I am from the year 2522

I still don't get how lunarium can be a natural element. An element with that high of an atomic mass will have a half-life of a milisecond, as stated by trollface. If that's the case, if the entire moon were made up of lunarium, the moon would of been long gone before the solar system was even fully evolved. According to my calculations, if the entire moon were lunarium the moon would have died in about 31 milliseconds. So how can an element you say you can excavate and freeze (or whatever you do to it) an element, if it doesn't even exist.

And I'm sorry, but I can't believe you when you state Venus is used to farm food. How can any plantlife grow there when the atmosphere is 96% carbon dioxide and 4% nitrogen. Plants do need oxygen to grow you know. And to top it off, the temperature on Venus is almost 900 degrees F.

How do you explain these.

creedo my friend, why are you tarnishing hitlers good name by comparing him to bush? If bush was hitlers reincarnate, he would have fixxed the budget quickly, and would have better speechs and he would be loved by the people.

I found this on another board, which was the literal translations of the quatrains of Nostradamus.

Again the quatrains say, that hister would die in the old land and be reborn in the new.

There are other things about Bush, that very strongly compare to Hitler.

I do indeed think, feel, that Bush is Hitler reincarnate.

The reincarnation,. sometimes makes a fellow more different or mild.

No, I'm not kidding on this, I feel that Bush is Hitler reincarnated.

You sense he is dangerous?

If there's anything I find potentially dangerous about him, it's his approach to religion. He was struggling with addiction issues before he became a born again christian. I'm not sure, but I think there's a high for him if he believes he is part of destiny. I'm not holding anything against him if what he does is for the greater good, but I fear that potential for him to go too far in blurring the seperation of church and state. If people think that he may have gone too far in his first four years, they have seen nothing yet compared to his final four years as he attempts to make history. He will charge ahead with what he firmly believes is right and will see it to the end, for good or bad. I hope it's for the good, but I'll have to tune in to find out.

I feel pretty bad about what some people say to you cause they cant open their mind to what you have tosay but hey! not every one´s like that. I would like to know how it feels like to travel in time, I mean like what you see throug th windows of you ship or screens or whatever you use. And what you fisicly feel, es it like when you go really fast on a car, do you get dizzy or what? what can you sence, smell, hear, what does light look like?

The ship's seat is like a seat on a motorbike in one of your aracades, it moves the way your body moves.

I think you are very gullible if you believe all theories are correct and everything your leaders tell you are correct.

no, If the ice in the antarctic melts then that will cause sea levels to rise however the water did not recede 15 miles everywhere (that was the most it receded) it just receded 15 miles in england.

I like to watch the news live because there is no point in watching it if you tape, that what I feel anyway.

other news channels=sky news, itv news channel and cbs.

The government decides everything, the scientists can suggest it but the government doesn't have to listen.

I did a quick essay.

I am too busy to cut and paste the answers, why don't you go back and look?

10.79% of our brain is used for knowledge and memory.

There is nothing hard about lightspeed.

not everything your scientists tell you are wrong, just a couple of theories.

sorry everyone I cannot answer anymore questions, I will try and get around to you later

I think you are very gullible if you believe all theories are correct and everything your leaders tell you are correct.
Interesting point of view, and then you say this:

The government decides everything, the scientists can suggest it but the government doesn't have to listen.
I think the people in your time would be classed as far more gullible than us!!

10.79% of our brain is used for knowledge and memory.
As for this. The spawn of the urban legend referring to this 10% idea, came from an interview with Albert Einstein. He made a comment about people only using 10% of their brains and the journalist miscontrued it. Because the idea came from Einstein, many people believed it to be correct, without needing proof. Though, a great man he was, Einstein was no expert on the human brain.Now you are telling us that, in your future, it has been discovered that purely coincidentally that Einstein was correct? Is it possible to remove say 50% of the brain and cause absolutely no change to the individual?


In 1923 there was hyperinflation. There was one reported case of a man going to the shops to buy some shoes and when he got there he only had enough for coffee. Because of the massive inflation germany was unable to pay reparations to france so france occupied the ruhr. The government told the germans there to use passive resistance so the french could not get any money out of the industry that that was there. The french then deported 350,000 germans (might be wrong about this figure).
I'm curious. Who was this man? Why was he so important in the course of German history? You see, to me this sounds like an anecdote told in a classroom, to hone in the point to the students. The rest of your essay seems on the surface to be informative(apart from the mistakes pointed out by Trollface), so why suddenly bring in this information about a man, his shoes and his coffee? Did he buy the coffee anyway?

