A set of interconnected planetary diagrams covering the Ancient Khmer Empire and brought to light by temples built on key locations reveals capacities, in the fields of astronomy, land-surveying and cartography, which exceed by far the know-how and accuracy previously attributed to Middle-Age scholars.
In 1929, we find a incomplete map at Constantinople, dated 1513. This map shows South America and Africa in the correct relative longitudes.
This accuracy is however impossible since the sixteenth century cartographic knowledge were minimal.
In particular, it was not calculating longitudes.
Piri Reis map became famous but she is not the only ancient map and authenticated, which poses many problems for scientists.
map of Oronce Fine (Oronteus Finaeus) dated 1531 is just as amazing. This map gives the following details:
Several coastal regions of Antarctica are represented free of ice.
Terrain profile and rugged terrain visible perfectly match seismic survey map of the land surface of Antarctica subglaciale.
The Ross Sea is represented, where today, Beardmore and Scott glaciers flowing into the sea map shows here estuaries, fjords and rivers. Nowadays, these ribs are buried under 1500 m of ice.
Using the method of dating the ionium, American researchers have established that large rivers have actually sunk in Antarctica until 6000 BCE.
It was not until 4000 years ago as sediment type ice began to settle to the bottom of the Ross Sea.
Cores indicate that the warm weather has prevailed for a long time before that date.
And what about the
map of Hadji Ahmed dated 1559 which is a very modern map of the Americas and especially their west coast. The current form of the United States is perfectly reproduced. This perfection is only achieved two centuries later.
This card is also a wide strip of land of more than 1500 km, from Alaska to Siberia. This bridge has indeed existed (now the Bering Strait), but it was overwhelmed by the rising waters at the end of the last glacial period.
Ibn Ben Zara (1487) and Benincasa (1508), Arabic and Portuguese cartographers show Northern Europe covered by a glacier resembling that which existed 12,000 years before our era.
The list of existing maps is too long to detail. One thing is certain, these maps are not the result of chance and all have the same source.
Impossible is nothing !
These maps are known and identified by the specialized agencies. They are also found in atlases, such as Nordenskjöld 1889.
The forgery was rejected by scientists, but they still prefer to ignore the issue. The only one who is leaning is Paul Emile Victor when he realized in 1950 that the map of Italian Zeno had several centuries ahead of his discoveries showing the bedrock of Greenland.
So why the scientific community shows she also deaf and blind to compelling evidence?
The answer is simple: admit the existence of these cards means recover fully involved the evolution of the human species.
How, indeed, explain that men have been able to explore the world there are at least 10,000 years, at a time when Europe was at the stage prehistoric?
Worse, the inlets connecting seas Ross, Weddell and Bellingshausen, represented on several ancient maps, proves that these maps were made and the Antarctic ice completely lacked.Geologists are affirmative. This continent was completely free of ice than a very long time ago estimated at millions of years.
Who were these mysterious cartographers?
The day scientists admit officially that these maps exist, they must also recognize that Darwin's theory is false.
However, fossil evidence exist. Toumai, Orrorin, australopithecines have existed. All the fossils show us that the man was very little change there are only 3 million years.
Some will no doubt give the taste of the little green men always fascinated by our beautiful planet. Personally, I do not believe for a moment to alien intervention. AND Thor or certainly more important tasks that map the blue planet, taking care to leave us the fruits of their discoveries. (indeed the E.T. are not, they used to live there... )
So, what about that?
In fact, if we set aside all the possibilities outlandish and improbable, it remains a puzzle that sticks to that mark our history.
It seems obvious that the different maps are the result of work of topography established over a long period, many thousands of years.The maps show by example Antarctic different periods of his progressive glaciation.
To quote the findings of Hapgood, Antarctica was visited and inhabited by humans at a time when it was not supposed to exist.
In summary, we can say that:
Antarctica enjoyed a warm climate at a time when it was located about 3000 km north of the Antarctic Circle today. (Done proven by recent discoveries).
Antarctica has found that its current position as a result of the movement of the earth's crust. This theory should not be confused with the theory of plate tectonics and continental drift.
This mechanism shows that the entire crust (lithosphere) may switch from time to time. (Theory defended by A.Einstein)
The shift from the Antarctic to the south caused a gradual cooling and the formation of an ice cap.
Albert Einstein summed the process:
A continual deposition of ice occurs in the polar regions. This ice is not distributed evenly around the pole. The Earth's rotation acts on these deposits asymmetrical prints a centrifugal force acting on the rigid crust of the Earth.
This centrifugal force induced, from a certain threshold, a movement of the crust on the rest of the world.
The consequences of such a move had to be significant on the entire planet mass extinctions of species, earthquakes, floods, radical change in climate over the continents ...
Without being alarmist, if such a move were to happen again, nothing would be left of our civilization.
In 1953, A.Einstein wrote: "The mechanism of movement of the crust would move the polar regions to the equator."
If we gather all the evidence, one can only conclude that a technologically advanced civilization existed before ours.
This civilization seems to have grown to 13,000 years ago and then disappear.
All parts of the world were mapped between about - 13 000 - 4000 years.
To date, the only continent that has not been explored because of the ice that covers Antarctica is.
Is it possible that under that ice lies the remains of this civilization? Perhaps, but this continent with an area of and a half times that of Europe is covered with a layer of ice up to 6 km thick. Ice covers the mountains as high as the Alps.
Suffice to say that the exploration basements require huge resources.
When the legend becomes reality
Many discoveries have been made in recent years to prove formally that Antarctica has enjoyed a temperate climate there are only 100,000 years. Mobility of Antarctica is no longer any doubt as no trees can grow on land in darkness six months of the year.
Coastal forest fossil discovered in 1990 only dated two to three million years.