I am from the year 2522

Re: Chrono-Buster!!!

Words cannot express the delight I feel knowing Kevin 'Chronohistorian' Smith is now pretending to be 101 years old. It is a damning indictment of the UK that its future citizens would choose to elect a 12 year old boy as 'Governor of Finance' or whatever it is he's supposed to be.


Chronohistorian, please do tell what further delights you have to pleasure us with along with your muscle trees, toilets that shoot jets of hot water up your time-shrivelled rectum and flying mutant hamsters from the Planet Zarg?

OK, I've read everything you've wrote (and that of your counterparts). Took a long time too.

My questions:

1. What month will it become obvious that the USA is losing control and needs outside help from other countries (increased manpower via troops from other countries)?

2. Since it is/was so significant (to you) that there will be a financial armageddon, why did you deny there would be a US civil war earlier and now (in the last month or two) changed your mind?

3. Will nuclear weapons be used against any country in the world in the near term, and if so, which countries and when?

Please do us all a favor and don't be vague here. Like you said, it is too late for anyone to change anything.

Thanks in advance for your answers (that is, if you can answer). :D

Re: Chrono-Buster!!!

Rainman, I havent quite figured out the "quote" feature on this board. But I would love to show you where you are incorrect. When you said "you are absolutly correct, SIR."

I am not a Sir, I am a woman. "Risata" means "laugh" in Italian, but Lisa is the name. Nice to make your aquaintance.

Re: Chrono-Buster!!!

Well hi there, Lisa:

Rainman, I havent quite figured out the "quote" feature on this board. But I would love to show you where you are incorrect. When you said "you are absolutly correct, SIR."I am not a Sir, I am a woman. "Risata" means "laugh" in Italian, but Lisa is the name. Nice to make your aquaintance.
Nice to meet you too. And I guess I would certainly have to admit to being incorrect in that respect! :) Let me know if you catch any others. ;)Welcome to the board (a bit delayed, but better than no welcome at all)

Re: Chrono-Buster!!!

My questions:

1. What month will it become obvious that the USA is losing control and needs outside help from other countries (increased manpower via troops from other countries)?

2. Since it is/was so significant (to you) that there will be a financial armageddon, why did you deny there would be a US civil war earlier and now (in the last month or two) changed your mind?

3. Will nuclear weapons be used against any country in the world in the near term, and if so, which countries and when?

Please do us all a favor and don't be vague here. Like you said, it is too late for anyone to change anything.

Thanks in advance for your answers (that is, if you can answer).

mikedr - it appears Chronohistorian isn't answering these questions you've posed him. Maybe it was his birthday and his mummy and daddy bought him a new game for his XBox which is now taking up all of his time? Possibly he has a girlfriend which is almost as unlikely as his ludicrous story so far. Hilariously he really may be a 101 year old governor of britain in the 26th century and is currently doing serious administrative work in his hovering administration centre with some attractive muscle trees planted in his luxurious office. However since that is even more inplausible than the girlfriend theory it could simply be he's sat in the school library trying to think up a new persona and there's a sticky red patch on the wall in front of him where he's been bashing his eggshell thin skull trying to jumpstart his imagination.

Anyway here's your answers, I've decided I'm now Chronohistorian, his 101 year old downloaded self has possessed me in a timeslip or something:

1.January 2006, keep up

2. A girl's allowed to change her mind, I was attacked by a rotating lizard-man from the alien race of Creedopolis during my 'historian download' and got 22mb of naked Britney Spears to chrono my historian over instead while having my cake and eating it too (see earlier posts for the sheer ridiculousness of that whole scenario)

3. Yes, against Latvia after winning the Eurovision Contest at the weekend with Stig Olafsson's 'Ve Had A Nice Time Mit Der Sheep'

Love Chrono-dave, half-man half-pre pubescent time travelling teenager


Don't hesitate to ask me any more questions y'all hear?

Re: Chrono-Buster!!!

dave, read back a few posts, chrono stopped playing the game

maybe he found a girlfriend, maybe he just passed through puberty, or maybe he did actually go back to the future.

its a toughie, u decide.

Re: Chrono-Buster!!!

So you said:

"If I was offered Chronohistorian's cake that he's always banging on about I'd shove it up his time teleporter"

kinky dave, that cake is many years old, we have 78 pages to prove that. It is probably rock hard, probably perfectly suiting your needs for a phallic symbol to stick up his/her teleporter or wherever it is you want to stick it (me not included). LOL :D


Re: Chrono-Buster!!!

