I am from the year 2522


The statements that I have quoted so far is classified top secret.....but it is ALL true. I suspect that the reason the Government put the clamps on Hewlitt Packard was so that we would not know what THEY know....and have probably known it for a longer period of time should I miss my guess.

From what I am trying to divulge here, I do not expect insults and any objections have gone out with historical truth. I will not trade insults nor respond to non serious questions. Not only are we NOT what we thought we were, time travel is NOT what we could have imagined.

So far I have only disclosed what was primarily necessary, to set up within the minds, a basis of how it works and why it works.

LOL....I thought scientist knew how to spellcheck. You don't honestly expect us to believe you do you? I'm guessing this is a very sattirical piece you wrote. No one could be dense enough to believe this. So lol.....hilarious. You are one funny guy.

Chronohistorian, this is a very important question, so I will make this under the TTI time travel inquest lines.

Please answer.

Do you masturbate and if you do, then what do you think of?

If you do, in your time, what is the phrasiology for this act?

To all MOPs, this is a technical question and I must ask this question, in this manner.

p.m. me if there is a problem here?


Chronohistorian: I was wondering about the fuel and stuff used for the spaceships of your time. To what % of light speed do they propel you and what % of the fuel is turned to power?

I always thought Helium-3 was the way to go with fuel for spaceships myself.

Plus what is used to stop all that nasty stuff like radiation etc from killing the crew, also how many g's can the ships travel before the crew go unconcious.

I'm not a scientist myself either so terms you understand will be fine with me.

creedo299-lol. not many people do masturbate. we normally just go to the life simulator and find the best looking women there is and do our business.

Modus_Operandi-we can get to andromeda within an hour.

there are shields to stop the radiation. the crew will never go unconcious because ofthe shields

What are the biggest company's in existence in your time? Since I'm running my own small business I ask you this. And since I'm a computer expert and you told about the hardware before, can you tell something about the software on the computer? Or is it in another form of handling computers?

(Sorry about my english. It's not my native language.)

1) chrono how far did you go back in time?

2) What is the pin on your jacquet represent?

3) Why are you using a small car for your travel, since the machine weight so much?


DrWolffenstein-the big companies:

the major technology companies are technobabble, technowizard, apple, maccy boo

it is a different apple than you have today.


big bill's

hungry man ned

big man's eatery


manfromthepast-I think you have the wrong person. I don't know about a time travelling car

Chrono' in order to travel to a distant star system in your time, I would do this.

*Computer access main travel authority space travel net.

Verification, Chronohistorian147-3682.

Give me the alliance deep network, on (sample system demos)?

{connection now made}, your i.d.is authorized, but the computerized assistant does not say this.

Please secure and okay a room at Demos4, for May 14th, 2637, (example), for occupancy of two, from Earth.

Thirty seconds pass and your talk to home system says back to you; "Your payment, rooms and authorizations, are allowed and have cleared.END OF PROJECTED DEMO.

Do I have this pretty much right?

Thank you Chronos.

you don't have to ask to travel. no one is stopping you. all you need is a ship and a crew. you have to ask the government of the planet you are going to if you can stay

Asked under TTI rules concerning sociology

Chrono' I have one more question.

In this time when people have sex, they have an object.

An example is Jill and Jeff going to a house they are house-sitting in Los Angeles and they venture out on the deck, to see everything is alright.

Nice view, but Jill stoops down to test the water with her hand and accidentally falls in.

Jeff reaches in, to fish out Jill but he slips in and they are both in the hot tub, which is only luke warm, as nobody is using it and Jeff becomes sexually excited.

He has not seen Jill for a few days and one thing leads to another and they both have their cloths off and are having intercourse in the hot-tub that belongs to someone else.

Now during the foreplay aspect of their sex, some factors of guilt set in and Jill might say to Jeff, "Oh Jeff" I miss you too, but you don't have a condom and Im on my period and we should not be doing this in the hot tub??!!!

Now Jeff might advance himself sexually with Jill, but the object of guilt is someone else's house, which is wrong without permission and intercourse in the hot tub, which is also wrong.

So when Jeff is in the act of screwing Jill, he might groan, "Ohhhhhh' grunt, push push, don't worry about the fu*king hot tub____Oh Jill you hair is so soft and I haven't seen you for a few days,......Ohhhh, grunt, here it comes)End of example.

Sorry to everyone here for that example?

Now Chrono you say in your time, when the misses is not home, you walk into a sexual simulator and then the object of your sexual advances is what and how?

Do you have guilt about sexual play in your time?

A common sexual fantasy in this time, also is two men having sexual play with one woman.

I guess this might be due to sexual insecurity.

So in your time, it's one woman, or something which simulates a woman?

I'm sorry, I am somewhat curious about the sociology of your time.

Thank you

So sex is seen as some sort of bad thing?

Even masturbation?

I thought that eventually we would have lost our hangups and be more happy with ourselves.

If many people use the life simulator I wonder why it would matter if anyone saw you use it, I would say to that person they are being responsible by not spreading vd etc.

And everyone in this time masturbates whether they admit it or not.

So, even in the future the same old hangups eh?

no. sex and masturbation are not bad things. I just didn't want people to know what I was going to do. my business is my own and I don't want people knowing what I am about to do.

ok chrono prove to me and everyone else that you are from the year 2522 and since that u are a "historian" tell me something i dont know. tell me what will happen soon. if u cant than get off the forums and stop wasting everyones time with your lil hoax u do to make u feel special. and dont give me any bull [censored], oh i dont know because our timelines are different or anythintg like that.

to creedo: wtf are u, a robot, nerd, faggit with no friends? ur weird as ****
