? He had such a long life that it ended at either age 23, 43 or 63 (it depends on which scholar translates the heiroglyphs in the tomb). Don'cha think that he would have taken some advantage of this technology considering it was existant on the day he died?

So, sure; you can make the assertion. Someone else can assert that the Moon is made of 100% cream cheese, surface to core. Both assertions are absured, but that has nothing to do with the making.
No I meant that human life can be extended to a thousand years !

First by the way we know we can last it a hundred years then with the 'sarcophagus' (no one ever proved that there was a mummy inside !) which got cell regenerating function, you must multiply it by ten. I don't know exactly how the device work but the word 'sarcophagus' in Greek means "flesh eater" and ' NeB aNKH' in Egyptian "life basket" that is giving us some clues.

There are others ;)

Also I believe that great pyramid was made before Khufu which at best restored the monument.
We can only find hieroglyphs in the upper structure of the upper room, that was not Egyptian tradition.
The Emerald Tablets of Thot the Atlantean

I, THOTH, the Atlantean, master of mysteries,
keeper of records, mighty king, magician,
living from generation to generation,
being about to pass into the halls of Amenti,
set down for the guidance of
those that are to come after,
these records of the mighty wisdom of Great Atlantis.

In the great city of KEOR on the island of UNDAL,
in a time far past, I began this incarnation.
Not as the little men of the present age did
the mighty ones of Atlantis live and die,
but rather from aeon to aeon did they renew
their life in the Halls of Amenti where the river of life
flows eternally onward.

A hundred times ten
have I descended the dark way that led into light,
and as many times have I ascended from the
darkness into the light my strength and power renewed.

Now for a time I descend,
and the men of KHEM (Khem is ancient Egypt)
shall know me no more.

But in a time yet unborn will I rise again,
mighty and potent, requiring an accounting
of those left behind me.

Then beware, O men of KHEM,
if ye have falsely betrayed my teaching,
for I shall cast ye down from your high estate
into the darkness of the caves from whence ye came.

Betray not my secrets
to the men of the North
or the men of the South
lest my curse fall upon ye.

Remember and heed my words,
for surely will I return again
and require of thee that which ye guard.
Aye, even from beyond time and
from beyond death will I return,
rewarding or punishing
as ye have requited your truest.

Great were my people in the ancient days,
great beyond the conception of the
little people now around me;
knowing the wisdom of old,
seeking far within the heart of infinity
knowledge that belonged to Earth's youth.

Wise were we with the wisdom
of the Children of Light who dwelt among us.
Strong were we with the power drawn
from the eternal fire.

And of all these, greatest among the
children of men was my father, THOTME,
keeper of the great temple,
link between the Children of Light
who dwelt within the temple and the
races of men who inhabited the ten islands.

Mouthpiece, after the Three,
of the Dweller of UNAL,
speaking to the Kings
with the voice that must be obeyed.

Grew I there from a child into manhood,
being taught by my father the elder mysteries,
until in time there grew within the fire of wisdom,
until it burst into a consuming flame.

Naught desired I but the attainment of wisdom.
Until on a great day the command came from the
Dweller of the Temple that I be brought before him.
Few there were among the children of men
who had looked upon that mighty face and lived,
for not as the sons of men are the
Children of Light when they are not incarnate
in a physical body.

Chosen was I from the sons of men,
taught by the Dweller so that his
purposes might be fulfilled,
purposes yet unborn in the womb of time.

Long ages I dwelt in the Temple,
learning ever and yet ever more wisdom,
until I, too, approached the light emitted
from the great fire.

Taught me he, the path to Amenti,
the underworld where the great king sits
upon his throne of might.

Deep I bowed in homage before the Lords of Life
and the Lords of Death,
receiving as my gift the Key of Life.

Free was I of the Halls of Amenti,
bound not be death to the circle of life.
Far to the stars I journeyed until
space and time became as naught.

Then having drunk deep of the cup of wisdom,
I looked into the hearts of men and there found I
greater mysteries and was glad.
For only in the Search for Truth could my Soul
be stilled and the flame within be quenched.

Down through the ages I lived,
seeing those around me taste of the cup
of death and return again in the light of life.

Gradually from the Kingdoms of Atlantis passed waves
of consciousness that had been one with me,
only to be replaced by spawn of a lower star.

In obedience to the law,
the word of the Master grew into flower.
Downward into the darkness turned the
thoughts of the Atlanteans,
Until at last in this wrath arose from his AGWANTI,
the Dweller, (this word has no English equivalent;
it means a state of detachment)
speaking The Word, calling the power.

Deep in Earth's heart, the sons of Amenti heard,
and hearing, directing the changing of the flower of fire
that burns eternally, changing and shifting, using the LOGOS,
until that great fire changed its direction.

Over the world then broke the great waters,
drowning and sinking,
changing Earth's balance
until only the Temple of Light was left
standing on the great mountain on UNDAL
still rising out of the water;
some there were who were living,
saved from the rush of the fountains.

Called to me then the Master, saying:
Gather ye together my people.
Take them by the arts ye have learned of far across the waters,
until ye reach the land of the hairy barbarians,
dwelling in caves of the desert.
Follow there the plan that yet know of.

Gathered I then my people and
entered the great ship of the Master.
Upward we rose into the morning.
Dark beneath us lay the Temple.
Suddenly over it rose the waters.
Vanished from Earth,
until the time appointed,
was the great Temple.

Fast we fled toward the sun of the morning,
until beneath us lay the land of the children of KHEM.
Raging, they came with cudgels and spears,
lifted in anger seeking to slay and utterly destroy the Sons of Atlantis.

Then raised I my staff and directed a ray of vibration,
striking them still in their tracks as fragments
of stone of the mountain.