The ship's seat is like a seat on a motorbike in one of your aracades, it moves the way your body moves.
So you are saying that when these ships are moving at subluinal speed that you use kinetic energy to move them. Where to start whith what's wrong with that from a physical point of view?

I think you are very gullible if you believe all theories are correct and everything your leaders tell you are correct.
I would be, yes. I would be far more gulliable if I believed anything that you said, though.

no, If the ice in the antarctic melts then that will cause sea levels to rise[...]
You mean "yes", here, not "no". After all, that is what I said.

[...]the water did not recede 15 miles everywhere (that was the most it receded) it just receded 15 miles in england.
So sea level is no longer a global constant? How did you manage that? Are you going to tell me that what we know about gravity is wrong, too? Unless the water's on a serious slope, would that not mean that Dover is now landlocked with Calais, seeing as they're about 25 miles apart?
Oh, BTW, you'd still have a lot of water unaccounted for. So, what happened to the extra water?

I like to watch the news live because there is no point in watching it if you tape, that what I feel anyway.
Um, so you're just going to rely on fuzzy 8-year recollections of events, when you could have a real, tangiable physical record? Wow, citing and standards of evidence must be a lot more lax in your time, too.

The government decides everything, the scientists can suggest it but the government doesn't have to listen.

I did a quick essay.
So, do you want a biscuit?
You did a quick very bad essay, with difficulty conveying ideas and very simple basic factual errors. You're supposed to be an expert in this time period, you had completely free choice regarding what to write about, you chose one of the most famous events of the 20th Century and yet still got very simple things wrong. Not exactly impressive.

I am too busy to cut and paste the answers, why don't you go back and look?
Because they do not exist. This has to be your least convincing tack yet; pretending things exist when they don't and the evidence of their non-existence is there, plain as day, for all to see. I may have been too generous in thinking that you were 16 or so, as this tactic usually goes out of favour with people by the time they hit double figures.

10.79% of our brain is used for knowledge and memory.
Well, you can add neuroscience to the list of things that you don't know enough about to bluff it in. Still, why don't you tell us which 10.79% that is? And why did you say that we only use 10.79% of our brains if that's not what you meant? Adn why are scientists trying to increase this figure if the rest of the brain is used for other things? What functions of the brain are people prepared to sacrifice for more memories?

There is nothing hard about lightspeed.
So why is the new "light speed" supposedly "easier for everyone"?

sorry everyone I cannot answer anymore questions, I will try and get around to you later
Not even an excuse? Not good enough. I think people can tell that the real thing you're saying here is "I've dug myself into enough deep holes that I don't think I can get out, so I'm going to stop doing this for a while and hope that people forget". Well, you know, I'm still going to ask the questions you've avoided. If for no other reason than for fun, and so that it's all here, plain for all to see.

So the ship has three engines, one at the back, and one on each side?.

Wouldn't that mean that it would turn if you, say, crossed from one side of the ship to the other?


Why don't you define what you mean by "cryogenics", then?


Also, with the seas receeding 15 miles, what has happened to the reefs and other near-shore ecosystems, which can be up to 10,000 years old?


Why don't you explain how [electricity] works as you understand it?


[...]why do you not seem to care how comprehensible you make yourself?


There's an academic called Donkel who has edited a book about philosophy, but there is certainly no Communistic school of thought or belief by that name. Care to explain?


But you said that you did know how you managed to circumvent the laws of physics. Now you say you don't?


Yeah, just the basic, well-established, easily proven fundamental truths of how the universe works are wrong. it's just the little things like what electricity is and how it works, how molecules are composed, as well as matter itself and things like that which are wrong, eh? The fact that they have a knock-on effect to everything else doesn't matter because...what?


Why don't you tell me which scientific theories of the moment are wrong and which are right?


How do you keep the larger icecaps frozen?


How do you manage this process without making the global temperature actually rise?


