Well, from the beginning Man has already worshipped things from idols to deities. I would rather say, it's natural in everyone of us. We worship things sub-consciously. God or no God. Don't you find that you are 'worshipping' science in that sense? I never said it was bad, I never said it ruins us. It goes hand in hand with christianity but there are some qualities that I simply cannot agree on.
Echoes of Enoch gives an idea on what science can be based on terms with christianity. I love science, I study it with great interest, I do not deny it at all. It's all there, empiricial facts. The only difference is I combine science with christianity to go together so it might not contradict each other. Science is good, but bad thing about being 'too based on science' is deception. What deception, you may ask? It's the deception that advancing science + New Age and eastern mysticism is infused together to create a false truth. In fact, it's already happening. Just look around your newspapers, medical prescriptions. Even though I'm christian, I believe we should be skeptical in certain things ourselves.
Skeptic Dictionary
Death is a question, everyone wants answers. And what does science say about death? God chose not to reveal himself, because it's also a test of faith. Now you may say this faith is just being human, it's all in the mind, the brain works like that. Is that why you should realise everything that you read, see, hear or believe may not be true. I may not pose a good arguement here, I'm only 16 years old and maybe I do not see some facts that you understand. However, I've read my fair share of atheism.
Would you be surprised to know that Hitler is not christian at all? The Swastika sign is taken from Buddhism twisted 45 degrees to conform a sign of evil, frequently used in the occult too. The sign itself represents evil. Hitler's history itself is very dark, and I happened to chance upon a book that tells us all his dark secrets. Why did Germany fall in love with such a mad man, his insanity that is so obvious to all people with common sense. But they continually shower their faith in him, listening to his speeches in a hypnotic trance. His power surely is not by himself, but by other forces. There is also evidence that Hitler himself was adept in several forms of Eastern Mysticism and was involved in several esoteric practices. At the Nuremberg Trials, Marshal von Blomberg said this: "It was almost impossible to contradict Hitler. He swept you along with him. His personal 'magetism' was tremendous. He had an enormous (power of suggestions)" This few words here are very common in the world and is widely used in psychology today, these words are eastern mysticism practices that have been converted into the name of science. People like Mesmer (Leader of Mesmer Force), George Lucas is a known devoted follower and Coue, the guy who invented 'animal magnetism' would be in awe of this master of men and nations. Hitler's practises involves wisdom of Gurdjieff, Sufi mystics and Tibetian lamas and Zen mysticism. Did you know that he has spend countless expeditions to the north pole to uncover the Hollow Earth? He strongly believed in a Hollow Earth in order to find his 'Higher Masters' that controlled him throughout his rule. Hitler had a mentor, who is also a master occultist. His name was Dietrich Eckart. He was the high preist of the Thule Society, a secret occult group that Hitler joined before he was known to the world. Dietrich is also often labelled as the spritiual founder of National Socialism. The name Thule Geselchaft is taken from the mythical Nordic Garden of Eden in the far north (north pole supposedly) and believed that people known as the Hyperboreans. They were supposedly the ET or Gods from the occult Gnosis, or Primordial Knowledge (known as the Tree of Knowledge), enabling them to unlock universe secrets.
In Hitler's youth, he had an avid interest in the occuly and his favourite books were Germanic mythology, Eastern mysticism and especially Tibetian occultism. He also admired the works of poet Gerhart Hauptmann whose works carried the message of paganism and in Buddhist terms, often opposing traditional christianity. There is also undeniable connection between Nazism and the New Age movement/Aquarian Conspiracy. He also had several problems, especially during sleep when he would wake up in a sudden jolt and scream in terror, he was afraid of the 'higher masters' that controlled him. Based on this evidence, would you say he's a christian now? Heaven is not a place for him too, he was the almost-to-be-antichrist but he failed.
I did not lump atheist with agnostics. I know the meaning as well as my own name. Nothing to say further.
Humans need comfort. We need comfort when we sit, we stand or even when we are trapped in small holes, we still desire for comfort. God or no god for all people, the nature of order still remains the same for them. It's the belief in God that is different. Being a christian does not make me clever, adept, dexterous, smarter or heal from illnesses faster.
'Faith' in science meaning, how much you believe in science? Do you believe 100% in science, remember before relativity no one believed that relativity was possible. No one believed Nikola Tesla on his AC motor until it was proven. Science contradicts itself sometimes. Some facts may seem right when they are actually wrong, and we do not know it is right or wrong unless it works for us. For example, whiteholes are theoretically possible on paper, but it's impossible in the universe.
I have read on many many religions, secular humanism and occults. I do not consider myself well-versed in such things, but I believe I still can argue on some points here. Most christian books themselves, have sources on other occults before commenting on their 'narrow' view of christianity, so as you deem. Your mentality tells you, the bible is full of contradictions and false tales and God is not real. So when you read verses, you will misinterpret it as such and thus you would think otherwise. I have many questions on christianity too, some I find quite ridiculous. A pastor can not account for all answers on questions in the bible, he may not be wise or adept at answering these questions. I recommend you source Christian bookstores to look for books that relate to topics of questions what most people ask about Christianity, it helps. I have fallen out with christianity myself, I was even a short-term atheist like you. But only when I started source-ing and reading, it changed my views.
When I'm in trouble, I pray and I act. I do not just sit there like a duck and expect God to help me in all needs and wants. I can not comment onf the justification of the verses right now, I will do so tommorrow. Sorry, you must understand I'm still a student preparing for major exams right now and I can't possible research on everything. Try getting in touch with people who are good at Christianity Theology, aruge with them more. Maybe it would open up more ideas. I do not wish to change this to a topic fib just because we have different perspectives. I respect atheism as much as I respect Christianity. We are all just seeking answers, but in a different direction. Agreed?
Hey, Roel nice to see you again. Lol. All I can think of is if christianity is branded as false, why hasn't anyone stand up to bring it down yet? Why isn't it opposed or debunked? Well, I'm interested if anyone dares stand up to say that Christianity is false. It would be most interesting to hear their views.
God bein jealous is just in a metaphoric term. He is jealous because he loves his creation and he does not like them to pray to false idols. Its as simple as that. The bible we have now is no the original text as in centuries ago. The Bible was written under many authors, and there are actually more than 66 books in the bible. The Bible was translated into 9 languages many centuries ago, although such book translations were not famous at that time. Furthermore, the Bible has to pass a cannonial test some time in the medieval age where a group of christian leaders (at that time) came together to compile the 66 books in the bible based on its authencity etc. The final Bible, the International Version is what we commonly use today in church. Thus, the different translations and writings of the different versions may differ and as english is versatile, people who read at a glance may interpret as such. Try doing a survey on people intepretating sentences, you would be surprised that most people will give a different meaning most of the time. This events really happened and can be proven in several history texts and ancient scrolls. It is found everywhere where it happened, so what fairystale are you speaking of?
Well, I'm only too happy to reply after a tough day of school. See you guys tommorrow.