Then spoke I to them in words calm and peaceful,
telling them of the might of Atlantis,
saying we were children of the Sun and its messengers.
Cowed I them by my display of magic-science,
until at my feet they groveled, when I released them.

Long dwelt we in the land of KHEM,
long and yet long again.
Until obeying the commands of the Master,
who while sleeping yet lives eternally,
I sent from me the Sons of Atlantis,
sent them in many directions,
that from the womb of time wisdom
might rise again in her children.

Long time dwelt I in the land of KHEM,
doing great works by the wisdom within me.
Upward grew into the light of knowledge
the children of KHEM,
watered by the rains of my wisdom.

Blasted I then a path to Amenti so
that I might retain my powers,
living from age to age a Sun of Atlantis,
keeping the wisdom, preserving the records.

Great few the sons of KHEM,
conquering the people around them,
growing slowly upwards in Soul force.

Now for a time I go from among them into
the dark halls of Amenti,
deep in the halls of the Earth,
before the Lords of the powers,
face to face once again with the Dweller.

Raised I high over the entrance, a doorway, a gateway
leading down to Amenti.

Few there would be with courage to dare it,
few pass the portal to dark Amenti.
Raised over the passage, I, a mighty pyramid,
using the power that overcomes Earth force (gravity).
Deep and yet deeper place I a force-house or chamber;
from it carved I a circular passage
reaching almost to the great summit.

There in the apex, set I the crystal,
sending the ray into the "Time-Space,"
drawing the force from out of the ether,
concentrating upon the gateway to Amenti.

Other chambers I built and left vacant to all seeming,
yet hidden within them are the keys to Amenti.
He who in courage would dare the dark realms,
let him be purified first by long fasting.

Lie in the sarcophagus of stone in my chamber.
Then reveal I to him the great mysteries.
Soon shall he follow to where I shall meet him,
even in the darkness of Earth shall I meet him, I,
Thoth, Lord of Wisdom, meet him and hold him
and dwell with him always.

Builded I the Great Pyramid,
patterned after the pyramid of Earth force,
burning eternally so that it, too,
might remain through the ages.

In it, I builded my knowledge of "Magic-Science"
so that I might be here when again I return from Amenti,
Aye, while I sleep in the Halls of Amenti,
my Soul roaming free will incarnate,
dwell among men in this form or another. (Hermes, thrice-born.)

Emissary on Earth am I of the Dweller,
fulfilling his commands so many might be lifted.
Now return I to the halls of Amenti,
leaving behind me some of my wisdom.
Preserve ye and keep ye the command of the Dweller:
Lift ever upwards your eyes toward the light.

Surely in time, ye are one with the Master,
surely by right ye are one with the Master,
surely by right yet are one with the ALL.

Now, I depart from ye.
Know my commandments,
keep them and be them,
and I will be with you,
helping and guiding you into the Light.

Now before me opens the portal.
Go I down in the darkness of night.

Source : The Emerald Tablets of Thoth the Atlantean
Jcpo said:
First by the way we know we can last it a hundred years then with the 'sarcophagus' (no one ever proved that there was a mummy inside !) which got cell regenerating function, you must multiply it by ten. I don't know exactly how the device work but the word 'sarcophagus' in Greek means "flesh eater" and ' NeB aNKH' in Egyptian "life basket" that is giving us some clues.

A sarcophagus is a box-like funeral receptacle for a corpse, most commonly carved in stone, and displayed above ground, though they may also be buried. The word "sarcophagus" comes from the Greek σάρξ sarx meaning "flesh", and φαγεῖν phagein meaning "to eat", hence sarkophagus means "flesh-eating"; from the phrase lithos sarkophagos (λίθος σαρκοφάγος). Since lithos is Greek for stone, lithos sarcophagos means "flesh-eating stone". The word also came to refer to a particular kind of limestone that was thought to decompose the flesh of corpses interred within it...

Sarcophagus - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Do you think they called them 'flesh-eating' because "all" the bodies they examined inside them were decomposing? Do ya think? Maybe?
Do you think anyone ever exited a sarcophagus after having been placed inside it, dead, mummified, or otherwise prepped for burial, alive?
Those that desire to mystify the pyramids, mainly, the Great Pyramid of Kufu, the sarcophagus, and almost anything else Egyptian, make unfounded assertions of life giving or extending powers to these objects, while never, I repeat NEVER, has anyone or anything been reanimated or had it's life extended from being inside one, pyramid or sarcophagus.
Sarcophagi are not exclusive to Egypt. They have been found all over the world and used by many different cultures and religions. They are used in America, the youngest of the major countries, in Europe, Asia, China, just about anywhere someone wanted to leave a lasting impression, for those that followed, of how important they thought themselves to be.
So far, to the best of my knowledge, every sarcophagus that contains a body, contains a dead body, in various states of decay, and not likely to reanimate in the near or distant future.
For those that wish to understand Egypt, please continue. Ancient Egypt has a rich and interesting history. I enjoy reading about it or watching a Discovery Channel documentary.
For those that wish to fantasize about Ancient Egyptian artifacts having life giving/renewing/extending properties, as mystical power sources, as Star Gates to distant solar systems or even Galaxies, please continue also. I find your "stories" entertaining, though lacking credibility. The movie Star Gate is one of my favorites. Especially the part about the life extending and healing sarcophagus used by "Ra" and by Dr. Jackson to save Sha'uri. I wonder, who gets the idea from whom? Hollywood from the Devotee, or vice versa? (I was going to call them nympholepts but only some of them are actually nympholeptic. Most are just misguided.)
Gpa, with all the respect I owe you, please leave. What the fuck are you doing on that esoterism board whereas you are believing so much in the dogma ?

