I am from the year 2522

We did not start the war. We were the ones attacked. What do expect us to do? be taken over by skaarans?
They have no right to tell us what to do. We are a sovereign planet.
The was not about resources but the will to shape our own destiny. The skaarans wanted to tell us what to do. They thought we would do it because we hate wars but we showed them that we have teeth and we will win.

There is Illuminati or mindcontrol. Well maybe propoganda can be considered mind control.

Money is not evil. It makes us better people. Money creates ambition. Ambition creates a better society where people invent technology and do other jobs which are needed. Remember it is not money that is evil, it is the people behind the money.

We need laws or we would collapse into anarchy and people would kill eachother for the sake of it.

Why would I be angry about something that happened in 2070, hundreds of years before I was born? It did not effect me so I wouldn't be concerned.

I don't know about hollow earth or NESERA.

There is no such race as the sirian that I have heard of but they could exist. They could just be less advanced than earth.

I haven't heard of niburu.
I have a couple of questions for people here.

How do you feel about hate crime laws?
How do you feel about america?

I think hate crime laws are stupid. You commit a crime for a reason and its stupid to give people more time in jail just because they didn't like their skin colour sexual orientation. All crimes committed against someone are for a reason. Whether they look weak or old but you don't have weak old hate crime laws.

I think america of this time are the real terrorists.
" Money is not evil. It makes us better people. Money creates ambition. Ambition creates a better society where people invent technology and do other jobs which are needed. Remember it is not money that is evil, it is the people behind the money. "

I've experienced in this time line that money is very very corrupted so it always was, it has been my experience that because of money there is war and because of money people are getting totured and because of money we are slaves, Like poeple have to work in factory's with or without their will poeple have to live on streets with or without there will it's all very very evil even the nature is suffering from it as well, but as usually the goverment don't give a [censored] because they have a great hunger of total world power.

but if in your time they found balance in that then I find that a good thing, if there is love then I always find it a good thing /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

" I don't know about hollow earth or NESERA. "
I really hoped you knew anything about it because there is a law out there that supposed to make us free from anything like money debts here the whole list:

There is, RIGHT NOW, a law on the books that when announced IMMEDIATELY Improves YOUR LIFE!

1. Provides forgiveness of credit card, mortgage, and other bank debt as remedy for bank and government frauds;
2. Abolishes the IRS; creates flat rate non-essential "new items only" sales tax revenue for government;
3. Initiates U.S. Treasury Bank System, which absorbs the Federal Reserve, and new precious metals backed U.S. Treasury currency;
4. Restores Constitutional Law;
5. Requires resignations of current administration to be replaced by Constitutionally acceptable NESARA President and Vice President Designates until new elections within 120 days;
6. Requires the President Designate to declare "Peace" enabling international banking improvements to proceed smoothly; ends U.S. aggressive military actions immediately, and many more improvements.

website: www.nesara.us

" I don't know about hollow earth"
I guess your goverment are still holding things a secret, there is right now and probably in your time too a major spiritual city in the center of this planet I highly recommend you to search for hollow earth on the internet it is a very interesting subject it's Atlantis related
see this page http://www.evolutiesprong.net/Hollow%20Earth/start.htm

"We need laws or we would collapse into anarchy and people would kill eachother for the sake of it. "
Laws are currently misused I hope they have found balance in that in your time line.

" There is no such race as the sirian that I have heard of but they could exist. They could just be less advanced than earth. "

they are more advanced because they have space crafts for hunderds of years perhaps 1000's that's what I read on the internet though /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif ( some people channel with them kinda like mind reading )
The Sirius poeple got there own website: http://www.sirianrevelations.net , but you should've heard about sirius?

"There is Illuminati or mindcontrol. Well maybe propoganda can be considered mind control."
could you be a little more specific?

"I have a couple of questions for people here.

How do you feel about hate crime laws?
How do you feel about america?

I think hate crime laws are stupid. You commit a crime for a reason and its stupid to give people more time in jail just because they didn't like their skin colour sexual orientation. All crimes committed against someone are for a reason. Whether they look weak or old but you don't have weak old hate crime laws.

I think america of this time are the real terrorists."

firstly: I'm completely against Prisons, you can help a person differntly rather then throwing them in a prison.

secondly: what I feel about this planet is that the world goverment are the BIGGEST criminals ever lived here on earth they blame us for everything we do we are thrown in prison for even the smallest thing we have done, they lie to us they hide things from us. They blame other people they decieve people they lead wars telling us it's all for the greater good ( bullshit ) and secondly the goverment don't care about us they rather see us all as full time slaves or see us suffer, I mean they just can start killing other people without getting away with it, like they are saying oh we are sorry and it is all forgotten and if we steal something the goverment just puts us in jail for I don't know what. It's all very corrupted. This planet is totally chaos at the moment. I really wish there is peace and everyone live in peace and love and nothing more then that the world would be a much better place we don't need a goverment like this, if this goverment would just go away the world would be a much better place or let there be a goverment that focus it's self on peace rather then total world control.
hey chronohistorian,

