I spent many years in the time guard but I am now Deputy Governor of England. Why am I here? Well last time I was a time guard. I am now on the Finance committee of the Earth. I am one of seven who influence where (and how much) tax payers' money goes to. I am chairman of the committee and have decided to come here for a little while as part of my duties.
That is the biggest load of BS you have ever posted, and I will now use your own words to prove it.
however I can tell you now as you have little chance of changing the events as the most major event has already begun.
Sorry, but it is not even remotely believable that a "Deputy Governor of England" nor a "chairman" on a "Finance committee of the Earth" would write/speak with such poor grammar. In this case, excessive and confusing prepositional phrases. And in the first quote block above, can you see where you ended a sentence with a preposition?
There will lots more wars and there will be a major civil war between the American people and the American government which America will never fully recover.
Sorry, but it is not even remotely believable that a "Deputy Governor of England" nor a "chairman" on a "Finance committee of the Earth" would write/speak with such poor grammar. In this case, "lots more wars" and again with the prepositional phrases.
The American government have already got plans to deal with the immigrants when the crisis hits.
Sorry, but it is not even remotely believable that a "Deputy Governor of England" nor a "chairman" on a "Finance committee of the Earth" would write/speak with such poor grammar. Can you spot the extremely "low English" in this sentence?
The last one barely lasts 2 years and I don't really know why I mentioned them. They are slaughtered by all sides. Quite sad really. The African Americans and Orientals only had them and without them they had no hope.
Sorry, but it is not even remotely believable that a "Deputy Governor of England" nor a "chairman" on a "Finance committee of the Earth" would write/speak with such poor grammar. Here we have a paragraph with at least two indeterminate pronoun references. Can you spot
The white nationalists halt their assassinations of the elected officials once they start deporting the none whites. Oh and for the record Hispanics aren't classed as none white (government decision).
Sorry, but it is not even remotely believable that a "Deputy Governor of England" nor a "chairman" on a "Finance committee of the Earth" would write/speak with such poor grammar (spelling). In this quote we see TWO errors of "none whites" when I think he meant "non-whites". The fact that there are two cases here, and at least one other above means it should not be considered just a typo... it is an error of ignorance in grammar and spelling.
You're not getting to know any more.
Sorry, but it is not even remotely believable that a "Deputy Governor of England" nor a "chairman" on a "Finance committee of the Earth" would write/speak with such poor grammar. This sentence shows extremely poor sentence construction skills, Mr. chairman!You just don't give up, do you Chrono? You should. You look very, VERY silly!