Main floor retranslation due to threat reduction:
To nature of questions asked.
From the era of the 1960s, to the present two books were either ignored or not understood that were critical.
One was The Greening of America, where principles of biology as opposed to the post industrial revolution, were not understood.
The second and most critical violation not understood, was Alvin Toffelair's book, Future Shock, where the nature of what man would go through, was again not fully understood.
These two text were paramount in understanding what could go wrong with mankind's environment.
The violation in command was ands verbatim as per phone contact, this transgression ,next line
I am in the bushes and I see the gem robots going towards this man.
They stun him and are now taking him back to the sphere ship
They are dragging him and he begins to cry as his legs drag on the ground.
The one gem robot turns to the other and says, (this should not be, he should go joyfully)
>>Protocols computerized in crystal lattus fourier modes analysis, product next line
Output>We've got the wrong man!!Let him go.
Bots return to ship.
Consolidation of thought>>There can be no error in Angelic hierarchy order from extradimensionals to gems and or subhelpers.
The nature of this order transgression, must have been allowed, if the nature of GOD is out of time
Further output, this issue accident reflects back to man not heeding two key critical text
man is not on moon.
Therefore the golden era, would only be used as a guide.
Landings at trout Lake do not constitute a proper e.t. landing, these are supraliminal and do not measure associations within man in the proper needed phase right now.