If you had read carefully you would have asked a different question. Yes, according the HP scientists, it was comfirmed that the molecule consisted of nothing but electromagnetically-induced pulses of light. In the mind, when we are dreaming, we do not know that we had a dream untill we woke up. The first question asked by physicists in the 1930s was: "How do we know we are not still dreaming when we wake up?"
Everything we react to and everything we see is nothing but electrical stimuli to our minds....wheather it is solid or wheather it is not. It was and it is....a very valid question.
Also you might recall having already read my posts carefully, that I used a field intensity grid of electromanetics. Later I stated that this reality I experienced one time only was that the mind seemed to control my placement within this grid.
Where did I go in the 1940s? There was a store, a five and dime, that I used to go to in Cincinnati, Ohio as a child which I determined to see again. This is yet another criteria to believe that resonating frequencies are somewhat guided by our electromagnetic presence and our thoughts. We, especially the mind, is capable of creating electromagnetic vortexes of very low voltages but very high amperage. This is why it probably works.