I am from the year 2522

AlienChild-you never made a fusion reactor though.

I think I am getting mixed up with fission and fusion again.

I should have took a class in science instead of abandoning it at 10

Oh bull crap, if fusion is a commun thing in your time, you shouldn't be mixing it up with fission, come on now ! You do not see us mixing up diesel and gaz !!!! Duh !


I have questions about your muscle trees:

1) Do they have a skeleton? If not, how does the tree stay erect?

2) How does it grow, does the planet rain protein shakes in order to build more muscle since protein and amino acids are required to build muscle. Where do the carbohydrates come from to fuel the muscle?

3) How does the muscle keep from atrophying (breaking down, I may have spelled this wrong), do they excercise and work out?

This muscle tree idea of yours is the stupidest one yet, thats sayign alot since you have made some pretty lame claims! You should stick to things that you actually understand something about.

Chrono, a bunch of questions (topics in bold)...


1 - What is the capital of the US in 500 years? Is it still Washington DC?

2 - Why and when did New York become the capital of the world?

3 - I'm from Baltimore, Maryland (USA - NE of Washington DC. Will Baltimore and Washington merge into 1 super-city as their suburbs grow? (What will Baltimore be like then?)

4 - Just a curiosity, is my city involved in any historical events in the next 500 years?


5 - What sports will still be around? (Baseball, American Football, soccer, basketball, etc.)

6 - Will Baltimore, Maryland ever host the Olympics?

7 - What new sports will there be?

8 - Where will the next, say, 10 olympics be held after Athens?

Living Styles

9 - What do houses and buildings of the future look like?

10 - Is the food diet of people any different?

11 - Is the Internet as we know it still around?

12 - What types of personal technology will people have?

13 - How do hospitals of the future function (and the technology they have)?

Science & Discoveries

14 - What would you say are the most notable scientific, and natural discoveries are in the 21st century?

15 - You mentioned other lifeforms, when do people meet these lifeforms, and how is first contact made? What was the general reaction amongst the population each time?

16 - Why do the Scarrans hate you?

17 - Can you give a general list of the lifeforms and their lifestyles? (including primitive ones)

18 - How is Venus and Mars being terraformed, and how far along is that progress? (Does Mars have liquid water now? Is it being warmed up for for water? Does it have plants?)

19 - How does mandkind have enough water for the Earth, Moon, Mars and Venus?

20 - When (year) do we discover life on Jupiter's moons?

21 - You mentioned there's 3 species that have space travel. I've seen 2 (Scarrans and Lizarans). What's the other one, and can you discribe them?

22 - Can you discribe the culture (daily life) of the other lifeforms? What is their home planet like? Do they breathe the same type of air, or is their athmosphere a different mix of gases other than oxygen and nitrogen)?

Other questions

23 - It seems you've seen Star Trek. What parts would you say are 'accurate' (i.e., science fiction becoming science fact)?

24 - Are their still computer games in 500 years? Or, is everything done with the life simulator?

25 - Will there be any natural or manmade disaters in the US?

26 - What type of technology do the other lifeforms have?

27 - Why is it that the Lizarans already speak a form of English? I do find that hard to swallow a bit... after all, they would have a culture completely different than ours.

28 - Will anything happen to Yellowstone National Park (it has an active culdera beneath the park).

29 - Do any countries/region ever unite and form a larger country? (like Europe seems to be doing).

30 - Can you tell us more about WWIII, like what happens, and why it starts?

31 - What was the reason for the Scarran war?

32 - There's currently a theory that time travel might be possible (along with String Theory), however, the catch is that while you can go forward in time, you can't go back in time before the first time travel device was made. There was a program on this recently, have you seen it? Why is it that your time travel seems to be the opposite of what the current theory is?

33 - How right or wrong was Einstein?

34 - You say there's over 60 billion people on Earth. Why doesn't the world population stagnate at 10 billion like is theorized? Or, is that the population for Earth, the Moon, Mars and Venus?

35 - Can you tell us more about the Moon, Mars and Venus? How is the terraforming done, and what's life like on those planets?

36 - Will animals like tigers, elephants, rhinos, etc. become extinct, or still be around?

37 - What's the education system like?

38 - Do people keep any other pets, or new species of animals for pets? (Do people still keep cats, dogs, birds, etc.? Any new breeds of cats/birds/dogs)

39 - What's it like to grow up in 2500ad?

