I do not time travel, more than a 100 years -but informations does !


Chrono Cadet
Hello everybody !

First I would introduce myself, I'm a 20yo French student (in computer graphics) born in the city of Lyon. It's have been a long travel through time to be there ;)
From the very beginning I inherited a scientific instinct, I always wanted to know how and why things were working !

Well after many documentaries, thought, experiences and internetwork I landed there and my instinct told me that I should find something with you. Because to me resolving the problem of Time Traveling would be also understanding the why of how !

As you may have seen through my few posts, I'm a beginner but you should take it as an open-minded lambda's view reflexion so... let's explain myself :

  1. What we are told
    • The reality

      I have first been introduced to the conspiracies universe by Zeitgeist documentary that gave me another's view about politic, religion, society, power... Then I started studying computer graphics and realized how big and far is our patrimony as human being. Also we have been told that then end of the world has been calculated and to me it is true, the world is now no longer the same. I'm convinced that now you can lead anybody to anything. That is where we are all going : anywhere.

      I won't do any political comment but what I know is that money controls almost everything. Because of it we do war, we do lie, we do hate. But you know what ? I'm proud to all of this because the world act, and so the world think, the world go wrong and the world grow.

      Then the reality is as we see it everyday : It's all about hypocrisy. And as this sentiment grow up, we are almost near to the perfect technology, we need to rebuild this society for tomorrow and in front of the fear, of the rage, of the inhuman acts we will do.

      The symbols show the same. In the Tarot de Marseille the number 12 is the hanged man. It represent "learning", "teaching" because of the Hebraic letter "lamed" written on it ; a symbol to the expansive movement, the only higher letter : "all powerful and dynamic", it can be read as a whip. Symbolic no ?

      Listen : The head towards the ground and the feet towards the sky, the Hanged Man is weightless between two worlds, there is no consolation to him from heaven, where he does not live yet nor from the earth, where he does not live anymore and does not want to receive. Aries is the sacrificial lamb so to speak, is crucified between heaven and earth, and in his suffering, it has no relief on one side or the other.

      All this makes sense and tells us the inversion of values ​​and perceptions of the soul in its progress towards evolution.

      Lamed, his lesson is that love is the only consciousness that can lead us to understand what the basis of creation and existence. Love is not physical emotion. It's free and impetuous force, courageous and powerful leaps without asking anything in return, nourished by life itself. It is the only key to reach the heights of knowledge and wisdom which will enable perfect emancipation of his will in him again ensuring the sovereignty of its Divine Powers.

      "Bind the body to release the spirit." I am the one who creates himself.

      December 21 is into Mayan long count, marking a shift in global consciousness and the beginning of a new age after the failure of a society based on liberalism without love and sharing. Figure twelve, fulfillment, and even completed cycle, "holly" number is followed by the 13.

      In the symbolism of the Tarot the 13 may mean hunt for old patterns start again on new bases, which can be interpreted as a revival although death is it's representation.
    • The true

      As many knows something is hidden to us. A big thing. It has become very long ago, from the very first earth's civilization (or at least). That is what we are told in this part of documentary :

      I'm about to translate it because the English translated version is wrong.
      This is the first documentary of a series of 7 ; next one will be : the leaning equator

      Here is a little summary of the most important facts proved :
      - The construction of the Giza pyramid has always be a mystery
      - Pyramid of Giza shows relations between pi, phi, cubit, meters (pi(m)-phi²(m)=cubit(m)) and also the speed of light
      - There are similarities and even more between many ancient sites architecture, dispositions, meaning, understanding
      (Easter island, Paracas (Peru), Nazca, Ollantaytambo, Machu Picchu, Cuzco, Sacsayhuamán, Paratoari (Peru), (atlantic ocean) All seeing The Dongon (Mali's tribe), Tassili N'ajjer (Tunisia), Siwa Oasis , Giza Pyramid's, Petra (Jordan), Ur (Iraq), Persepolis (Iran), Mohenjo Daro (Pakistan), Khajuraho (India), Pyay (Birmania), Sukhothai (Thailand), Angkor Vat (Cambodia), Preah Vihear (Cambodia))
      - All theses sites are lined-up, 30° from our equator, all over the earth

      here is their website (en-version)
      Q/A( in French)
    • The interpretations

      The 20 last years and the 20 next are a kind of test to us. A way to tell us : it is time to wake up, you are now in the golden age ! You should be more advanced than this. But we are facing a problem : we are too many.

