I am from the year 2522

Re: Where no man has gone before.........

Like I said, You have no concept of time and a very limited imagination. The points I have made are very basic facts of time travel and physics. You are the one who dosnt know what he is talkin about. Im beginning to think that insted of finding real people that want to discuss TT, I have stumbled upon some weird medimophisys of Dungons and dragons.

Re: Where no man has gone before.........

Join our researchers in discussion of the most important topics in time travel research. Share your knowledge. Maybe you have that one piece of information... the last piece of the puzzle necessary to solve all the problems, answer all the questions!

This is the heding on the TT Institutes w-sight that led me to this forum. What am I missing. This is what I expected to encounter. Dose anybody know of a TT discussion forum that is serious??? please let know so I can go there.

Re: Where no man has gone before.........

We live in a 3 dementional world
No [censored]?! :)
Is that like a place where dementing people live? No wonder I keep forgetting stuff.

What was I saying again? Oh, nevermind...

Edit: uhm, I was trying to say " n o s h i t ? ! " but somehow it got censored. Perhaps I should have said "Good golly, is that so?", but it's just not the same.

Re: Where no man has gone before.........

if time travel wasn't what we all think about, if inside our brain

we had a unknown space reserved to our future, such as one for our


by stimulating this unexplored zone we could transpose our self

into a near future... and come back, in instant T , see , feel things.

some of us have already experimented UP(universe parallel) it isn't

like going into an other dimension with flying elephant or purple

threes but I am sure UP happened to a lot of you.

You like somewhere (most of the time a safe and trusted place)

at time X then you take awareness only 20/30/ or 2 hours

later again. You didn't see time pass, right?, then sometimes you looking for

object things, which as been modified or moved during your unconscious

UP activities. UP is different of my first idea, but it show also that

some unforeseeable brain activity happens as well.

Just a thought to share

a temporel

A bored College Student

As I sit here and contemplate the reason why I'm responding to this ridiculous thread. I can not help to wonder that if for some psychotic reason that you are from the so called 'future' then why is your dialect the same or worse than the average educated person of the present? I've read this thread purely for entertainment purposes and after 30 minutes, I feel I must include my two cents into this. Throughout our civilization, not only the United States but others, dialect has change so drastically that within a century, the dialect of one, will sound differently from region to region within the same society or culture. Meaning from a span of hundred years it will be difficult to understand or comprehend the way one may have with their words. Such as look at a writer from the 19th century compared to that of a modern day writers, there are differences in so many ways. Which leads me to conclude that in an advance society as yours (500yrs or whatever into the future), your dialect would be much different being that it would sound much more intelligent and a different usage of words and meanings. I'm not trying to sound smart or anything, I'm just a good ol boy from Alabama who just typed in 'time travel' on google. I don't know if someone has already mentioned this, got bored reading all of this 'chrono' bs after page 5.

Re: A bored College Student

"I've read this thread purely for entertainment purposes"

Dreaming or lurning about time travel may also indicates

your wish to escape from your present reality.

This type also can represents your romantic nature or your desire

of knowing who we are and where our civilisation is going...

Re: A bored College Student


I hope you're meaning "entertainment" in the facetious sense. Frankly, I find no entertainment value at all. However, I believe you have brought up three valid points. The first concerns your comment on a "place" for future memories. It is an interesting concept and I will give it some thought. The second point is about not being happy with being "here" in space and time. The third valid point is a desire for knowledge--past and future. Interestingly, they all involve self--that unholy trinity of selfishness, self-serving and self-seeking. I believe you have hit the nail right on the head. The future has become so uncertain in just the last few years that multitudes are looking for answers--even the most unlikely of answers to soothe their fears.

I have been following your posts and you show a great deal of insight or "perception" into the problem here at TTI. I understand your anger and frustration but might I suggest you did a little deeper here? Like everything else in life, things are found "a little bit here and a little bit there". You might even find a little bit of some true "entertainment". Join in on some of the other threads that are really discussing time/space/matter. I believe you have something to add to the mix.

Re: A bored College Student

Bingo Bamakid,

The point you brought up is probably the single most important point about the ludicrous claims being made here. Language is probably the only true test of continuity. The study of language often is able to fill in the gaps of history. Its evolution is OUR evolution. If we were to believe any of this garbage, we would have to accept a devolution of language in the future. This has never happened in history except for the events at the Tower of Babel where the universal lanquage was broken up into myriad other forms. This followed major disasters on a global scale such as the explosion of the supervolcano on the Island of Thera that may have destroyed several civilizations surrounding the Mediteranean Sea.

This showed insight on your part. Insight is what this forum needs--minus the rage and frustration. I'd like to see some of your insight on some of the other posts. Put us to the test. Let us know when we're spewing bs. But let us know when we resonate with you as well. Negative without positive pretty much leaves you without value (pun fully intended). I, for one, am glad to have you around.

Re: A bored College Student

billagain-the points that you made aren't facts, it is pure theory of this era.

bamakid10-like I said language hasn't changed in the future and I aren't used to typing.

Re: A bored College Student

Hello Zerubbabel

"I hope you're meaning "entertainment"....

