I am from the year 2522

On May 1st , I am not sure (can’t remember all the history)
Well of course not. You've told us your profession is as a historian. So who in their right mind would actually expect a historian to remember the major points of history! /ttiforum/images/graemlins/confused.gif

Given that what you say is going to happen would be larger (MUCH larger) than the story of 9/11, your difficulty remembering would be equivalent to saying "I can't remember what exactly happened on 9/11, but it resulted in the US going to war."

Rainmantime-I will not tell you a specific month.
Correction: You CAN NOT tell me a specific month, because you are fibbing.

I will be very happy if you abide by your word, and do NOT come back. You are NOT from the future, and I'd predict that your future is not very bright given your exhibited level of intelligence here on this forum. I hope your parents strongly encourage you to go to college... you will need the advantage.


BTW - Big Ben still stands. We will soon see that your May 1st prediction is just as much of a shot in the dark as your Big Ben prediction.
Hey rainmantime try to chill out a bit, I dont believe a word of it either, but it has generated one hell of a thread! Just look at the response!
What about the right to free speech you americans are always on about? If he wants to delude himself then let him .. I think its interesting .. terrorist is a bit strong, would you call novelists like Steven King/Dean Koontz etc terrorists? After all this is fiction isnt it?
Not so sure how time travelling would affect the world economy tho .. what with all the lottery winners, share dealing and futures markets etc. Hell I would sure be banned from the bookies if I had one of these here time machines ..
Hey rainmantime try to chill out a bit,
Get back to me once you understand my intention in harassing people like chronohistorian. If (when?) you understand my intention, then you will understand why I do what I do.
What about the right to free speech you americans are always on about?
Thank you for reinforcing and supporting my right of free speech to harass clueless hoaxers. And let me point out something about free speech and the US laws: The ability to yell "fire" in a crowded movie theater (when there is in fact no fire) is NOT protected as free speech under the US constitution, as has been shown thru legal precedent more than once in the US legal system. Ergo, "free speech" that results in others being harmed, or killed, is punishable under US law. Just keeping you informed.

would you call novelists like Steven King/Dean Koontz etc terrorists? After all this is fiction isnt it?
Could you please show me even ONE instance where King or Koontz actively attempts to convince people that their fiction is real, and will come to pass? The difference is, these authors admit to writing fiction; whereas chrono does not. That's a pretty big diff, wouldn't you agree?

Once again... see if you can uncover my intention in battling people who try to paint negative futures as definitely coming to pass. Can you guess what my intention is? I'll give you a clue: The word that describes it begins with the letters "NUL".

Gee...maybe all those people who have won the lotto have been time travelers??? :D
Yes I can go with the fire thing but hes not actually in a public place yelling anything is he? (not physically anyway). "Harmed or killed" well thats under debate still after all there are many voices that say reading material from the likes of the aforementioned authors is harmful to the pyche. My point being that posting a message is quite a big step away from warning "fire!" or such in a physically crowded environment!
Also we aren't all Americans
in fact there are quite a lot of people in the world who aren't!
We even have our own legal systems too! /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif
I only mentioned the authors because they are writers with imagination which choose to create alarming fiction.
Certainly Orson Welles was a terrorist!
Guess we in the UK do not scare so easily /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif
Maybe the winners are time travellers after all with odds of 13,000,000:1 they are either that or extremely lucky b'stards! /ttiforum/images/graemlins/yum.gif
Sorry but I have got to admit that I don't understand why you take such a strong position against this in my opinion harmless banter /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif (NUL = What? Nullible? NUL - a South African Band who promotes the piracy of their own material on their website? Sorry but dont see how thats relevant here? /ttiforum/images/graemlins/kiss.gif
Hi there Kryton,

I have to back up RMT here, and he's already gone into the reasons (quite indepth too) why people like chrono are such an issue. But i think it was missed but the greater volume of readers here, And its not surprising -as its how people like chrono get away with it. I live in the UK - and i certainly DO care! Seeing as how the UK and the US are so tight these days...anything that occurs in each others territory (especially on the 'information level') is an issue to both. It does sound like a strong reaction, but its not. At least not any more, as the frequency of these instances are getting rather less isolated nowadays and very frustrating.