      We have now to look back to find what we forget and it is easy to see that when you have all those fact uncovered !

      There is and there has to be and old ancient technology. All powerful. As Edward Leedskalnin one.

      And this old ancient technology traveled time (Mayan and Egyptian civilizations are not at the same period), as the old understanding of Phi (cathedrals)...
  2. What I saw

    I experimented psychedelics and once with some Magic Truffles (Psilocybe Tampanensis) a.k.a. Philosopher's Stones I had a bad trip and I saw some disturbing things. Here is my recite :

    I was on vacation in Amsterdam with some friends so I was high in a coffee and the truffles has started to work. I was feeling I could extra-dimensionaly seeing inside and outside the store from the chair next to the window at 1st floor and the walls were like unimportant for me as well as time.. But my friend wanted to eat so we have been to a pizzeria and there we had confusion between a pizza and a slice of pizza ! ^^
    It all started there because after, as I was eating, I felt as I was going to die or something because of sharpening knives, Indian-like staff, all looking at me so suspicious. As I talked to my friend, I was feeling like doing some recite of a well know poetry or much a theater play, because I knew also what my friend was about to say.. And the conversation ended like : "I did nothing, here is just a paradox" and so unresolvable paradox that it must be end of the world. I ran outside and saw the paved square collapse ! So I went a little further and so died there in my head.
    Then I saw every things and very quickly a history summary with some important faces/idols, an out-zoom on Jerusalem and then numbers, alphabet to the A and nothingness.
  3. What I believe

    True is somewhere. End is not now.
  4. Conclusion

    Go on ;)

Carrying your spiritual body on your head
Can you embrace the One and not let go?
Concentrating the breath
Can you become supple as a child?

Can you polish the mysterious mirror
And leave no mark?
Can you love the people and rule the state
Without indulging in action?

When the gates of heaven open and close,
Can you keep to the female role?
When your mind penetrates the four directions
Are you able to know nothing?

It gives them life and nurtures.
It gives them life without possession.
It benefits them but asks no thanks.
It holds but imposes no authority.

Such is the mysterious virtue.
To be a little more precise about the mystery after seeing this again.

1/The informant said (in Q/A) that our DNA have been modified
As it is always oldest monument that are the biggest
As the Sphynx is human head on lion body
As they knew speed of light, meter unit, miles unit (see Washington obelisk), pi, phi, anti-earthquake building, our position in the universe

The builders must be : Ancient civilization or Alien Civilization

2/What they are sure is that all those sites are lined on the magnetic pole equator.
Divided (not all the one I cited) by equal distances (12parts) that are related by phi number (gold number)
The pyramid of Giza model is the representation of the north pole, it's face dimensions matches with the "north magnetic pole, Giza pyramid, Nazca" triangle
And to me that is all so relating to the Edward Leedskalnin machine. ( see code 144 )
Probably anti-gravity machine and/or ship, quick and silent.

Also don't be afraid, this is no more than a message through time. As the one we sent with Pioneer
Since we are talking about time travel and religions.
Here something recent dealing with the upcoming
future after 911 since after that point it is a new time
line we are on.
Very interesting, linking up with "Pope theory" but I don't get why there is 9/11 on 2012/13 calendar !

9/11 was the beginning of a new era the world changed forever.
It was such a major event it changed timeline thus the world.
It was the direct result of multiple war in the middle east and the creation of
home land security in the US due to this event(9/11).
Without 9/11 these successive event would not have happen or existed.