And you're not going to tell me that it didn't because the First Law Of Thermodynamics is wrong, too, are you?


[You can extend the half-life of an element] the same way as what?


So why did you need to deal with an ice-age? Was it a warm ice-age?


Once more, I'm going to ask for the name of this philosophy under which your society operates[...]


What you have to answer is what you do to it on the atomic level? How do you extend it's half-life?


If that wasn't true, as you claim it isn't, then splitting the atom would be impossible.[Not technically a question, but it demands an answer all the same]


Any excuse for the other two questions?


[...]if the new "speed" is called "light speed", then what do they call light speed?


[...]why didn't they just call the new "light speed" by the new name that the old "light speed" has?


[...]isn't it stupid to have the speed of light called something else and somethign else called "light speed"?


[...]how come there have been huge nuclear reactions many times as fierce and hot as the sun in the moon and nobody on Earth has noticed?


How come that this element formed naturally on a dead and chemically simple satellite when not even a Supernova is explosive and complex enough to form such an element?


You will need to explain how [Einstein] was wrong, what is right, who sucessfully proved him wrong and when, and what on Earth has been up with all the experiments that have been done over the years which have proven him right time and again?


[...]you can tell me what the new equasion [that replaced "E=mc^2] is and what any and all of the elements that are new signify.


Which speed of light are we talking about now, the new one or the old one? [i'll add a second question to this actually. If we're talking about the new "speed of light", then what is the significance of that speed, and what would be significant about travelling at that speed that would relate to time travel?]


How come speed is measured in seconds, now?


Do you mean that no matter how much faster than the speed of light you're travelling and no matter the distance you always go ahead in time 33 seconds? How does that work?


Would that be covered by the new theory of relativity?
30, now. One might almost think that you don't know the answers...

JamesAnthony said:You see, to me this sounds like an anecdote told in a classroom, to hone in the point to the students.
Actually, this is one of the things that I didn't bother commenting on, but that is also indicative of how Chrono is not a historian. The way the story is written, it could simply be that the man left his home without enough money in his pocket to pay for the shoes that he wanted to purchse. Wheras the actual point of the story is that he had plenty of money to buy the shoes, but by the time he got there the Mark had devalued so much that all he could afford is coffee. Maybe something like this:

There was one case reported in which a man went to the shops to buy some shoes. By the time he got there, however, the money in his pocket had decreased in value so much that he only had enough to buy a cup of coffee.
Of course, that kind of anecdotal illustration is common to historians, but the story is most likely bunk. I mean, did the Germans have constant updates on the value of the Mark, or is it more likely that they adjusted their prices every day?

English changes rapidly and succumbs to external influences. Since Arabic is the common language of your time, I can only imagine that your speech would be littered with an English/Arabic mix.

The English spoken and written 500 years ago from our time is vastly different than the English used today.

I only have one more question for you, Chrono: why hasn't the English language changed in 500 years?

I just thought I'd like to comment on this from puffdemon, too.

I feel pretty bad about what some people say to you cause they cant open their mind to what you have tosay
There's a big difference between being open-minded and believing any old guff that someone tells you. What I do, as everyone should, is to take what evidence there is available and make a reasoned descision based on that evidence. Now there is absolutely no corroborating evidence for Chronohistorian's claims (and they are fantastic claims). There is, however, overwhelming evidence that he is simply a young man or a child who doesn't know what he is talking about but thought he'd try it on in any case.
Now, with this being the case, only the least critical of people could buy into his story. There is the issue of confirmation bias; where people give more creedence to opinions and things they're told if that information happens to corroborate their own viewpoint. So, there are people who believe in time-travel, and who have even written the idea of time guards into their own mythology. Now for Chrono to be discredited would discredit them, too, as they have now partially based their own claims on his. So it's easier to disregard the overwhelming evidence against Chrono telling the truth, and to simply choose to pay attention to the things that cannot be disproven because they are too vague and to simply take what he says on face value.

It's a shame that people do this, and I wish people did have the skills and the will to apply critical thinking a lot more than they do, but unfortunately it's human nature.

