I am from the year 2522

Nightsider-I am not pretending and I am not a neonazi

creedo299-well since you haven't time travelled or met anyone else besides me from the future then what you have learned is wrong.

GLADIVS-why should it be locked? we are having a healthy discussion. do you hate freedom of speech?
HEALTHY conversation? about someone who almost committed GENOCIDE??!!??

you chronohistorian are a BAFOON.

please don't waste anymore time on answering back to me because I won't bother with you after the above mentioned.
then it is a healthy debate.

genocide is bad but other people have tried to commit genocide but it seems that hitler is the most famous of them all.

it seems that you people don't want to look at the facts except for the deaths he caused.
it seems that you people don't want to look at the facts except for the deaths he caused.

That Fact is Hitler is a TOUCHY subject and my grandparents can't even talk or listen to ANYTHING that has happened in WW2 mainly because of Hitler.

then it is a healthy debate.

This isn't a healthy subject to talk about or even debate.

I would like that this subject were to be dropped as well.

then it is a healthy debate.

genocide is bad but other people have tried to commit genocide but it seems that hitler is the most famous of them all.

it seems that you people don't want to look at the facts except for the deaths he caused.

Again, the way you talk about Hitler disgusts me and I suggest we move the conversation to another topic. I'm a big proponent of freedom of speech, but you obviously don't have clue what you're talking about! You really should change your view on this subject.

Roel' what if you now lived in a country that was never effacted by ALdoph Hitler, how would you then today view Hitler, if opinions were tossed around?

I was wondering what you can talk about of Mars. you said that the first person on mars was a woman, but can you tell me anything more? Did there ever become a civilization on Mars after stepping on it?
Roel van Houten-you are only looking at one side of the argument. you only see him as a killer. you don't think about how he stopped unemployment and other things like that.
you are the one that has no clue on the subject.

cpguy-mars is a military training facility where you have war games and things like that
It is funny that you said you came here to find out from us about history yet you seem to tell us we do not even understand our own history. Here in our time we call this an oxy moron. Saying thier is no God is also a Oxy moron. Saying that Hitler was not a delusional Scitzophreinc Paranoid Sociopath is also known amongst us Focil Age Historians as a Oxy Moron.

I am sorry my friend your own logic has crumbled under the wieght of reason.

Also this age will not be know as the Golden Age it will be called the Focil Fuel age. This is becaue this one resource has defined our politics warfare science ect.

As you came here as a student of history to learn, and as I am a historian of this age I suggest you listen. Being a fellow Theologian I shall not hold back on information that is unproven, unkown or generaly unacepted, so this is what you came for here.

This Focil age came after the enlightenment or renasonce and period of discovery. Now the three are interconected as the Middle Dark Age ended with the New Dark Age when the Holy crusade against the Cathers began. The Cathers where Gnostics. Knowledge is power and theory states the motive for this crusade was the theological knowledge and or Theological evidence possesed by the Cathers. The Pope feared this knowledge enough to launch more than one crusaid against the Cathers of southern france.

The real threat to universal catholisism was the theoligy of the Templars. It seems the Templars started as the mylitary wing of an already exsisting occult school. The Theory states wealthy individuals in france financed the crusade in the Holy land to gain Thological knowledge and or Theological evidence. The knights Templar grew in number. They were granted rights such as exemption from tax and duty by the Church. The structure of the Knights Templar was very similar to that of a Multinational Corporation. After the Crusades failed the Templars lost thier heroic position yet thier finacial and mylitary power grew. Ergo they became a increasing threat to the international power of the Church. They could be controled however the Templars insisted on gaining more theological knowledge. They basicaly opperated as a mystery school where intitates graduated vaying degrees with in the mysteries. This form of theoligy is our oldest and it forms the bacis of Paganism. Paganism encorperates Satan Worship and this was seen as a threat. The real war was an informational war. If the Templars were to gain absaloute power over the Church they would need evidence that would undermine the consitution of the church, that being the NIECE Creed.