Neb Ankh

Khonsura A. Wilson
Neb ankh means “lord of life” or “possessor of life.” It can be used as a title or can refer to one's most prized possession or to the outermost layer of the coffin. Hundreds of years after the Africans in Egypt developed the neb ankh, the Greeks referred to it as sarcophagus , meaning the flesh eater; thus, Greek usage removed the ancient meaning of lord of life. Through the ages, the neb ankh evolved through many forms, from the most simple and unadorned wood boxes to the most elaborate gilded container for the deceased. Occupying a place of honor among burial items, its primary function was the preservation and protection of the body from either physical or spiritual deterioration or mutilation. The master artisans who crafted the neb ankh used a variety of materials ...

How can you make assertion about Ancient Egypt with reinterpreted Greek knowledge ?

I do not want to mistify the pyramid, I want do demystify our history. I just posted the clue that is making me believe so much in what we are talking about.

"while never, I repeat NEVER, has anyone or anything been reanimated or had it's life extended from being inside one, pyramid or sarcophagus."

Let me believe the opposite...

Yes about Asia, there are more that 500 pyramids in china ...and still no researches about it !

We still don't know how they built Tehotihuacan, Machu piccu, Gizeh, ...

And Holywood is trying to resolve the problem awakening ppl to occulte science. Occulte mean cult of O, cult of sun, of pi.

There are several clues and if you still believe I'm just making theories you are wrong. You are manipulated by the mass media. You do not give any interest about the clues that are flashing.
How could have Egyptian build a pyramid at the center of the emerged land at 10000 x phi kilometers from the most isolated land : Easter Island ?
Jcpo said:
Gpa, with all the respect I owe you, please leave. What the fuck are you doing on that esoterism board whereas you are believing so much in the dogma ?

Jcpo, with all due respect;
As best as I can understand you, with our language barrier, you seem to imply I should not respond on "this esoteric board"(?) because I "believe so much in the dogma" and not in the things referenced here.(?) The "dogma" you seem to be referring to "You are manipulated by the mass media." is far from what I believe.

Jcpo, avec tout le respect;
Du mieux que je peux vous comprendre, avec notre barrière de la langue, vous semblez dire que je ne devrais pas répondre sur "ce conseil ésotérique» (?) Parce que je "crois beaucoup dans le dogme" et non dans les choses mentionnées ici. (? ) Le «dogme» vous semblez faire référence à "vous êtes manipulés par les médias de masse." est loin d'être ce que je crois.

I believe in science and scientific investigation. While some may try to refer to scientific beliefs as scientific dogma, that is incorrect. Dogma refers to an unchallengeable set of ideals, beliefs, and/or rules one is required to follow. Science is intended to be challenged by it's very design. I don't believe it is inappropriate to respond to assertions of an esoteric nature with alternate opinions of a scientific nature. I believe the readers of this board are entitled to both sides, from which they may form their own, more informed opinions.

Je crois à la recherche en science et scientifique. Alors que certains peuvent essayer de se référer à des croyances scientifiques comme dogme scientifique, ce qui est incorrect. Dogma se réfère à un ensemble incontestable des idéaux, des croyances et / ou des règles on est tenu de suivre. La science est destiné à être remis en cause par il est très design. Je ne crois pas qu'il est inapproprié de répondre aux affirmations de nature ésotérique avec des opinions alternatives de nature scientifique. Je crois que les lecteurs de ce forum ont le droit de part et d'autre, à partir de laquelle ils peuvent former leurs propres opinions plus éclairées.

Jcpo said:
How can you make assertion about Ancient Egypt with reinterpreted Greek knowledge ?

I don't know exactly how the device work but the word 'sarcophagus' in Greek means "flesh eater" and ' NeB aNKH' in Egyptian "life basket" that is giving us some clues.

Neb ankh means “lord of life” or “possessor of life.” It can be used as a title or can refer to one's most prized possession or to the outermost layer of the coffin. Hundreds of years after the Africans in Egypt developed the neb ankh, the Greeks referred to it as sarcophagus , meaning the flesh eater; thus, Greek usage removed the ancient meaning of lord of life.

I simply referenced a more descriptive analysis of "your" original quote. Unless I misunderstand what you imply here.
The word sarcophagus is the widely used and accepted term for the burial crypt used by the pharaohs and similar rulers in other lands.

J'ai simplement fait référence à une analyse plus descriptive de "votre" citation originale. Sauf si j'ai mal compris ce que vous laissez entendre ici.
Le mot sarcophage est le terme couramment utilisé et accepté pour la crypte funéraire utilisé par les pharaons et les souverains similaires dans d'autres pays.

Jcpo said:
Gpa said:
"while never, I repeat NEVER, has anyone or anything been reanimated or had it's life extended from being inside one, pyramid or sarcophagus."

Let me believe the opposite...

You are free to believe anything you wish but, that does not make it true.

Vous êtes libre de croire ce que vous voulez, mais qui ne le rend pas vrai.

I watched both of the videos you posted. The first one is of no value as proof of pyramidal benefits.
The second merely demonstrates that the gentleman is a pretty fair gardener.
Real studies have been inconclusive at best....see below.

J'ai regardé les deux vidéos où vous avez posté. Le premier est sans valeur comme preuve des avantages pyramidaux.
La seconde démontre simplement que le monsieur est un jardinier assez juste.
De véritables études n'ont pas été concluants au mieux .... voir ci-dessous.

Jcpo said:
Yes about Asia, there are more that 500 pyramids in china ...and still no researches about it !
China is still a rather reclusive country.

La Chine est encore un pays plutôt solitaire.

Jcpo said:
We still don't know how they built Tehotihuacan, Machu piccu, Gizeh, ...

