I am from the year 2522

I can't tell you when time travel was invented.

The civil war started because of the treasonous government who purposely engineers an economic Armageddon.

Jesus Christ does not come back.

how do you know that Christ does not come back?? also why can't you tell me the first time travel built and who start the time travel??

John Titor said that 2036 is the first time travel built but I don't know if he is a fake or not.


If christ came back I am sure it would be in the history books somewhere or maybe he just came back on a holiday to see some disciples.

The rules of time travel dictate that I cannot tell you when it was invented but it was invented a long time after 2036.

If christ came back I am sure it would be in the history books somewhere or maybe he just came back on a holiday to see some disciples.

The rules of time travel dictate that I cannot tell you when it was invented but it was invented a long time after 2036.

oh i see maybe it was invented in 2050 with it call a Time Travel Belt that worn around the wasit to time travel but I must ask you how many people going to die in this Civil wars when you said that it will start in next year and how long will it last?? will this be a world war 3 start because of USA vs IRAN?? write back. :confused:

If you want to know all that just look a couple of messages back.

I can tell you that the first stage of civil war will start on May 1. If you have a gun carry it with you at all times on that day

Here's why I'm convinced you are a hoax. In quite a few posts, you claimed that we only used 10% of our brain, even went so far as to say specificially for what. However, this 10% notion is FALSE. It is an UNTRUTH. A popular misconception, untrue nevertheless. Without linking scientific journal articles, I will just dumb it down and let http://www.snopes.com/science/stats/10percnt.htm do it for me.

I imagine you are saying May 1st, since this is the day that many mexican people are being told to boycott school, work, etc. "A Day Without Immigrates" project. Some are hoping for as many as 2 million mexicans to protest in Los Angeles alone. So you have shown that you are adept at watching the news, IMHO.

Risata-Like I said many years ago. When you have information downloaded and time travel for the first time you lose information and pick up some. I forgot a lot of things my first time here.

It has something to do with the immigration rallies but I am stationed in England and ask any English person and you will see that the rallies are not covered on the news.

:confused:question for you..how did you know it will start May 1 2006 or 2007?? I thought you lost all of the past history?? if so will it start in May 1 2006? if so then will it show it on TV all over the news?? write back.


Warrior381-We lost the info but managed to retrieve it. I thought I told the forum. What I am not sure about is if they show it on the news and if they show it on the news whether they will be truthful.

I will be leaving in a couple of days but I tell you this: In the coming months you may see UN and NATO troops marching through your country to 'restore order'.

Many Americans will see this as an invading force and will engage them in combat. The streets of America will run red for many years.

Control control marker out, Chronohistorians.

Data consolidated, rules of TTI goes as young men, as students from the future,

Said super-human through a very advanced genetics program.

Rules rules, observed.-Timeguards present, equal to a time cop other eras.

Marks, per visits, A, as this visitor, has more than observed all protocols, for his visits.

Approve visit, officer, with TTI>

I will be leaving in a couple of days but I tell you this: In the coming months you may see UN and NATO troops marching through your country to 'restore order'.Many Americans will see this as an invading force and will engage them in combat. The streets of America will run red for many years.
Oh please...just STFU and leave already! This is the most ridiculous "prediction" you have made to-date. And just like all your others that did not come true, neither will this one. May 1st will come and go without any sort of major, civil war inducing incident. And do you care to nail down this "in the coming months" to a SPECIFIC month please? And what is this "you MAY see" BS? Always hedging your bets, eh Chrono? BAH! The UN couldn't even invade Sudan, and the world knows it! And as for NATO, which member country do you think owns the vast majority of NATO military assets?As I said in a previous post, you are evil. Plain and simple. I detest your form of evil because you try to incite fear, and inducing another human being (especially those poor human beings not intelligent enough to see through your BS) to feel fear about their future is the worst form of evil there is. It is a form of terrorism, and you are a terrorist.

I never said that NATO or the UN will invade. They will be invited.
An even bigger load of BS, you terrorist. Care to address my questions? Care to pin this down with a date (and perhaps excise the "may")? What excuse will you use now? Or will you simply ignore my challenges? I'm sure you won't be around after May 1st comes and goes without event... tail between your legs, just like the poor sap you are.RMT

How about a wager, chrono?

If your predictions come to pass within 3 months. Then you can come back and tell us - "you told us so". I'll bow down and hail you as the first genuinely plausible TT on here (second only to transient001).

If not, you dont show your face around here anymore. At least if you do, you'll never be able to come back from it. And you have to make a public apology for all your lies.

The 'streets running red for months', is a bold analogy you've put on record, and rules out any attempt of playing down your claims when they are proved wrong. Obviously, as you imply mass bloodshed over extended periods of time. Anything less them this - will shoot you down.

So, What do you say, 'Brick'?

Rainmantime-I will not tell you a specific month. You will have to wait and see.

OllyB- No wager. I am from the future.

I cannot just come back. This will probably be my last time here unless I am on the finance committee again which is unlikely.

On May 1st , I am not sure (can't remember all the history) but I think the government starts fighting within. You will know what that means if it comes to pass.

I will be leaving in a couple of days but I tell you this:
heh tis about time. did u get urself a girl?
like ur point about a terrorist rainman lol

lets get him on america's most wanted! "if you see this boy... try not to laugh...he thinks he's from the future and may also think he's dangerous"