Maybe it would be better to put it like this:

If (psychologically) you were of average suggestibility - or worse - high suggestibility then this is a VERY possible analogy;

If the teachers at school told you that you were a total loser and your life was worthless, you'd probably tell them to shove their opinion up their arse. However, if all of them started to exercise their freedom of speech in this manner, and no-one spoke to you unless it was to remind you that you were - basically - a piece of s**t, You might just be ok. But, more probably, not.

If you were one of those individuals that doesnt have the stongest of mindsets and you had this conditioning over many years - especially as you were at a key age or point in time, eventually you may well become a loser with no sense of worth. Pretty soon, you'll become self destructive. The brain (call it scalar waves or whatever your chosen phrase) really does bring information down to resonate your being within space, to draw in your own creation. You would screw up your future and fail in many areas - or maybe even life itself. At worst, you may even decide to ungracefully bow out.

If the teachers conditioned this into to enough students (maybe only 10-15%), eventually the whole school would be a danger to everyone that attends it. Let me remind you, much more people read this board then post.

As RMT has stated - Information is arguably one the most dangerous of tactics. Chrono in this case, is probably just nothing. But his persistance (which can now be measured in 'years') does indicate either a motive, or rather, a serious lacking of 'sound' mindset.

If i were a real, socially perceptive and educated time traveller, I would NOT inform a large number of people (even on a 'forum') that they were about to be involved in a civil bloodbath before i swanned back to safety in the 26th Century. Not only that, but this is the mindset of a supposed 'intelligent', 120 something year old member of the future.

Where does society go wrong chrono /ttiforum/images/graemlins/confused.gif

Chronos presence has not just been on this forum. He has attempted to keep this pretence up elsewhere too.

Kind regards,
Hello kryten,

It seems you have wholly missed my point. And even my giving you almost HALF of the word that describes my intention, you were not able to complete that word? Is this true ignorance on your part, or simple laziness? The latter is what so many in the world suffer from, but there are also those who are willfully ignorant.

Sorry but I have got to admit that I don't understand why you take such a strong position against this in my opinion harmless banter (NUL = What? Nullible?
Would it be so difficult to actually pick up a dictionary, or go to one online, and start looking at words that begin with these three letters? Let me give you a bigger hint: Look up the word NULLIFY.

There...I have done all the work for you. Do you now see from what INTENTION my actions flow?

You may also wish to read another thread of mine under the time travel discussion forum entitled "INTENTION->Information->Energy->Force of Creation". If you are willing to do the hard work, you may get a clearer understanding of what is going on in today's world, and where your efforts would produce the most fruit. If you constantly focus on a doomsday scenario, and attempt to convince others that it will come to pass, you are part of the problem, not part of the solution.

Thank you, Olly, it is clear to me that you "get it".

If the teachers conditioned this into to enough students (maybe only 10-15%), eventually the whole school would be a danger to everyone that attends it.
And this analogy is especially pertinent in the "clash of civilizations" that is going on in our world right now. Kryten, here is another word for you to go look up: Madrassah. Are you aware of the kinds of information that the more militant Madrassahs teach to their pupils? Indeed, they teach hateful rhetoric, and they teach of a doomsday scenario which MUST come to pass for their version of "ascension" to be possible. And furthermore, these schools consistently reinforce the thought to these young, impressionable minds that the greatest thing they can do with their lives is to kill Western "infidels".

As RMT has stated - Information is arguably one the most dangerous of tactics.
Indeed. And as I have scientifically shown in another thread, Information holds sway over the release of Energy...for whatever purpose the Information is crafted....for whatever the INTENTION.

I, for one, am not going to stand idly by while terrorists (and they come in all forms, shapes and sizes) propagate information based in hatred and doomsday futures. For in doing so, those people are attempting to steal MY future from me and those who see a brighter future. Therefore, I act to NULLIFY such information which is bred by the INTENTION of hatred and evil.