So it is very relevant to any outcome in future time lines until some other new
catalyst occurs.
Since we are talking about time travel and religions.
Here something recent dealing with the upcoming
future after 911 since after that point it is a new time
line we are on.

Hmmm. I am always interested in coincidences. I watched the video and did not think much about it. But while I was not able to sleep tonight, I saw the following story show up about a meteor strike in Russia's Ural mountains just now:

400 reportedly injured by blasts as meteor falls in Russia | Fox News

Towards the end of her video she talks about an "asteroid strike" on the 15th/16th and even pointed to the time zone that Russia is in. Now clearly this is not an "asteroid" but a meteor. Still, and interesting coincidence.

Some meteorites -- fragments of the meteor -- fell in a reservoir outside the town of Cherbakul, the regional governor's office said, according to the ITAR-Tass news agency. It was not immediately clear if any people were struck by fragments.

Small pieces of space debris -- usually parts of comets or asteroids -- that are on a collision course with the Earth are called meteoroids.

Interesting article but, once again, a pop-sci writer gets it wrong.

A meteorite is not "a fragment of a meteor". It is a meteor that strikes the ground.
A meteoroid is a small bit of debris in space that would be a meteor if it entered the atmosphere.

Also, NASA Television provides a live commentary of the observation for a half-hour from 19:00 GMT to pass closest to the intended purpose to 7:25 p.m. GMT. NASA will also make a real-time animation of movement and position of the asteroid relative to Earth, accompanied by images in real time or almost from observatories in Australia and Europe if the weather permits.
Interesting article but, once again, a pop-sci writer gets it wrong.

A meteorite is not "a fragment of a meteor". It is a meteor that strikes the ground.
A meteoroid is a small bit of debris in space that would be a meteor if it entered the atmosphere.

OMG yes, don't get me started on how inaccurate (and poorly researched) most of today's technical arcticles are from the "hurry up and get it out there" journalists. You can imagine in my biz, Darby, how often I find the errors in aerospace articles where the writer hasn't clue 1 about what they are writing. The use of "drone" is the one that bothers me the most for a UAV. The word DRONE was coined as part of TARGET DRONE. While they are certainly the first form of UAVs that were most prominent in the old days, to call today's fully autonomous (not including weapons deployment) UAVs "drones" is pretty much a massive insult to those of us who make them operational.

Hmmm. I am always interested in coincidences. I watched the video and did not think much about it. But while I was not able to sleep tonight, I saw the following story show up about a meteor strike in Russia's Ural mountains just now:

400 reportedly injured by blasts as meteor falls in Russia | Fox News

Towards the end of her video she talks about an "asteroid strike" on the 15th/16th and even pointed to the time zone that Russia is in. Now clearly this is not an "asteroid" but a meteor. Still, and interesting coincidence.


There was apparently another meteor crash in Cuba earlier. BREAKING-Meteor Crash, This Time In CUBA | InvestmentWatch
Towards the end of her video she talks about an "asteroid strike" on the 15th/16th and even pointed to the time zone that Russia is in. Now clearly this is not an "asteroid" but a meteor. Still, and interesting coincidence.


Don't be alarmed by the false prophets. "Wormwood" will not strike earth until the first 2 trumpet of Revelation is blown first.

The book of Revelation and prophecy part in the book of Daniel are written in apocalyptic language, (ie, using imagery) rather than historical narrative. You should not take it literalistically.

Revelation 8:7-11

7 The first angel blew his trumpet, and there followed hail and fire, mixed with blood, and these were thrown upon the earth. And a third of the earth was burned up, and a third of the trees were burned up, and all green grass was burned up.
8 The second angel blew his trumpet, and something like a great mountain, burning with fire, was thrown into the sea, and a third of the sea became blood. 9 A third of the living creatures in the sea died, and a third of the ships were destroyed.
10 The third angel blew his trumpet, and a great star fell from heaven, blazing like a torch, and it fell on a third of the rivers and on the springs of water. 11 The name of the star is Wormwood. A third of the waters became wormwood, and many people died from the water, because it had been made bitter.

