I am from the year 2522

Re: TTI actual used defination terms

mostly because you have no idea about anything.

But I do. Lets blow over some stuff.

I have said is that in the future, you will remember me (this "tense" thing is so limiting). Maybe I should say "you will meet me?" Maybe I should say "you have met me?" Both are true. When you meet someone, do you exchange personal data? If so, you've made much more contact here then was outlined to me.
Re: TTI actual used defination terms

if they are from a time ahead of yours of course you would have no concpet of that time because you can't travel forward in time. Besides things are always changing 300 years a go the united states was ruled by Britain. So its not such a crazy notion that things would change. I read all the posts on here well 75% and I am curious where you change from 22 to 13. You change from being a historian to a school kid doing a reasearch paper? Could you tell me which post you change in? You sound like the same person to me all the way through. Or did your 13 year old self come to replace your 22 year old self?
By the way why do you keep quoting that General? That is a pretty bigoted quote basically it is saying if you are unemployed you are better off dead. Hmm I hope the generals of the future are not so close minded then again maybe he is much like hitler?
I highly doubt the life expectancy is only 130 when scientists have made recent discoveries in 2004 stating the life expectancy is expected to double in the next 20 years? There maybe a time when humans will live indefinitely.
How convient to use your phrase that you are only 13 now?
Re: TTI actual used defination terms

"I read all the posts on here well 75% and I am curious where you change from 22 to 13"

I never changed. Brick was drafted into the army and I was drafted here.

"Could you tell me which post you change in"

have a read and find out.

"You sound like the same person to me all the way through"

I don't know how that could happen. maybe it came from the downloading of language? I have no clue.

"why do you keep quoting that General"

this is the first time I have quoted a general and that quote has been there less than a day.

"That is a pretty bigoted quote basically it is saying if you are unemployed you are better off dead"

nobody has any respect in my time for people who live off unemployment welfare.
when it comes to drafting the extremely fit and welfare people are always drafted first.

"I highly doubt the life expectancy is only 130 when scientists have made recent discoveries in 2004 stating the life expectancy is expected to double in the next 20 years"

it was 170 without the gene for a short while but new diseases popped up in old age which killed people off.

"How convient to use your phrase that you are only 13 now"

when I first got here which was on the 1st or the 2nd of this month I announced I was the replacement.
Re: TTI actual used defination terms

"Never heard of Al Haig? My God, Son, you have a serious gap in your learning experience. If it wasn't for Al Haig being in charge General Almond and X Corps would have never made it down the Flying Fish Channel at Inchon. If it wasn't for the bold help and leadership, 2 hand grenades and a kilo of high grade Colombian blow, of Al Haig Arbenz would still rule Guatemala. If it hadn't been for Al Haig being in charge Salvador Allende would have completely threatened the Bolovian coca fields. For my sake I hope that you saying that you never heard of Al Haig is just an example of terminological inexactitude. "

God's death, one weekend of hallucinogenics and this forum goes totally Gemsel!
We've heard of the Haigmeister on my parallel, obviously - however its the end of his career when he carelessly detonated a neulax bomb in higher orbit above what used to be Vietnam, killing thousands that gave rise to popular swearing vernacular in my time - the resulting explosion brought the entire US Spy satellite Rochester down. Hence - NamSat - or Namsat as we say - to denote idiocy of a high order.

Hence Chronohistorian = Namsat

Its quite simple
Like Chronohistorian, in fact

Incidentally there's a rather nice Al Haig statue in Jungle City in New Mexico although its a bit covered in graffito and holospray now, ha!
Re: TTI actual used defination terms

Chronic-historian, surely your latest signature with its invented quotation and imaginary general is insulting to all of the people fighting the made-up future war which exists only in your head?

I also like your assertion that my future vernacular is 'made up' - don't forget your own little tale, that all of your own 'future language' was downloaded out of your tiny unimaginative brain to make way for your paltry attempts at speaking '21st century'. So you're not supposed to know whats 'future' anyway - you really are totally nadsak aren't you?
Re: TTI actual used defination terms

Incidentally there's a rather nice Al Haig statue in Jungle City in New Mexico

Nice try.

Pick another state. This one is occupied.
There is no statue of Al Haig here, now or in the future.

Re: TTI actual used defination terms

"Nice try.