Most reasearches beleive Catholic inflitrators with in the Templars discovered theological evidence that had the power to undermine the church. This was confirmed when the Templars refused a request to launch a crusade against the Gnostics of southern France. Most researchers believe the Templars did not join the crusaid against the Cathers because they held Gnostic Theoligy in higher regard and were secretly themselves Gnostics.

The Inquesition against the Knights Templar Began a Occult war that has not yet ended. With the murder of thier grand master and the looting of thier temples the Templars fled from france in thier fleet to Scotland northern europe and other remote locations. The Teplars created Scotish Freemasonary and the Prodistant reformation. The Catholic church reverted to the Tutonic Knights for international mylitary protections. At the time the Tutoics were based in Prussia and Now they are in Austria.

All of the wars that followed in europe were a continuation of this occult war between the Tutonic Kinghts and the Knights Templar. The Knights Templar created such schools as the Scull and Bones. The Tutonic Knights created such schools as the Thule society. The Scull and Bones educates future leaders in the mysteries and dark arts. The same is true of the Thule society.

Hitler was a member of the Tule society. The Thule society was set up by the Tutonic Knights. Hitler was controled from the background. They wanted the empire back and did not give a [censored] who died. With the leader of the US being a bonesman it is clear this war is entering its final stage, it explains why NATO is spliting in two.

Any way you seem very oppinionated for a historian. Historians are not supose to be emotive. We are supose to study the facts and present them coheriantly and accuratly.

Dear friend I have no questions for you as it is clear I have more knowledge than you. Perhaps you would like to ask me a question. It was a very brief for 1000 years.

Also I am not a timeist.
Here in our time we call this an oxy moron. Saying thier is no God is also a Oxy moron. Saying that Hitler was not a delusional Scitzophreinc Paranoid Sociopath is also known amongst us Focil Age Historians as a Oxy Moron.

You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.
enoch2-I never came to learn history from you because the average person here doesn't know most of the history. I never came to learn about the second world war either. I came here to learn what happened at this present time.

"Also this age will not be know as the Golden Age it will be called the Focil Fuel age. This is becaue this one resource has defined our politics warfare science ect"

was the stone age called that because stone defined their politics?
the Focil Fuel age doesn't even sound like a good name.

everyone has an opinion, just because I am a chronohistorian doesn't mean that I shouldn't have opinions.

I know a bit about the skulls and bones secret society. I think john kerry and george bush were in it.
lol. looks like enoch2 is soon going to be saying he is from the future. my reasons for this include:

1. in his profile it says "Occupation Deep deep undercover"
this will probably mean he will come out and say he is a time traveller
2.enoch is a name of a biblical character who was the eldest son of cain. enoch prophesised things which is also what time travellers do
3. in his profile it says "Comment The Tao that is spoken of is not the True Tao"
by this he could mean Taoism which is the ultimate principle of the universe.
he is saying that it is not the true tao so he might come out and say it isn't correct (am I mumbling on here).

I am probably just jumping to conclusions with this though
I know a lot of things but I can't remember off the top of my head.

anyway I am just studying news reports and found out from news reports that:

1. people think iraq was behind september 11th
2. people think that palestinians are actually afghan refugees

your governments should really start sending leaflets out to the whole country telling them the real truth. that way people will be better educated on current events
Well Crono I fail to see how you would have a good understanding of our past history if you don't have a history of this time. Our world is the product of 2000 years of cultural evolution. This is why we say this is the year 2004. To understand 2004 you actualy have to look at 2004 years. It is a waist of time going through our informational data bases and only read about whats going on now, that would be like teaching quantum mechanics to kidies.

Also you claim to be a historian and have knowledge of everything before 1970 so it would not be to much trouble for you to write up a critique of my points. If you are going to make contriversial statements about the man who started WWII resulting in 50million deaths you are going to have to critique my history and show me where I am wrong.

My history does point out that Hitler was programmed by an Occult School. He can not be a great man if he was brainwashed. So please back up your retoric with some factual bacis. This is what historians do.

Nobody knows of or uses the word OXYMORON any more because its use has become so popular. An oxymoron is a statement or argument that contradicts itself. Example Hitler was great. Hitler means evil great is the opposite of evil.