But to the faithful to Jesus Christ our Lord and Saviour, please pray for the endurance of God's people during coming time of tribulation. May the Holy Spirit reveal to you the actual meaning of the Scripture.

Revelation 12:13-14

13And when the dragon saw that he had been thrown down to the earth, he pursued the woman who had given birth to the male child. 14But the woman was given the two wings of the great eagle so that she might fly from the serpent into the wilderness, to the place where she is to be nourished for a time, and times, and half a time.

Daniel 7:25-26

25 He shall speak words against the Most High,
and shall wear out the saints of the Most High,
and shall think to change the times and the law;
and they shall be given into his hand
for a time, times, and half a time.
26 But the court shall sit in judgment,
and his dominion shall be taken away,
to be consumed and destroyed to the end.

And to the rest who do not believe in Jesus Christ, you don't need to chase after these prophecies and doom day news. False interpretors will only give you false concepts and fear to what to come.

May our Jesus Christ bless you and open your mind to the Truth in Him who died for our sins, bring you to repentance and save you.

To the brothers and sisters in Christ who read this message, please pray with me that God will make the gospel clear to everyone.
The Bible can tell us many things, but it is all metaphoric !
So it is really hard to understand the metaphors as it has been translated without understanding this meaning.
Also there are many translation errors as : "time" for "aeon" which mean more "ages"...
Don't be alarmed by the false prophets. "Wormwood" will not strike earth until the first 2 trumpet of Revelation is blown first.

The book of Revelation and prophecy part in the book of Daniel are written in apocalyptic language, (ie, using imagery) rather than historical narrative. You should not take it literalistically.

Trust me, I don't. I was just amused by the coincidence. I grew up Catholic but "gave it up for lent" one year. :) Sorry, I am not much into any man-made religion. No offense, servantx.

Because to me resolving the problem of Time Traveling would be also understanding the why of how !

Very open minded, wonder what your PIQ is your career indicates a visual preference.
I have studied the phenomena of medically induced viewing, very phenomenal.
Unfortunately, that stuff is for the ones in the know...

The why
To me there is no reason, only greed would lead a person to travel time.
Viewing would be an option, if you could convince people to pass laws and amend there ways for change.
never worked out for any one in the past why would it work now?
you'll end up nailed to a cross or in a hospital wing trying to explain how they built the pyramids with space ships.

The how
On the smallest level we are atomic, meaning atoms or particles thereof containing energy are responsible for broadcasting our physical being. These atoms contain specific electromagnetic levels known as frequencies that correlate with the structure they display.

Atoms or protons of atoms contain the energetic frequency for time placement, when an astronaut travels time so does his/her watch, ship clothing etc... all of these items are atomic.
Atoms/particles can move right through us without us knowing.

Imagine a 3 dimensional TV screen, the pixels are atoms and yourself the frequency that tells the pixels to display an image. The reality is exactly like that an illusion of physical properties. the pixels didn't move, the frequency did.

We only experience life through the energy received through our senses and directed to our minds in turn we electronically process that information and perceive it as reality.

Everyone is always seeking that Delorean :)
You would need to realize that atmospheric atoms conduct our energy similar to a electric cable, Electricity does not flow like water. Instead it equalizes instantly with the atoms it is in contact with, every atom charges up at the same time. The reality is that the properties of the cable are telling the atoms how to behave.
Just as we do, Imagine yourself as an electromagnetic ghost and when you step into atoms they in turn project your image and properties to your surroundings.