Chrono said:
I can tell you that the first stage of civil war will start on May 1. If you have a gun carry it with you at all times on that day
Ahem.... WRONG! The day of protest is pretty much over now, and we have seen NO violence associated with it (cudos to the protestors for keeping it peaceful, as they have in the past). Shall we go on? /ttiforum/images/graemlins/devil.gif
If christ came back I am sure it would be in the history books somewhere or maybe he just came back on a holiday to see some disciples.
Yes, once again we could not possibly expect a HISTORIAN like Chrono to keep track of minor details like the return of Christ! (sarcasm intended!) But oh my, he certainly is good at keeping track of things like Big Ben! :D Let's continue...
It has something to do with the immigration rallies but I am stationed in England and ask any English person and you will see that the rallies are not covered on the news.
Yeah...sure... those rallies are just not covered ANYWHERE on the news? Any of you other Brits wish to chime in here? Any mention of the rallies in your news so far this evening???
But wait! There's MORE!
Warrior381-We lost the info but managed to retrieve it. I thought I told the forum. What I am not sure about is if they show it on the news and if they show it on the news whether they will be truthful.
You lost it, but managed to retrieve it... and STILL it was WRONG and not reflective of what we have seen today! Imagine that! Chrono was WRONG! And yes, why should we think the mainstream news outlets tell the truth... all we really need is to trust Chrono... cuz clearly HE never lies!
(yes, more sarcasm folks... it is my downfall!)
I will be leaving in a couple of days but I tell you this: In the coming months you may see UN and NATO troops marching through your country to “restore order”.
Eeeeyeah! Based on his track record, how many people want to take bets that this is gonna happen? Don't worry, Chrono, I'll keep track for you, just like I am tracking the "informers" predictions, and so far he is 0/2 with another event marker coming up at the end of May.

We are all having a good laugh at you Chrono, you fool! /ttiforum/images/graemlins/tongue.gif
Re: Chrono-Buster!!!

<FORM METHOD=POST ACTION="http://www.timetravelinstitute.com/ttiforum/dopoll.php"><INPUT TYPE=HIDDEN NAME="pollname" VALUE="1146550170TTA_01">

Do you feel that RainmanTime has conducted his “scientific-debunking-investigations” in adherence to the TTI forums “general terms?” i.e. has he called you any names?
<input type="radio" name="option" value="1" />Yes
<input type="radio" name="option" value="2" />No
<INPUT TYPE=Submit NAME=Submit VALUE="Submit vote" class="buttons"></form>

Offensive Behavior on the Forums

Bytheway, Ray said it was ok to post a poll
. Otherwise, I wouldn't have.

Re: Chrono-Buster!!!


Bytheway, Ray said it was ok to post a poll . Otherwise, I wouldn't have.
Fortunately, I have the tool of science on my side to expose you for what you are. And in this case, science does come in handy in terms of linguistic analysis of your posed poll question. Towhit:
Do you feel that RainmanTime has conducted his “scientific-debunking-investigations” in adherence to the TTI forums “general terms?” i.e. has he called you any names?
These two statements in your poll are contradictory with regard to answer the poll (which is, of course, the point of fielding a poll). Therefore, speaking scientifically (which I know you have admitted is not your speciality), given your contradictory statements that frame your poll, I hope you can realize that either a "Yes" or "No" answer could mean anything. Thus, scientifically, the poll means nothing.

Here, let me hold your hand a bit and guide you through this scientific process with an example. Let's say I am wishing to reply to your poll (even though I would not do that, because the poll is about me and that would not be a terribly ethical thing to do). So I read the first part of your poll ("Do you feel that RainmanTime has conducted his “scientific-debunking-investigations” in adherence to the TTI forums “general terms?"), and I would be inclined to vote "Yes", meaning that I think he has adhered to the TTI forums "general terms". Very well, I should then vote "Yes".

But wait. Something is not right. For now if I read the second statement in your poll (using "i.e." is not usually intended to counter the previous argument) I would wish to vote in the opposite polarity: (i.e. has he called you any names?). Well.... NO, RainmanTime has not called anyone any names. At least none that were not the truth (such as "hoaxer" or "fake" or other statements of truth).

My oh my, what a scientific quandary we are in here!! The TTA has set up a scientifically invalid poll, where the results cannot be properly interpreted with respect to the fundamental questions asked in the poll's question!