Pick another state. This one is occupied.
There is no statue of Al Haig here, now or in the future"

Well we're obviously from different timelines then, conveniently

Alan Haig's no friend of Vietnam's
Re: TTI actual used defination terms

Ok so Brick must be in the 25% I did not read. I was growing rather bored of your rhetoric? I will read on to see when this change over ocurred. I am not saying that I don't believe that this could be possible but your story is changing a lot. Not only that it doesn't seem plausible at least John Titor's version sounded fairly intelligent. Than again what do I know I am only 150! (lol). By 2522 there will be more advancements and the life expectancy would be higher since now in 2004 the life expectancy has grown quite rapdily. Ok consider if the life expectany doubles in 20 years. That would 2024 the life expectancy would be 142, since its 76 now. If it keeps doubling every 20 years or so people would be live well past 170! Unless they are no more advancements after that. Ok so that is only one detail in your story that does not work with what we know of the year 2004! I know there is no way yu can offer absulote proof since photos can be edited through the computer. It's funny how you shy away from questions that would give you away. Ok I don't care if you are from the future but I want proof. Its hard just to trust someone as you know. I am very open minded who knows maybe you will quote me somewhere in one of the books of your future.(lol). I am glad this posr is still open I know on a couple other sites where they lock the thread put quickly if you state you are from the future
Re: TTI actual used defination terms

What? Is this true? I am from parallel 2004 and we don't encounter so many travelers as you do.
Re: TTI actual used defination terms

"however its the end of his career when he carelessly detonated a neulax bomb in higher orbit above what used to be Vietnam, killing thousands"

are you saying vietnam doesn't exist or that it was destroyed?

"Chronic-historian, surely your latest signature with its invented quotation and imaginary general is insulting to all of the people fighting the made-up future war which exists only in your head"

I assure you its a real and violent war. I have heard we have already lost 3 ships and another 12 are crippled and almost 1 million men and women have died (not counting injured) but atleast we have taken 5 of their colonies leaving only small pockets of resistance on a couple of them.

"I also like your assertion that my future vernacular is 'made up'"

lol. you can tell you aren't real because you are trying too hard with the language.

"By 2522 there will be more advancements and the life expectancy would be higher since now in 2004 the life expectancy has grown quite rapdily. Ok consider if the life expectany doubles in 20 years. That would 2024 the life expectancy would be 142, since its 76 now. If it keeps doubling every 20 years or so people would be live well past 170"

thats what happened for awhile until new diseases popped up that seemed to go for the elderly the most. luckily all you have to do is have the gene implanted and you can live 3 times longer.
Re: TTI actual used defination terms

This may be changing the subject slightly, but;

Do they still have Dairy-Milk Chocolate buttons in 2523 i mean the 'giant' ones not just the crap standard ones?

If not then i think you need to get your sorry chrono-radiated behind down to the nearest corner shop and get yourself a real education!!
Re: TTI actual used defination terms

actually yes we do as a matter of fact but I think it was sold on a couple of time and they changed their name to choco bunny buttons but it is still technically the same company because they have the same chocolate except with healthy options too
Re: technical note:

Please note concerning the said Chronohistorians, (duality) say that the Lizarian Ambassador would be coming to said Chronpohistorians location, to what intent would this visit be and to what said supposed utility?

Chronohistorian had never disclosed more on this issue.
Re: technical note:

I never said the lizaran ambassador would be coming. I said the lizaran ambassador's son will be coming. he is in my class. my school is a private school for government worker's sons (boys school).
as the ambassador is technically a government employee because he receives half his salary from earth government, his son is allowed in my school.

I have just found out who is next inline after me, it isn't the lizaran but I think I will leave you to ponder who it is.
an observation

Even though this is my first post in this forum, I've been following this forum some time.
I haven't had much interest reading this thread though, but thought sharing an odd bit
of information I accidentally bumped onto; Which might or might not be related to this thread
and person in question. In any case, this is a remarkable coincidence, if nothing. The forum
search did not find any references to this, but my apologies if this has been posted before.

Note, I am not here to accuse anyone of anything. I am merely passing public information found
on the net. You make your own conclusions, speculations and thinking based on the information.

Here's the site

And below the info I found
The link to the page does not work directly as it's flash site etc.
But it can be viewed at http://dev.rubiks.com
information -> partners/links -> fan sites

There I spotted the contact information as presented below.
I censored last four digits of the phone number, in case the below
person is totally unrelated to chrono in these boards. So you don't go harrassing
unrelated people out of a whim. But if you want to view the phone number, that
information too is available at the above link/site.


Contact: JIN H KIM
PO Box 3303
CYPRESS, CA, 90630-3303
USA Phone: 714 254 ****

Website: http://www.chrono.org/puzzles.html
Email: [email protected]
A hardcore cubist who has a great puzzle FAQs.


Re: an observation

tempora-those sites and address are totally unrelated to me.

in the address it has part of the address as:

Contact: JIN H KIM
PO Box 3303
CYPRESS, CA, 90630-3303"

the CA would stand for california?
california is in america and I am in britain
Re: an observation

I wonder if you ever heard of the Butcher of Birmingham a 21st century nasty piece of work I have been told, although of course in the future?
I think meaning the UK, Birmingham. And not wanting to read all the posts made here, was there a civil war in the UK, starting sometime in the 21st century shortly after the november elections of 2005?

Just curious...