But if you would like to travel time you would first need register the atomic frequency of Earth.
This way you can determine how much to adjust the frequency of the protons
Atoms maintain a frequency of the body they are closest to, Earth and it contains all of us, our combined frequency is ever changing so you would need to take the frequency rate with you on your journey in order to facilitate coming back.
Then relative to Earths frequency you would need to speed up or slow down the protons within your Atoms.
This could be done in a few ways,

Use an electric arc, increase the resistance between two poles when the energy strains to reach the other pole the atomic frequency will lower. Any atoms in the vicinity of the atoms that have been lowered will instantly equalize to the new lower charge or ELF emission. If your harness that emission and move yourself into those atoms you will go to the past. This process could be introduced mentally through ELF transmissions into your cranium. You might want to test it on prisoners first. I'm thinking of KFC on the first couple tries.
Many amateur experiments have been conducted using the lowest portion " the haze" of a jacobs ladder.
if you throw a tiny metallic object through the haze on the bottom it disappears for a fraction of a second, but that means it is traveling forward because it reappears. Again it is a fraction of a second, hardly time travel but I held my eyelids open so I wouldn't blink and I did it a few times. It's was so much fun I never tried it again.
Because of those tests it has been suggested that when a large electrical arc vaporizes it actually traveled time and disappeared, don't ask me how the heck your supposed to prove that one.

Build yourself a trillion dollar superconductive subatomic particle collider, while the particles race around the vacuum tube they will increase in frequency, again all atomic matter in the vicinity will equalize their charge and change frequency as well, a small vacuum chamber built off the side of this tube is where you will be situated. At just the precise frequency the new atomic frequency introduced to your chamber through a control valve and off you go to the future.
of course if there is no time travel device in the dimension you travel to in the words of brave heart "your fooked" and not coming back. I would imagine you would have to go week by week into the future to be safe and know the equipment your using will still be there.

Personally I wouldn't trust the controllers not to dump me off into the ocean somewhere.
Considering the money involved I wouldn't think life or being patient matters much to those folks.
I can only imagine the loss of life testing tt junk.

For all the money spent on the LHC I wonder how many hot meals you could have served to starving children.
I guess God was never in their equations, how would you explain what you did with all of that money, when you had the chance to do something humane that might really change the world?

Nikola Tesla asked himself the same thing, and he was a hero for trying...Free Energy...
I really like him! maybe even enough to risk the chance for lunch one day. I hope he can swim!
Great post, I was saying "why of how" of life but anyway ;)

Time travel is very linked with electricity, magnetism and frequency...

As we know, under sunlights, the Giza pyramid comports like a generator. Because of it's granite structure, the building contract and dilate with heat which leads to an electric strength.

You would need to realize that atmospheric atoms conduct our energy similar to a electric cable, Electricity does not flow like water. Instead it equalizes instantly with the atoms it is in contact with, every atom charges up at the same time. The reality is that the properties of the cable are telling the atoms how to behave.
Just as we do, Imagine yourself as an electromagnetic ghost and when you step into atoms they in turn project your image and properties to your surroundings.

More and more we think that magnetism is not a force, but a fluid ! And what makes something magnetic is that electrons can pass through easily.
Take any non-magnetic metal thing, put + one side, - the other, wait, disconnect. Now this metal is magnetic.

here is how they explain it :

The earth's north and south pole is a manifestation of an external cosmic force that comes from somewhere else. The earth has a north and south pole , earth north (also can be called telluric north), but there is also a second cosmic pole that is not coming from the earth, true north, that does not alter it's place like the earth's north and south poles do.

The earth north is charged by the North pole cosmic force that comes from external planets. An earthquake or volcano on the earth can arise from an alignment of planets and each planet effects eachother like an iron core obstruction to a large magnetic field passing. Speed is important, like in reaching a stable escape velocity for perpetual orbit around this earth.

The earth is charged by the cosmic north pole force. (See polaris) North pole star. And so all the metals in the earth , including ground rods that are placed into the earth with no magnetism at all, can build up a north and south pole from the magnetic current in the earth running through them. Some refer to telluric or magnetic current of the earth as ley lines. This is what ley lines can do, they have energy that can make magnets like an electric transformer can magnetise a metal.