Would you care to modify your poll so people can know PRECISELY how they should vote? As it is, your poll reveals an ignorance of proper (scientific) polling methods.

Re: Chrono-Buster!!!

Here, let me hold your hand a bit...

Thanks Ray I think. I know we're neighbors (almost), but I don't roll like that.

So I read the first part of your poll ("Do you feel that RainmanTime has conducted his “scientific-debunking-investigations” in adherence to the TTI forums “general terms?"), and I would be inclined to vote "Yes", meaning that I think he has adhered to the TTI forums "general terms". Very well, I should then vote "Yes".

Really, you think you have adhered to the TTI forums "general terms"?

I guess that's what the poll is for huh? I know you think you have, but others may disagree.

But wait. Something is not right. For now if I read the second statement in your poll (using "i.e." is not usually intended to counter the previous argument) I would wish to vote in the opposite polarity: (i.e. has he called you any names?). Well.... NO,

Please note that i.e. gives an example to it's infraction. It’s not contradicting the previous statement, but reinforcing it with an example of not following the general terms. Since the poll states and applies only to following it in adherence to it, not just if you were scientific.

RainmanTime has not called anyone any names. At least none that were not the truth (such as "hoaxer" or "fake" or other statements of truth).

So you haven't called anyone any names? I seriously doubt it's just been "hoaxer" and "fake" but I’m sure we’ll hear what others have to say.

The TTA has set up a scientifically invalid poll, where the results cannot be properly interpreted with respect to the fundamental questions asked in the poll's question!

I never called the poll scientific. Nor do I anticipate ever reading about this site in a science book or journal?

Do you?

So let me make an RMT hypotheses here, your not doing so well with the Aussie ladies are you?

Would you care to modify your poll so people can know PRECISELY how they should vote?

I think people would know exactly how to vote. But just for you Ray, I'll make some clarifications.

*DO NOT Vote: Yes

If Ray has called you any names. This is just an example to support the violation of the "general terms"

*DO Vote: No

If you felt that he has not conducted his “scientific-debunking-investigations" in adherence to the "general terms."

As it is, your poll reveals an ignorance of proper (scientific) polling methods.

I'm not worried about this poll revealing my poor polling abilities.

Bytheway, calling someone ignorant is offensive behavior. Do you care to apologize? Or care to add creditability to the poll?

Re: Chrono-Buster!!!

Bytheway, calling someone ignorant is offensive behavior.
Not really. Calling someone ignorant, if they really are ignorant, is nothing more than speaking the truth. Much like the TTA (whom I have studied quite thoroughly, I might add) I am simply speaking the truth when I say you are ignorant.

For example: If I were to give you a problem in calculus, and you, not being versed in this form of science, tried in vain but failed to give the proper answer, then this would mean you are ignorant about the science of mathematics called calculus. Calling someone ignorant is hardly being offensive, unless, of course, you find it offensive for someone to point out a truth about yourself and your limitations.

Do you have a problem with someone speaking the truth, TTA? Because if you do, then perhaps I should revisit some of your own words that speak otherwise?

Polling For The TTA

Bytheway, Ray said it was ok to post a poll . Otherwise, I wouldn't have.
By the way... speaking of polls, have you checked the results of the democratic poll I created when you ceased answering questions for the personality test? If you are as supportive of a "democratic process" as you seem to have portrayed yourself, then perhaps you should take the results of this poll to heart.

Re: Is Raiman a woofie?

Dearest TTA' I hope that you are doing well and are enjoying yourself, in various cultural activities.

I do this when visiting various countries, to promote cultural understandings.

One day, I had a basin full of my urine, from the night before.I threw this basin into the wind, to where it came back to me.

Top say the least, ha ha ha, I was not popular at breakfast, that particular day.

Hhhmmmgh, clears throat. On the subject of Rianman, being an obnoxious animal, I can only divest this particular opinion, that he might do better at an online zoo, rather than contaminate this particular thread.

I hope that you are doing well, it is good to hear you.
Re: Chrono-Buster!!!

Not really. Calling someone ignorant, if they really are ignorant, is nothing more than speaking the truth. Much like the TTA (whom I have studied quite thoroughly, I might add) I am simply speaking the truth when I say you are ignorant.