40 - Will the "Big One" (massive earthquake) strike California? (if so, what year, if you can tell)


The major disease that we have in my time is epidermolosa but it is very rare"

What are the symptoms of this disease?

Epidermolysis Bullosa is a rare genetic skin disorder. Is this what you are saying is the major disease on your time?

Roel,You should check with Raul (if you don't already know) and see what the maximum size he has set for threads.

As you know, because you ware here, we lost the entire original "Time Travel Paradoxes" thread (Titor's original thread) when we hit the maximum thread size and it overflowed. The thread was corrupted and lost forever. All we are left with is a saved file that was made just before it crashed.

At 63 pages this thread is huge. If for no other reason that might be a reason to lock it...and start a new thread to continue the discussion.
People, lets move to a new thread, this one's getting overcrowded. I think I'm going to lock this thread, regardless of the poll. We don't want this thread to get lost, right? I don't see a problem in starting a new thread anyway.


Sorry but I can only answer the most important questions because I was answering them but something happened to the computer and I lost 60 minutes of work and I don't want to be typing it out again so if you think your question are really important please ask again.

Trees with muscles do not have skeletons. They are held up with a bigger muscle that is long and strong

timescholar-you just answered your own first question.

There is a space race where races can race each other. There are no rules while you are in the race. You can even kill them.

14 –The curing of perogia.

16. they hate us because of our violent history, the way we treat our prisoners and there is another reason whih you will laugh at- because of their hightened sense of smell they hate our smell too.

19. That the beauty of terraforming- when it happens it seems to rain for a long time, we don't know why it happens or where the water come for the rain.

21-all species which I have mentioned have time travel

25. yes. Watch out for hurricane jemma.

32. never seen it. Not all your theories are correct.

36. The Panda, all kinds of whales, All kinds of frogs, wasps and the harmless bee are extinct. We now only have killer bees in my time.

37. people get taught in different ways. We still have teachers. The teachers found the best way to teach me is through teaching then some subliminal messaging.

40. yes

keeb333-It isn't exactly the same as that disease because epidermolosa is contagious and Epidermolysis Bullosa is passed on through genetic traits.

why lock the thread?

I knew something was funny about this guy.

If he did come from the future,it may have been from a time where people are products from offworld breeding programs.

This is why they are in trouble.

It is the genetics problem of too many differing contributing genes.

I think that this is why this guy has come back to our times.


why lock the thread?
Did you read my post (or Darby's original post) at all? There's a maximum number of posts to a thread. I'm trying to find out what that number is, meanwhile I suggest we use a new thread to continue this conversation... I don't see the problem with that?!

Chronotrigger, that game was fun. Anyway, chronohistorian, they reason I know

your a fraud, posting on a time travel message board would be the last thing

a time traveller would do. If I were Stephen Hawking I would say the chances

of you being a time traveller are 0. The chances of a time traveller coming

back here may be 1 out of a trillion trillion trillion trillion zeros with a

trillion trillion trillion zeros after that. But the chances that time traveller

would post on a time travel message board is 0.

--- Razimus


14 –The curing of perogia.
What's Perogia? I've never heard of it... Anyway, a few questions (repeated):
9 - What do houses and buildings of the future look like?

15 - You mentioned other lifeforms, when do people meet these lifeforms, and how is first contact made? What was the general reaction amongst the population each time? (i.e., what happened when people first met the Lizarans and Scarrans? How did they meet?)

30 - Can you tell us more about WWIII, like what happens, and why it starts?

Also, did life ever exist on Mars at one point?

You can answer my other questions little by little if you want (5 a day).

Perogia (not 100% positive if I got the name correct) is a disease which you are born with. It can make you age faster than you should and normally the longest you will live to is 13.

9-They look a bit like now except the window double as solar panels and the roof is retractable. The stairs go up on their own and you can order your food from a place in your kitchen and it will be delivered within 15 minutes.

15-already answered this near the start I think.

Whn the american government admit to the existant of aliens people are shocked and there is news on it for months.

At the moment thev american government is trading with the lizarans. the americans give them oil for old lizaran technology.

We meet the rest of the aliens in 2200 when we enter andromeda.

30. Like I said there is no WWIII.

There are microbes on mars.