Similarly, this is why Chrono is avoiding answering the questions I put to him, and now even trying to put the onus on me concerning them. He cannot answer how the half-life of an element is extended because he doesn't know. He doesn't know because what he is describing is impossible, and he doesn't really understand the physics concerning the structure of atoms and atomic weights. He will not define what he means by the term "cryogenics" because I have already provided the definition of the term and it has no relevence to his claims. He would have to come up with a new definition that was relevent to atomic decay (similar to the very silly claim that there is a new speed called "light speed", defined by the government and having nothing to do with the speed of light) and he knows I, along with others, would poke holes in that, too. And, even if he did offer this new definition it still wouldn't fix many of the fundamental flaws in his story of "lunarium".

To admit this, he would have to admit defeat and admit the sham. As such, it's simpler for him to ignore it and simply pretend that the questions haven't been asked.

Just as a point of interest, when I brought up the issue of the miniscule half-life that an element with an atomic weight of 288 would have I already knew what a good, non-disprovable answer would be. The man is claiming to come from a society where they have mastered manipulating time. If you have an issue with something being impossible because of time constraints, then there's an obvious answer right there. That would have been the simplest.

Of course, now I've said that there's no way I'll be accepting that explaination. It wouldn't really work, either, as the half-life would still have to be extended somehow, but it'd explain how it could be detected, mined and processed in such a small space of time.

Thus endeth the pop-psychology and anthropological rant for the day.

I've been away for a long while, but as soon I saw this thread, I was glued to it. I seriously cannot beleive you folks continued on with this guy for so long!

Hi to everyone who may still remember me :)

I've been away for a long while, but as soon I saw this thread, I was glued to it. I seriously cannot beleive you folks continued on with this guy for so long!Hi to everyone who may still remember me
Well, this guy makes at least one flaw per post. It's just too easy!! And tempting!

Welcome back, Raj!

I agree with James... this guy is so lame, and provides such easy targets, that it is all too tempting to poke at him.


Thanks Rainman,

I was tempted to set up another account, and pretend to be a time traveller, just so that I can show this character, how it's really done :D

I found this guy frustrating at first but reading this thread has become very entertaining. Actually, I have learned alot from some of Trollface's posts and that's why I love this forum so much, I learn something new every day.

Poor Chrono, he's taken a spanking! At least Titor was smart enough to not be from the far future, since to pull that hoax off you really would need to know your stuff (knowing relativity and the periodic table would be a good start). I am surprised at how long he was able to stick it out trying to answer all the posts nomatter how bad he made himself look. That other guy from the future who was beaming his emails back in time took off when he was asked to send one back to this forum to over a year ago, you'd think he would have prepared himself for that one.

To TysonM'

No I don't believe that Bush would be necessarily termed as dangerous, if indeed the translation of the quatrains were true.

As I had said, the act of re-instilling a spirit within another persona sometimes changes a person.

We have yet to see what he will do?

On Chrono's source from the future; which is a social society, bordering on communism:

I think that this is an interesting comparison of times, his to ours if this were true.

I found this on another board, which was the literal translations of the quatrains of Nostradamus.Again the quatrains say, that hister would die in the old land and be reborn in the new.

There are other things about Bush, that very strongly compare to Hitler.

I do indeed think, feel, that Bush is Hitler reincarnate.

The reincarnation,. sometimes makes a fellow more different or mild.

No, I'm not kidding on this, I feel that Bush is Hitler reincarnated.
Well Credo, I don't think GWB is Hitler reincarnated. Of course they would have some similarities, they are/were leaders of a nation. And I'm sorry I don't believe in Nostradamus. Nost. said Hister not Hitler. Sounds similar, but they are not the same name.

Also, GWB is not trying to go and conquer the world and rid of a group of people simply for the fact of their looks and beleifs like Hitler was trying to do.

And Chrono, even if you did write you essay very quickly, it was very poorly done. I would expect a hell of a lot of a better job from someone who is supposedly an expert for theat time in history. My cousin in middle school writes better than you.

Besides some of their leadership quality similarities, how else are they similar?

trollface- I had a very short time to write it in and couldn't think of all the facts because I am extremely busy.

a government that lasts only a couple of days is a failure so wolfgang kapp was a failure.

you are wrong about hyperinflation from what I have learned.

creedo299- I do not believe hitler was reincarnated.

hello-lots of weird things happen in space and lunarium is just one of them. On some planets trees aren't wood, they are muscle.