Used in the context that you use it, it can be offensive.

Such as what can and cannot be said on television without it being censored.

For example: If I were to give you a problem in calculus, and you, not being versed in this form of science, tried in vain but failed to give the proper answer, then this would mean you are ignorant about the science of mathematics called calculus. Calling someone ignorant is hardly being offensive, unless, of course, you find it offensive for someone to point out a truth about yourself and your limitations.

Ok Ray... I'll give you that one.

But say your child goes to school and the teacher tells him or her, their ignorant?

How do you excuse that?

Do you have a problem with someone speaking the truth, TTA? Because if you do, then perhaps I should revisit some of your own words that speak otherwise?

Personally I don't have a problem with anyone speaking the truth. But it seems you do if it's about you.

You want to threaten the TTA by revisiting some of my own words from the past... which I have clearly told you already that I have accepted. Then why don't I visit you and you can tell me face to face, since you like visiting so much.

You like meeting people up for drinks don't you?

I know this nice place in downtown Little-TJ.

What do you say?

Re: Polling For The TTA

By the way... speaking of polls, have you checked the results of the democratic poll I created when you ceased answering questions for the personality test? If you are as supportive of a "democratic process" as you seem to have portrayed yourself, then perhaps you should take the results of this poll to heart.

Yes, and quite an interesting number it is to.

You want to revisit that too Ray?

I never said that NATO or the UN will invade. They will be invited.

wow, this could be the stupidest thing I've ever read on these boards by you Chrono, and you once said trees on your planet were made of muscle. Who's going to lead the Nato forces into the US, Canada? rotflmao

Seriously, or maybe France? I'm amazed you even have the knowledge necessary to log on to this website let alone read and write, although not that well obviously. I can't believe that you haven't gotten bored of this yet, but I guess as long as people feed the troll you'll be here.

What truly scares me about all of your posts is the fact that you may not be locked in an institution, you could actually be out in society. You may have already started filling your freezer with entire families. It's ok though, there are some good meds out there that will help, the first step in recovery is admitting you have a problem dude. You just need a little bit of confidence, who knows, maybe there's a girl out there that will even let you kiss her some day.

Anyway, I have things to do, good luck convincing the masses that your real and maybe some day you can get yourself a total gym and some confidence, you may yet become a functional member of society.
Re: Chrono-Buster!!!

Actually, you are both incorrect. If you really want to be technical, Rain's assesment of the posting cannot be construed as correct, because I.E. is not the proper usage for "for example". It should of read "e.g.". The difference being that I.E. is a specifier. It acts as a qualifier, basically is a fancy Latin way to say IOW. E.G. is merely when citing an example. So, TTA's original question of "i.e. called you names" would read very differently than "for example, called you names..." so none of this can really be argued until TTA explains whether he meant it as a complex question or simply misused the ie, eg usage.

*ducks and goes back to watching the argument, thankful it's not me this time......
Re: Chrono-Buster!!!


Actually, you are both incorrect.
Am I? I'd be happy to admit it if you show me where, but I think you have misread the above. Do explain if you do think I am incorrect, but when you say:
If you really want to be technical, Rain's assesment of the posting cannot be construed as correct, because I.E. is not the proper usage for "for example".
I was not the one who claimed its usage was to mean "for example". That was Mr. TTA when he said:
TTA_01: Please note that i.e. gives an example to it's infraction.
So he, not I, was the one who incorrectly attributed his own usage of "i.e.".
It should of read "e.g.". The difference being that I.E. is a specifier. It acts as a qualifier, basically is a fancy Latin way to say IOW.
You are absolutely correct sir, and I agree with you. However, I think if you read my assessment you will find it is correct in terms of how you would word a poll question so it is clear and unambiguous. I pointed this out when I said:
Rainmantime: (using "i.e." is not usually intended to counter the previous argument)
My point being here, even if you substituted (correctly, as you state) the words "in other words" for "i.e.", the two statements would still contradict each other in a logical, boolean sense. Applying the concepts of digital logic design to these two statements would lead to one being the "NOT" of the other.

But if you can show me where I am incorrect, I'd be happy to admit it. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/yum.gif