I wasn't doing any reference about "entertainment", Bamakid10 was, and I just replayed to his post.

I don't have any frustration, anger or fears at all, but like a lot of us, questions with answers to be find.

I like to approach the subject in any creative way that I can come up with, as artist.

I am glad you noticed the "place" for future memories, and I hope you

will give some thought. Your post in Time Particle thread is a real

good source of physics recent discoveries and very well articulate. Thanks I enjoy

reading your posts too.

a temporel

Re: A bored College Student

Hi Chronohistorian,

Now about this Brittany Spears posing nude for Playboy prediction, I found something from a local magazine in Australia that said she was thinking about doing this six months ago!! So much for that prediction.

You can't give me anything for Australia, Michael Jackson isn't a big deal so you don't know what happens to him?? Why is that?

I'd like to believe, but you're not making it easy on us here.

In fact, I'm suprised to come back & find this thread still exists. How long does it last?? ;)

Re: A bored College Student

live in england so I would never have known about a local australian magazine.

nothing happens in australia except for a bit more forest fires but I think australia is the first country to use dry water to stop the fires.

I don't know what happens to him. Around 25 years of his life seems to be missing, could that mean he got sent to jail for 25 years?

Re: uysr

chrono' Michael Jackson was driven too hard by his father and had developed personality problems, which had morphed into predatory problems.

This is why he had the problems that he did.

What we have here, is a problem with you being here Chrono.

Please from what happened in your history books, in your timeline, describe what you remember of the WTC disaster in America on 9/112002, as you remember.

Was it one planes or two and who did they discover was inback of this?

You can not prreach morality here, if you come from a differing timeline.

This act in itself, is a timetravel violation.

Re: uysr

I don't know what you are talking about, didn't you just say that wtc was in 2001?

anyway, it was 4 planes. two hit the wtc, one hit the pentagon and the other went into a field after the passengers wrestled with the hijackers

Re: uysr

To: Chronohistorian!

will there be peace in middle East?? who cause the Middle East Peace??

will there a anti-chrisit?? and tell us what kind of time travel machine do you have?? write back. :)

Re: uysr

Allot of what you say checks out.

You were unclear when you came here and I think that you gave the impression that all people in your time were Satanists.

Other problems are, the torture bit, which I feel is worrying people in this timeline a bit?

There are some reports in this timeline, of secret sects of the government torturing people and then replacing people back into this society, as robots of cult factors.

For example, the Alias series that ABC network is producing has a part in it, where they subjected the children in Alias to mind controls at a very early age.

How do we know that you are not a Montauk subject and are connected with either Rainbow or Phoenix Projects and are just fooling us about the future?

>It was said in a Star Trek Next Generations of an episode, where a Star Fleet office was captured by the Cardasians and subjected to both torture and mind control, that in the end, nothing was ever proven by mind control, as there were other methods of finding out information, that would have yielded the same results.

This is our problem with you, as we it seems all view you as a Trojan Horse attempting to get into our times.

We don't trust you.

You also don't have any reliable sources, to further to prove what you are saying.

Why wouldn't a time traveler just come back in time, plug his computer into the history net, let it autofish a download and then leave and go back to the future with this information?

Everyone knows that the Vietnam War, was a drawn out political affair that eventually fell apart anyway,

There are other events in history that if you use a decipher code, that you can find the trust pattern of history.

Allot of what you look for, is hidden history.

>About me, Rainman, I don't use a cipher and you would have a hard time figuring me out, if you had plotted a cipher code over me anyway?

Re: uysr


You said that you came back to find out more information about our times, right?

You say that you are learning a lot from the Simpsons, and, fair enough, that could be one way of finding things out about society....but, what I would like to know, is, what other type of research are you doing and how are you doing it?

Do you go to the public library? Do you read? Do you search information on the internet?

What type of information are you looking for? What topics and sites interest you?

Or are TV, (and this site) , the only means that you are using for information?

You have to be doing something specific and constructive to justify coming all the way back here, no?

Re: uysr

Dry water?? :confused: Okay, will be hanging around this world for a while then, waiting for this invention to happen so's I can tell everyone that a Time Traveller from the future told me this would happen ;)

As for Michael Jacksons 25 missing years, perhaps he is gonna get locked up, we'll know soon enough hey?

What I reckon is pretty sad is that you've Time Travelled yourself to England & spend your days watching the Simpsons to get a handle on our lifestyles. pfffft Sorry, but if I had the oportunity to travel across time, the last thing I'd be doing is wasting my days watching the Simpsons, althou they are pretty funny, they are not indicative of ALL our lifestyles. I'd have myself smack somewhere in the middle of USA or Europe & be soaking up as much info & atmosphere as I could handle. Sounds like you're wasting your time here dude. ;)

Re: uysr

There will be peace in the middle east because in my time the whole world is one.

as for the time machine I have already discussed that so read back carefully or add me to your yahoo.

There is nothing wrong with torture and it is only carried out for the worst offenders.

Most of the written history here is normally biased, this is why I have come to study it.

I aren't really finding much out from the simpsons, I just find it entertaining and it is a break from working all the time.

I haven't been going to the library but I have been watching a lot of news.