Didnt you hear about John Titor even from this Time Travel Institute forum ?!!

are you sure, of course you did, there are a lot of threads about him, havent u read any of it ?!!
TommyFireWire-That is very similar to my time but thats how it should be. If you are not educated or you don't work hard you deserve what you get. You are given a lot of chances in my time and if you don't take them it is your fault if you live on the streets. Take free education. You have free education until you are 25. It is compulsory until you are 16. If you don't work hard in school or go on and do education that isn't compulsory then it is no one's fault but your own. In my time we have free healthcare so your health can't keep you back from doing things that you want.
In short if you don't take the chances given to you then you deserve everything you get.

For hundreds of year propoganda has been used to persuade people to think with their opinion. Today I saw a no smoking ad. Yes it is bad for you but it is still propoganda. There is a lot of it here but even more in my time. We can see ads from space. I hate that. I want to see the stars at night and not an ad, oh well you will have that technology soon and you will know what it is like.

In my time we don't help criminals. They don't deserve to be helped. We punish them by torturing them because torture is the best punishment.

dreemwochr-I wouldn't have thought so. I ciome from a Boys school so hewouldn't have been female.

creedo299-We run around, plag games like chasing each other. Tag is still very popular in my time but we don't get a lot of a chance to play it because where I live the life simulators are normally booked and there isn't a lot of fields to play on.

Hadeka-I have only been here a couple of days and I haven't read a lot of the threads
Do you know something about the Alien and Sedition Acts in the 1790's? If you take a good look at these laws you will find something very strange--we are repeating ourselves. The Feds (i.e Federalists are in control) the Democrats are in the minority and trying to win the Presidency, and we have a President who is trying to consolidate the government in the face of a war we just barely won (and we will fight again in 1812) fighting over the money/taxes (banking system Alexander Hamilton got put in place and the Democrats didn't want and the Whiskey Rebellion,) and the South still gets to hold the black population in slavery, gets a body count guaranteed in the Constitution for elections WITHOUT ACTUALLY ALLOWING THEM TO VOTE IN ELECTIONS (and all the other good stuff that comes with it like READ and hold property and get an education.) that won't come until after our Civil War and the 13th, 14th , and 15th Amendments. And we are trying to keep foreigners out! Got green card?

Hate crime laws are an excuse for not teaching our children how to love our fellow human beings. A hate crime killed the only man who dared try to do that. If Martin Luther King, Jr. were alive today, what do you think this country would be like? Remember the line in Amistad where Cinque says we are the reason for our ancestors' being. Look at what this generation is doing for you who are of our future. Do you want us to be your reason for being the way we are right now with all the hatred we care to muster for someone who is different than we are? And some of our children aren't finding it hard at all to do just that these days.
Freelight said>Hate crime laws are an excuse for not teaching our children how to love our fellow human beings. A hate crime killed the only man who dared try to do that. If Martin Luther King, Jr.\

Creedo responds; Please note that when Martin Luther King had started out, it was said that he helped make a few pornographic movies.

This is a test of this society, as the predominantly white consensus, that negroidism was decedent, due to differing sexual proclivities.

In time however, what King tried to do, was to unite the races, so that there would be a kind-of equalism, where more could speak out for their beliefs systems, cultural ways, without fear of reprisals.

Children in some ways, do not realize they are different, until they hear expoused views. from either the leaders of their communities, or parents.

Malcolm X also endured the hatred of the white community,, due to his held views.

What has to be understood in the genesis of any great person of notoriety, is that there are odd footing, to where that person starts to make their rise within the social structure, regardless of how they do later on.

Where someone could have looked at the beginnings of Martin Luther King and have said that his beginnings were immoral, later one would look at his unifying acts later, as being moral.

There are certain segments of how people start out, that at times does not pass the peer review of what is acceptable, or good.
Freelight said>Do you know something about the Alien and Sedition Acts in the 1790's? If you take a good look at these laws you will find something very strange--we are repeating ourselves. The Feds (i.e Federalists are in control) the Democrats are in the minority and trying to win the Presidency, and we have a President who is trying to consolidate the government in the face of a war we just barely won (and we will fight again in 1812) fighting over the money/taxes (banking system Alexander Hamilton got put in place and the Democrats didn't want and the Whiskey Rebellion,) and the South still gets to hold the black population in slavery, gets a body count guaranteed in the Constitution for elections WITHOUT ACTUALLY ALLOWING THEM TO VOTE IN ELECTIONS (and all the other good stuff that comes with it like READ and hold property and get an education.) that won't come until after our Civil War and the 13th, 14th , and 15th Amendments. And we are trying to keep foreigners out! Got green card?\

Creedo responds>Note, that the biggest collections of aliens, are said to live underground in many of the said alien government cobased.