It is usually difficult to "know" how something was constructed 200 years BC if the builders didn't leave detailed instructions for us to find. A practice I, for one, have always found to be quite rude.
But we do have a very good idea how, and by whom. But believing it was Ancient Aliens is much more exhilarating.

Il est généralement difficile de «savoir» comment quelque chose a été construit 200 années avant JC si les constructeurs n'ont pas quitté des instructions détaillées pour nous trouver. Une pratique, pour ma part, ont toujours trouvé à être très rude.
Mais nous avons une très bonne idée de comment, et par qui. Mais croyant que c'était Ancient Aliens est beaucoup plus exaltante.

Jcpo said:
And Holywood is trying to resolve the problem awakening ppl to occulte science. Occulte mean cult of O, cult of sun, of pi.
Hollywood's credibility on any subject, at least from my perspective, is from slim to none... and slim has left town. The Main Stream Media, in a very limited extent, deserves only slightly more credibility... slim has his bags packed and is about to leave town.

La crédibilité de Hollywood sur n'importe quel sujet, du moins de mon point de vue, est de mince à néant ... et mince a quitté la ville. Le courant principal des médias, dans une mesure très limitée, mérite à peine plus de crédibilité ... Slim a ses valises et s'apprête à quitter la ville.

Jcpo said:
I do not want to mistify the pyramid, I want do demystify our history. I just posted the clue that is making me believe so much in what we are talking about.

There are several clues and if you still believe I'm just making theories you are wrong. You are manipulated by the mass media. You do not give any interest about the clues that are flashing.

I am interested in "clues". I just don't jump to conclusions based on incomplete, faulty, or nonsensical notions.

Je suis intéressé par des «indices». Je n'ai tout simplement pas tirer de conclusions hâtives fondées sur des informations incomplètes notions, défectueux ou non-sens.


The Pyramid and Food Dehydration
ABSTRACT : Extensive tests involving controls show that pyramidal containers are no more effective than those of other shapes in preserving and dehydrating organic material.

Experiments on the Alleged Sharpening
of Razor Blades and the Preservation
of Flowers by Pyramids
ABSTRACT : Photomicrographs of razor blades kept in the open air and
in pyramids for a week show that there is a natural tendency for jagged
points on the edge to be slightly rounded off. No effect of the container
can, however, be observed.
It was also found that flowers kept in pyramids and in cubical containers of equal volume are preserved better to a very slight degree than those
in the open air. The effect, which is in any case small, seems unrelated
to the shape of the container.
It is concluded that model pyramids have no effects which can be related to their particular shape

The Shapes of Egyptian Pyramids
A. R. G. OWEN , M.A., PH.D .
ABSTRACT : The dimensions of the Great Pyramid are considered in
relation to Pyramidal figures constructed according to various geometrical
principles and compared with those which advocates of "pyramid power"
recommend for model pyramids

Jcpo said:
How could have Egyptian build a pyramid at the center of the emerged land at 10000 x phi kilometers from the most isolated land : Easter Island ?
I haven't studied Easter Island very extensively and I am unaware of any pyramids "ON" Easter Island.
The "Egyptians" didn't build anything on Easter Island. According to the best available information to date, the Polynesians built the artifacts on Easter Island. The indigenous population are referred to as the Rapa Nui people. They built and erected the moai.

Je n'ai pas étudié l'île de Pâques très largement et je suis au courant d'aucune pyramides "ON" l'île de Pâques.
Le "Egyptiens" n'a rien construire sur l'île de Pâques. Selon les meilleures informations disponibles à ce jour, les Polynésiens ont construit les artefacts sur l'île de Pâques. La population indigène sont appelés le peuple Rapa Nui. Ils ont construit et érigé le moai.

Again, Jcpo, you are entitled to believe whatever you wish. I will, when I feel it is appropriate, reply to allegations with "my" facts, for others to be able to have more information to base their own beliefs on.

Encore une fois, Jcpo, vous avez le droit de croire ce que vous voulez. Je vais, quand je pense qu'il est approprié, ni répondre aux allégations avec «mes» faits par d'autres pour être en mesure d'avoir plus d'informations à fonder leurs propres croyances sur.
First, if I am on a English board, it is because I understand English so stop your fucking flooding game with google translate, it is in lack of sense !

Jcpo, with all due respect;
As best as I can understand you, with our language barrier, you seem to imply I should not respond on "this esoteric board"(?) because I "believe so much in the dogma" and not in the things referenced here.(?) The "dogma" you seem to be referring to "You are manipulated by the mass media." is far from what I believe.

I believe in science and scientific investigation. While some may try to refer to scientific beliefs as scientific dogma, that is incorrect. Dogma refers to an unchallengeable set of ideals, beliefs, and/or rules one is required to follow. Science is intended to be challenged by it's very design. I don't believe it is inappropriate to respond to assertions of an esoteric nature with alternate opinions of a scientific nature. I believe the readers of this board are entitled to both sides, from which they may form their own, more informed opinions.

I simply referenced a more descriptive analysis of "your" original quote. Unless I misunderstand what you imply here.
The word sarcophagus is the widely used and accepted term for the burial crypt used by the pharaohs and similar rulers in other lands.

You are free to believe anything you wish but, that does not make it true.

Well I agree with you but we do not need you to give us back the well know science we all studied at school. What I am talking about is facts : OLD EGYPTIANS (PYRAMIDS BUILDERS) WERE USING the word NEB ANKH, greek translated into sarcophagus. That is full of sense !

I do not believe anything. I just see what I got ! I reflect and conclude. I do not make any extrapolation. I just use FACTS !
So stop trying to dismiss ppl about what I tell. It's all about old science and very documented topics.