I am Enoch, I was given that name by my mother who is profoundly deaf and intelectualy handicaped. I was born in the great year of 1976 and I traveled here to this point in time space by the means of time space dilation. I used a massive body known to you all present day humans as the earth. The earth creates a natural Grav force which is about G 1. I used this natural gravitational field to dilate time around my person. Dude when it says deep undercover your not suposed to tell everyone. now everyone knows thanks alot.

Any way it took me 28 years using G1 dilation to travel to this point in time space. My mission is to share good ideas as for the Tao I think it speeks for itself

The Tao moves
in every direction at once-

its essence is fluid and yielding.

It is the maker of everything under the sun;
And everything comes
out of nothing.
In our time most people have a fairly good understanding of history. Infact people now are more eduacated than any time in our known history.

We know it was Homo Erectus that evolved into Homo Habalislus. Thier is not much difference between the two as both were around for a hell of a long time. The real diference is Homo Habilus used what we call today the Hand Axe. Thier are literaly thousands of these sharpened pre historic stones everywhere in africa. This evolved into sharpening flints and a more complex understanding of the materials and how best to utilize them. The primary tool of the stone age was the stone. Ergo stone age.

Note Rommel waited at Tobroock because he had used up his oil reserves. He failed again at the battle of the Bulge because he had no oil. Our econemy colapsed in 73 due to lack of suply. We have invaded the middle east to ensure the suply. And we have also distroyed the entropic balance of our atmosphere through our dependance on this resource. The price of oil is directly proportional to economic growth.

What you call the Golden age is infact the- Empiral Age- Medievil age- Age of discovery-Renesonce(enlightenment)- and now the focil fule age, note that coal is a focil fule. Our time is defind by the use of this substance. It was called the industrial revolution. After that history is broken up into the narower time frames of modern history. Ages denote a specific change in culture. Our culture will change with the extinquishment of these resources, if it changes due to war it will be a war for oil. Ergo this age was started by focil fuels and will end because of them. In the future what we call the Industrial revolution and Modern History will be defined by the rise and fall of this one resource. Just like the Bronze and Iron age. Note these two metals changed the nature of warfare, in their ages. Gun powder has been around for many thousands of years. It is oil that has revolutionised warfare in this age.

Also you say we in this age have gained and achieved more than any other. You should visit the Giza complex. Man fears time. Time Fears the pyramids.
enoch2-how could he have been brainwashed when he lived on the streets for part of his life and turned away from art schools because his art was not good enough?

never read most of the rest of what you typed because it was getting long and boring. sorry.
Roel' what if you now lived in a country that was never effacted by ALdoph Hitler, how would you then today view Hitler, if opinions were tossed around?


I think the majority of the people agree on this subject, regardless of their background. I think it takes the mind of a neo-nazi to see anything good in Hitler. Again, I'm a big proponent of freedom of speech. I'm against censorship, but I'm considering to make an exception in this case.

Roel van Houten-you are only looking at one side of the argument. you only see him as a killer. you don't think about how he stopped unemployment and other things like that.
you are the one that has no clue on the subject.

There IS only one side of the argument. Hitlers leadership was a disaster, even for Germany. Look how Germany came out of the war! I'm beginning to think you're a neonazi. Again, I urge you to change the subject!

"I'm a big proponent of freedom of speech. I'm against censorship, but I'm considering to make an exception in this case"

so you are for freedom of speech until you hear something you don't like?
that doesn't sound like you are for freedom of speech to me.

"Look how Germany came out of the war"

look how all the rest of europe came out of it. the cities of britain were bombed. soldiers and civilans were dead. looks like even the victors came out of it badly to me.
so you are for freedom of speech until you hear something you don't like?
that doesn't sound like you are for freedom of speech to me.

1) I said I was considering to make an exception.
2) It has nothing to do with timetravel.
3) You obviously don't have your facts straight.

I've been more than fair to you ever since you started visiting this forum. You should be the last person here to complain!

look how all the rest of europe came out of it. the cities of britain were bombed. soldiers and civilans were dead. looks like even the victors came out of it badly to me.

Yes, all thanks to Hitler! Geesh. I'd really appreciate it if you didn't mention Hitler anymore.