The lunarium is found deep within the moon.

We changed venus's atmosphere through terraforming and we plant GM crops that can withstand heat but I don't think it is that hot on venus.

puffdemon-if you read near the start you would know that I get beamed here and I feel nothing.

JamesAnthony-why are the people in my time be far more gullible?

What I meant was most people only use 10.79% of their brain for memory and knowledge. This was discovered in 2348 when 50,000 people unknowingly took part in a survey.

JamesAnthony-I don't know who the man was, I was just told this by my history teacher and she never said if he bought the coffe or not.

trollface-there is nothing wrong with kinetic energy.

dover and calaise are joined by a long bridge.

I don't think I do have any extra water.

we have found out that 2% of the brain does nothing so people are ready to sacrifice that.

I don't know why the new light speed is easier for everyone, I don't make the decisions

I am quite busy at the moment that why I had to go. I have more to do than just writing a report now.

If you can't be bothered looking for the answers then don't bother asking because I have already answered.

The prices in germany were adjusted many times per day.

plik-I don't know why it hasn't changed. perhaps we have stopped evolving?

I had a very short time to write it in and couldn't think of all the facts because I am extremely busy.
So, rather than concentrate on any one thing, and give a consise overview in one or possibly two paragraphs, like I asked, you decided to cover a much larger timescale in much less detail, but to use more words? And this was such a burden that it caused you to get things wrong?
Yeah, that sounds like something that's likely from a man whose speciality that is. Ask me to pen a brief semiological analysis of something and I'l gaurentee you that I'll be able to do a good job in 10 minutes flat, and I will not make any mistakes because I know what I'm talking about.

a government that lasts only a couple of days is a failure so wolfgang kapp was a failure.
That's not something that I disputed. I said that the putsch wasn't a failure, which you said it was. The putsch succeeded, as there was a new government in place. The new government was a failure. That you don't seem to know what the word means, used it incorrectly and don't even seem to know what your mistake was merely reenforces the "badly paraphrased from a textbook" hypothesis.

you are wrong about hyperinflation from what I have learned.
So, what was the cause of the hyperinflation, then?



The order for workers to go on a general strike may have been patriotic but it had disastrous consequences for Germany as a whole. The Ruhr was Germany's richest economic area and produced a great deal of wealth for the country as a whole. The huge Krupps steelworks was there. By not producing any goods whatsoever, Germany's economy started to suffer. The striking workers had to be paid and the people expelled from their homes had to be looked after. To do this, the government did the worst thing possible - it printed money to cover the cost. This signalled to the outside world that Germany did not have enough money to pay for her day-to-day needs and whatever money may have been invested in Germany was removed by foreign investors.Such a drop in confidence also caused a crisis in Weimar Germany itself when prices started to rise to match inflation. Very quickly, things got out of control and what is known as hyperinflation set in. Prices went up quicker than people could spend their money.
For example. Cause and effect.

What I meant was most people only use 10.79% of their brain for memory and knowledge. This was discovered in 2348 when 50,000 people unknowingly took part in a survey.
A survey? You mean that people were asked what percentage of their brains were used for storing memories and they replied and the average came out at 10.79%? This is your most ridiculous one yet.

[...]I was just told this by my history teacher[...]
Um, aren't you supposed to be the historian?

there is nothing wrong with kinetic energy.
I didn't say there was. I said that you couldn't steer a spaceship by it. Rather than leaning one way or the other, you'd do a lot better farting in the opposite direction to where you want to go.

dover and calaise are joined by a long bridge.
A bridge over what? The two would be landlocked if the sea had retreated 15 miles from the shores of England.

I don't think I do have any extra water.
You have a huge amount unaccounted for.

we have found out that 2% of the brain does nothing so people are ready to sacrifice that.
Was this found out through another survey? How is hypnotism supposed to change the brain's physical and mental make-up?

I don't know why the new light speed is easier for everyone, I don't make the decisions
You made the claim, now you say that you have no basis for it? And you have no curiosity about it? That's the historian in you, no doubt.