The same metal can me magnetised by being placed into the earth. Old metal that has been in the earth a long time can have magnets in it, that come from the earths recirculating magnetic currents passing thru it over time, and the earht itself got its recirculating magnets from the cosmic magnetic currents passing thru the earth.

I am saying that if you take a bar magnet to the north pole of this earth, then the length of the south pole on the bar magnets gets long. This shows that the magnetic field inside the atoms of the metal of the magnet can move like a substance damming up more on one pole than the other. If you take the same bar magnet to the south pole of this earth, then the length of the north pole of the magnet gets longer. The equator and the lengths of the poles change on the bar magnet depending on which pole of the planet you have your bar magnet.

An electrical transformer, the most simple transformer, as invented by Faraday consists of a single bar magnet, or U shaped electromagnet like metal device, with a wire wrapped around it. Any change in the magnetic field of the iron core (such as it's pole length changing or moving accross the wire wrapped around the equator) will lead to electricity running in the wire.

At nuclear power stations, coal stations, and hydroelectric plants you will always find spinning magnets being driven by steam, from burning coal heat, or nuclear reactions heating steam, or water turning a turbine directly in hydroelectricity to create very fast spinning magnets, like edward leedskalnin flywheel.

A coil is placed nearby a spinning magnetic flywheel, with soft iron core, and a copper wire is wrapped around, as the magnets in the turbine spin around from the energy of the heat or the nuclear heat, or rotary pressure of a water dam they put those so-called electrons in the wire. But the electrons are non existent, because the electrons were not at the base of the electricity, the magnets in motion were. So as long as the magnets are in motion they create power.

When magnets are in perpetual motion they create perpetual power. For instance, if a bar magnet is orbiting the earth in stable orbit, and has the copper wire wrapped around it's iron core, then as the bar magnet passes the north pole the equator of the bar magnet moves and one pole of the magnet gets longer, causing faraday induction into the copper wire. This is the same as the turbine at the nuclear, coal or hydroelectric power station - it creates electricity from a change in the the moving magnetic field past the copper wire. The thing is though in orbit the power is coming from the gravity alone that keeps it in orbit, to move the field, and in the nuclear coal and hydroelectric power, gravity is the thing that stops the electric generator continuing to orbit around. A flywheel in free space in the vacuum of space one spun will spin forever.

The scientists consider that the magnetic field of a magnet is a still thing in free space, but if the magnetic field moves as does the magnets in the bar when positioned at different poles of an object with gravity like the earth, then it is proof enough that the field moves in relation with the magnetic current and poles of the earth, and that the bar magnet itself is not the only thing working in electrical generators, it is also the magnetic current of the earth.

Just like the earth can hold magnets from the cosmic force, the bar magnet in space orbiting, or taken to eiether pole can hold the magnetic current of the earth, and moving your bar magnet from earth noth to earth south results in electricity and a small amount of light if you connect to a lightbulb and shut to the north of the earth and then the south of the earth.

The circuits that exist in electricity, intersect the circuits of the earth. Many believe that an electromagnet is a round piece of iron metal of a given diameter, with a copper or iron wire wrapped around it a given number of turns of a given diameter and length that is solely creating the magnetic north and south from the electricity, but as I have shown, if the bar magnet north and south changes depending where you are on the planet earth, then so does the electricity that runs in an electromagnet change the length of north and south not dictated by the electricity but the existing fields of the earth. The earth can move the magnetic field like it wasn't created from an electron structure as science dictates to be the only truth. The earth appears to move the magnetic field in the bar magnet like the magnetic field that is in the permanent metal magnet is made up of a substance or fluid that tilts with the inertia of the gravity from the poles of the earth.

Best wishes,
Adam bull

To finish, free energy is and has to be true. Were there not a infinitesimal energy before everything ?
Push something in space, will it not continues with the same speed anymore ?

Tesla was a time traveller.
Thank you for the great reply, and that was a wonderful video.
energy equals life equals energy.
I knew you were visual :) it is a wonderful gift, the ability to see.