It is funny that you said you came here to find out from us about history yet you seem to tell us we do not even understand our own history. Here in our time we call this an oxy moron. Saying thier is no God is also a Oxy moron. Saying that Hitler was not a delusional Scitzophreinc Paranoid Sociopath is also known amongst us Focil Age Historians as a Oxy Moron.
I am sorry my friend your own logic has crumbled under the wieght of reason.
Also this age will not be know as the Golden Age it will be called the Focil Fuel age. This is becaue this one resource has defined our politics warfare science ect.
As you came here as a student of history to learn, and as I am a historian of this age I suggest you listen. Being a fellow Theologian I shall not hold back on information that is unproven, unkown or generaly unacepted, so this is what you came for here.
This Focil age came after the enlightenment or renasonce and period of discovery. Now the three are interconected as the Middle Dark Age ended with the New Dark Age when the Holy crusade against the Cathers began. The Cathers where Gnostics. Knowledge is power and theory states the motive for this crusade was the theological knowledge and or Theological evidence possesed by the Cathers. The Pope feared this knowledge enough to launch more than one crusaid against the Cathers of southern france.
The real threat to universal catholisism was the theoligy of the Templars. It seems the Templars started as the mylitary wing of an already exsisting occult school. The Theory states wealthy individuals in france financed the crusade in the Holy land to gain Thological knowledge and or Theological evidence. The knights Templar grew in number. They were granted rights such as exemption from tax and duty by the Church. The structure of the Knights Templar was very similar to that of a Multinational Corporation. After the Crusades failed the Templars lost thier heroic position yet thier finacial and mylitary power grew. Ergo they became a increasing threat to the international power of the Church. They could be controled however the Templars insisted on gaining more theological knowledge. They basicaly opperated as a mystery school where intitates graduated vaying degrees with in the mysteries. This form of theoligy is our oldest and it forms the bacis of Paganism. Paganism encorperates Satan Worship and this was seen as a threat. The real war was an informational war. If the Templars were to gain absaloute power over the Church they would need evidence that would undermine the consitution of the church, that being the NIECE Creed.
Most reasearches beleive Catholic inflitrators with in the Templars discovered theological evidence that had the power to undermine the church. This was confirmed when the Templars refused a request to launch a crusade against the Gnostics of southern France. Most researchers believe the Templars did not join the crusaid against the Cathers because they held Gnostic Theoligy in higher regard and were secretly themselves Gnostics.
The Inquesition against the Knights Templar Began a Occult war that has not yet ended. With the murder of thier grand master and the looting of thier temples the Templars fled from france in thier fleet to Scotland northern europe and other remote locations. The Teplars created Scotish Freemasonary and the Prodistant reformation. The Catholic church reverted to the Tutonic Knights for international mylitary protections. At the time the Tutoics were based in Prussia and Now they are in Austria.
All of the wars that followed in europe were a continuation of this occult war between the Tutonic Kinghts and the Knights Templar. The Knights Templar created such schools as the Scull and Bones. The Tutonic Knights created such schools as the Thule society. The Scull and Bones educates future leaders in the mysteries and dark arts. The same is true of the Thule society.
Hitler was a member of the Tule society. The Thule society was set up by the Tutonic Knights. Hitler was controled from the background. They wanted the empire back and did not give a [censored] who died. With the leader of the US being a bonesman it is clear this war is entering its final stage, it explains why NATO is spliting in two.
Any way you seem very oppinionated for a historian. Historians are not supose to be emotive. We are supose to study the facts and present them coheriantly and accuratly.
Dear friend I have no questions for you as it is clear I have more knowledge than you. Perhaps you would like to ask me a question. It was a very brief for 1000 years.
Also I am not a timeist.