I watched both of the videos you posted. The first one is of no value as proof of pyramidal benefits.
The second merely demonstrates that the gentleman is a pretty fair gardener.
Real studies have been inconclusive at best....see below.

You want real studies ? So go in schools and burn books. The scholars programs are made to make us believe in what we are told and not in what we see. Here is some informations about electrogrowing and I'm sure of what I say, it can multiply by 10 your efficiency. The same factor as what text said about the Neb Ankh of the great pyramid. (see text in small)

Justin CHRISTOFLEAU -- Electroculture book & patents

China is still a rather reclusive country.

It is usually difficult to "know" how something was constructed 200 years BC if the builders didn't leave detailed instructions for us to find. A practice I, for one, have always found to be quite rude.
But we do have a very good idea how, and by whom. But believing it was Ancient Aliens is much more exhilarating.

Hollywood's credibility on any subject, at least from my perspective, is from slim to none... and slim has left town. The Main Stream Media, in a very limited extent, deserves only slightly more credibility... slim has his bags packed and is about to leave town.

To me that what they want you to think. You know the sentence : 2% of ppl think by themself, 3% think they do, the rest would rather die than thinking.

I am interested in "clues". I just don't jump to conclusions based on incomplete, faulty, or nonsensical notions.


The Pyramid and Food Dehydration
ABSTRACT : Extensive tests involving controls show that pyramidal containers are no more effective than those of other shapes in preserving and dehydrating organic material.

Experiments on the Alleged Sharpening
of Razor Blades and the Preservation
of Flowers by Pyramids
ABSTRACT : Photomicrographs of razor blades kept in the open air and
in pyramids for a week show that there is a natural tendency for jagged
points on the edge to be slightly rounded off. No effect of the container
can, however, be observed.
It was also found that flowers kept in pyramids and in cubical containers of equal volume are preserved better to a very slight degree than those
in the open air. The effect, which is in any case small, seems unrelated
to the shape of the container.
It is concluded that model pyramids have no effects which can be related to their particular shape

The Shapes of Egyptian Pyramids
A. R. G. OWEN , M.A., PH.D .
ABSTRACT : The dimensions of the Great Pyramid are considered in
relation to Pyramidal figures constructed according to various geometrical
principles and compared with those which advocates of "pyramid power"
recommend for model pyramids

LOL look at the words in bold. Because one study can not recreate the condition of the great pyramid, the great pyramid does not have those particularities ?
Did they orient their pyramid N/S ? did they use isolating material ? did they place objects at the level of upper chamber? Did they really use gizeh shape ?

Make the experience by yourself ...

I haven't studied Easter Island very extensively and I am unaware of any pyramids "ON" Easter Island.
The "Egyptians" didn't build anything on Easter Island. According to the best available information to date, the Polynesians built the artifacts on Easter Island. The indigenous population are referred to as the Rapa Nui people. They built and erected the moai.

Again, Jcpo, you are entitled to believe whatever you wish. I will, when I feel it is appropriate, reply to allegations with "my" facts, for others to be able to have more information to base their own beliefs on.

I did not say there was pyramid on easter island. I said that the distance between easter island and the top of Giza pyramid is 10 000 x phi !

Well I think that builders have built more than things on easter island. I think they build the island with terraforming. The surface of the island is 161.8 km².
And there are a lot of other facts.
Look at the Moaïs, they are pregnant women. Look at the island shape, look at their flag, it look like a vagina !

So believe national geographic if you want and let me discover what we are made of !

Oh one last thing, the Giza pyramid is earth representation, the Edge angle is the angle of refraction of light in water.

Too much knowledge for a time history tell we were living caves and wearing beast skin.

Please mind your language--
or, what my countrymen call "French,"
e.g. your use of English illustrates
why my countrymen pardon their profanities with,
"Excuse my French."
It has nothing to do with whether or not the person
actually speaks French.
Don't encourage the stereotype.
Consider yourself a representative of your homeland,
and refrain from speech that is considered vulgar.
It is not only inappropriate for the younger viewers
of TTI but discourteous to the TTI members
whom habitually regard you with ordinarily due respect.

There are no deadlines here,
so why get impatient?
We are free to offer or withhold reply.
When you start to get irritated, take a break.
Breathe deep, stretch, get some exercise ...&c.


Looking forward to future exchanges,

Thank you.
Jcpo said:
First, if I am on a English board, it is because I understand English so stop your fucking flooding game with google translate, it is in lack of sense !

I have made the point we have a language barrier. I find most of your sentences hard to interpret which leads to confusion.
I wondered if Google Translate would appear to you, as confusing as your English appears to me. When I re-translated the French Google translation back through to English it appeared, as confusing, as most of your sentences do so, I wondered if "you" were using a translator. Perhaps not. I won't use it anymore.

Gpa said: ↑
Jcpo, with all due respect;
As best as I can understand you, with our language barrier, you seem to imply I should not respond on "this esoteric board"(?) because I "believe so much in the dogma" and not in the things referenced here.(?) The "dogma" you seem to be referring to "You are manipulated by the mass media." is far from what I believe.

I believe in science and scientific investigation. While some may try to refer to scientific beliefs as scientific dogma, that is incorrect. Dogma refers to an unchallengeable set of ideals, beliefs, and/or rules one is required to follow. Science is intended to be challenged by it's very design. I don't believe it is inappropriate to respond to assertions of an esoteric nature with alternate opinions of a scientific nature. I believe the readers of this board are entitled to both sides, from which they may form their own, more informed opinions.

I simply referenced a more descriptive analysis of "your" original quote. Unless I misunderstand what you imply here.
The word sarcophagus is the widely used and accepted term for the burial crypt used by the pharaohs and similar rulers in other lands.