"dave, read back a few posts, chrono stopped playing the game

maybe he found a girlfriend, maybe he just passed through puberty, or maybe he did actually go back to the future.

its a toughie, u decide. "

Yes well it wasn't a very good game was it? And anyway Chronohistorian is like some lame horror movie villain, however many times you think he's dead he keeps coming back!

I decide?

Girlfriend - highly unlikely. Surely no girl would want to date a boy who has a pet muscle tree?

Maybe he passed through puberty - what? In the space of two weeks? Interesting and talented as he isn't I think you'll find Chrono is in a time trap of his own, arrested development at the age of 12 surrounded by his Yugi-oh trading cards and an hour on the internet when dad's out at the golf.

Maybe he actually did go back to the future - erm, NO.

Come on TT Kids - competition time - everyone write a post "What Chronohistorian does when he's not making up appalling time travel fiction on this website"


Re: Chrono-Buster!!!

So you said:

"If I was offered Chronohistorian's cake that he's always banging on about I'd shove it up his time teleporter"

kinky dave, that cake is many years old, we have 78 pages to prove that. It is probably rock hard, probably perfectly suiting your needs for a phallic symbol to stick up his/her teleporter or wherever it is you want to stick it (me not included). LOL


Well argued sir! Nice one! Incidentally anybody unimpressed that "a person from the future" such as Chrono (groan) has a useless signature about cake for crying out loud? Would a time traveller know what cake is or care? Maybe as some archaic historical oddity and culinary delight but not enough to warrant making it your calling card from the goddamn future surely??

You might as well have 'I am from 2922 and really like those wipes you can get in KFC '

I mean thats SO important for us primitives isn't it? Not 'I am from 2922 and I wouldn't hang around in Montreal when those nukes hit on the 7th of November 2015 if I were you no sireee'


Re: Chrono-Buster!!!

LOL, Chronic Hemorrhoid aint coming back!! He's been busted as TTA_01 (Javier Cortez). Aint you guys reading?


Beep Bop Baluba ROTFLMAO!! I guess Chronos birthday cake sig (if you can't have your cake and eat it, what is the point in getting cake?) gave it away as Javier Cortez's real birthday of April 7th. which also happens to be the same date Chrono starting posting. Hahahahhahahahahahahahahaha!! http://www.timetravelinstitute.com/ttiforum/dosearch.php?Cat=&Forum=All_Forums&Words=chronohistorian&Match=Username&Searchpage=37&Limit=25&Old=allposts

LOL, Cortez says it's another COINCIDENCE!!

Re: Chrono-Buster!!!

LOL, Cortez says it's another COINCIDENCE!!
Just because someone registers on 4-7, and it happens to fall on the TTA's birthday, and just because Cipher did a very thorough job of linking me to ChronoH. along with others, that doesn't mean that I have to be him (them).
Come'on Scannell, your smarter then that :) .

If I was really them, why would I leave so much evidence behind for someone to eventually piece together?

What would I have to gain?


Re: Chrono-Buster!!!

Listen pal, this isn't "I'm Spartacus" already

Technically I am a Chrono/Dave hybrid bionically enhanced for farcical imaginative fantasies, cake digestion and 3D Britney fornication. I am also capable of not being promoted on a starship and mass genocide so don't tell me I'm NOT Chronohistorian.

How's being Chrono for you by the way? Cake good??? How do you find the Lizard men or Creedons?

Re: Chrono-Buster!!!

Kinky-Chrono (oh do I like THAT one!) :)

and 3D Britney fornication.
So are you telling us, in your oh-so-subtle Chrono way, that Brit-Brit's next baby is going to be part Chrono-TT? Is THAT what is going on here?RMT

Re: Chrono-Buster!!!

Remember when I said this...


Anyway the american government is in contact with one lot of aliens right now(the lizarans and yes they do look a bit like lizards). They are trying to get them to trade technology but they won't at this moment except for technology that they had about 1000 years ago. The lizarans get oil back (it is a delicacy drink where they are).
Well I am Chrono because "I" predicted the Lizarans were going to use up our oil and that's the reason why it is so expensive now in your time period. It's just a start! It will be $10.00 a gallon by 2010!
That's the reason why oil is so expensive now!! Those dang Lizarans!! Belli's all big from our oil!

Cake was chocolate and kinda old, but good

Re: Chrono-Buster!!!

I don't know if you're really chronohistorian. If your claim that you're him is true, just tell me what Chrono told me?, if you're him, you should know the answer!, I want only ONE word as answer!