This situation should be noted as a commercial note of irony, as one sections of aliens may be looked upon as people who are belaboring the U.S. job market with low to unskilled imported into the U.S. labor.

This at a time when jobs are being outsourced, as they say to other courtiers, when there are plenty of domestic workers here.>Note ABC told that many companies can not pay workers what they want here,is the reason for outsourcing?

Secondly the other strata of aliens, ones without green-cards, however covered under something known as the 1964 agreements, live in acceptable luxury, with little to fear from.

One should note the dual proposed use, of the word aliens, in this thread?
Hi Chronodude!,
I'd like to ask why you have a problem with the skaarans?
I mean okay they like genetic manipulation and all, but surely they ain't that bad man?
How'd you know they ain't like here right now scoping you out and getting ready to intercept you when you next get on the bus to school? Do you have some sort of detector or something to suss them? I'd really like to get my mitts on one of those doobries, it'd be really cool to spot some green skins coming my way! I reacon they could be reading this forum right now, getting more info on where/when you are, sheesh, must be kinda scary being so alone and all.

One more thing when you torture your crims, do you do it in a physical way, you know in a 'passion of the christ' sort of thing, or do you do it in their minds? Make them relive the crime but from the victims point of view?
Where I come from if a person is a criminal they put them in prison. Amazingly when that person is in prison they aren't commiting a crime, cool eh? Also the rights of the criminal ceased when they decided that rights did not apply to them when they stole/abused/killed their victims. So in essence they took away someone elses rights. It is only natural that because of their own disregard for rights that the lawgivers take away the rights of the criminal. The criminal should expect this and not complain like merry fits because their rights have been taken away, after all, they took others rights away, why not do the same to them? I firmly believe in re-education, a form of torture to some, a lifechanging experience to others. Anything that stops one from being a criminal is a good thing, as for the liberal do-gooders out there promoting love and understanding, remember, that works when the recipient wants love and understanding, the majority of criminals out there are just plain old bad eggs.
In an ideal world we would have no need for prisons, in the real world they are needed, an alternative is chemical re-education, it would seem that eventually due to overcrowding in prisons, it will be introduced, it will be a hard decision to make, but one that is needed to control societys unruly element.
freelight-no. I don't know anything about the acts of the 1790s.
There is not going to be another civil war.

lorval-I don't have a problem with skaarans. They have a problem with us. They are just bullies that think they can get away with anything and like all bullies they should be crushed.
The skaarans are not here becasuse my time guard would have detected them and the skaarans from this time can't be here because they don't have that kind of technology now.

We torture criminals in a physical way but we only do it to murderers, traitors, terrorists and repeat offenders.

TommyFireWire-You may think its low but we do not. It is just that you aren't ready for the punishment of torture yet but it is more effective than the death sentence in detering criminals.
We believe this because all you have to do is look at the facts. When the world government was created they did an experiment on four different provinces for 5 years.
Province 1 had torture as the sentence for criminals. After 3 years the murder rate decreased by 83% and the Repeat offenses rate decreased by 62%.
Province 2 had the death penalty. After 5 years the murder and repeat offense rate decreased 5%
Province 3 had prison time. After 5 years the murder rate increased 3% and murderers which had been in prison were commiting other crimes too.
The repeat offense rate rose by 8%
Province 4 had the "Love and care for them theory". This is where prisoners were treated with respect. They were allowed to spend 1 hour outside the prison that they stayed in. Every morning qualified huggers would hug them. They had therapy which tried to help them.
After 2 years the crime rate in all areas had increased by 80%. 72% of qualified huggers suffered physical violence.
This was not just government scientists that looked at the stats, it was also the ATL (Anti-torture league) and other independants. While they accepted it was effective they didn't think it was a good idea because in the torture as punishment province suicide by recent torturees had risen 12%.

well, how did u come to our time here?

What is the theory that u have used to come here?

Did u come from another parallel universe?

did u come using dimensional travel?

what is theory that u used?

I know that you will tell me that you dont know about the theory because it is the government who did the time machine that brought u here, so please dont say that.

At least u know a little information about how did u come here?

Im waiting for your reply.

Thank u.
These skaarans sound alot like some people I know :-)
I can't remember if you answered this already, but how many different types of alien species is there that you know of, and have you contacted them all, or is there like a prime directive or something?
Do you still use nukes for battles in space? Or do you use lasers or particle beams?

Ta and stuff.
Hadeka-I was teleported here. I never came from a parallel universe. Parallel universes haven't been proven to exist yet.

I don't know any theory. I am still only 13 and I never chose science to learn.

lorval-There are thousands of aliens. Not all are advanced enough to go about in space yet. Mostly we leave them alone to sort themselves out. If a planet is capable of supporting life but has no intelligent species on that planet then we colonise it if it gives us some kind of advantage.
We use energy weapons when fighting.
I have another question. I was reading the news and it said that one of the largest political parties in belgium was banned. How do you feel about the death of democracy in belgium?