You are free to believe anything you wish but, that does not make it true.

Jcpo said:
Well I agree with you but we do not need you to give us back the well know science we all studied at school.

Using the word 'we' you presume to speak for others. Not everyone studied science in school or actually learned anything from what they did study (a fact painfully evident today).

Jcpo said:
What I am talking about is facts : OLD EGYPTIANS (PYRAMIDS BUILDERS) WERE USING the word NEB ANKH, greek translated into sarcophagus. That is full of sense !

Ok... if you say so...

Jcpo said:
I do not believe anything. I just see what I got ! I reflect and conclude. I do not make any extrapolation. I just use FACTS !
So stop trying to dismiss ppl about what I tell. It's all about old science and very documented topics.

Jcpo doesn't want me to "give us back the well know science we all studied at school" but,for those who missed it or don't remember it, you may, if you wish, check it out here:

sarcophagus (stone coffin) -- Encyclopedia Britannica

Sarcophagus - About the Ancient Egyptian Sarcophagus

Ancient Egyptian Religion: Ankh

You may notice that nowhere, in any of these references, is there any evidence that anyone... ever... used a NEB ANKH or a SARCOPHAGUS, to extend their life span to 1000 years. You can bet the farm, if it worked... The Pharaohs would have used it... and it would have been documented. No one has been documented, through scientific examination or hieroglyphic recorded history... and the Egyptians were very good at recording things in stone... to have been placed in a Neb Ankh or a sarcophagus... after they had died... that exited alive.
At least, those are the FACTS I use.

Jcpo said:
I did not say there was pyramid on easter island. I said that the distance between easter island and the top of Giza pyramid is 10 000 x phi !

Here is what you said;

Jcpo said:
How could have Egyptian build a pyramid at the center of the emerged land at 10000 x phi kilometers from the most isolated land : Easter Island ?

Please...Pardon my confusion. More importantly, what does that have to do with the price of tea in China??
In case you don't know/understand that idiom it means...So what! That little fact is pop-sci BS. What point is it measured from. The top of the pyramid(?) to what point on Easter Island?? That is the measurement from east to west. From west to the east it is far more so, who decides which direction you measure from and to which end point? A 16000 km circle on the map also intersects Kanton Island and New Zealand. I suppose there is nothing pop-sci cool about those locations though. Well, actually, there is nothing that exceptional about Easter Island either unless you just choose for it to be, the moai statues aside. If you really want to, you can find "significant" anomalies at "notable" distances from just about any place on the planet, if you put your mind to it.

Radius Around a Point on a Map

You can go here and play around with km or miles or feet...pi, phi, pie, or cake... anything you want... from anywhere you want. See what cool pop-sci things you can come up with. Who knows, maybe you will come up with the next popular conspiracy theory.

Jcpo said:
Well I think that builders have built more than things on easter island. I think they build the island with terraforming. The surface of the island is 161.8 km².

And the surface area of the island means WHAT?? It means it was terraformed by WHO?? and WHY??

Jcpo said:
And there are a lot of other facts.
Look at the Moaïs, they are pregnant women. Look at the island shape, look at their flag, it look like a vagina !

Volcanoes do marvelous things don't they.;)
Actually the island is triangular and the flag, at least to me, looks like a smile.
Makes one wonder what Freud might think. If he were still alive.

Jcpo said:
Look at the Moaïs, they are pregnant women.

I have verified this statement in part. Only 2 "very likely" and maybe 4 in total, of the moai are female and only one is thought to represent pregnancy. The statements you offer as "FACTS" are the reason why I offer my facts. Not necessarily to counter but to expand "your facts".
Anyone interested can read here:
Journal of the Polynesian Society: Female Stone Figures On Easter Island, By Thomas S. Barthel, P 252-255

Jcpo said:
So believe national geographic if you want and let me discover what we are made of !


Jcpo said:
Oh one last thing, the Giza pyramid is earth representation, the Edge angle is the angle of refraction of light in water.

You might explain this more. As it is it doesn't make any sense to me.

Jcpo said:
Too much knowledge for a time history tell we were living caves and wearing beast skin.

You demonstrate only a pop-sci knowledge of these subjects yourself. Be that as it may, when you post unfounded statements "as facts", I will offer alternative facts and let the readers decide.
Good morning,

Let's change attitude and so the atmosphere to get you back to another perspective.
If there is something you misunderstand, ask me. I do not read back my posts often, I do not take the time, sorry. I was going in a defensive way as you were coming as an assailant.
I do not try to patronize or to convince you of anything, I just try to open your mind to many hidden history.
First, I suggest listening this while reading. The world can be resume to music.
Remember this Obama administration refuses to build Death Star, ‘does not support blowing up planets’ — Politics — Bangor Daily News — BDN Maine ?

Well to me behind the game of money, the world can unite by fear or by love and so anything is possible. It resides in harmony.

So yes I do use the word we, I do not speak for other, I just give them all my faith because I know the world used to be better, that is not just a feeling, we degenerate.

You are right, we are lucky to have schools, but the way 'politics/editors' use them is largely wrong. Before in France, the public education were call public instruction. That makes the difference. Today when we study wars or when we see movies, we always see the good things, we can't assume the bads. We have to realize that they are dividing & ruling us. That we are searching the same things, that our desires are superficial, That we can grow food for everybody, we can live free for money, we can make free energy.

So okay you are right, ancient Egyptians did not know about electricity, life expanding, way of reincarnation... but what we call ancient Egyptians are only a small and residual portion of what they were. Same bout Mayas and Chinese.

There has been a cataclysm, the well know Noah's flood but it was long, very long time ago, -10000? -12000? I can only ask...The text I posted relates theses facts, it has been transcript by the famous Hermès. The religions are all about cult of sun. A perpetual hermetic anthropomorphic allegory about old knowledge is done through religious texts.