If you can't be bothered looking for the answers then don't bother asking because I have already answered.
You have not answered. Every single post, the number of questions that you have not answered goes up. How can this number go up? Because I'm asking questions that you didn't answer from the last post. Don't play me for a chump, I am not as stupid as you seem to think I am.

I don't know why it hasn't changed. perhaps we have stopped evolving?
That's odd, earlier in this thread, you claimed that the English language had changed. Now it hasn't. In fact, you claim that the definition of the word "lightspeed" has changed, which is, if I'm not mistaken, a change.
What has evolution got to do with it?

Now, for the questions that you haven't answered, including ones from my last post. These will be first.

And look at the first question. The only thing you've said about the sea level in this post is with regards to the bridge from France to England. Now look at the first question. It's about the global sea level and whether it's a constant still. It's...a different question! Wow, who'd have thought, eh? in fact, as the question about landlocking comes after the first three questions, but is in the same paragraph, you must have deliberately skipped over them and then answered the one you thought you had a shot at. Unless the word "question" has a different meaning in your time. for future reference, anything ending with a questionmark (that's one of these: ?) is a question and needs an answer, okay?

Now answer them.

So sea level is no longer a global constant?.

How did you manage that?


Are you going to tell me that what we know about gravity is wrong, too?


So, what happened to the extra water?


Um, so you're just going to rely on fuzzy 8-year recollections of events, when you could have a real, tangiable physical record?


Still, why don't you tell us which 10.79% that is?


And why did you say that we only use 10.79% of our brains if that's not what you meant?


So the ship has three engines, one at the back, and one on each side?


Wouldn't that mean that it would turn if you, say, crossed from one side of the ship to the other?


Why don't you define what you mean by "cryogenics", then?


Also, with the seas receeding 15 miles, what has happened to the reefs and other near-shore ecosystems, which can be up to 10,000 years old?


Why don't you explain how [electricity] works as you understand it?


[...]why do you not seem to care how comprehensible you make yourself?


There's an academic called Donkel who has edited a book about philosophy, but there is certainly no Communistic school of thought or belief by that name. Care to explain?


But you said that you did know how you managed to circumvent the laws of physics. Now you say you don't?


Yeah, just the basic, well-established, easily proven fundamental truths of how the universe works are wrong. it's just the little things like what electricity is and how it works, how molecules are composed, as well as matter itself and things like that which are wrong, eh? The fact that they have a knock-on effect to everything else doesn't matter because...what?


Why don't you tell me which scientific theories of the moment are wrong and which are right?


How do you keep the larger icecaps frozen?


How do you manage this process without making the global temperature actually rise?


And you're not going to tell me that it didn't because the First Law Of Thermodynamics is wrong, too, are you?


[You can extend the half-life of an element] the same way as what?


So why did you need to deal with an ice-age? Was it a warm ice-age?


Once more, I'm going to ask for the name of this philosophy under which your society operates[...]


What you have to answer is what you do to it on the atomic level? How do you extend it's half-life?


If that wasn't true, as you claim it isn't, then splitting the atom would be impossible.[Not technically a question, but it demands an answer all the same]


Any excuse for the other two questions?


[...]if the new "speed" is called "light speed", then what do they call light speed?


[...]why didn't they just call the new "light speed" by the new name that the old "light speed" has?


[...]isn't it stupid to have the speed of light called something else and somethign else called "light speed"?


[...]how come there have been huge nuclear reactions many times as fierce and hot as the sun in the moon and nobody on Earth has noticed?


How come that this element formed naturally on a dead and chemically simple satellite when not even a Supernova is explosive and complex enough to form such an element?


You will need to explain how [Einstein] was wrong, what is right, who sucessfully proved him wrong and when, and what on Earth has been up with all the experiments that have been done over the years which have proven him right time and again?


[...]you can tell me what the new equasion [that replaced "E=mc^2] is and what any and all of the elements that are new signify.


Which speed of light are we talking about now, the new one or the old one? [i'll add a second question to this actually. If we're talking about the new "speed of light", then what is the significance of that speed, and what would be significant about travelling at that speed that would relate to time travel?]


How come speed is measured in seconds, now?


Do you mean that no matter how much faster than the speed of light you're travelling and no matter the distance you always go ahead in time 33 seconds? How does that work?


Would that be covered by the new theory of relativity?
37. Good going.