You can also read that it relates a chamber of the Amenti under the pyramid, where he can extend his life. You will also read that Thot elevated the Great Pyramid over this chamber to canalize the Ether towards the chamber permitting to be reincarnated.

It's not pop-sci text, it's the text of the tables of emeralds, the science of Thot, which was teach in his temple.

Believing it or not is not the question, but asking yourself ! Let see what could be the thing that permitted Thot to build the pyramid with the force of anti-gravity...

Could it be the DY ?


Let's make some old science, trace this triangle with a height of 52.36 (royal cubit of Memphis), the base of the triangle will be 25.14 = 8 x pi
So we can insert 64 smaller triangle with a pi base :


Surface of big dy : 657.97517
Surface of small dy : 41.123448

Big divided by small = 16.
The small triangle, same prop as big, got a base of 2 pi and 2/8 cubit (13.09). It covers 4 triangles of pi base so its surface is exactly 1/16 of the big.

Let now see in 3D, it occurs as a cone.

R2 x Pi x h / 3

The large cone has a base area of ​​496.10 cm2 and a volume of 8658.6061 cm3
The small interior has a base area of ​​31 cm2 (= Pi cubed) and volume of 135.29072 cm3

Confirming an exact ratio of 16 for the surface and 64 for the volume.


The top of the small inner cone of 27 ° generates, in volume two inverted cones, C1 and C2, all the dimensions are relative Phi. Whether it 'volumes, surfaces, heights, diameters, circumferences and slopes with extreme precision.

Height of the cones: C2 / C1 or 13.09 / 8.09 = Phi

Diameters bases: C2 / C1 or 25.14 / 15.53 = Phi

Circumferences of the bases: C2 / Cl or 78.98 / 43.79 = Phi

Sides of the cones: C2 / C1 or 18.14 / 11.21 = Phi

Surfaces bases: C2 / C1 or 496.10 / 189.43 = Phi +1

Sufaces section: C2 / C1 or 164.54 / 62.82 = Phi +1

Development areas: C2 / C1 or 716.35 / 273.46 = Phi + 1

The volume of cones (VC1 and VC2 = 5969.14 = 1408.69) is unusual:

((VC2 - VC1) / 2) / = Phi VC1

The height being divided into 16f of cubit, the level of the three Sixteenths, from the bottom, vertically corresponds to 9.81 index of the gravitation of earth or average index of release of gravity.


Starting at three sixteenths of a cubit from the base, a new crossing point appears, forming two cones, C3 and C4, this time equal and interiors. This point is 9.81, average index of terrestrial gravitation.

In summary, these two cones contain high the index of gravitation, 9.81 meters/second or in cubits 18.73 cubits/second. Their diameter 15.70 is 9 times the travel time of light on a cubit!

This time 1.745 must be consistent since it is also reflected by 5Pi/9 or 3cubits/9.
We can deduce - but who will make him talk? - A new index: 15.70/9.81 = 1.600.

We know that the speed of light is expressed by three vectors (a constant and two variables):
1 - The constant speed.
2 - The distance traveled. variable depending on time.
3 - The time varies depending on the distance.
The distance traveled by light in one second is 299792 km. Rounding is to 300,000 km / second or 300,000,000 meters / second.
1 meter, the journey time will be 1 000 000 seconde/300: 3.333 10-9 3.333 or billionths of a second.

A cubit, the journey time will be proportional to 0.5236 or 1.745 billionths of a second.

More ... what related to the diameter of the cone of 15.70?
- Well, immerse yourself in the design of geometry of reason 9 and you'll see that 1,745 x9 = 15.70.

C2 and C3 those of gravitation - - Phi cones C1 C4, merging, constitute a conical field giving frequencies probably superluminous. Could this be the secret of antigravity?

One can imagine that the rules thus made must lead somewhere. Already, it confirms everything Gruais and Mouny presented of a hidden message of hieroglyph Dy.

What they set out in their book "Giza - beyond the big secret" shows that these observations must have led the way to drive the known operation of levitation. The pyramid stones could then be manipulated as the Japanese begin to do of their magnetic levitation train. In this case, the same rule would easily raise inert body or propel into space. Have to push further the study of possible consequences of the hidden language of DY and try to imagine why it is so common neighborhood with Ankh ...


Let extrapolate just a little. Ankh could be pyramid ? Neb Ankh the amenti chamber. And the DY, inside alliance arch.

"And the surface area of the island means WHAT?? It means it was terraformed by WHO?? and WHY??"

We can only ask. That is exactly the question.

I'll get you much more pi-phi relations with eastern island proportions ;)

I find your use of graphics and mathematics interesting,
whereas your preoccupation with Esotericism is alarming.
In all fairness, I must point out that it is NWO hogwash,
if it is identified with the demonic author quoted below:

"One of the most hidden secrets involves the so-called fall of Angels. Satan and his rebellious host will thus prove to have become the direct Saviours and Creators of divine man. Thus Satan, once he ceases to be viewed in the superstitious spirit of the church, grows into the grandiose image. It is Satan who is the God of our planet and the only God. Satan (or Lucifer) represents the Centrifugal Energy of the Universe, this ever-living symbol of self-sacrifice for the intellectual independence of humanity. "----Sister H.P. Blavatsky, The Secret Doctrine Pages 215, 216, 220, 245, 255, 533

The hooks attached to lures often go unnoticed until too late.
Still, traditionally, the difference between a fallen angel and
a fallen person is that hope remains for the latter so long as
he lives. The determination of the former is irreversible while
man's mistakes are circumstantially forgivable.
The man was created on the 6th day of creation.

The symbol of isis is SSS which is equal numerically to 666, this number is omnipresent in every cult of sun.

Satan is often associated with 666 and the pentagram.

It is in reality, very mathematic and so has been turned to occult, bad science, witchery...

Satan is also called Lucifer, from latin we understand the meaning.

Lux :
From Proto-Indo-European *lewk- (“white; light; bright”). Cognates include Ancient Greek λευκός (leukos), Sanskrit रोचते (rocate) and Old English noun lēoht (English light).

Fer :
The verb fero, fers, ferre, tuli, latum, wear, produce, make comes from an Indo-European root bher found in English bear, carry or birth, birth, and German gebären, to the world. In Latin, f corresponds to the bh.
This root can also take the form "for", as in fors, luck, chance, or fortuna, fortune (what fate brings), "fur", as in, Furis, m., Thief, Furtum i , n., theft, and "br" in probrum, i, n., reproach.

So lucifer is the man of light which come and create.
The symbol of isis is SSS which is equal numerically to 666

Arbitrary alert! Reader beware!

One could just as easily (i.e. with zero foundation or proof) state that SSS is numerically equal to 777... or 123,456,789.

*ALL* definitions are based upon relationships. There are no absolutes with respect to equating numbers to letters, other than the fact that there are no absolutes.

Orwellian logic is oxymoronic.
Everything isn’t its opposite.
Equivocal is evil.
It is meant to confuse.
Reject the lie.
Arbitrary alert! Reader beware!

One could just as easily (i.e. with zero foundation or proof) state that SSS is numerically equal to 777... or 123,456,789.

*ALL* definitions are based upon relationships. There are no absolutes with respect to equating numbers to letters, other than the fact that there are no absolutes.
The people who created our writing were aware of that and included the old science to the way we do, without showing to the one which is not knowing. Occult.

Why do I think it's true without any proof ?

Because there is at start, the Serpent. And the serpent by making Adam eat the apple, made the Human as he is.

I will not tell back how the serpent is frequent in our modern illustration as in old/religious.

Serpent represent the wave. The wave is what links us to Sun ;)

You know Roman used I V X D C M as numbers.
To me here is the most logic number to letter equivalent :
A - 1 - Z
B - 2 - Y
C- 3 - X
D - 4 - W
E - 5 - V
F - 6 - U
G - 7 - T
H - 6 - S
I - 5 - R
J - 4 - Q
K - 3 - P
L - 2 - O
M - 1 - N
Based on the hand of men. (Need to find the video...)

Also when you count on your hands, 6 is the first of second one.

We divide years, days, hours, minutes, seconds by six ratio.

And 6 is also a number that appears... after you have initially counted to 6... every 10 increases until you have increased by 10... 6 times... when it appears doubly as 66. Then it appears again every 10 increases singularly and every 100 increases it appears doubly and singularly until it appears triply as 666... and then I think... this is when the serpent appears and does something... I don't know what it does... but it does do something... and as a result of the Romans... letters can be used as numbers and vise-versa, numbers can be letters and... you can make up any BS you choose to support your premise because if someone challenges your assumptions... you can just say some more BS and... as we all know BS is unlimited... you can carry this out for infinity and most people will get tired of challenging your BS way before that... and you will win the argument.
(the use of the word "you" is meant in the context of "people in general". I would not wish this to be construed as an ad hominem attack on anyone in particular. More correctly, it's sarcasm.)

I have no idea what it is you are trying to get at here but, you have moved from the life giving properties of the pyramids and the sarcophagus to, whatever the above gibberish is supposed to mean.
Perhaps you might try to explain where we have gone in this conversation.

The serpent beguiled Eve to eat the apple and then she beguiled Adam.
How is the number-to-letter sequence you offered the most logical?
When I count on my hands I consider it counting in a base of 5... not 6.
Seconds and minutes are based "loosely" on 6 but hours ,days, and years are not.

Again, I have no idea how you come to the conclusions that you do. The last few posts you have offered have been non sequitur within and without. I am not attacking you, regardless what you or some others might feel. I have been and am trying to follow what you are implying. That I offer contrary opinions is not an attack. That I may at times be sarcastic, is an attempt to force you to look at, what it is that you are saying, and evaluate whether, it is what you intended, considering that there is an obvious language barrier. If my methods seem harsh, I am simply epitomizing my instructors. Before political correctness destroyed the educational system, instructors were not afraid to "damage one's little psyche" by telling you, you were wrong.
Thanks :)

I try to go where I always wanted, as I said in the first post, time-travelling to me is linked to life, god, and science. The only answers we got are in old beliefs.

I was trying to show Syz, how we can reject misunderstood things as 666 or Lucifer.

This is important to know because it hides so many.

The symbols of occult science have always been turned to evil. But you know, Devil is lived backwards.

If we created Satan it's because the 'divine government' could not assume bad things related to god so they said, no it's not us, it's Satan trying to dismiss you.

If there has been polytheism or 'duality monotheism' it is a division of qualities to let the Mens understand.

It is hard to see that in the dark comes the light. There's nothing good without bad.

Every things are linked to other, scientist are group of atoms studying themselves, damnit !

Don't you see the matrix ? Pi-phi, energy, matter, geometry, equilibrium, dynamic, logic, in life ?

It's not witchery it's divine.

That was my goal today. Show straight how we can dogmatize.

Good noon ;)

You look so hard for what is hidden
that you fail to recognize the obvious:
doublespeak is merely double-talk
in that it is meant to be deceptive.
Because the Prince of Darkness
is synonymous with deception,
I ask you to abandon him
and amend your ways.
If not, I cannot affiliate with one
whom would likewise deceive others
for the purpose of leading them astray.